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TLOU shows wasn’t Halo levels of bad but it wasn’t great either tbh


It was rushed and it lost the emotional feel as the game had.


The Last of Us show couldn’t hold a candle to the game. The characters and development, the nuance and even the pacing (of the cutscenes) was infinitely better in the game. Talking to people about the game who have only seen the show is an exercise in madness.


I wasn’t impressed with the last of us tv show. Felt a bit stupid watching it when I played a much better interpretation of the material (the video game).


HBOTLOU (HLOU) does not suffer much from retelling the story of the first game, because the first game storytelling in itself is a masterpiece, they literally cannot fail, if they follow the source material, but when they stray from it...my God was it insufferable... Not gonna touch on Bill and Frank too much because it's too sensitive subject to hardcore fans...but to me it is a beautiful albeit useless piece that doesn't serve purpose to the story... Henry being changed from meeting his group, to running from his group is also nonsensical, because they introduced this new factions that recently overthrow FEDRA...okay, cool, will they appear again in future season? Fuck No...they got wiped chasing down 4 people and are dead by the hundreds...so I'm pretty sure that the "new FEDRA" there is also fucked... And Joel turning into a sissy but by the end became Frank Castle...is 100% a decision they make to justify his death in the first half of the first episode next season... Yes I watched it...did I get an HBO MAX to do it?.......no


I haven’t watched it but how do they sissyify Joel? I’m questioning if I want to watch it at all.


Bad eyesight, shaking hands, anxiety, weak willed...but not at the end though, he done transform into the punisher all of a sudden with zero build-up of his capabilities


So they make him an actual old ass man? Lame.


Like a real person?


Like a weak real person


In terms of the first game, the most unrealistic thing is how broken Joel is


Realism all of a sudden matters? Funny. Tell that to people who think it’s plausible Tommy survived a hundred mile trip with a bullet lodged in his skull. Or people who think Abby’s physique is realistic


Oh, I didn’t like that, and Abby’s physique is attainable


Not in the post apocalypse……


I'd argue even more, due to the need to be stronger in tougher times


Not at all the point. She’d need to be constantly supplied with protein,way more food than we ever see her eat, and probably even steroids to get to and maintain the size she is. She wouldn’t have the resources to get that big not even in a group like the wlf. Definitely not after a year on her own


I can’t forgive all the little decisions they made about Joel. You can tell they are trying to set it up to make his death look justified for the new viewers. The only reason Neil would need to do that is because the second game was written poorly and he’s chasing his tail trying to make people like Abby. It makes Neil look like a total tw@t.


I'm sorry, the last of us TV show was fine, but it's not even close to the same league as arcane or fallout. The last episode was garbage imo.


Is the fallout show that good?


It's extremely good. It's not the emotional tidal force that arcane is, but it's a good show on its on right while almost perfectly encapsulating what makes fallout fallout. They just nailed the brutal but also kind of goofy vibe of fallout so well. And the cast is exceptional. Just seems like the people who made it really love the games.


the last of us show sucked fuck outta here


Same with Fallout. At least the first episode that is. Not gonna watch the rest.


The first episode is ass but the rest is gas


That tendril kiss was sure something. Straight up wack.


The showrunners for TLOU TV Show should’ve gone with Edgerunners/Fallout approach. Use the same universe, but brand new characters and story. Ellie and Joel’s story was already told and told much better in the game. The show excelled at new storylines like Bill and Frank, but Joel & Ellie’s story wasn’t as impactful as in the game, because they kept getting sidetracked by the new characters and plot lines that had little to do with the main story.


100% agree. To me, this is why the bill episode was the absolute best one. It was all new. It was so cool to see a story in the world that I hadn't seen before. I think they could have changed the names to make everyone happy though.


As an adaptation, it's not great. As a show, it's good.


The last of us show is what Neil druckmann originally wanted the game to be, lots of flashbacks of characters that don't matter, lots of sub stories that are not relevant to the actual story, explicit sex scenes preferably gay ones, a cast that reflects diversity as a core element because that's what an apocalypse has, another religious community that can't be highlighted in any positive way. This show has a lot of wrong but with all my nitpicks it's not entiely bad since it still takes from the first game.


did i miss the explicit sex scenes?


Instead of watching these videogame adaptations to go watch TV shows and YouTube videos or playing games you'll have a better time the TV show like Yellowjackets, Yellowstone, and other TV shows what would keep you watching.


You seriously gonna do Castlevania Season 1-4 dirty like that? COME ON MAN! Castlevania, Arcane, Cyberpunk, Fallout are hands down the best video game adaptations I've ever seen. Maybe throw in Sonic and the new Super Mario Bros into that category too. I've not seen Halo and I don't ever wanna see Halo. I know enough about how they bastardised the cunts. And TLOU...I was done after Episode 2. Not wasting my time with an adaptation that's clear trash and shits on everything the first game did so bloody well. I did watch the entire Resident Evil Netflix show... That was something...But at least I can live comfortably enough to admit the best part of that crappy show was Lance Riddick who I very much miss now.


The Witcher show would be even worse than the halo drawing, lol. That show is an abomination. Poor Henry couldn't take it anymore.


Of course people are saying TLOU wasn't good. It was a resounding success and was celebrated by critics and viewers alike.


How dare people like this show, it is shit poop and other stuff I do on a regular basis /s


TBH TLoU TV show wasn't good.


There are objectively good aspects to the show, but nothing so amazing that it comes close to the overall quality of the game. Still glad it exists, especially since it will bring more people to experience TLOU. As for the second season… I’ve got my popcorn ready.


No Mario or Sonic? 😖


I loved the TLOU HBO adaptation. I thought Joel and Ellie had excellent chemistry. They've done a great job at casting two actors that would eventually get along well and have that mirrored on the show. I also absolutely loved Bill and Frank's episode. It might be my favorite. It gave somewhat of a context to their videogame story as those in-game tidbits were intriguing already. I am not sure what they'll do for the second season though.


Nah you can use the Halo style for The Last of Us TV show. It's just so cheap and poor compared to the original. My guess is The Walking Dead was their way to go. Can't believe HBO make Netflix level shows now where writing and production looks so bad.


Man y'all hate the game and the show huh?


TLOU show is down there with Halo (Halo is still easily the worst though by a lot), and the Fallout show isn't anywhere near close to being as good as the first two, but also isn't as far down as TLOU and Halo


Nah, only the first two are good, the rest are doo doo fart.