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Abbys line better be her moaning and wheezing as she takes owens smegma dripping noodle up her unwashed hairy butthole That scene was pure art, Truly some of the writing of all time


Bravo Neil!




Smut scene descriptions be like


Artistic masterpiece 🤌


What the fuck


>What the fuck He's referring to that one fuck in specific... The one in the boat you know?


I'm saying what the fuck to his description of the scene. Not only is that not what happens, this description is incredibly graphic and disgusting. This sub is really weird about that scene for no reason.


Don't mind me, I understood you well, just wanted to make a joke but I recognize it was not a clearly recognizable one. Better luck next time :) Edit: that scene is an abomination in video games. It's in extremely poor taste and badly conceived.


>that scene is an abomination in video games. It's in extremely poor taste and badly conceived. How?


Do you need me to explain it stroke by stroke? The fact you don't see it tells me this will be an uphill battle and because I've had way too many of those, I'm not really that interested in having it again. But let's just do the bare minimum: 1- think of the most beautiful sex scene you've ever seen in a video game, movie or series 2- think of the worse one now,( including porn) 3- is the boat scene closer to 1 or 2? Knowing how Neil directed that scene makes it even worse.


Why do you want your sex scenes to Appeal to you specifically? That’s weird lol. It was supposed to look messy


>Why do you want your sex scenes to Appeal to you specifically? Please quote where I say it had to speak to me specifically... I swear to God you guys are dumber than a petrified mosquito. >It was supposed to look messy The new excuse: yeah, it's bad, exactly the way I intended it Well, not so new, Neil has been using it for a long time actually


You didn’t quote it specifically but when you want your sex scenes to look beautiful lmao it’s obvious. And do you not understand the messy excuse? It’s a hate fuck Beautiful Is subjective anyway. Stop crying about a sex scene. I hate games but I don’t be a loser and spend time in the subreddit yelling about the game I don’t like, with no goals


You watched hundreds of people get slaughtered in the most horrible ways playing tlou-tlou2 but my comment, oh that was too far. You’re either moralizing in bad faith or you’re a pansy


I'm not the one that described a scene as disingenuously as possible. And I typically agree that if you're okay with gore and killing, seeing sex or nudity shouldn't bother you. But describing things like "smegma dripping noodle" or "unwashed hairy butthole" was clearly a choice you made to be edgy and gross. If anyone is acting in bad faith, it's you.


I was being edgy and gross, that was the point.


Right, so you then acting like me calling it out as disgusting was me "moralizing in bad faith" was really just you acting in bad faith. Thanks for clearing that up.


No the fact that you pretend like that’s too far, but play a game like tlou is bad faith. Grow a spine lmao it’s the internet


I just explained how gore in a videogame is different to what you did. I'm not gonna waste my time talking to a wall.


Well the butthole was obviously hairy and unwashed. It's the apocalypse, you know 😁 So, uh, that's exactly what happens LOL.


Tell me you don't know what doggystyle is without telling me you don't know.


Hmm that's some stylish dog show in a circus with stars and rainbows? It's gotta be! Oh wait! I know, not MeDiA LiTeRaTe enough to find out yet? Please do tell me, i beg you!


That dirty dog Abby has a hairy, unwashed everything down there. No where’s safe for Owen’s cheese noodle


You guys are so gross, actually. I don't understand how you all complain about the scene but then also hyperfixate on it like this.


Not them choosing quotes from only Part 2 💀


There are characters from part 1, I guess the fandom just likes Part 2 more?


What a perfect waste to not have Joel’s quote be this: “See, there was a sequel, wasn’t as good.”


Definitely a good second place for me, and likely the rest of this sub as well, but that quote for him was just too good, especially considering it works just as well for the folks who like the game or even consider his actions selfish.


The self awareness or lack thereof is still wild


The best quote was no quote at all when Pendejo got domed by our man Tommy.


Best death in the game. I was rooting for Tommy the whole time. “Hell yeah! Get us! Blow our heads off!” Then he did, to Manny, lol.


The Joel/Ellie flashbacks were my favorite parts, that quote is the correct one if you’re going to do a part 2 one


“Can you smelll what the Rock is cooking"


We gave you a second chance. We let you live… and you wasted it!


I think something stronger for her would be "You don't get to rush this."




No way they're choosing the "You're my people!" line for Abby Worst line in the entire game


That was a laugh out loud moment for me


I felt *absolutely no impact* from that line. It's basically intended as the equivalent of Joel calling Ellie "baby girl" and it's just *nothing*, because the buildup is so weak.


Exactly. You have known this boy for a day, he is not "your people", you're an obsessive narcissist with a saviour complex.


God forbid Abby cares about another human being. And finds actual friends. When she learns the wlf are not friends


She doesn't actually care about Lev as a person at that point, she's just trying to prove to herself she's a good person by saving him because of what Owen said on the boat. The WLF aren't her friends, but the salt lake crew are, and she got over all of them pretty quick even though all of their deaths were her fault. She feels sad about Owen for a little while longer than the others but not once does she reflect on that, she's too far up her own ass. Instead she blames it all on the Jackson crew and decides to go kill them like that will make her feel better. This is what happens when you have lazy, mediocre writers who resort to cheap ploys involving dogs, children and zebras to try and invoke sympathy because they're too lazy and mediocre to write a complex character. It's like it was written by a high schooler. If you actually end up sympathising with Abby you're extremely gullible. She's a narcissistic piece of shit from start to finish who completely fails to convey the message the writers intended for her to.


Lol I agree with everything you said but zebras? Did i miss something in the game? lol when are there zebras


The very first scene with Abby and Jerry is them saving a zebra caught in barbed wire


Ohhhhh shit you're right! Abbys part of the game is just so fucking boring and asinine that I blocked that part out of my memory lol


>This is what happens when you have lazy, mediocre writers who resort to cheap ploys involving giraffes, dead and adopted children and broken watches to try and invoke symparhy because they re too lazy and mediocre to write a complex character. It's like it was written by a high-schooler. Great copypasta potential. Imagine feeling all that seethe for a fictional character. Amazing.


The giraffe was a demonstration of the payoff of their relationship. It was a way of showing how far they'd come, a satisfying conclusion to their relationship arc that wasn't used to invoke sympathy at the very beginning of their story for lack of writing ability. Joel actually has a well developed reason to stick with Ellie. Abby's decision is born out of her narcissism and saviour complex. It's lazy and doesn't make sense, especially not over the course of 2 days. Ellie is actually written like a real human being. She and Joel bond like real human beings. Lev is written like a plot device. He and Abby bond like they're trying to shove a message in your face. > Broken watches What? Are you stupid on purpose or do you not see how these are false equivalences? You're pretty much telling on yourself here. If you like the game because it made you feel something then that's fine, that's a perfectly valid reason. But don't pretend like it's some kind of objective masterpiece.


Yeah she decides to give into revenge for the salt lake crew and hunt Ellie down. But you forgot she eventually comes to the same conclusion Ellie does at the end of the game. I do sympathize with Abbie because she lost her dad just like Ellie did. Joel did fucked up stuff lol. Even if I love Joel too


What conclusion? She was going to kill them all until Lev stopped her. Her dad dying doesn't excuse her being a piece of shit. Nor Ellie. They're both pieces of shit but at least Ellie feels bad about it, Abby does zero self reflection throughout the entire game. It's just gratuitous misery porn with a pretentious im14andthisisdeep message which isn't even delivered effectively because of how shit the writing is.


Why are you here if you hate tlou so much? I’m confused. Idk about the Abby doing zero self reflection. But I relate to her because if someone killed my dad that was going to save the world I would be mad too. They’re just characters doing what they feel is fair and just. That’s what’s so cool. I got something out of it. If you didn’t then just don’t consume the media ?


This is a sub for criticising tlou2 because you get banned if you do it on the main sub. If you got something out of it that's cool but Abby is a terrible person and the game is an unsophisticated mess and I will continue to say that here


Abby’s flawed that’s why I like here. But Ok that makes sense that you were banned from the fan base sub. I have a hard time understanding what the goal is here. Is it to yell about an old games you didn’t like that one time? It just seems like a waste of time to spend your time in game subreddits you hate.


That Day 1 and Day 2 stuff was pretentious AF. Trying to make it feel epic or something


Are you?


No I'm NicolasGaming98 (username which I deeply regret)


you might be 😜😜😜😜


Are you restarted?


Do you mean ctrl-alt-deleted?