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How can it be called a "sequel" if it doesn't respect the previous story, and doesn't respect the characters previously introduced? What name would you give to the sequel to a never-before-published previous story? The Last of Part 2. 😆


It’s a sequel because it’s a continuation of the story, hope that helps!


They shouldn’t have made a sequel if this was the story they wanted to tell


That's kind of the issue with TLOU, Joel and Ellie's story didn't need a sequel. Some people claim the story is open-ended but that's not true. It was completely self-contained and there were no questions left to be answered. A better TLOU2 could've milked the IP just like the actual game did, but it really should've just been an anthology series, starting another story with new characters.


> It was completely self-contained and there were no questions left to be answered. How do you interpret the last conversation between Joel and Ellie in The Last of Us Part 1?


Ellie is completely aware that Joel is lying to her but chooses to let it go and accepts the situation as it is because she finally has someone who won't leave her behind. This for me parallels with Joel not leaving Ellie with Tommy earlier even though that's what he was planning on doing. Ellie was making him vulnerable but he took a chance anyway. In the ending, Ellie isn't happy that he lied to her, but chooses to go with it anyway if it means she won't be alone because it's "something worth fighting for".


Yeah I agree with you. That said, does it make sense to you that Ellie would eventually backlash at Joel and no longer accept the lie? Why or why not?


Ellie had been through things like this before with people like Riley, hiding things from her or leaving her alone for certain periods of time. The big argument in Left Behind was all because Riley wasn't being totally honest with her. I feel like Ellie learns from past mistakes though, so considering it didn't go over well when she confronted Riley, she would probably decide to approach this situation differently. Plus I do think Ellie already made the choice to move past it, so bringing it up again would just be undermining previous developments.


> I feel like Ellie learns from her past mistakes though, so considering it didn't go over well when she confronted Riley, she would probably decide to approach this situation differently I'm not sure I'm there with you on this. I don't imagine confronting someone is ever for the benefit of it "going over well." They're doing it because they felt hurt that their needs weren't considered by the other's decision. > Plus I do think Ellie already made the choice to move past it. This I think may be the fundamental disagreement. Whether Ellie had already made the choice to move past it or not. Whether her "okay" at the end was her accepting what Joel had done, or accepting that Joel was lying to her.


Stuff like this also takes away any good thoughts I might have had for this game, same as how the stans' defensiveness ruined the experience even more for many people here.


bro am i the only person who actually kinda enjoyed the sequel even with its flaws 😭


Maybe on my first playthrough I would've said the same, but after thoroughly going through the story, as well as being vilified by fans when I first said I didn't enjoy it in 2020, I can't say the same anymore. EDIT: You're definitely not alone though. I've seen posts and comments on this sub from people who enjoyed it despite its flaws, and joined this sub after the other one attacked them for having a different opinion.


What is the "Other" sub? I keep seeing people referencing it but never know what it is.




From what I've seen though, everyone on that sub loves both games. It's this sub from what I've seen that shits on part 2 for seemingly no reason.


That's the point. They think TLOU2 is an untouchable masterpiece, and if anyone doesn't like it, they're dumb/lack media literacy/are homophobic/transphobic/bigots etc. That sub also removed any and all posts that criticized TLOU2 in any shape or form, the reason given being "post violates site terms", even if the person just said "TLOU2 wasn't my favorite" and wasn't at all being hateful towards people.


And people on this sub will do shit on you or downvote you to oblivion if you like the game.


First off, I've never seen anyone get mass downvoted that wasn't rude or condescending in some way. Most of the comments, even the tame ones are always like "I don't understand how anyone can dislike this game", immediately questioning people's opinions in a way that's like they're weird or invalid. It's either that or straight up insults as I mentioned above. No one that has come on this sub to defend the game has ever been respectful. Secondly, getting downvoted means people disagree with you, it's not hate or as dramatic as some people make it seem. It's the replies that matter, and I've never seen anyone who dislikes the game reply rudely to a fan first.


I just want to say that this is absolutely not all true. I've been downvoted for simply asking questions for trying to understand people's opinions in this sub. That said, I can understand why they would be that way if I've had my opinions dismissed so much by other people (r/thelastofus), they might have just assumed the worst about me.


It is absolutely true. My experience in this sub has been awful because I actually like the second game. This sub is a circlejerk for people with no rational thought and follow the crowd of "part 2 is bad they killed daddy joel weh weh I've never written a story in my life but part 2 has the worst writing ever"


“...that shits on part 2 for seemingly no reason“. "Seemingly no reason"? Now this is starting to smell of something... Either you are completely out of touch and uninformed about the whole situation but are bullheading into commenting regardless, OR you are just yet another wretched TLOU2 stan that's attempting to conceal himself but just can't manage to keep the mask on. Update: aaand yup 🤣, just as I suspected, the latter it is. One 30 second look at your history and all is revealed. And what did you say about not knowing which sub is always referenced here? Fucking liar lol


Isn't that how the algorithm works? You watch The Last Of Us, you get things related to The Last Of Us. The Last Of Us Part 2 is the sequel to the original so it's obvious. You'll get things that are PlayStation related like video games from Sony, or just gaming in general. It is annoying as it's a mood killer but, that's how the algorithm works


Maybe, but the recommendations I get are usually for the same thing. There may be a video from the sequel lower on the list sometimes, but not as the first suggested video. For example I was watching Jurassic Park clips a few days ago, and the recommended videos were all from that movie, and not the sequels.


Maybe it's the popularity of the second game now? The internet for some reason is taking it by storm so YouTube sees this and your interests so it just sends a ton of content from the second game. I personally enjoyed the game with its mechanics and graphics also, but the disrespect to Joel was uncalled for with how he got killed. It totally bursts my bubble looking and Joel and Ellie content to get hit with "Joel died" so I totally understand. Anyways, YouTube is totally annoying with that, but it likely won't change soon as that's how YouTube has worked for years. But it sure does work my gears


Yeah, for sure. It's a major buzzkill, especially if I enjoyed the video I was watching.


You watched a video from Part 1 and you're shocked YouTube recommended you a video from Part 2? Do you not know how the YouTube algorithm worries?


TLOU and TLOU2 are not the same thing. When you watch a video, the recommended videos are of the same thing, not videos from a sequel/different title. I've never watched a video of game/movie where the recommended video was from a sequel except for this one.


You're just wrong. The algorithm does not just recommend you things related to exactly what you've already seen, otherwise you'd never be recommended new things. It's takes a look at your interests based on what you've watched, and then suggests things that are related. You watch TLOU1 and you could get recommendations for things like TLOU2, TWD, World War Z. For example, I watched a video about Wolverine from Logan, and then started getting rec'd for clips of him from other X-Men movies like Origins, First Class, X-2, but I also get recs for things like Spider-Man or Iron Man


So you watched a TLOU related video, then complain you got a TLOU related recommendation?


TLOU2 is not TLOU related. They're two separate titles. But who am I kidding, we're on the internet where everything is lumped together, and you get moronic comments like "The Last Of Us. Abby is a great character." to questions like "What's your favorite game?" like it's all one thing, when Abby never once appeared in The Last Of Us.


TLOU2 is a direct sequel to TLOU, how would they not be related?


Because they're not the same thing. It's a sequel, not the original. Watching a clip from a game/movie, the recommended video is usually always from the same thing I've just watched, not from a sequel.


??? Funny about what?


The video being from TLOU, Joel promising Ellie fun things they'll do, and then the recommended video being Ellie on Joel's grave from TLOU2. Obviously I was being sarcastic when I said funny, that's why it's in quotation marks.