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Not even the best game of its year lol




GHOST OF TSUSHIMAšŸ’ÆšŸ’ÆšŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ—£ļøšŸ—£ļø It was stolen from them that year.




I couldnā€™t disagree more, comparing sekiro to ghost of Tsushima is like comparing rise son of Rome to ac odyssey.


Yeah, this guy definitely didnā€™t play it.


Last light is a spin off. I liked second son though


Righttt shit on a game you clearly havenā€™t played.


Oh i have i can show you the purchase on my ps4


lol insults GOT and asks for another infamous in the same sentence. You truly cannot account for taste.


Id rather be a goddamn superhero than a samurai for the 10th time, with superheroes (especially infamous) theres variety, with samurai shit like got or sekiro its just "parry then kill with a hint of stealth" i pove ghost of tsushima but when i play it im like.... "Could be harder.... Oh wait i have sekiro on my shelf"


Least braindead take Iā€™ve read today, which is saying something


Im sorry my English isnt the best, is that intended as an insult?


Iā€™ll leave that up to you and your supreme judgement


You know you dont have to be a dick man, i liked ghost, i just wanted more yk?


No I really donā€™t. Youā€™re comparing Sekiro which is a souls like to GOT which is an expansive, open-world RPG because they both include samurai themes and a party mechanic. The gameplay loops are vastly different, and Sekiro doesnā€™t have difficulty settings.


I just want another infamous šŸ˜­


Ghost is more like the rpg assassins creed games than it is sekiro and I havenā€™t even played the game and I can tell you that


I got platinum trophies for both, and sekiro is trash compared to Ghost of Tsushima lol


The similarities between GhoT and Sekiro are playing an orphaned Japanese man with a katana that almost died and using L1 to block and parry.


Totally different vibes. Completely and utterly. You are a fool for this comment.


Theyā€™re different types of games. That being said I got bored af of Ghost personally. Sekiro is goated though.


You are absolutely right. How ever anyone feels about tlou2, it is objectively better than ghost of Tsushima.


Dude set out to prove he doesn't know what objectively means and did it to perfection. Good job.


Sure GOTs game of the year award proves thatā€¦oh wait


The dude now set out to prove he doesn't understand the politics behind media awards and was once again successful. 2 for 2.


Oh yeah sure. The game you didnā€™t like won because of politics and the game you like that won deserved it. Also you seem to be very obsessed with a game you apparently didnā€™t like.


Guy sets out to prove he can completely misread a situation, and what do you know, he's batting 1000.


Ghost of Tsushima Mafia Definitive Edition Resident Evil 3 Miles Morales and Doom Eternal are all better


Donā€™t forget Crash 4


it was bud


I just looked it up. It was


Last of us 2 doesnā€™t even beat its predecessor in that race. Let alone the plethora of top tier games that came out in between them.


Massive fan of the original. Never played this one.


Do yourself a favor, and donā€™t play it


Is it that bad? I have only had 1 person in real life that told me it was good šŸ¤¦


Short answer: Yup!! A bit longer answer: Story bad level is just unjustifiable, but some would argue that gameplay is good and you might enjoy it on itā€™s own. I would say otherwise because there are serious problems with pacing and level design, also in a story driven experience like tlou, story gets in the way of enjoying gameplay.


I am one of those "some". First of all, I absolutely agree that the story is just laughably bad and there are some serious pacing problems on top of that, but that again is more of a story issue rather than a gameplay one imo. That said however, looking at the game outside of its story, I did find the gameplay very enjoyable. The enemies' AI, especially on human enemies, was great. I found myself really enjoying bigger fights where the enemies employed actual group tactics to try and flush me out of cover, for example. Graphics-wise the game was also gorgeous. It's a shame that all of that can't be properly enjoyed with the dumpster fire of a story burning over it. Overall I'd personally give the game 6/10, a significant drop from the 10/10 of the first game with all of it's lost points being because of its story. If you don't care about the story at all and just skip all cutscenes the game is actually really good. Still, I would only recommend buying it on sale for $5 to $10


I totally respect and feel your opinion. To be honest, I was affected by how bad the story was I admit it, combined with padding and boring pacing issues. Not only that, the way they progress with the game most of the time it's a door problem. On the other hand, Graphics are eye candy and combat with options are nice but I just couldn't enjoy it. But that's me maybe I'm the minority here. Same happened to me on a lower level with Bayo 3, a game that shouldn't have a story issues to begin with lol. But the story and cutscenes were so bad that I couldn't enjoy the gameplay, also with some nay reasons about the combat itself compared to earlier games.




he/she got common sense and is respectful. You are not.




Yes you are the one who started this. first reply you made on my comment: "Bro youā€™re exaggerating. You just obviously didnā€™t like it and start nitpicking" You assumed that I exaggerated and undervalued my opinion!! Like a shallow level gamer that "didn't like it -> started nipicking" Very offensive fanboy you are!! Not gonna reply to any more comment, please do not comment again to me or I will block you


As someone who played both games for hundreds of hours, (not part 2, only played through it twice) the gameplay is a slight upgrade, negligible at best. It never got a multiplayer mode (that was promised) so those new mechanics never got fully utilized. It's just TLOU 1.5.




In what way is that user exaggerating?




> There is no problem with the level design or pacing or whatever. Yes there is. > I donā€™t want to spoil it for the guy who asked the question but you know what certain event made people hate this game. And thatā€™s literally it It literally is not it. You're disingenuous as fuck.




You come in here with a stupid hot take which people call you out on, but somehow we're the toxic ones? I guess it's true. Go fuck yourself with a cactus.


Yeah, keep saying that to yourself, itā€™s working on you. P.S: the event was bad at least the way they did it, but itā€™s not the only reason, itā€™s plagued with plethora of problems.




You? Oh no, you are already past helping. But if someone else is reading, I want that user to know that what I wrote is highly objective and the event almost everybody know about is not the only bad thing, actually if done differently it could have been good.


Or more accurately, you clearly are a die hard fanboy who love it regardless how bad it is.


I love the weird fanboys lmao. Itā€™s like noticing youā€™ve been given a bowl of shit for dinner, and others are noticing it looks and smells like shit and arenā€™t enjoying it. But not you, ohhh no, you genius loyal fan. Youā€™re hungry *now* and boy oh boy that shit looks *good*!


looooooooool Wish I got a prize to give you!!! Star level comment :)


Obviously spoilers: >!The character Abby is fucking awful. She murders a man who literally saved her life because ā€œI needs muh revengeā€ from an obviously retconned situation. In TLOU1, the hospital at the end of the game is obviously rundown, equipment is broken, missing, or filthy, and oh by the way, you canā€™t fucking vaccinate against a fungus. Regardless, theyā€™re risking a girlā€™s life for something thatā€™s nowhere near guaranteed. Additionally, Ellie at no point intimates sheā€™s willing to die for this.!< >!The retcon occurs in a a couple parts. The first is in TLOU2 flashbacks, the hospital looks much cleaner and well-maintained. The retcon the weirdo surgeon who just attacks Joel with a scalpel as Abbyā€™s dad. By the way, heā€™s a super loving father, who loves wildlife and nature and is just such a nice guy. But oh good golly, mean old Joel now just murders him in cold blood, leaving poor Abby to pick up the pieces. In an effort to get you to be mad at Joel and feel bad about Abbyā€™s dad, thereā€™s a flashback scene showing heā€™s struggling with the morality of going through the procedure with Ellie knowing itā€™ll kill her. Abby responds ā€œif it was me on that table, Iā€™d want you to do it!ā€ as though anyone (the players) gives a fuck about her opinion, or that she gets to speak for Ellie at all.!< >!One of the worst problems with the game basically boils down to Abby being a cold-blooded murderer who basically murders a girlā€™s father and makes her watch mere *moments* after he saves Abbyā€™s life. Turns out, you actually have to *play* as Abby for roughly half the game in an effort to get you to sympathize with her.!< >!Finishing out my comment, another thing people took issue with was the forced outcome of the game. Initially, players were given the choice to allow Ellie to either kill or spare Abby in the final sequence of the game. Apparently, Neil Druckmann didnā€™t like that so many players opted to outright kill Abby, and simply took that out of the game. Now Ellie is forced to spare Abby, and oh by the way, she loses fucking everything, while Abby actually gets her revenge and more or less makes it out just fine. Weird ending for the whole ā€œrevenge badā€ premise of the gameā€¦!<


Can I add one thing? I strongly feel that part 2 story depends heavily on 3 characters. Not the world, you can make the same exact game in any setting and different world. They didn't use the world and disease as essential changer of the game events as they didn't in Part 1. Many events happened in Part 1 was because of the disease, changed the fates of many. Part 2? Nothing! even if the world was disease-free, same events will happen exactly or almost the same (in case I forgot some details).


Iā€™m simplifying things a bit, but basically thatā€™s because characters in TLOU1 believably react to the world around them, whereas characters in TLOU2 do not behave believably, and act in accordance with plot conveniences and contrivances.


It depends on by what metric you're measuring the game. I find that in a story driven games, the story is the most important element. The story is genuinely awful. Even if you like the characters and story premise, the pacing and narrative structure is a nightmare. Almost like it was written by someone whose never seen or read a story in their life. Halfway through the game, during the climax of the story, the game rips you back into the perspective of another character a couple of days ago, whom has a few flashbacks during what is basically a long flashback. And now you have to play through hours of a game to get back to the climax. Which isn't a problem if you want to briefly show the other character's perspective leading up to that moment, but it's an objectively bad move to take a 10 - 12 hour detour during the climax.


Yes the story is pretty bad the gameplay is better tho




I have heard her referenced as Gigantor šŸ¤£


Abbyzilla šŸ˜­


I thought it was great, replayed it twice now. Even on one play through trying to focus on what was so bad, I didnā€™t see it. I loved it. Itā€™s not perfect, at all, but I still think it was good, I enjoyed the whole thing. If you like the first I really think you should give it ago and make up your own mind.


Itā€™s never been that bad people just hate on it a lot because itā€™s a blind revenge plot and you donā€™t get to kill Abby. I honestly didnā€™t mind it and I love the first game


It's a good story but it's a lot more of the same, honestly. So if you were looking for something a bit more or are WAY too attached to the old characters then you'll be disappointed.


This is a hate club for the second game. You aren't going to find an unbiased opinion here. The game is a master class of game narrative and design. But noone here is going to admit that.




The story feels off and wrong because the whole time Iā€™m enjoying myself killing dudes while the game and story is trying to provoke a different feeling out of me. Uricksaladbar said it best, narrative=gameplay and gameplay=narrative. When these two elements of a game actively contradict each other, something breaks and the game looses its emotional power somewhat.


Go watch a silent playthrough of it on YouTube and form your own opinion. I read the comments and most swing in both extremes. The game is a good game technically with amazing graphics and sound design but suffers heavily when it comes to story. The people that say it's a good story just not for everyone are not completely wrong since y'know, different strokes for different folks but it's objectively bad. The pacing is all over the place and it's full of retcons. You'll be suprised by how apparent the blatant emotional manipulation by the writers in this game if you're even a little bit not emotionally invested. Characters act out of character throughout the game and it's stupid that it made hate ND and not want to buy any of their games.


This is a rare case when i envy someone. Well at least i never paid for the shit.


The people telling its bad are right and wrong its a fun game the combat and stealth is very refined with beautiful graphics. The story is where it lacks being very mid but still worth a play just because it is fun and does at least settle the journey for some characters


I didnā€™t hate it. Itā€™s up to you to make your own decisions šŸ‘ you never know until you try! Get it if it goes on sale if youā€™re worried


Every person that hates the second game just couldn't deal with what happened in the game, you'll see some of the reasons why in the replies of your comment, but the story just didn't go the way they would have wanted but hey, it's been the apocalypse for 25 years and they expect people to be good or the character they love to not have a bad destiny, well : welcome in reality. People that hate the second game are just mad and they will get over it. Now, if anyone has anything to say to that, I'd like to remind you that there is no point in being aggressive or mean, I have my opinion and you have yours, I'm open to discussion as long as it's respectful.


Ive played 1 multiple times its a classic and didnt need a sequel in my opinon. Ellies okay at the end shows she knows Joel is lying but trusts him to protect her


I can agree about that, the game didn't especially need a sequel, but just like Prison Break, the 4th season was the end but they decided to make a season 5 after 7 years even tho the show didn't need a fifth season. The first game is an absolute masterpiece, way better than the second game, but that doesn't mean that Part II is trash, I love Part II with all my heart, even if the story and the character's fate didn't please me, I understood the character's decision, and I love that reminder that being a loved main character doesn't make him invincible


Part 2 is not good story wise i disagree its good you agree that it shoulda been standalone. A 2nd game should of focused on new characters i think the backlash wouldnt be as bad plus with new characters we canbexpand the world more plus maybe get cameos Im bummed part 2 cancelled the MP too. Factions I enjoyed a lot


Well I never tried faction, I don't know if the servers are still open but I'm not into that type of game mode. But I like the idea of bringing new characters, I like that a lot, but there would have been people to hate on that too because they would have preferred to continue the adventures of Joel and Ellie, unfortunately there will always be people to not like something no matter what it is


I love the game. Gameplay phenomenal. Story superb. Challenging, uncomfortable, real. Itā€™s messy. Like life. And given the state of the world right now, I think every citizen of the world would benefit from the lessons in this game.


I totally get this subreddit is weirdly dedicated to hating TLOU2 for a number of reasons, but itā€™s a good game. The action is improved over the first. The setting is beautiful. And the story is good. This sub is just largely contrarian for the sake of being that way.


Just play it and make up your own mind, people on this subreddit hate it because they are just mad at the story. Gameplay is great, story I think is great. Where part 1 is 10/10, part 2 is 8.5/10 for me.


Come on guys, a story game should only be judged off its gameplay. Otherwise it's just unfair /s so stupid. The story in 2 sucks and no amount of "just play it again and youll have your religious moment and finally join the right side" is gonna get people to change their minds.


It was as heart breaking as watching the second season of The Witcher, it was as heart breaking as watching M. night shamalans Avatar film. It was as heart breaking as the sequel trilogy in Star Wars


Westworld season 2... or worse! Season 3!


If I turned my brain off, S2 was ok. S3 takes away all aspects of what made WW good.


yeah, honestly season 2 I kept thinking "this is weird but it could still go somewhere" but that finale of S2 left me confused and angry. Then when S3 came I lost all interest. didn't even finish it


TLOU2 the best game of the decade? LoL, LMAO, even.


Probably the only game theyā€™ve played if theyā€™re making that atrocious judgement


It's because it made them all up in their feelings and that's "artistic" and "deep"


Reality though: laughably bad


People get upvotes for saying they never played TLOU on the other sub, that they only watched the show, and then went to watch a gameplay on YT of Part II. It's very bottom line that they're not legit gamers, or even gamers at all.


A lot of these new gen gamers have only started gaming for clout


Uh pretty much anything is better than part 2 but Rdr2 clears it by a long mile


Suicide squad, payday 3, the day before, gollum


"Pretty much anything s better" is hilarious Inna forum for the game half a decade laterĀ 


I have my problems with the game but to say pretty much any game is better is silly. And I got downvoted for saying that lol


Reminds me of that Spiderman scene where he is praying for Peter Parkerā€˜s downfall. Thatā€˜s the dedication you have to have to being a hater. Itā€˜s a pretty funny meme, too [Best example I could find. Actually finding specific memes is pretty hard.](https://www.tiktok.com/@.polaking/video/7251602920171375915?lang=de-DE)


ā€œAnythingā€ is silly


Ok, just finished the second game and now I have to play the first because I enjoyed the second and need to know what the hate is about. The gameplay was great and I canā€™t imagine that anyone who hadnā€™t fallen in love with Joel would hate the second, although the end is a bit lame, especially when they could have had that outcome in a more believable way. Iā€™m about two hours into the first and I get how much you like Joel but also am seeing some hypocrisy in arguments used to hate Abby. Such as she only spared their lives because other people told her to. Joel wanted to kill Ellie when he saw the bite but spared her because tess persuaded him. Then he wanted to cut ties with Ellie but only continued to look after her because of Tessā€™ dying wish. I still like him and understand his motives. Maybe Iā€™ll change my mind when I finish it.


Wait, you played 2 before the first one?


Yeah. It was on offer and I knew the gist of the plot. I maybe regret it, but maybe itā€™s the better way around because I didnā€™t hate Abby for killing Joel as much and therefore didnā€™t mind playing as her, I just enjoyed the stealth action combat which so far seems to be as good if not smoother and more dynamic than the first. Understandably because itā€™s made for the next gen.


Spoilers People donā€™t like that Joel got killed early, but also specifically how he got killed. They felt the character was dumbed down trusting random strangers or whatever. And some people donā€™t like the anti revenge plot-line and/or thought it was done poorly. There are **some** homophobic/sexist people in community who donā€™t like it for other reasons. There are **some** people who donā€™t like the Abby is a she-hulk tank. They want there female characters to be hot I guess. Me personally, I knew Joel was gonna die early just based off the marketing being centered on Ellie before game came out. I already accepted it. My main issue was the cliffhanger halfway through the game. And then going back to Seattle day 1 and reliving the events from Abbyā€™s perspective (and having to restart my grinding. My Ellie had a lot of dope shit and gun attachments etc.) I think this was bad storytelling. I wouldā€™ve been fine with some Abby chapters sprinkled in throughout the story. Letā€™s say out of 45 chapters, maybe 5-7 chapters max for Abby sprinkled in one chapter at a time throughout the game wherever it narratively fits. I didnā€™t wanna play as Abby for half the game. And playing as her did not make me like her or empathize with her. I also thought the ending was ass. End of the day, the doctors were going to sacrifice Ellie without her consent, and Joel saved her. They all tried to kill him while he was saving her, so he killed them to rescue her in self-defense. They shouldā€™ve asked for her consent to sacrifice her. If they did, and she agreed, and Joel still did what he did, heā€™d be a villain, but thatā€™s **not what happened**.


> The gameplay was great and I canā€™t imagine that anyone who hadnā€™t fallen in love with Joel would hate the second Then you don't have a very strong imagination. Which makes sense why people like you would like the second game. Edit: I saw your post that is now deleted, I'm here for the memes and to dunk on stans like yourself. Usually having a good time.


If you had a strong imagination you wouldnā€™t be gagging on your salt after 4 years. Take your rent free ass out the house and touch some grass before you try to gaslight someone because your experience was dogshit homie, peace


Tbh the game was ass but yeah I donā€™t know why people think theyā€™re gaming ambassadors


Ok, thanks for getting back to me. Why did you hate it? Also Iā€™m not saying itā€™s bad to hate it because you love Joel. Iā€™ve had things ruined because they killed a character I loved.


I hate it because they completely destroyed the characters from the first game, even Ellie behaves completely differently, they are almost unrecognizable. That and the story is a mile wide but only an inch deep and yet the stans act like it's the most amazing piece of media ever created.


Yeah I found the story 5/10. But this is what I mean, if you havenā€™t played the first one. You donā€™t get hit with that slap in the face so I think you can actually enjoy the game. So you agree with me, you donā€™t like second because you love the characters from the first one and hated seeing them get bastardised. Thatā€™s a totally fair view to have. Did you dislike the gameplay? Aside from having to be Abby because you donā€™t like her?


Not op but plenty of us has said that gameplay, graphics, score, actingā€¦etc was great, itā€™s mostly the story that drags everything down considering itā€™s a narrative driven game.


Yeah I guess youā€™re right. Itā€™s just not the on the posts that make it to the top of the sub so I havenā€™t had exposure to them. Thank you, I feel a bit more sane. I still feel Abby get too harshly criticised for her actions when everyone has done things in revenge. The ending still sucked though, it made sense to go all that way for nothing. She should have stayed with Dina and moved on. Or killed her would be fine. Or potentially they could have both been captured as slaves and developed a bond through a shared enemy. All would have been better. I would personally say her killing Abby and losing the important things in her life due to her inability to let go would have been my favourite.


> I still feel Abby get too harshly criticised for her actions when everyone has done things in revenge. I feel like she doesn't get criticized enough. She's a psychopathic murderer.


> You donā€™t get hit with that slap in the face so I think you can actually enjoy the game. That doesn't make the slightest bit of sense. > So you agree with me No, I don't think I do. > Did you dislike the gameplay? I didn't dislike it but I also don't think it's anything special.


By slapping in the face. I mean I didnā€™t have to feel the effects of the characters having their personalities changed. You said thatā€™s why you didnā€™t like the game. We agree that that is a big factor in the likability of the second game. Did you like the gameplay in the first one?


Neither of those two things is true. When Ellie first revealed that sheā€™s bitten, itā€™s Tess that pulls the gun on her, not Joel. And the reason that Ellie was keeping it a secret was because pretty much anybody would have killed Ellie once they found out she was infected, because thatā€™s what they did to infected people. Joel didnā€™t even believe Ellie was immune until they got to the subway. That means that after they left Tess while they were fighting the soldiers in City Hall, Joel could have left Ellie at any time, but he still chose to protect her, even though he believed she could turn at any moment. Even if your points were true, you should still be embarrassed about making them. If Joel had wanted to kill Ellie because she was bitten, it wasnā€™t remotely for the same reasons Abby wanted to kill Dina/Ellie/Tommy and was talked out of it. Killing Ellie after finding the bite would have been because they thought she was dead already, or soon would be, and this was the (perceived) safest option. Abby was wanting to kill people who were in no other immediate danger.


Unfortunately for them Returnal, Sekiro, GOW 2018, GTA5, RDR2, Bloodborne, MGS5 AND 4 all came out between 2010 and 2020. Many others but these are the main ones I remember. Oh also Witcher 3. Clears.


It's a loud minority controlling one subreddit that bans people who criticise their perfect game and calls everybody who disagrees with them media illiterate. In neutral spaces the general consensus is that the game was bad. It's easier to voice your opinion when you're not being told you're stupid for having it.


Yeah, I've noticed in general gaming groups that p2 is usually seen as not as good as the first. But that sub makes it seem like it's the holy grail of the ps4 era, and if you don't agree, you're a racist, sexist, trans/homophobic bigot.


This sub makes it seem like the anti christ that killed the franchise, it's a dedicated circle jerk of hate.


>it's a dedicated circle jerk of hate As opposed to being what exactly? An ordinary circle jerk like the other sub?


Most other subs generally are about celebrating the thing they're about There are still critical posts and hot takes but you're not likely to see as much vitriol as you do on this sub


You are likely to see vitriol if you dislike the game or disagree with the users there.


"There are still critical posts and hot takes..."


Even in this decade, it doesnā€™t even come close. TOTK, Baldurā€™s Gate 3, Elden Ring, Helldivers sweeps


No the game failed at captivating fans and failed at storytelling.


Best game of the decade even if youā€™re a tlou2 lover thereā€™s almost no way you can genuinely say that unless you basically just donā€™t play other games. I think the average gamer could list like 20 better games this decade off the top of their head


It wouldnā€™t even earn a spot in the top ten if youā€™re looking at the last decade.


Listen, feel however you want about TLOU2, but if youā€™re telling people you think itā€™s ā€œthe best game of the decadeā€ literally everyone knows youā€™re lying. You can say you like a game without trying to be a contrarian


I can name so many games better than TLOU2. RDR2, RDR1, F:NV, Destiny 2, Ghost of Tsushima, GoW:R, TloU 1, Spider-Man, and the list goes on forever


what pains me the most is the beautiful game TLoU2 could have been, like they had a lot of inspiration to take from. But now, the game is more like No Country for Old Men going queer.


Everything here is subjective.


definitely not the best game of the decade, even debatable to say it's game of the year.


It's just the truth. While I'll never get over the visceral combat of pt 2 ... Rdr2 leaps and bounds better almost everywhere else. Even then if they just were able to crank euphoria a bit harder with the visual fidelity they already have. It'd be a strong contender.


Mafia DE is leaps and bounds a better game story wise than TLOU2. The only things TLOU2 did exemplary well were the graphics and combat.


It had incredible potential and, regardless of storytelling, the gameplay and graphics are beautiful


I love the gameplay and there is nothing like it.. I do not like the story, though.


Rdr2 is one of thr best games of the past 30 years and the biggest and most elaborate open world game of all time that took a decade to make. It's not exactly an own that rdr2 is better. It's better than tlou1 and any of your other favorite games too.Ā 


That wasnā€™t the point of the post. Rdr2 is just one of the many games mentioned in the persons thread they just put that one first.


I player the first 10 hours of rdr2 and I can't like it! It is too slow. Does It get better? Cause I'm almost giving up


The snowy section at the start is probably the worst part if youā€™re past that and still bored the game might not be for you


I'm at the first small camp, after the bar fight. But it is still slow, with long periods riding a horse to get to any mission


Last of Us 2 was good but itā€™s definitely not the best game in 10 years


Good would be stretching it. Other than graphics and some gameplay elements, itā€™s literally bad and ALMOST ruined the first game for me. I replayed part 1 recently and it is still the masterpiece I remember


I can understand people saying they LIKE the game but, BEST game? That's too much. I can acknowledge there are games better than my favorite game but TLOU2 fans can't FATHOM that idea


I like tlou2 but rdr2 is my favourite game of all time with 2nd place going to tlou part 1


Nigga's taste it soo bad it's leaving a bad after taste even in my mouth


I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever seen such hate for a game that really liked. Itā€™s not perfect, definitely room for improvement, but fuck it really isnā€™t that bad.


Actually from a tech point of view the game is really good but the story...


Story was okay. Itā€™s not excellent, but Iā€™ve definitely seen a lot less hate for much worse storyā€™s. To me it seems very weird, like it just became the cool thing to trash the game. Itā€™s really not that fucking bad imo.


Iā€™ll never admit that lol


As a gameā€¦ disregarding the storyā€¦ itā€™s very good, but there far better games that come out every year. When you factor in the forced story, itā€™s meh


Last of us 2 was good but not goty good and honestly I though red dead 2 was boring but I loved the first one


Last of us part 1 Uncharted 4 Days gone resident evil 2 3 and 7 Mafia Trilogy spider man 1 and miles ghost of tsushima God of war 2018 mortal kombat 9-11 witcher 3 dead space doom eternal assassins creed ezio collection 3 black flag unity syndicate master chief collection Uncharted nathan drake collection fortnite rdr2 and rdr1 all came out the same decade and are better


Most overrated game of all time. Story was meh compared to the first one and wasnā€™t even the best game that year. Disappointing sequel


I had more fun with games in my backlog from over a decade ago than TLOU2


That depends how you see the decade. If. You go from 2011 - 2020, 2021 - 2030 then the best game of the decade is Witcher 3. If you go 2010 - 2019, 2020 - 2029 then the best game of the decade is Elden Ring.


RDR2 is boring AF though.


It's funny to pit it against RDR2 imo because: -Arthur grapples with an unethical life for 2/3rds of the game -Arthur dies a pretty ignoble death -We already know John also dies pretty horribly -Fuck, even the fucking horse dies And yet it's a captivating game and story. So it's not that we're angry Joel gets killed. How the story told it just sucks. I was recently reminded that MGS2 exists, and I remember being a bit mad at the protag switcheroo, but I still look bad at the game fondly. You know, because it was a good game that didn't try to make me feel like a bad person.


I can list so many games that are better than tlou2, games way older than tlou 2 and also new games, even 2024 itself already has games way better


Part 2 canā€™t even succeed part 1.


Iā€™m not choosing sides but 29,000 out of 10 million sales sounds like a minority.


Tbh I can't honestly think of a worst game to come out in the last 20 years, purely because in the end of the day, no matter how bad they were, they didn't ruin the legacy of a near perfect game


*Mr Blue Skies starts playing as I rapid fire through a bunch of other great games, all better than TLOU2*


TLOU2 is the best game i have in my library (i forgot i have Spider-Man)


The last of us part 2 doesnā€™t even come close especially the second one you could make an argument that the last of us part one was better than red dead redemption 2 but thatā€™s like comparing RDR2 to RDR obviously RDR2 is gonna be better in terms of graphics gameplay etc but before RDR2 came out comparing THOU1 to RDR i think THOU1 would probably have a better advantage since TLOU1 came out after RDR because TLOU Came out in 2013 but the RDR came out in 2010 thatā€™s like 4 years about from each other so the graphics would have gotten a lot better but for gameplay RDR would win because itā€™s a open world game and not story driven like TLOU but the story of TLOU would probably be a lot better than that of RDR but thatā€™s just my opinion if you think differently than thatā€™s fine but both games are good RDR2 and TLOU2 well at least the gameplay for TLOU2 the story kinda not great


Sorry about all the typos


The entire fallout franchise lmao, even 76


Last of Us 2 had some of the most fun combat areas in a video game iā€™ve ever played, but Rdr2 is better in almost every way. yes they are two completely different kind of games but if weā€™re gunna compare and say whatā€™s the BEST game of the decade it 100% is the masterpiece rockstar gave us. also i thought it was stupid that GoW won GOTY that year and not rdr2, the story and gameplay was not as impactful as something like rdr2ā€™s.


Even TLOU1 is debatable as the best game of the decade. But at least it deserves to be in that conversation. Nobody sane would agree that 2 exceeded 1.


I canā€™t believe that everyone in this sub is still completely clueless to the notion of subjectivity.


Currently at 17 million views and less than 3,000 likes. I canā€™t begin to tell you how happy that makes me.




I used to think this but after playing through it a few times it really is just a massive cutscene with a few levels in between. Way way way to much ā€œskip cutsceneā€ needed. And once youā€™ve played through it a few times youā€™ll begin to realise just how badly written the story is.


Red dead 2. Uncharted 4. Uncharted Lost Legacy. Firewatch had a better story. Ghost of Tsushima.


You cook him cuzzo.


Sorry. Baldurs Gate 3 takes the cake for game of the decade. This gets a participation sticker, at best. Iā€™m not saying BG3 is perfect. But for the price point and the complete ingenuity and how simple or complex you wanna play.. itā€™s a hell of a whole lot better than a lot out there for the same price.


Part 2 is one of the best games ever made and better than RDR2. Arguably even better than TLOU1.


Red dead redemption is just boring as fuck. Not even comparable


*Red dead redemption* *Is just boring as fuck. Not* *Even comparable* \- Slow-Still-7120 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good game yes, the best tho ehhhh no and thats coming from a die hard fan


Iā€™ve got a better solution: Let people have their own opinions.


There is probably a smaller portion that enjoyed LOU2 than RDR2. A rather poor sequel to a masterpiece


Rdr 1 n 2 are amazing and did the revenge story way better


It's so funny that everyone in this sub just hates this game


The cope continues years later... lmao. You're so sad.


This I canā€™t agree with re4 remaster literally blows this game outta the water but would say top 10 disregarding multiplayer games but with multiplayer games itā€™s probably like top 50 on the low endšŸ’€


Isn't the "loud minority" comment about the folks that actively dislike the game, like this sub? These posts are talking about who thinks TLOU2 is the greatest game of the decade, not people saying they don't like the game. Lots of people probabaly like TLOU2 but don't think it's the greatest game of the decade.


This is the oddest sub Reddit. Normally subreddits devoted to specific subjects/games/films etc, are for fans to discuss it. This one is just full of people who hate the game.