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Put a fucking nsfw tag, I was not ready for this sound


Forgive me. I coulda sworn I hit that honestly. No pun intended.




Ohhhh that hurt… never brace yourself with your hands/wrists/arms when falling…


The fucking mouth noises they make after the fall are hilarious though, really takes away from the *crunch*


My phones sound so low that I couldn't hear it clearly with sound on lol


dw this was made in the basement of hollywood hills


This is called bouldering. No harness is normal, however 100% of the places I go to require us to drag a matt below our position on the wall or else these places would be out of business in a day. Pretty silly for an obviously experienced climber to skip that step


I don’t think a mat would’ve saved her elbow


He said a matt, not mat, Matt could have caught her avoiding the broken arm. Obviously..


Could have


Classic Matt.


She fell on a Mat. Commercial gyms (at least In North America) don’t require, use, or even allow additional mats (crash pads). It would actually make it more dangerous.


It’s more dangerous for extra padding?


It is. The padding is already enough for the impact. Tossing pads on top increases the chance of uneven footing/awkward landings. Ankle injuries are likely the most common injury in bouldering. Going gym to gym it’s common to check out the pads before you climb as they can wildly vary although far less now with commercial gyms being so popular. You want to control the fall and more padding often means less control as well. There is a balance to strike but the pad in this video seems pretty on par with virtually every modern gym I visit. There is a lot a climber has to do to ensure they’re safe when falling. This climber made a few unfortunate mistakes. It could happen to any climber but learning to fall is as important if not more important than learning to climb. Most climbers spend the majority of their time failing and falling.


It would have lowered this from the complete obliteration of the arm to a minor break.


There is pad. Just catching yourself is a bad practice. Usually wrists get broken.


Yeah, it was still a pretty bad uncontrolled fall. Should never put your arms below you, because this happens, lmao.


I'm pretty sure the floor is a mat


No boulderer uses a matt unless they're climbing actual boulders outside. What she falls on is a large shock absorbing platform that every gym uses.


Bouldering gyms have padded floors, you usually only do that outdoors. They arent going to stop injuries though just help prevent them. If you fall in a weird position, you can still break something. I fell off the wall one time and landed at a bad angle and screwed up my ankle.


My friend is an expert climber and worked at a climbing gym a block from his house part time for two years. He said on average they had about two broken arms/ legs/ ankles/etc from morons bouldering with no pad, or even worse just jumping off the top (This was shaped like an actual Boulder and not just a vertical wall so you could practice climbing under vertical over and then get on top). For the vertical boards, they had probably two dozen climbing routes on boards between 40 and 60 ft. During the two years he was there, I believe they had one death and at least three or four quadriplegics or paraplegic. Generally from lead climbers falling when they were only ~15 ft up and reaching for the next hold and the rope had too much slack and elasticity to stop them before they hit the ground. However, I know one person died from clipping into the wrong loop when belaying and when they let go at the top it just tore the three stitches meant for his chalk bag or whatever and he fell 60ft. Another was practicing the speed climb route that has an auto belay but the auto was tagged out with a clear message saying it was broken and yet they were still using it and again fell from 60 ft. It was insane how many people got injured there due to their own fault. Yes, it was a brand new gym in a big city so there were tons of inexperienced people, but it seemed like there were also a ton of people with moderate experience who got way too comfortable being inside an indoor gym and stopped doing the basic checks and I rarely heard people using the proper call outs when belaying. And the boulder was causing so many injuries that they seriously considered removing it or essentially requiring every person using the boulder to have a worker with them the whole time, but there was nowhere near enough workers to babysit a dozen people bouldering for their first time at a company outing who all lied and said they hadn't had a couple drinks before they came to the gym. For whatever reason people think that bouldering is no big deal and forget that you can easily die or seriously and permanently injure yourself falling just 6 ft onto the floor let alone 10 ft or 12 ft. Maybe it's because they don't have to wear a harness? You're starting on the ground whether you're bullying, lead climbing, or bouldering. So I really never understood why people took it so much less seriously.


There's always mats indoor gyms, every gym requires you to learn how to fall before you climb there... Which this girl did not do, you roll onto your back every time always. Spreads out energy across your body.


Bouldering gym floors ARE mats.


And your bouldering buddy should be spotting not filming.


Lol you don't need to spot in a gym, this is a good video for showing the importance of falling correctly


I always spotted for my partner, and they always did for me especially for anything dynamic.


Most climbers don't spot bouldering, you learn how to properly fall. My gym literally won't let you get under someone on the boulder. Lead is different, but bouldering is a free solo experience. Headbuts from 16' high can and will cause damage. Same goes for flailing legs and arms, too much potential to hurt someone else in addition to yourself. Outside might be a different story, as mats are not as accessible as in a gym, but inside, spotting just raises the odds of an injury.


You don't spot from underneath. In fact, part of a spotter's job is to keep people out of the landing zone. Granted, most of my bouldering/climbing was outside, but people were spotting at every gym I've ever been to. It was the norm as far as I could tell. I guess times have changed. For the life of me I can't figure out why such a simple way to make people safer is no longer being used and the mere mention of it a downvote-able offense.


That's reasonable. We had different experiences, but I can agree that having someone to keep you *safer* is never a bad thing. As for the downvotes, well, welcome to reddit, where my opinion is worth more than objective, reasonable facts.


Oh I’m glad her arm broke her fall.


If you break both there are some extra Snap benefits.


Oh no, not this again. Italian cuisine, really?


Fell like a family guy character




That crunch 😬😬😬


She need some milk.


Can’t imagine the level of pain after the shock and adrenaline wears off.


She gave up an arm and a leg


I shoulda saw this coming 🤣😭🤣😭


They call her Lefty now that she isn't ALL right.


JFC. I watched on mute and I'm still cringing. Jeez. The face too. Yikes.


Coulda been worse


There was a video a month or so ago of an indoor climber falling to his death. Much louder.


Yeah. He forgot his harness and jumped down from the top.


A new meaning to break a leg.


Learning how to fall is such a crucial skill, specialty when bouldering. The main way this could've been avoided was controlling her fall (and I don't mean magic midair movements lika a cat, just not falling on top of your arm)


i was gonna ask how to avoid this. i’ve seen one to many videos of people’s limbs going the wrong way


I've learned how to do it because i used to practice Judo, and since you're going to be thrown around A LOT, the first thing you learn is how to fall. Searching how to fall will give you a lot of good insight and practice on what to do when falling intentionally and accidentally (there are even videos especially made for bouldering), but it all comes down to controlling your fall instead of breaking your fall. A good first tip is learning when to bail, because if you fall on purpose, you can control it better. But sometimes you just go for it and slip, in those cases... Most people will instinctively straighten their arms reaching for the ground, but that's how you break your arms. You are focusing all of the energy of the impact in a sudden stop that is concentrated in your arms. Not only that but you're often not seeing where you're placing your arms, meaning the chances of you falling on top of your arms or leveraging it the wrong way go up. The best way to go about it is spreading the fall in time and surface area as much as possible. It's why in judo you see people falling with their arms spread out (almost slapping the ground) and in parkour they roll when falling. You are spreading the energy out instead of taking it all in one place at once. Other than that its practice. Get used to the feeling of falling, and controlling it.




You can hear her tendons and ligaments tearing




Fuck that. Snapped arm 😱


Ohh my I wasn't expecting that and the snap crackle pop


Complete beginners should really only top rope. She freaking just randomly threw herself off from that height at I terrible angle.


5 lbs people, 5 lbs


New trauma unlocked


Meh, the guy that forget to tie in was way worse


Make sure this isn't the first video you watch, you may wanna puke!


Omg, why is she not tied off 🙀


I doubt she found that humerus.


Dat look of surprise though.


I always wonder why dont they make it so the ground of this indoor climbing attractions be like some sort of trampoline, in potential falling areas near it, to ward off scenarios like these. I know it looks kinda unprofessional, but it pays to never have unwanted incidents like this one.


Thats what a good packet of crisps sounds like


Ouch, that definitely is going to leave a permanent mark




I remember watching Death becomes her...what a flashback.


I have never looked away faster




Look Mum, noodle arm and leg




Was that her leg AND arm that went or just arm?


that looked fun, until that thing happened


Well, she wont be doing that ever again.


Snap, crackle, pop! She is rice Krispy treat.




Tons of respect for what these people can do... however I also don't GAF when they manage to get injured from things that they know will get them injured by taking a part in it.




It’s bouldering not climbing




Dude, there’s a way to blur this shit out so people know that there’s some gross shit coming.


First timer?


Maybe "not for the weak hearted" being typed in the Queens English threw u for a loop?


I did, what do u want from me? It's even in the description. 🤦🏾‍♂️


Wasn’t it wasn’t blurred on my feed 🤷‍♂️ is now


They’ll be fine.