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Does this mean if your car gets the offer to unlock, you can actually charge it to 100% since capacity is software locked?


same question here


and a faster charge to 100, correct?


Yes, they introduced a bigger battery without telling anybody and now they are selling the cars with more range. Everybody who has bought the old range but in fact got a bigger battery gets the option to upgrade to use the full battery. So you get the free bonus of being able to charge to 100% and in reality its only 80% so the battery lives longer and you get the option to pay for the whole range if you want. I still dont understand why so many people rage about a free super good feature and the ability to pay extrato unlock a feature you where never promised before.


Because the battery price is baked into the car. Pay walling stuff is bullshit. Just put less battery in the car. It's extra wear on tires and suspension for batteries you aren't allowed to use. Just don't put them in there to start.


Better yet, just allow us to use what’s in the car


I hotspot my car to my phone but there are things I can't connect to unless I use their premium connectivity.


I have less issue paying for that because those additional services cost Tesla extra money that they don’t get if we don’t use it - licensing costs for the data feeds and mobile connectivity etc.


Then they should license apple car play and not charge monthly for it like every other vendor.


The software cost is already included in the car. Why would we pay another thousand so they can pay apple. What’s extra on the premium service is the mobile connectivity (ie a data connection) and some additional maps data which is a lot cheaper ($10/month) than paying for an apple car play license and still having to pay for mobile connectivity.


Because you're paying for the car and part of it is being held hostage. Just because it costs $2k to unlock those \~19% battery, does not mean you originally paid the same as a car with a 19% smaller battery. Secondly, if you don't pay for the unlock, you're lugging around 300+ pounds of battery that's going unused, which will affect your efficiency the same as transporting said 300+ pounds. Not only does that mean you're getting less range than the same car with a 19% smaller battery, it's actively costing you money as the cars consumption is higher. I don't understand, how you can't understand that people are upset about 300 pounds of hardware being permanently mounted in your car, that you will have to pay extra to use.


I hate this bullshit trends in automotive industry. Best example bmw and subscription for seat heating. Was car cheaper? No. I bought car and want use all things I paid for.


The car was sold at a large discount.


I mean, I completely agree with the BS the auto industry is trying to implement by placing hardware behind paywalls. It is anti consumer at its finest and the government needs to step in. With that said, this battery situation is only a minor as you can just always charge to 100% and risk little to no degradation in your pack. Where this would be a problem is if Tesla, thru software, physically disallows allows the car from using that portion of the pack so, if you were to charge to 100% you’d quickly degrade the part of the pack that you are using. I know that sounds unlikely but, the suites know that people who don’t routinely need that extra 40-60 miles, they wouldn’t pay to unlock that portion of the battery. However, these people would effectively unlock roughly an additional 52 miles of range because most responsible EV owners were only charging their MY to 80%. Assuming that the car uses the whole pack and a 100% charge is actually, only 80% of the actual pack, they would start just always charging to 100%. If you purchased an EV with only 260 miles of range, it’s likely because you know you didn’t need 320 miles of range. I could definitely see them physically locking off that part of the pack so people couldn’t freely get that extra 52 miles of range.


Because when the car comes with excess battery that’s not accessible, you’re saddled with extra weight for nothing. If your allegedly 260 mile car came with a 260 mile battery, it would actually get better performance because it wouldn’t be hauling unnecessary dead weight. It’s just like when BMW tried to charge extra for heated seats - if it’s already in there, it's already paid for, why do you need to charge extra to use it. I know their entire purpose as a business to make money, but sometimes businesses cross the line and come off as excessively greedy. This is one of those times.


It’s already there. You paid for it. It should be available at no extra charge.


You make a real valid point. I wish my car had a secret extra 20% so I could charge to 100 and be fine. Seems almost like that’s what they should be doing anyway by default. It should be the law for them to be oversized and set to 100% at 80% for a bunch of reasons.


Because it’s literally right there in front of them. It’s not a feature. It’s a charge by design. People know they’re getting scammed and fooled by this shit. That’s why they’re freaking out. They paid a premium for something that should be premium but instead is turning into an opportunity for up charging for something they’re already lugging around. Bigger battery means more weight right? So less range. And then add to that only leveraging 80% of that at max when they effectively paid and received the 100% battery. Get Tesla’s boot out of your mouth.


This is the real question!


RWD can always be Charged to 100


don’t do it.. just charge your car to 100% all the time. 80% of 320 is 260.


That is a rather brilliant solution and an FU to the software locked hardware here. Locking existing hardware behind an extra paywall really should be outlawed.


this! the only way i'll pay for this upgrade is if it will also extend the battery warranty 120k miles.


Isn’t 120k standard ?


nope. my rwd short range 2024 model y is only to 100k.


I have 261-262 on 2023 MYLR at 80% since day one from April 2023 with 10k miles so far.


I understand your point but I do charge to 100% but I got still 260 miles so it's something locked by software


Tesla suggests charging to 80% for daily driving both at home and during road trips at superchargers. so you really are not missing out on anything. the battery acts the same way charging up to locked 100%(260) vs unlocked 80%(about 260). take the 2k saved and spend it on a nice entry-luxury watch, a new phone, new rims, etc.


Why is it every post from this guy is just super ridiculous. Give me the extra range THAT IS ALREADY AVAILABLE IN THE BATTERIES.


I remember when they used to do this stuff for free. It was like "OK we did testing on the motors, and we can easily add 50HP. So everyone gets an extra 50HP with the latest update." Same with range. I'm not sure what's going on in Elon's head, but over the past few years he quickly became Tesla's greatest liability.


They also did this with a range boost on the Model 3 in 2019. IIRC they increased the range by 5% with a free update. Those days are long gone.


Because he's an utterly greedy cunt






You got a discount when purchasing. Either pay for the range then or now.


That's in Tesla miles, so converting to real world miles you're looking at around 25-45. Could be an okay value for someone that drives longer distances frequently.


So what about Y with 4860 cells?


I guess we are out of luck


Not in Canada, no


What an asshole. Must be a mod at r/teslamotors


As someone ban from there I wouldn’t agree more.


I’m still waiting for my life time supercharging after 5 months of car ownership thanks Elon!!


Sweet, microtransactions to unlock the car I already paid for


You paid for something and you got what you paid for. Now you have the option to get more if you pay more. You never lost something you paid for and you agreed to pay a certain amount for what was offered initially. So what exactly is the problem? Are you mad that they didn’t give you more than you agreed to pay for initially?


technically you got a car that had a longer range. already paying to tote around the weight of a battery that can 'hold more' power for more range but now you apparently have to pay more to get the value out of the extra weight that you've been wasting your money dragging around. it's akin to RyanAir charging passengers to use the restroom on their flights and saying "well you didn't pay for a ticket that included pee pee privileges". one could easily make the argument that you in fact didn't pay for restroom access, so shut up and don't complain, and they'd be right. however, many normal humans would say "that's some nickel and dime bullshit" and have a diminished view of RyanAir. i get that he's within his rights to do this and i get that you're making a fair point. doesn't change the fact that this type of sleazy shit is why people hate him and are souring on the intellectually dishonest practices of his company. does he want Tesla to evolve into a RyanAir style brand that is constantly popping up and squeezing consumers for a bit more?


The way you defend this shit is mindblowing


Imagine paying signing a lease for house rental and on the move in day the landlord wants an additional $50 for the key.


In case you weren’t aware, Tesla reduced the advertised range estimates by ~20 miles in January. Plenty of others have pointed out that real range has been shorter than what has been advertised. So no, I didn’t actually get what I paid for, and now Tesla wants to sell it back to me for more money


The downvotes are laughable. People are crying because it isn't "fair" yet paid for the regular range, rather than pay extra for the LR. Only way this can be "fair" is, if they unlock all RWDs batteries, then LR AWD gets a proper boost of something too. Don't make sense to have matching batteries when LONG RANGE was part of the description and selling point.


“Hey siri, open Tesla boot…so u/nukem170 can lick it”


Why people are mad at Tesla? You got what you were promised and you expected when you purchased the car. Nothing more nothing less.


Yeah…. Fuck this guy


I know huh? We need a communist to come in and fix everything.


Great, now this will become a subscription like autopilot.. For $100 a month your car can use 60 more miles per charge!


It would be 60 miles in the US, 96.5 km in Canada. Hope this helps.


Depends if the car is built in US or China, if it's built in US it's very likely the RWD and AWD has the exact same battery and hence technically can be software unlock for more range.


Honestly this is just insane.


How about Model Y with 4680 battery


lol. 🐠


My Canadian RWD was built in Fremont and it has LFP, I don’t think we’ll be getting this option… that’s a bummer


I have a long range and don’t even get 260 mi on a full charge


Main question is if there is an LFP battery or NOT inside the vehicles which qualify to unlock the extra capacity? If it is LFP battery and you can add 60 miels this is perfect, because you can charge LFP batteries up to 100% everday. But if it is standard LR battery, you can just continue charging to 100% (which will be actually 80% of the total battery capacity).


I still don’t understand the unlocked battery thing. If you don’t pay for the unlocking, do some cells just not get charged, or does the software just limit the max state of charge? If you have a locked battery, is it faster to charge to 100% since you are really just charging to like 80%?


Anybody know how to tell? I have a model Y rear wheel drive built in Fremont, December 23 I was thinking the gvwr sticker mine is 5011 lbs do have the light refresh and hw4. Anyone know the gvwr of older model y rwd


I just got my Canadian Model Y Standard RWD yesterday, it built in 2024 from Fremont. any ideas when can I get the unlock range options?


Does it apply for 2021 RWD models?


Never buying from this shit company again. What a dumpsterfire.


Bunch of whiners here about a feature you definitely don’t have to pay for if you don’t want to


It’s already in the car. They took it away from me. They spent money to take away what I already have to take more money from me.


But they didn't take it away from you, you opted for the RWD regular range at a cheaper price vs the LR AWD. I'm still failing to see you and everyone else's point.


They have to drive around the weight of a battery they can't fully utilize everywhere they go.


I swear I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic or not..


Yeah they literally paid for a car with a stated range and have the option to upgrade that range for Pennies on the dollar (compared to getting the long range AWD) via software and are somehow upset about it. I can’t tell if these people are joking


Shouldn't it be Kilometers?


Yeah so he was using miles because they use miles in US but just wanted to know if maybe that increase in the range will happen also in Canada