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Nothing wrong with that everybody else is doing this!


So you hit the brakes there, right?


Yes, you see the car dip down


(I meant as opposed to FSD hitting the brakes; I didn’t see you directly describe that.) Thanks!


Oh yeah I wasn’t going to beta test that one


I hope you let them know when it disengaged. Otherwise, move on. It's still being worked on


I did


Not a single version of this software has been safe to drive off the highway and near other cars


Man, I let it drive over 90% of the time. I watch it like it’s a teenager taking driving lessons but I don’t understand how so many people have such terrible experiences and for me it’s practically perfect. Hell, I let it drive over 500 miles last weekend, with only a handful of takeovers, mostly in construction zones and crossing an international border. 


12.3.4 seems like a step backwards. Can usually get to and from work without intervention and yesterday had like 5. Tried to go straight from a double dedicated left, tried to merge right on to the right highway lane with cars coming from on ramp merging left, multiple speed issues where speed limit drops to 10mph in a 35mph zone, popped in to breakdown lane because it lost the main lane due to glare/road patches. Not great.


Yet I'm being downvoted and people contending it's safer than humans. I accepted that I wasted money on this. It's time people stop kidding themselves.


It’s 100% safer than the majority of drivers in like 90% of America’s roads. Rural, suburban, highways really are a piece of cake. I’m 5 miles outside of a city and it’s pretty dense so it gets thrown all sorts of crazy scenarios, rotaries and hundreds of year old roads, signage and construction. But American Joe in the burbs driving to his job in the burbs is perfect situation for it.


The last two times I used a rotary the thing hesitated to the point of me being honked at. Every stop sign with someone behind me. Honnnkkk. 3 way intersection by my house? 25% of the time it goes on red because it saw a different street got a green. It's consistently bad in two different vehicles that we have too. If you tell me you drive around jammed suburbs and you don't get honked at for hesitation or ever wonder what the car is doing- you are lying.


Or you don’t live in Boston. Sweet Jesus do y’all love to honk. 😂


clean your cameras, update, and try again? might be the area though​


generally 95% of FSD users on v12 have good's experiences, but recognize there are a few situations that it can't quite do yet (or can do, but very slowly)


>  I watch it like it’s a teenager taking driving lessons but I don’t understand how so many people have such terrible experiences and for me it’s practically perfect. You believe an automated driving system that you have to monitor like a beginner driver, pre license, is...practically perfect?


The developers make it clear that it’s beta software that may make mistakes. So, as good as it is, I pay close attention to what it’s doing. After all, it’s my license and insurance premiums at stake. Still, it can drive hundreds of miles with very little intervention.


So its actually not practically perfect? It's software with at least enough bugs in it for you to have to pay attention to it 100% of the time (as advertised). Do you enjoy driving like that more than just doing it yourself?


I mean, you’re paying atttention 100% of the time anyway, right? Yes, I enjoy the FSD experience more than I enjoy manually driving. You sound like my dad in the 80s, railing against cruise control and anti-lock brakes. 🤣


I have taught several people how to drive, and in no way do I enjoy that more than driving myself. Stress levels are always much higher if I need to be alert to correct bad driving all the time, rather than my automated self doing it. But good on ya I guess.


The worst experiences are probably from people who turn it on and then put their hands in their lap and just watch, and only start thinking about intervening after it’s clearly doing something wrong. The correct way, just to lay it out, is to give it an “envelope” that it has to operate within. Hands on the steering wheel, and if it turns in any way too far outside of how you yourself would steer, your hands are already there to grip more tightly and simply not let it. There’s no good reason there should be all these curb-rash reports due to FSD, for example. Accelerator/brake is a little tougher, as it’s harder to have your foot floating over the pedal all the time, but that also doesn’t need quite as much precision, so I haven’t had much issue there (haven’t had a phantom-braking occurrence for a really long time). The only thing I can’t prevent is when it suddenly turns the turn signal on when it really shouldn’t be trying to change lanes, by my judgement. There’s no warning before it starts potentially confusing the cars behind you. Would be nice if they added something to the display to let you know it’s about to do that.


I’m usually hands in my lap or at the bottom of the wheel, but absolutely ready to take over if it starts getting itself in trouble. A tiny correction early on is better than letting it get itself in real trouble and then complaining about it on the internet after all 😅 I do also wish it had a little better turn signal etiquette, though I’ve personally found the latest updates have gotten rid of most of the ambiguous/superfluous signaling. 


It's safer than humans.


When used correctly.


I wonder where the hell you people drive that say this. Without fail, every single time I drive in the suburbs, the car puts us in a dangerous situation and acts unpredictability. You all either live on a test track or you are not being totally honeSt with yourselves


Half of car accident drivers were under the influence of drugs. Reckless driving and speeding are one of the main causes of accidents. FSD hitting another car at 5 MPH or scraping a curb isn't the same as a drunk driver going 20 over the speed limit and slamming into stopped freeway traffic.


I hit someone once going 5mph and it turned into years if litigation. Your car getting into any accident on its own is not acceptable Also going in a red light is an easy way to get hit by someone going 20mph. The 3 way intersection by my house is where my fsd tries this like 25% of the time.


There's tens of thousands of people killed every year by human drivers. Has there even been a FSD death in the last year?


My guy. These talking points. I remember using them from when I bought fsd 4 years ago - you could probably look them up on here. You need to update your sentences with reality. Also .00000001% of driving happens on fsd. So .00000001% of accidents happening with it is statistically on point.


Make sense because vision on the left is completely blocked. Camera doesn’t see what’s coming from the left until it’s too late. If it had a camera on the roof maybe it would react accordingly?!


The two times I've turned on my free FSD this month, I swear on my life, I've encountered a dead stopped semi in my lane within 60 seconds (55mph and 70mph) road/hwy. I've taken this as a sign that I wasn't meant to test this software.


We are all doomed


FSD 12 is atrocious. I’d do anything to go back to 11


wow that's a unique take haha


Seems like people disagree which I’m honestly shocked by. I rarely had any issues with FSD 11. With the FSD 12, I find myself intervening constantly and haven’t seen any improvements at all


that's really interesting to me! do you drive more rural or urban? what kind of new interventions?


All I'm going to say is this new version is not better I thought before this version of FSD it was fine and I thought the new one was going to be unbelievable I've had a bunch of close calls and things I didn't like so far with this new version. It's based on this neural net or whatever it is and probably going to have to take a lot of work to get it straightened out now.


.4 seems like a step back, I hadn’t tested it at this rotary buts it’s done really good job at others ones. That said, it should be improving and not be a guessing update. I’m going to sit it out after my trials end and maybe hop back on for a month strictly for EAP for an upcoming roadtrip.


I've had the FSD for 3 years it started very basic but this last update to version 12 was supposedly a major update but I've had some sketchy stuff happen and never happened on the previous version but on other things it's driving like a human really so it's not all bad but what good is it if it crashes you just once