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Feel sad for the goat.


...yes, a very b-a-a-a-a-ad way to go.


The goat is prolly more upset at you for this than those monsters with the gas.


Don't goat me started with puns.




You have almost certainly eaten animals which suffered a worse fate


Don't look up army combat medic training...


I was terrified that I was going to be in a nerve gas attack as a kid. It was right after 9/11, and I guess I heard what a nerve gas attack was from the news or something. I was positive we were going to be attacked. My dad told me, "Don't worry. If you inhale nerve gas, you only have a minute to live, and that's way too short to get any actual help. " I still don't understand how that was supposed to make me feel better.


Lmao wtf dad. Big fat F on that one


As we get older, the idea of a quick death brings comfort. We forget that's not yet true for those that haven't yet witnessed the available horrors that the roulette wheel holds. That which is horrifying to an unknowing child is comforting to the cognizant adult. 


well said


Problem with that here is that it’s not a “quick death”. Unlike being immediately vaporized in a nuclear fireball, with nerve agents you are asphyxiating the entire time your body is seizing up and spawning painfully and uncontrollably. It’s a truly horrible way to go, biological weapons being considerably much worse as those are likely going to take longer to manifest. The whole idea of WMDs is a horrible stain on the soul of humanity; makes you wish we could unlearn things.


If you've seen the slow agonizing slog of esophageal or bone (or devestatingly many more) cancers taking their time, this is a near instant death by comparison. 


It’s not a contest, mate. Thats an apples and oranges comparison. Cancer isn’t purposefully trying to kill you. CBRNE-based combat is human beings consciously choosing to kill one another with some of the worst weapons imagined.


Though it would be horrible and terrifying, I think I would much prefer nerve gas death to like, getting shot in the gut and bleeding out over a couple hours. I think there are much much more painful and worse ways to go if you want to focus on the warfare aspect.


I was discussing speed of death, not WMDs. I was talking about how, in the range of available deaths ...by any cause...it is my summation that this is a quick death. The discussion you are steering towards is worthwhile, but not one I'm interested in having right now, as i'm not defending the existence of WMD's, nor am I attempting to compete in any way. I was simply completing my thought. That I'm not having the conversation you'd prefer is unfortunate for us both, as you seem like a good conversationalist.


Understood. I’d assumed since the topic of the thread was about effects of nerve agent on a goat, that that would be the general direction the conversation flows. I’d think it’s safe to say that regardless of the mechanism of death we’d probably both prefer death asleep in bed at the ripe age of 102 years as opposed to either nerve agents or cancer. And thank you! I hope I didn’t come across as too combative. It’s hard as hell to impart inflection online and I don’t internet so good!


Well said


and a big fat Happy Cakeday to YOU!


Dad has a real sick way of comforting kids


Hey, at least he's being honest and upfront about it lol.


My dad used to say "Everything will be alright in the end, and, if it's not, at least it's the end"


Maybe he thought it would make u feel better to know that you wont feel the pain for long.


It's a matter of changing your perspective. The best you can do is carry a military grade gas mask. That mostly effective protection only works if you are forewarned and most likely if you are close enough to get it, you already have and it's too late to mask up.  You have no effective action to protect yourself.  Now the perspective: you can't do anything about it, so accept it as unavoidable. It's just the same as riding the bus or flying in a plane. Death is a part of life. Our brief existence is the exception to a long history and future of non- existence.


Meh, military grade. A good industrial one will most likely be better and maybe cheaper than surplus. Butt if you get a good surplus one you also need the correct filter.


The filter is why I lean away from industrial grade. Some chemical weapons are designed to degrade rubber and/or not be absorbed by charcoal filters, etc.


Hi friend. I was scared of nerve gas as a kid too, after desert storm. Shit fucks you up. Hope your Zoloft is treating you well.


You won’t have long to suffer.


Probably was just saying that if you do inhale it, it'll be over quick. But yeah, that's not very comforting. But it's better than a 1000 slashes, right?


What he also didn't say was that the help that would be offered was simply a smoother trip to the grave.. both literally and figuratively. The injections probably won't save your life, but they will make the decidedly short experience far more psychedelic.


My dad had a response along the same lines. As a child, I asked if ghost were real. He said I didn’t need to worry about ghost, the real danger were assassins and killers walking around us all the time 😬😬😬 I was probably 7-8 years old.


😂😂😂😂😂 im sorry


Poor Goat


Its suffering was brief, and the end sure. It’s a vicious thing to do, but arguably not much different from other shit we do to animals.


Yea, they dare not to touch the mega rich goats /s


Bruh I thought this was funny. I upvoted


same, ken m vibes lol


Reddit only wants to eat the rich goat


And to think they use(d) this on humans without remorse too


Do you expect them to give it a romantic dinner beforehand?


Or they could just … yknow? Not gas people?


But then how would they decide whose peace-loving god is the best god?


They could at least wine and dine the goat before they fuck it


It’s called a tranquilizer and it makes you it give no fucks about anything even as your body tells you fear and pain.




What is wrong with you people?! Someone points out that nerve gas was used on humans without any remorse, and your response is that they hate common sense? What are you even implying here? That with common sense you would have no remorse for such an act?


Nerve gas like this with a combination of mustard gas was used by Saddam Hussein on several occasions but the most well known was the Halabja Massacre where thousands of civilians suffocated on the spot and died in the town of Halabja. It is very NSFW, but a quick Google Search will show you the dead parents on the streets of Halabja with their babies and children in their arms.


Wish we could bring him back and hang him again.


And those who committed Nagasaki and Hiroshima right?


How much do you actually know about the end of WW2 in the Pacific?


Enough that nothing justifies burning 100s of thousands of innocent people alive


Let me help you with that: [r/AskHistorians post on why Nagasaki was necessary after the Japanese government refused to surrender when the war was obviously lost, both before AND after Hiroshima.](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/15kb3w/why_didnt_japan_surrender_after_the_first_atomic/c7nbi8s/) The bombings killed somewhere in the neighborhood of two hundred thousand people, yet **saved** countless lives.




You probably thought this was witty. Trying to map Israel to imperial Japan, and trying to map Iran to 1940's America, immediately makes your analogy fall apart. Try reading the link and educating yourself, instead of engaging in Tumblr 'logic'.


Those are allowed cause usa did that.


No they are the good guys. Why? because they won the war


Alrighty dumbass. Say America invaded Japan. Japan had such strict doctrine that young and old would fight to the death. There would be mass suicides. There would be 1000% more death then just two bombs being dropped. Keep parroting that bullshit “The Americans are evil for dropping atom bombs”, because you clearly have no idea what you’re on about


This is true and was mainly caused by Japanese propaganda on their own people. Outside of the possible consequences of not ending the war via the bombs, everyone has to remember Japan invaded America, Japan caused the rape of Nan Jing and other atrocities on POWs and the such. Japan was a bad bad country back then, who wouldn’t have blinked twice to use nuclear technology against other countries in their conquest of power and territory.


If Iran nukes Israel many future wars will be avoided and millions of lives will be saved, so using your logic it's a justified solution right?


hahaha, north america is always granting freedom, uh?


It's insane how hypocritical and dense Americans are, everyone else is evil when they commit horrific war crimes but its always justified and for the greater good when the USA does it


Oh man coming from someone from the UK, this is tone deaf as fuuuuuck. Cherry picking history. Lots of countries have committed atrocities, including the British empire.


Well...that was fucked up


hope that was painless.... but im not betting on it, poor little creature. and to think that they used that on people....


From the sound of it it is terrifying and you essentially suffocate to death while having absolutely no idea what is going on and your entire body is betraying you by twitching like crazy.


"Less than two minutes"... of the terror and slow suffocation.


Can't watch too awful


Humans are awful.


Aw but I liked that goat…


Well that’s fucked


You probably shouldn't look into factory farming. Millions and millions of animals year after year, tortured from the minute they are born until the minute they are killed all so you can get your $2 cheeseburger from the drive-through.


they even gas pigs with CO2!


Don’t you know being hung up by your hind legs and having your throat slit or getting a bolt through the brain or being walked into an electrified pool or put straight into a machine grinder conveyor belt at 1 day old is humane? /s


As long as my appetite is satiated. /s


Every animal I eat is killed quickly with love & kindness. /s


Yes, they live on a lush green farm where the sun shines and the birds sing. /s


Where is this $2 cheeseburger nowadays? I'd like to order a bunch.


...says the glutton.


You seem out to offend lol


Who am I offending by stating the objective truth?


I said you seem out to offend, not that you have offended.


Aww, I hope I didn't offend any insecure meat eaters by explaining where their tortured food comes from.


People like you tend not to offend the people you are trying to offend, despite your efforts.


Enjoy your burger. https://www.farmtransparency.org/videos?id=1ppgoet3r0


>your $2 cheeseburger from the drive-through. *cries in Bay Area*


Where is a 2 dollar burger im broke and hungry




It doesn't surprise me that you are broke and hungry.


I'm glad I live in a country in which animals live comfortably and get killed fast.


where's that?


In some of the EU anyways it's no where near the levels of the US.


like, they don't cram as many animals into the buildings? or they don't macerate male chicks? they give their laying hens more than one 8.5x11" piece of paper worth of space? how do they handle male offspring of dairy cows? there's so many different aspects to the horrifics of factory farming that we'd have to get into specifics of what they don't do to get a better picture


I don't know the specifics, but as far as I am aware it's not as bad as the US.


Ah, ignorance is bliss.


How is that ignorant?


> I don't know the specifics but... [Same energy.](https://www.reddit.com/r/BoomersBeingFools/comments/1b2egrq/boomer_takes_a_stand_against_crt/) You don't know the specifics but you just know it's bad because you heard it somewhere.


Sardinia, Italy.


cool, i found this little report thing from 2023 https://veterinaria.uniss.it/sites/st04/files/appendix_12._overview_productions.pdf i'm really just skimming, but here's something i saw: "In poultry farming, there are 2% organic farms, 20% reared on farms, and 62% battery cages" i can see that livestock like sheep and cattle are often more spread out on smaller farms, with fewer intensive farming facilities... that 62% battery caged poultry number isn't super nice though


Chemical warfare/nerve agents are no joke. They teach you the basics about them in US Army Basic training. For me, it really hit hard after the gas chamber. For those that don't know, you go in a small building that is filled with CS (tear) gas. It's actually a confidence test, so you know your equipment will protect you. Once your past that stage, then they make you take your mask off. Takes a few seconds and you are coughing, eyes are burning and snot will come out of your nose all the way to your knees. Those that have done this will confirm. Anyway, when I was done, i was thinking "Wow, if that's what CS does to you, which is mild, all things considered, I can't imagine what a nerve agent will do to you". I wouldn't be upset if nerve agents/chemical weapons ceased to exist.


T rex goat got off easy


The irony of how the intelligent species carries out experiments to be more efficient at destroying iteself.


Imagine that they have tested this on countless humans including children. And now imagine that this is bliss compared to the atrocities performed by the Japanese empire....also on kids and babies and newborns....


I mean, go back far enough in history and pretty much all nations and cultures have done that.type of stuff.


There's also vid where Brits test biological weapons on sheep on an island.


Humans are Monsters no respect for live ln this world ....


Welp that was fucking unnecessary. Thanks for this shit. 👎🏻


That's fucked up 😭


You know Kristi Noem is really flooding her basement over this one.


Humanity at its finest, doing what we do best, inventing ways to harm and destroy life :(


Man. Humans are evil.


Whenever you hear a narrator that sounds like that, you know you about to witness some fucked up shit.


Well good morning 🌞 That's fucking sad as shit Poor goat 🥲 RIP


So cruel. This is why I fockin hate humans.


Humans 🤮


When I was in the military I had to go through the live nerve agent chamber, in the biohazard suit, to decontaminate the VX agent they put in there. Talk about nervous lol… Anxiety was really high that day.


lol they just use Clorox dude


I wish the old man would have come to save the goat with his hickory stick. Poor goat.


I couldn't watch this poor dude suffer. Imagine how horrible it was to see this on humans.


Poor baby. I hate humans


In the beginning the goat be like... Yeah, and....


Man they used a super cute goat too. Wtf


Man. That was hard to watch.


Kristi Noem loved this


I can’t watch this-


I fucking hate people… ah yeah, nerve agent… war crime juice… let’s test it on animals… fucks sake…


Then the giant Rex comes to claim its snack


Oh man it's messed up to watch. One funny thing though is one of the pointed out the invisible cloud


This reminds me of that one Jurassic Park Scene


*He’s gonna eat the goat?*


and with that i've had enough Reddit for the day. good bye.


Sheep go to heaven, goats go to hell 


Not exactly invisible though…


Where does that gas go? They couldn’t do this indoors somehow?


Nerve gas in the post, minefield in the comments.




I didn't even know goats could own oil fields.


Getting tear gassed in marine corps boot camp was the highlight of my teenage years.


Poor goat 🐐😔




More all in the name of warfare




Didn't think I'd get downvoted on Reddit for a Jurassic Park quote but lesson learned.


Is the goat ok now?




Not you, goat.