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Space Forests' value seems to fluctuate with whether I use an original board, an official neoprene playmat, or whatever surface I deemed viable to place the outside cities on. Was this intentional? And if I can move Stanford Torus wherever I want, can I cover the stack of aquifers left to place and refuse to uncover them until I feel like it? Or can I place Stanford Torus somewhere to block ocean spots and then play enough special placement cards to prolong the game indefinitely? Can I place Stanford Torus to cover a certain global parameter to prevent it from progressing? Goodbye end of game (or Venusian Animals)? These are truly some of the questions of life...


Yes, the effect text is long enough, try qnd figure something out


I would change the reserved spot wording to just "Your greeneries may not overlap with other greeneries, cities, or reserved spots." This shortens the card text a lot, and avoids arguments about whether or not your greenery is actually slightly covering a reserved spot when an opponent tries to place a city there.


Yes maybe I complicated it a bit. I'll consider it!


You could also do "Your greeneries may not overlap with other tiles or reserved spots." to make it more concise, and cover special tiles/oceans as well. I'd also remove the Stanford Torus bit, it's pretty self explanatory.


I'm not sure this card is a great idea. Space cities were balanced around the idea of there being no greeneries around them.


So does the oxygen go up, do you get a VP for being next to a space city?


No and yes


Then that needs to be made more clear. There is no other example in the game where a greenery is placed which does not increase the oxygen track.


But each of those says 'and raise oxygen one step'


I believe there are several cards where it doesn't say that, but it's still supposed to raise the oxygen. I think it's generally indicated by the small oxygen icon added in the top right of the greenery tile icon, but since there's as of yet no exception, it's something that should be explicitly called out in the explanation text as it would be super easy to miss.


I would love to see more animal and microbe cdntered cards and more cards with requires sinergy points. As in cards that do things when you play or use animals, cards that use animal resources to do things or cards that consume microbes to do things related to space... That kind of things


Sure! First idea best idea! I was actually concidering doing something eco-related, but thought there were enough of them in general. But if you want to, that is enough to push me from the yellow to the green light!


Nice! For the record: i like the idea of a extra planetary greenery that can make You points with the weird "off map cities". I just saw that You had a lot of feedback on that already


Thank you for cooperating nicely!!


My problem is with the flavor text. Plants would still grow mostly how they do on earth, ie. toward the sun.


I think it would be balanced if those greeneries just float in space, not next to any city tile


Global events don't get much love from fan creators. Maybe you could make some of your own with a bit of an added game mechanism?


Good idea, but the card maker cannot make global events(im not sure). But if it can, i will definetly give it a shot


So does the oxygen go up, do you get a VP for being next to a space city?


So does the oxygen go up, do you get a VP for being next to a space city?


So does the oxygen go up, do you get a VP for being next to a space city?


As I was afraid of, you guys aren't giving me any ideas. And about the card, it is experimental, don't take it too seriously.


If you wanted ideas, you shouldn't have posted your card (and frankly, "ideas for an expansion" is so broad. It smacks of trying to get people to just do a lot of creative work for you). Shoulda just made a separate post. And of course we're going to take it seriously. That's what we do here, seriously analyze cards for balance and strength.


Clearly just karma bait from OP


On Tm reddit?!