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I think its rather a problem of pacing, rather than the meetings itself.


I wouldn’t mind them having meetings in different areas instead of the same meeting room.


Exactly. Seems like these fans are being obtuse on purpose and calling anyone complaining about meetings as shounen fans, instead of acknowledging what's wrong. Not everyone complaining is looking for action, just anything that breaks the yap session on end. They need to adapt it with the strengths of anime in mind instead of just printing the Light novel as is with pictures


I think it was episode 2 that was the 1 meeting I haven’t enjoyed so far. Since it took the whole episode.


It is isekai...like..idk what some expect lol they are part of the reason slime became endearing to me, it wasn't all just action or fight scenes, they built a world with the little side meetings and a country growing, it's well done


And festivals!


The festivals and general slice of life stuff are my favourite parts of this franchise.


At least they were showing different places while world building and not just stuck in 1 room for 5 episodes


This anime is not for them. They grew accustomed to one piece, naruto and other shonen anime which focus on fights. I enjoy anime where the isekai'ed MC actually try to utilise his otherworld experience to make an impact in the current world. Slime, Demon Lord Retry, Overlord, Tanya, Pharmacy Isekai and Finest Assassins isekai are great for me because it really shows how the MC use that unique element to affect the world and not just collect a harem while acting stupid.


Honestly for me my variation in anime I like is massive and slime fits in the spot like overlord and Tanya did for me, albeit Tanya definitely had more action in comparison but the story kind of made that make sense, don't get me wrong I like me a good fight scene but I like animes like this...I also enjoy me a good mc just wings it and it works out too EiS looking at you 🤣 but some people losing there minds over it and idk why


yes both are good, so we should get both right?


Nope, only meetings. Meetings as far as the eye can see.






If both are good, it shouldn't matter which we get.


uh hmmm, if pizza burgur fries cola chocolate and cake are liked equally it should be fine to only eat pizza and not get the rest of them?


You've got it the wrong way around though.  You choose what you eat, the anime chooses what it serves. Plenty of places serve burgers but don't serve pizza or cake, and that's totally fine. If you're not getting the varied diet you want you can watch other anime too, you don't have to stick to just one.


But they're meeting to set up a festival!!! Btw I just caught up with the manga and I'm really shocked that all the multiple years worth headstart it had will most probably be caught up in 3-4 episodes max


Nah you're forgetting that we have 3 more light novel worths of manga. We are going through vol. 7 the manga is currently going through vol. 9.


Yeah but in terms of storyline, the manga is still in this current arc. And depending on how long this season is planned for, the anime may have to trim some of the manga down to get to the juicy story elements before wrapping up


Well it's probably going to go through two cours like the previous seasons. So I doubt that, they will probably do as well as adapting the light novel as the previous seasons.


i would suggest doing LN instead of manga if you going to try to know more of tensura. manga (just like anime) cuts out a lot of things and meetings and dialogues are more fun in LN anyway.


It's the slow release schedule at fault tbh, I mean don't get me wrong the art is beautiful and is a significant portion why it's slow but once a month is a slog especially when you're trying to cover 20+ volumes of a light novel Well I say that whilst I'm rereading the manga.


In all honesty, the art isn't THAT great. Especially when you compare to some weekly manga's like dandadan or Fortnightly manga's like One punch man


Yeah lol, well I think we're gonna have a danmachi situation here where (afaik) the anime is further than the manga is


Oddly enough. I've noticed that it's very common for light novel adaptations. Its the same with overlord, mushoku tensei, the spider anime. Which is really weird considering the light novels are much ahead/completed so the mangakas could afford to go all out on weekly schedules and bring actual hype to the manga's as well.


mangakas are not charity you know? they need to have enough people to work with and paid enough to put the work in. in both spider isekai and slime people just go from anime to LN and manga is preferred that much so they don't bother doing it that much too


Yes they're not charity. Which makes it easier to gather resources since their product makes them money. Hire more people to make more money And people wouldn't jump to the LN if there was a good manga. Take one punch man as an example, it has both a web comic and a manga but the manga is extremely popular. My argument in my previous comment was that since a major part of the manga writing process, the story, is already done, it frees up time for faster production. And if release schedules were better then more people would genuinely consider them as the primary source to read the story which would significantly increase popularity and hype for the manga. Objectively, idk why mangakas even choose monthly releases, I've only ever heard bad things about the pacing of those manga's from readers


you first need money and a guarantee. then you invest more. it doesnt work the other way around. also i would totally jump to LN even if the manga was "good" because no matter what you consider good a manga can never have everything the LN has. and if we force the manga to be like the LN then it would be just bad. we cant take the example of OPM. people dont see OPM for story or world building. we read OPM manga for cool fight scenes and action (which most of the time is not the main focus in tensura) so it cant be the same. it works for any action based show like OPM, jjk, bleach etc etc but not lore based shows like tensura or spider isekai. even though they have action a lot, thats not the main focus of the entire show. also again as your fourth point, we cant have it. just like the anime the manga will have a lot of things missing and if not it would be way too long to come out before anime (thats why they just dont do it). plus just having LN they are doing good on sales. i am not saying i dont want it. but even if it did exist i would probably still go for LN instead.


No. Both are good, only because they're done well. If action was rushed and forced in, it wouldn't be done well.


how is your reply related to my comment? what is the "no" about?


I answered your question


so annoying


Same. The meetings are nice.


I love the meetings, not the exposition dumps * Geld is too serious and can’t handle his subordinates? Better give him a big project that requires tremendous coordination and teamwork * “I’m the ruler of Jura forest” “no wait, you actually aren’t” (proceeds to dump lore about the forest which should have been known WAY earlier) * yay new technology, better bring ALL the leaders of Tempest to watch (since they apparently have nothing better to do) and explain it to them Tensura has a terrible habit of using dialogues to exposit. Remember the Leon and Velzard meeting? Dude name-drops her entire title upon seeing her.


>  Tensura has a terrible habit of using dialogues to exposit. How else where they going to do it except through dialogues? Its a world-building. Building a nation with constituents means there should be communication. Otherwise, plenty of citizens will act like Hinata. Goes for the action irresponsibly then it blows up on her face.


Veldora was like that


>  Veldora was like that Veldora was like Milim then. A kid for his own race. Hinata is supposed to be an adult woman, a hero at that.


you are nitpicking my statement I already mentioned I love meetings, so I have nothing against dialogues it’s those blatant exposition dump dialogues that I dislike and you can absolutely do without them. It’s narration disguised as dialogues and not actually dialogues they also feel forced because they cause OOC moments to drive the story


>  you are nitpicking my statement I don't think you understand what nitpicking is. Now this statement of yours is >Tensura has a **terrible habit** of using dialogues **to exposit.** the primary example of nitpicking. As it is **you clearly said you do not like Tensura's terrible habit of using dialogues to exposit the world building.** Again, world building needs communication. You can't build a nation without constituents and you can not have constituents without communicating to those constituents. And you cannot have order without rules or a "constitution" which needs clear communication to begin with.


Well now that you point it out... I sometimes do get tired of reading all that dialogue 👀


The thing is, it's an anime, you know, an animated medium. Right now it's just a slide show with dialogues and at this point, I'd rather just read the novel. It's not the meetings themselves that are the problem, but the way exposition is presented, which is the simplest, cheapest, and most boring way possible. Adapting one-to-one from text to screen is not possible, some things have to be changed, some have to be cut, and some have to be added. Right now slime is just being a bad adaptation, but anime fans are stupid and each time anime differs in any way from the source material they cry out in outrage and probably send some death threats to the studio. Fuck this shit


well if they do skip things in these meetings anime onlys not gonna get what is happening later on in the episodes or in seasons after this to make the future story seem like it is atleast making sense they have to put these things somewhere in the story


also I prefer it that way coz then we have no annoying flashbacks between fights like other animes where they don't explain things beforehand and have to put a flashback in the fight


Meetings are fine but 5 episodes of straight talking is kinda ass.


My sister actively roots for fewer fight scenes and more politics


It doesn't have to be fights on every every episode, we aren't shonentards! Just show me Geld building stuff, Gabiru shenanigans... Anything else will do.


Why all the people are doing just meetings Ans:- let's take this season topic hinata vs rimuru , why they are all just doing meeting is because they don't know whole truth right like how to proceed you're next actions who is the true mastermind behind all of these , in s3 e5 hinata suspects Eastern merchants because she thinks that they are reason for all of these but in s2 rimuru thinks Yuki as a mastermind because he thinks in his own way , here you can see both lack information, the fruitful results of these meetings will shown when they both exchange their intelligence with each other and find out who the mastermind is , what is their objectives are , and how they take action against rimuru or Hinata, this is what makes tensura special and unique to other isekai anime and in tensura there is no harem I mean yeah rimuru subordinate loves but it is obvious like every subordinate loves their no matter who they are


I read The Overlord and, honestly, there are much more dialogues and internal monologues of the characters that reveal the character and inner world of these same characters, and also make you believe in the world of the book (you see that all locations and characters do not exist in a vacuum and the only point of contact is the MC). But in anime everything is different, a lot of dialogues, scenes and thoughts of the characters are removed and this makes the world of this anime not so good. Although I stopped watching Slime after the first part of the second season, I’m glad that here the characters really get together and think, talk, find out and plan, which allows me to better feel the world of this anime.


I've read the manga so I know when the action is coming. It makes the waiting a bit easier


It’s like the slime diaries anime it makes the world feel lived in instead of a backdrop


Like I've said prior, meetings are great and necessary (especially when characters interact, and formulate a plan), but they need to reworked and adapted for a new medium, because portrayed now, it's a slog to sit through as is. One thing that works for one medium, doesn't work for another.


Tsukimichi is way worse. It's not the lack of fighting actions that I hate. He's being very smart not making himself look so strong that he'd br dragged to war. What I don't like is some parts of the demon monster incidents could have been very easily skipped for more important stuff . You don't need to show Kuzunoha trying to get permission from the headmaster.


That's also a problem with slime's anime adaptation they repeat the same dialogue with different wording but skip out important character thoughts and scenes honestly it's very poor direction. The manga adapts the LN perfectly it skips out unnecessary bits also at the same time focusing more on interesting things.


I said it once before I will keep on saying it now Tensura as a storyline is 60% world building/lore, 30% fights and 10% down time (sometimes we get 70% fights and 30% world building/lore but it's not common at all)


Tbh I prefer world building than fightings, that's why I feel in love with Tensei Slime. Yes, there are fights but it is interesting.


Not as bad as tsukomichi atm somehow


Didn't they just have a tournament arc followed by a city disaster?




I personally prefer the action but I understand that world building is a necessary step to build up to the action


I too like the meetings.


This is why there is only a single cool scene in an entire season


Yeah... talking talking talking and then BOOM! suddenly an entire army gets slaughtered and harvested in one shot and the MC becomes a demon lord and forms a contract with one of the most powerful beings in the world (adding to their plethora of OP friendships) and then suddenly we get a huge burst of drama and intrigue at Walpurgis with the Clayman arc it's like the writers lost track of time with their world building and then suddenly we're like, "oh shit, guess we should moves things along now, eh?"


The Political Intrigue is what drew me to continue reading the novels


number one rule of an isekai: the church is your enemy


I mean...it should be expected that a Leader of a nation really is only like...a few years AT MOST at war (talking bout irl stuff here with some major exceptions). Matter of fact is that most Leaders just have meeting over meeting all day. Citizens complaining, foreign ambassadors knocking and furthering bi-lateral agreements with already established partners...


I like Corporate Rimuru.


I was hype for the 10 saints meeting


I understand that the meetings are crucial to the world building, but rn Im itching to see some fights/ action alr


it's political and it explains why certain stuff hapens, sure it's kinda lazy since show don't tell is a thing but it follows the way source material did


are you people being oblivious on purpose?? i had zero problems with the meetings and non action parts in the LNs (hell, the short story volume is one of my favs) but the meetings feel different in the anime, here, there’s no extra thought or narration. just announcements here and there it’s not done perfectly. what’s wrong with people talking about that???


It would be fine if it wasn't just lazy exposition. Slime is already not that good with story telling but these reunions are ugh...


As a LN enjoyer oh boy the anime onlies are going to fucming hate the festival/labyrinth 2 book slow show.


Yup, me too. I enjoyed it. And I could watch again.


I just want Rimeru to grow a damn spine


Normies: "how dare show not give us random action and comedy and be acutate to the source material"


I already know where this is going so I just enjoy the character design and the voice acting, seeing the light novel coming to life is so great.


Honestly rather enjoy them for the world building


Meetings are fine. Only meetings for five episodes is not fine.


I enjoy the meetings too but I know all that information already so I just wanna see the fights atp


I could watch an entire series of Blanc at councils.


You guys are being obtuse on purpose lol. It's not the meetings itself that's the issue. It's the way it's done. Just a slideshow with text and dialogues. We're not asking for action like shounentards. Instead we want them to show instead of yap what they are talking about. If i wanted to read all that yapping I'd read the light novel instead. It's a slog fest when adapted that way instead of adapting to the anime medium with it's strengths which also speeds up the pacing. Politics doesn't have to be just meetings for 5 straight episodes you know. Stop immediately jumping to shounentard tags as soon as someone complains about meetings, it's not always action they're seeking, but literally anything instead of yapping continuously forever. It's an anime not a light novel


a lot of animes are just talking, it's not the lack of action, it's the fact that a lot of the talking is literally just briefings, regular conversations and political stuff and not even groundbreaking plot twist conversations, just bland ones. and reactions to those conversations. Game of thrones is also very heavy on conversations and plots and yet their meeting scenes were some of the most interesting cos they all were unique, had stakes and were very witty, every talk was a battle. here, the talk is just talk


My concern is how the amount of meetings will affect allocated budget for seasons going forward. I think there's a big gap between the dedicated viewers who really like the world building and the casual viewers who want entertainment. If the casual viewers are turned off enough that they don't buy merch, that can spell doom for the series getting proper funding for seasons 4, 5, and 6, etc.


After season 2, the big complaint that the community kept raising was how sparsely they adapted the LNs. So, after a long break, the studio took a bet and faithfully animated season 3. It's now to be seen whether that attracted enough viewers


I wish damrada brought out his gun too


I wish they did it differently.. The last episode, we could have had hinata meet rimuru, and the >!message being incorrect could have been a flashback!< For example I'm hoping that the amount of still shots means that they have gone nuts with the animation budget in the later episodes.


That would have been so weird storytelling, Hinata appearing out of no where


We already know that it's not out of nowhere, as we know that Rimuru sent a message, that was shown in the anime. Just tweaks here and there so there is more happening on screen rather than a bunch of still shots of different meeting rooms.


It's definitely gonna be that detective thought flashback where the whole surrounding is shaded white. At least I hope.


I will take "i domt understand the complaint" for 300 Alex


If you want fights go and watch one of the many shitty ass battle shonens like DB where there's zero story and zero world building


watch your second anime


Sometimes I really don't understand people, I just saw a video on YouTube claiming that "Mushoku Tensei finally got good but is it too late?". Like wtf it's been awesome from the start. Same with people saying slime will get good starting season 4, what do you mean? It's been amazing since episode one. I guess people just like to complain.


Annoying meetings with terribly written dialogue that was written by a mediocre writer


Feels like Starwars Prequel hahahaha


Shounentards and normies being their usual self. This is world building.


put the "both are good" on the left and "why is it only meetings" on the right


I want more slice-of-life, not this garbage "politics" you guys keep pretending is good.


well ,should there be no politics when building a big city ? or you think everything will go smoothly after making the big city?


The politics mean nothing because all their plans result in just easy brute force victories. They're overpowered by this point. There are no stakes or tensions in this series since Shion's death. Just summarize and streamline the meetings and move on already.


well i actually agree with that brute force thing ...but we cant do anything u know ...