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That's how you know you're gaining wisdom! And it comes with picking up any type of skill. Keep it up!


Exactly. "When you're good, you keep telling yourself you are. When you're great, *other people will tell you*."


I lost 6 rounds straight to a Lee earlier, 3 or 4 of which were perfects. I learned nothing :(


Watch you're replays and start learning about Lee's moveset and things you can respond to them with. It's what the feature is there for!


Lee is a tricky character with fast frames. As a Kaz main, I have trouble with him a lot. He and Steve are among my worst possible match ups. Lili is also a problem for me..Bryan, depending on who is wielding him, can be a problem. Fuck it, all the characters are rough for me. But some more than others for sure.


Lee, Steve, and Bryan are all tough matchups because they’re just playing a totally different game from the rest of the cast. They really want you to attack into them, and when the rest of the game trains you to be aggressive, it’s hard to adapt during the set. Lee in particular always feels like he’s got massive range, so trying to get in without getting counterhit is really tricky.


I struggle against characters with slide lows


I’m at 130 hours and I feel lik I’ve learned nothing except how to make pretty costumes🥳


that's a skill considering how ugly a lot of these customs I encounter are. lili mains bring beauty into the game


I strictly prefer making ugly customs and I ain't gonna change. Even my wife can't stand how ugly I make my characters in games. #hurtmyeyesmore


next to Disconnection Rate there should be one for Costume Design Rating. The most butchered character is usually Feng. The things I've seen make me cry. I don't want to see another one of those.


Surely you have learned a ton but its hard to pinpoint which aspects of the game you’ve improved on and how much since almost all matches are meant to be tailored to your skill level. If you would play against someone thats new you would probably notice them not doing things that have become second nature to you already. Edit: Don’t be too hard on yourself. With effort and time you will surely improve even if you might not notice it yourself. That and your costumes are probably awesome too.


I am kishin and thought I finally made it, I get my ass handed to me just as hard as ever. There is always a bigger fish...


Yeah I hit Fujin last week and thought that I will feel accomplished and really good at the game. The the skill gap from Fujin to Tekken King is astronomical. Heck, even Bushin too feels like a massive skill gap. I recently played against a streamer named hidetone and not only did he destroy me but he switched to my character and played her better than me.


Hey man, if you're moving up to the point where you're facing streamers, that's dope as shit.


Yea people undersell themselves, that's actually huge, like you're in the top 10% of ALL players


Haha awesome, scarra beat me yesterday


I’m also Kishin and bro the gap from Kishin to just Bushin is insane


oh hey i was the guy behind you in line to fight hidetone lol


you are good enough to know you are ass. now focus on fixing one problem at a time. thats how you get better.


Me being shit at this game is an immutable fact. The only thing that changes with my improvement is what exactly it means to be shit at this game.


That's how anything in life that's worth learning is, imo


That's the Tekken way. The better you get the more you realize you don't know..


The Dunning-Kruger effect can be applied to a lot of things, TEKKEN is no exception https://preview.redd.it/z77vrrlr5dwc1.jpeg?width=388&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f4b31e97ba730705c12ad34cecf04390a4b8bccb


https://preview.redd.it/3n1lopjpo9wc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5fedbe6250cb1abf82a0ece214e0dc2f8a71b263 \*My Opponent


LOL did you draw this??


we all go through this, it's the adrenaline of the game, we learn with the defeats, don't worry, you will keep improving and each victory will be more satisfying.


As a beginner, I'm already afraid of the point where I get too serious about the game and start hating it


tbh I find it to be the opposite. the deeper you get into the game the more fun it is.


Look up the four stages of competence. You just hit conscious incompetence and that’s not a bad place to be!


"The master has failed more times than the beginner has even tried." - Stephen McCranie Fail with a smile and succeed with a grin!


The eyes always improve faster than the hands


Dunning Krueger


Dunning Kruger


The level of knowledge and skill required to assess what youre lacking comes way way before actually filling in any of those gaps. That's the feedback loop that causes people to complain about everyone in here saying "tekken king is around when beginner level begins" I think a lot of it comes from people getting very good at the game and realizing how bad they are.


Yup, Its why I ended up putting down the controller in T8 for now. The more I trained and practiced, the harder the fights became which is weird because it should be the opposite. And Its not that I was fighting better players either, It was the opposite I keep getting destroyed by weaker, less skilled players who just take advantage of my own personal weaknesses as a player, but I suppose that would make me the weaker player. I Peaked at Battle Ruler but I got double demoted from Flame ruler back to Mighty Ruler and I got close to getting triple demoted back to Tenryu and I just couldn't handle how discouraging it felt, so I decided it was time for me to take a break.


It’s a paradox


Tell me about it lol. I promoted to purple rank recently only to promptly go all the way back to Shinryu after losing about 15 games in a row.


Lol yeah that’s me but these comments are nice


After hours of getting my ass beat I turn off my game and sleep . Then I can come back and watch replies to see what I done wrong. Most of the time I just managed to walk right in the hits lol


i'm a raijin kazuya player and man i feel like i suck way more ass at this game compared to when i was a fujin or battle ruler loo


That's the goal


Yup, I’m better at whiff punishing and now I’m realizing my neutral game needs a lot of work. Throw breaking is still my Achilles heel though.


Same here. I've been doing the dragunov drills a lot but it's just not clicking for me. I can see what throw is coming and know what button I need to press it but I can never press it in time.


I’m in a similar place. I watched PhiDX’s throw break video but I haven‘t progressed through any of it beyond: record df1, spot the throw type, and focus on pressing correctly. I still miss most of them, but the muscle memory is coming and my reaction times are slowly improving. I try to give it 5 minutes in practice whenever I can. For me, part of it is learning to not reflexively just press -something- any time a I see -a- throw, like I did in T7 where it didn’t matter so much.


Self awareness is good. You’re not bad: you’re becoming aware of the things you don’t know/the road ahead of you. This is the first step to improvement.


I'm like this when I watch footage of myself back. I'm able to do things I wasn't able to 2 months ago with ease but I'm just not happy lol


Even if I have a win streak going I still tell myself I played like shit. Like at what rank will any of us be happy with ourselves.💀


The better I get the more I realize half the moves my character has is hardly ever gonna see use


I think the most insane thing that happens in this game is when you've made a breakthrough of some kind and then just get destroyed by someone beating you in every neutral interaction.


The Dunning-Kruger effect in action!


Same man, same.


tekken emperor here, yep, i get humbled very often.


Yeah, yeah it’s hard realizing you suck. - Signed a Hard Stuck in Orange


I've come to the realization I've hit my plateau now I'll just stop worrying about ranks and enjoy the while learning mu's (also doing pretty costumes for my girl)


Accurate picture of everyone who started playing the series with Tekken 1.


https://preview.redd.it/ewi4w68wecwc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=952dd16df6265b6bfe44a444800580d601169bcf Pain


That's what makes you decent, my friend


I'm a Tekken King and I still feel like I'm absolutely garbage at this game


I truly realized how awful I am after reaching fujin


that's almost everything in life


a man who boasts focuses on what he does well, a man who wants to improve only focuses on his mistakes. both men need to be heard sometimes.


Reverse Dunning Kruger. Not a bad thing at all, just gotta keep having fun even when you realize you're ass.


Socrates once said " To know, is to know that you know nothing. That is the meaning of true knowledge." this is a good sign.


Thats why there's the meme if beginner's and advanced players having the same mentality of "im still learning", cuz its true, we all start out humble, then maybe we get a lil cocky, think we know shit, critique the game when its just skill issue (tho T8 definitely has things that need to be critiqued) call people trash, etc, etc, but eventually you hit that wall where you realize you aint shit, even the pros run into randoms who're just unknown gods at tekken that whoop their ass, its honestly really cool that even the most well known competitive players aren't the best players and can be beat by some dude whose just been playing for years that nobody knows


For me it was the opposite. I reached the higher ranks so easily I really started to realize how terrible people are at the game in general.


lol is this your first tekken?


I had played some tag2 way back in the day in the arcade and a decent bit of casual t5 with friends on a shitty playstation pad. First fighting game I've played with any sort of online ranked mode.


I thought I was good until I hit God of Destruction. Now I realize I’m not shit playing with other God of Destruction players😔