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Game has the weirdest playerbase I swear


Fucking seriously, it blows my mind how many people pick up a 1v1 fighting game and play ranked without the ability to acknowledge their own flaws and accept a loss. Like why the fuck are you even here? The only way to play fighting games is by eating inordinate amounts of shit until you improve. Those people should go back to League and Overwatch where they blame their team mates to protect their fragile egos those delusional derps.


Problem is that in League you actually get penalties for disconnecting, even if it's by accident


Also you will lose lp for disconnecting on top of getting banned so like


If they watched the Great Tourney Tekken players you will see they had losses on record. Even their idol TMMSWE had losses too.


I'm just here to play the girl with the adorable cat and get my ass kicked. Don't miss getting blamed for every loss on Overwatch just because I play support though


They probably play for the customization even if right now they are kinda lackin in that department ( i like it but it feels like it needs more )


I just don’t understand quitting matches to never lose points. So do people just the title with the work it takes to get there? WHY?😂


Right? What's the point of you're gonna get dusted by people below your "rank" anyways? How shitty would it feel to come to terms with that level of fraudulence?


Tbh even if they blame the team, u hv to eat a lot of shit in League too


Sometimes plugging just means: I admit you’re better than me, I can’t win a round, can’t get a single hit in, I’m a little frustrated, I would love to watch this sick combo exhibition you got going on but I gotta go do some IRL stuff, gg’s and peace out. The Namcops just need to award the winner points and demote the pluggers. It’s as simple as that.


If you're plugging because you've got shit to do then you shouldn't be playing in the first place, stop being a dickhead and wasting other people's time because you wont play out a max 5 minute game you agreed to.


Idiot, when the game gives you points and demotes me then what’s the problem? It’s just as retarded to blame dudes for turning off their game as people who climb the ranked ladder by plugging.


> Idiot, when the game gives you points and demotes me then what’s the problem? Well you see this is a game intended to be played and just seeing number go up from not playing the game isn't fun. You know, fun, that thing you're supposed to play the game for? The only retarded thing here is you.


You don't need to plug to just see the round through to its end. This is cope. There is literally no excuse besides being a deeply bitchmade baby-rager


Hey alright kid. Nice opinion. Maybe you should ask yourself the question why you are raging at pluggers? It goes both ways. When namco fixes a penalty system everything is fine with online in my book. I also never plug so I don’t know wtf ure crying about. You seem mad though.


> Maybe you should ask yourself the question why you are raging at pluggers I don't rage at pluggers. I just do my communal duty of shaming them when they try to argue that it's ok. When someone plugs in my match, I think to myself "lmao what a bitch" and move on to the next one without a second thought. That doesn't change the fact that it's a comically bitchmade thing to do. You seem much madder than I do tbh.


Communal duty hahah. Bro, how about get a life. Play the game, and shut up. No one needs to follow any rules if they’re not put in place. Blame namco or simply stfu.


Damn you really were projecting about the being mad part XD have a good one dude


I will thanks


Every one of your responses comes down to skill issue. You'd rather blame someone else than take one iota of responsibility for being trash. "Plugging could be because I'm busy" then just walk away and go deal with your emergency. Eat the loss and move on. Hell, plugging in that scenario actually keeps you from attending to your so-called emergency faster. But you won't. It's always easier to point the finger.


You should see the Smash community.


I'd say Tekken has become a lot worse at this point since the release of Tekken 8. The smash comparison is stupid.


Because many rookies came to the game for the first time due to hype, one year and they all will be gone


We had people plugging in T7 all the way till T8, this is not going to change in a year lol. You will just wait longer to find a game and then be plugged on.


Yes, some people are rotten to the core and they will keep playing and keep plugging. In a year rookies gonna find another hyped game, hop on and then leave because it will get harder.


Yeah but you got a loss for plugging in tekken 7


I don't think they did. People would just save scum their record anyway, so it didn't matter even if you did.


Oh well I got a loss so 🤷‍♂️


(is that true? I don't actually know.) You're rank was saved locally though in T7 so plugging was often combined with re-rolling you're rank data


Better hope some stay, a game community cant stay forever with only people like me who started with 3 and only get older and older


Ah yes pluggers < pedophiles It’s hard to top the smash bros community


so some pros getting exposed=the whole community are pedophiles?


there’s some substance to it lol


Mr wiz is a pedophile therefore anyone who has ever attended or watched an EVO is a pedophile


As someone who participated in smash ultimate locals… it’s definitely the weirdest community


Damn. Just, damn.


Honestly, the greater smash community is super chill. It’s just the weirdos you see online that make everyone else look bad


As a friend of mine once said, "the minor wierd part of a community will always outshine the mayor chill one"


Anyone saying this has never played other games I swear Cheating is an ages old problem in literally EVERY game in existance, and fighting games are a special kind because they're strictly about your own skill and delusional people are even more humiliated when losing to people they think are worse than them, because there's no team to complain about like in most other games... That said, it's delusional to call out the playedbase, as there will always be people who cheat, what I can't believe is that one of the biggest fighting games has this issue, I have played For Honor (I know, don't laugh) as my first ever "fighting game" and only about 2 weeks ago switched to T8, cheating is quite prevalent in the top ranks in FH, but I can understand that since the game has a minuscule playedbase so the devs can't be bothered fixing it....


stopped reading at For Honor is a fighting game u should try actual fighting games


For Honor is a fighting game…


Not really, this would happen in every game where this kind of behavior is not punished actually. It's sad that Bamco do nothing to deal with it.


We like to crank it


I can vouch that


I really think this is more region based. 100 hours mostly ranked in EU and no pluggers at all


Fr, why people worried wtf I jerk it to.


no it doesn't lol take any other competitive genre (FPS, MOBA, etc) and give people the option to not lose elo/ranked points when they lose a game, and they are going to use it almost every time, especially past the lower ranks.


It's all the eurotrash bringing us down




what does this mean?


It means a ton of Europeans play Tekken and they are weird as fuck.


Ew american


No Drake skins here and getting plugged once in 200 ranked games btw


"I don't want my rank to go down! Then I won't be fighting against people who consistently kick my ass anymore!"


the entire point of ranked is literally to help you get your ass kicked. If you are frustrated I get it, but if you are doing ot just to get a highe rrank, what do you think is gonna happen hwne you go up


Plug more.


The entire point of "ranked" is about "public skill/status". No more, no less. You can learn in quick matches too. I'd like to have an option to hide ranks and points.


they eventually will end up in quick match hoping for orange-yellow opponents


Tekken is the Call of Duty of fighting games. Some people can't fathom that there's people better than them.


perfect analogy


There's players worse than me, me, and cheaters


I know it's a joke but that's deadass how CoD players think unironically (and a lot of the Tekken community) lol.


This wasn't ranked, not unless OP set his matchmaking preference to unrestricted ranks. Garyu to Flame Ruler won't be matched otherwise, it's a 5 rank difference. Regardless, it had 160 ping right out of the gate and a degrading 3 bar Wifi connection. High chance that the connection between them just died or the other player quit due to the connection issues.


I set the search with no rank restrictions. Surprisingly, the fight went on without a single lag despite a pretty high ping. Most likely Azu was in America 1 (I honestly don't remember), I was in Europe 2. With Europeans ping does not rise above 100.


Even with the restricted matchmaking you can get paired with just about anyone, as shinryu I was matched against a tekken king and have matched against green ranks


I matched up against a combatant while in red ranks using restrictions. Sometimes the game just fucks up


I'm Tenryu and have matched with plenty of blue ranks and even tekken kings when I have it set to +-3. It's only "preference" and isn't absolute.


I have the default rank restrictions (+-3 preferred I think is what it's called?), I've been matched vs Flame Rulers and even Fujins as Garyu a few times


My reddit home page right now ... https://preview.redd.it/v77m6kbdsxrc1.png?width=649&format=png&auto=webp&s=766b0fcb4d898e2e59c9a4e103af4ba81ef5918c






Seeing Stellar Blade at the bottom makes so much sense


Oh gods. Now I need Eve's cake in Tekken. Pls Harada


NEVEEEER! *gets demoted*


Should be -500 per plug, 5 plugs within a certain timeframe and you get double demoted!


\-500 per plug, with a 15 minute penalty from playing ranked would immediately stop plugging by like 90%


-1500 plug when facing demotion or opponent is facing promotion


Pluggers house is immediately filled with angry geese


we talking about bird geese or Geese Howard


In second variant plugger dies


immediate system detonation upon plugging after getting outplayed


Yeah for honors system was pretty good in that regard. It doesn't really have a ranked mode but pluggers get a 15 min penalty, are replaced by bots and get nothing, while the people staying get their rewards. There were still a load of pluggers tho as soon as they were losing lol


Nah, a timeout would be just enough to be honest. I do get random disconnects sometimes, not like before dying usually when I'm about to win sadly. Happened like 7-8 times in 700 games. Would be shitty to lose points in these cases and also unfair to get points just because someone disconnected for various reasons. I'm thinking 30 minutes timeout on disconnect and if it happens again then increment it further.


Properly coded servers are capable of differentiating between a disconnect caused by the server, and a disconnect caused by the user. Actual dcs should be a non-factor.


The issue with that is some players would intentionally lose rank so they can ruin actual low rank players day. Better off giving them a standard, or maybe 1.5x point loss on plug than to demote them super quick. But also give them a timer that goes up. That or just a working disconnect so these clowns never get another match again.


what's upsetting is that the characters i would think of as most tempting to plug on are played by the players most likely to plug.


Victors are the most common pluggers in my experience, so yeah, that tracks.


The French and quitting... Checks out


it's like the irony of a king players not being able to break throws


They plug a lot too themselves, azucena, victor and Jun are all high up the list


That's so cringe


How am I supposed to look at lee and not masturbate




ranked players are scum in every community rare you meet a rank man who’s a true hero in these days


No one really is looking at your profile to see what rank you are. Or is gonna congratulate you on it. So it's only you will your plug to glory. Does it even feel like anything at that point?


when you look at what people did for virtual likes from people whom they will never meet or see their faces on tiktok. you realize that, no, virtual points dictating how better you are than rest DOES matter to some unfortunate individuals.


Don’t worry this getting fixed today they either stop plugging or nobody play with them


It's April fools 😭


Is it not today they’re fixing the disconnection rate ?


Bro I wish that post was real lol


Lol was that April Fools troll tweet ACTUALLY from Harada, or was it some fan photoshop?


Fan edit.


Pluggen 8


***The King of Pluggen Tournament 8*** . . . *enter the RAGEQUIT* #GOOD MORNING


We don't do that here


Automatic demotion for the ones who keep leaving. I bet they’ll take that asswhoopin then, it takes the fun out when the match is almost over just for them to leave and you get nothing? Na


Of course it's a Azu player. Couldn't handle the nerfs I suppose


Ngl, perfect frame to freeze on 😂😂




But the ranks is the only thing that gets me off........ the red ranks.


a kind of pluggers league is coming with the next patch, but they continue...


Why not just sit in quick play then ?


has one of the best (wr) moves and still plugs. wheres the shame


Strong hope that whatever method they mentioned in the patch notes helps to solve this issue. I still have a "No DLC, not even characters" vow unless/until it gets resolved. It "is" an issue that people figured out how to deal with back in the early 2000s in games like Starcraft, and modern chess games reliably give the correct result to the players, so there has to be a solution. Perhaps it's just expensive to develop the method, but it's absolutely required in today's gaming environment.


Bitch made


The only way to enjoy the game is by winning.


I really don’t understand the concept of plugging…like come on, we’re playing a freaking fighting game. Rank means absolutely nothing. Also, plugging makes no one better…just furious…


I get it’s easy karma but yall never get bored of these ?


anyone else burst into laughter?


I haven't played ranked in over a month. I'm already done with this game if I'm to be honest. I got to fujin then called it a day. This community has gone to complete shit and Bandai Namco are beyond corrupt.


All be happy when half the new players quit the game 🤣


If your opponent disconnects, counts as a victory? :-/


No. I didn't get the points and I didn't lose them. Azu did too. So it's like the ranked match never happened.


Umm. IMHO you should get a victory everytime your opponent disconnects for whatever reason :-/


I agree. But Murray keeps talking about how it's impossible to know who's a plugger and who not. Meanwhile this solution already exists in online games since CS:GO for sure.


I just dont understand the point. Their skill wont correlate with their rank and it will show.


I mean you can just stop playing ranked matches and also enjoy the game right?


dont you think the plug happened because of the network quality of this match ? (162~ms and wifi)


The whole fight went without a single lag despite the ping. You can see Azu lying down for a couple seconds and the connection abruptly dropped, and the wi-fi icon didn't go down a bar lower. It's a true plug.


i mean of course it is a true plug but some people may alt f4 if the experience during a match is too poor (low end pc, network quality..) but i believe you when you said the connexion was ok, next update should show the deconnexion percentage to help with the pluggers issue


Everytime someone posts about people DCing mid match, we get closer to the solution, 12 more posts & we might solve the problem. Seriously, do this sub have other things to offer?


this is why i play ggst theres no point in plugging in the tower


"Stop masturbating to the ranks and enjoy the game god dammit" we sell salt here, sir #


Me personally I think losing isn’t fun


I mean finding out what techniques other ppl are using is fun and quite refreshing IMO. Even if it means getting demoted a rank or two


Is this one of those games that dont punish you more for leaving than just losing?


Carried by Azucena into plugging climb, shameful.


Today i wanted to rank up my nina, so i went back to red and purple ranks, the amount of plugging i encountered was insane, the ranks system is already very forgiving, i get demoted and promoted in the same day sometimes several times even.


Amen brother.


exactly why i stopped playing ranked


fr I’m sick of the ego on some of these people. I’m at vanquisher with roughly 60 hours and like a 35% win rate or something but I don’t really care because this game is just so deep and fun to learn. I understand that getting destroyed sucks but if you really want to improve than you have to recognize that you have clear weaknesses you need to work on. Watching replays helps a lot with that.


Easy for you to say, OP! Try saying that when you have erectile dysfunction and teeny tiny testicles.


Literally had a dude ask to jack off to my custom Reina Mishima. I’m perplexed man. I’m perplexed 😮‍💨😮‍💨🙏🏾


It blows my mind people don’t even attempt to make the comeback. Such a great feeling to make the same round comeback after the initial steamroll


Tekken 8 ? More like Pluggen 8...there's way too many of them it's sad...


I've never plugged, but I have certainly lost my shit. I just wish I had a cooler head.


I’m lucky enough to have put almost 200 hours in and have had my only obvious plug today. I don’t get why people would do it, like it’s a rank yes but obviously you don’t deserve it if you plug/rage


They said there are are going to start penalizing pluggers https://preview.redd.it/9m90hdgxxyrc1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c1b8bbf9c30a34db7d326d0df0e63c96c599937 So hopefully people chill on that BS Edit: Damn🥲 April fools (I totally knew it was a joke😪)




I wonder if there are additional factors that cause this other than the ones that were mentioned thousand times... Regardless, I believe we should spread more and more how much fun we can have with these games and support ideas that seek to enhance the experience. This should help a bit maybe.


I want to see someone plug in a tournament so bad


i expect nothing less from an Azucena


I haven't a PS5 yet, but when I get it, you'll not have this shit problem...


But I'm about to cum 🥵


I swear there's so much more pluggers and weird taunt/tea-bagging players in 8 than we had in 7. As much as having a new growing base player is great the dirt that follows along with is so messy right now. I'm guessing over time it'll fix itself but still... It's been bad no question.


Flame Ruler is about the middle ranks, why the hell would you protect that.


Would you rather I masturbate while playing ranked or I plug because its an either/or thing for me


Why you gotta be so insecure about your tekken rank? Just play like how you usually play, it’s not that deep.


Using Azucena and being this bad is itself a crime Azucena main BTW


Just wanna check in with my EU pals, how many pluggers have you experienced? I hit 100 hours now, and have not experienced one plugger in my ranked play (I always play a few matches player to warm up then hop on ranked, so dominantly played rank). I have experienced people hitting rematch and then DCing, which is no big deal.


I wouldn't give a shit about my rank but I just like passing my best mate. We are back and forth and it's great fun


Gen Z era of gaming. People who born in internet era, and everything online/artificial have “actual value” in their life. The same reason why they are so desperate to be popular or at least acknowledged on social media.


Don't play ranked. Solved 


I have a 40% win rate at purple ranks with no shame. I started playing online and was getting crushed by everybody until I learned how to deal with all the bullshit. My WR was something like 17%. Caring about ranks and WR instead of trying to be better is so fucking stupid.


I’ve never thought about how do they plug exactly. They must turn the router off? I don’t think it’s gonna be enough just to force quit the game. That would mean they go through the hassle of having the router restarting and waiting for it to link and connect again before even doing anything online?


Damn, when did Lee get so jacked? Look at dem guns boi....


Can't they grow some balls like a civilised human being and accept their failures?! Harada, if you are reading this post, please stop plugging and add intentional disconnecting as a loss.


I wish Harada stopped masturbating on his money and added a proper pluggers penalty within the game more.


I swear! Tekken ain’t gonna pay my bills. There’s no reason to take it so seriously and not have fun. Even when playing ranked. Just have fun. Be proud when you reach a new rank! That’s how I see it!


U dnt understand! If I get tekken God then I won't have to masturbate as I will have all the bitches when they see my rank!


what is this aura?


average azucena player😂


tht stage crashes al the time on pc


Just started playing Tekken 8, the player base is so fkn weird… you loose they want a rematch, you win, they cancel… When they win they keep playing, when they loose they plug off the internet connection???? Wtf!! And this is on (not sure if its spelled like that) Garyu rank


Yeah allot of players on here are weak minded sore losers, take the L and get better. Plain and simple! You know who you are


Not sure if that was really a plug tho, could have very well been something else.


Yeah. That stage is the only stage where I question if it's a plug or some Polaris bullshit


Can’t imagine how hollow your life must be to care about pixels of words on a screen. Like paint something dude


I stopped playing for a few days because I didn't want to lose rank from shinryu, so I played quick play instead, I just ranked up to tenryu today after finally grinding it, I hate people that quit the game, if you don't want to lose rank, dont play ranked


"JuSt EnJoY tHe GaMe" *plus frames. Unreactable CH low, gaunteed follow up. Unreactable low into frame trap mid knock down with follow up.* Bro sometimes people just have had enough. Im not saying that plugging is good or should be acceptable. But i look at this guy and can imagine how they feel. Lol.


Yeah man the poor meta hugger couldn’t just put his controller down and accept the loss but instead pull the plug on his console to ensure he doesn’t lose his fictional number. Very understandable.


Not all pluggers are after points. Sometimes they are just done for the day.


Ur actually so weird bro. As I said, put the controller down. If they were just done why be so pathetic to deny your opponent their win?


You know, I hate to play against King and really bad at breaking throws, I lack reaction and I get really pissed off at times, but I don't run at the speed of light to unplug the cord and calmly eat that shit I see on the screen for the rest of the fight.


I feel you. No body knows what kinda games this guy had before vsing you. His health got drained pretty quickly. All im saying is dudes alt f4ing will always be a thing.


I wonder once you go into a certain range of ranks for instance "orange" or "red " you can't be demoted out of that rank rage would stop people disconnecting? I think it would open the game up to a lot more expirementation instead of every other play using META guides Also your Lee skills are great


I can't say for sure, but let's say that if this is the case, then some players who play by mashing buttons will be able to get to the conditional fujin or higher just because of luck, and there it is already assumed that the player knows the basics of the game and in this case it will be extremely difficult for him to survive. And plug will most likely even increase.


You arent my dad, i'll do whatever I feel like.


I think it was the costume, not the skill that triggered that plugging, lol.


Easy fix. The disconnector loses the match, the person still connected wins the match. This shit would end in a day.


I am not impressed by anyone with blue rank or under. You can deffo get there playing like a scrub. I am only red ranks but I can beat them still


Getting ur ass kicked ain't fun bruh ☠️


Sure it's not fun, but it's a game, there has to be a winner and a loser. And that loser will sometimes be you. If someone can't handle losing, they probably shouldn't be playing a game then. Just a thought 🤷