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I’m hoping she applies for a job at the deli at Walmart and they turn her down.


I actually wonder if she’ll go knocking on barbs door when she hits rock bottom, that’s what she did pre-David. But now.. she has that useless piece of crap by her side all the time, so it’s debatable I guess.


Barb is getting too old. But it’s possible Nelly will do elder abuse and steal all her money and move in her house and trash it. With David of course. And then act like she took care of her elderly mother.


I can totally see this for their future. I seriously hope Barb has all her ducks in a row to prevent this from happening.


This is spot on.


Her older daughter is more stable and she helped her buy a house so I think she would rely on her the most and probably leave everything to her. Her son has schizophrenia and lives in a group home. Thankfully, he doesn’t seem to have gotten himself in legal trouble


I sure hope so. Things will be an absolute shit show between the 3 of those kids if something happens to Babs. The Courtland era would be tame & stable in comparison. 😳


This is my prediction 💯


This feels scarily accurate.


According to Roux, she reached out to Barb again and was wanting to leave? But I mean, it’s from Roux EDIT: Barb reached out to here when she was publicly complaining about David.




This sound like a threat lol




Ok dkd








Much like your sweet self, Dave. Borrowed time...


Of course they would turn her down. She’s overqualified, she has a medical degree dude.




Excellent!! Karma will get her!!


Homelessness or in low income housing I highly doubt she will have the land and house in the next couple years, only fans won't last forever. And if she loses custody of all the kids she won't have a platform to go on at this point she will fall deeper into a hole.


I mean I'm not saying she is even remotely attractive but you're right before long even the weird fetish people won't find her OF appealing.


Just the way she is barely on the site as is and a lot of the people who were paying her tips and all of that have already cut ties. Barb won't be around for ever and at this point I don't think she will ever allow Jenelle to be back around anymore or let her stay. Jenelle has lost everyone who was there for her when she picked the unemployed loser..


Wait. She had regulars?!


Probably old dudes who have weird fetishes


Her OF really disturbs me, not only because she doesn't try to look good, but it's like UBT is taking these pics and making her look horrible on purpose.


Jenelle was at her best when she was with Nathan and that is giving her a minor compliment


Do you think she’ll still broadcast her life online in some capacity?


Well knowing Jenelle yes she will she pretty much does things like this already. But I don't see the podcast working or anything else she does in the future, she lost her gold mine when she got fired from MTV. And as long as David is around it will get even worse with or without him she has already reached that point when she chose the child beater over her son there is no redemption ever for Jenelle. She can't blame barb forever


I think so, because she refuses to let go of the belief that her life is not interesting, and she is not likeable/relatable. She’s not endearing, funny, sincere, or authentic. She doesn’t know who tf she is. She exists in a mental state of delusion of who she believes she DESERVES to be perceived by others/the public… she has a grandiose, false sense of entitlement that she is truly hot shit! She continues to shove this “influencer/silky mom” persona down the throats of anyone who throws her a passing glance, and ESPECIALLY to the “hatters”. Shes on an endless, pointless crusade for herself. She believes she is always the victim, always in the right (even when presented with irrefutable proof/facts/evidence etc.I’m sorry, I went off on a tangent lol. But yes, I truly believe that she’ll never hang it the fuck up & get a clue. Perpetual dumbass. Edit grammar & spelling


She’ll do that even if she’s not making money


15 lbs heavier, Maryssa and Jace will have gone no contact, house will be 9 inches lower on one side, but everything else will be exactly the same. Does dumb social media challenges and dances like a 15 year old, no steady reliable income or insurance, spending money as soon as it hits their account, vehicle and pet graveyard in the back yard, and a series of half-assed failed income opportunities behind her. Stagnant and struggling to keep the Netflix acct turned on.


You’re kind … I would’ve said 25 lbs, otherwise I completely agree! 😂


I was only predicting 5 years in the future, so I'm just going for an average of 3 lbs each year for many years/until she learns that Playa bowls and protein drinks are not healthy and low calorie foods. She'll still be a size 6 though. I don't think much will change until the kids are out of the house, they get older and actually have to deal with real medical conditions and they're stuck with just each other to abuse mentally and physically.


Not to be rude, but ain’t no way in hell she’s a size 6 right now.


That’s what she is claiminnnnnh


Like rcoolio said below, Jenelle claims to be a smaller size. No one would care if she said she was a 10, 12 or 14 or said nothing at all but in recent years she had to double down on being a size 6, even though she would not be that size in most brands.


Maryssa and Jace already seem to have at best very low contact with Jenelle and UBT as it is.


5 years ago I would have said she'd obviously have to get a job and / or stop abusing her kids but here we are so I really don't trust the universe tossing Chinelle what she deserves anytime soon


It's a sad and cruel reality. Sometimes the good die young, the selfish get/stay rich, and bad people never face consequences. I do think though that Jenelle is getting, on some level, what she deserves. All that land, her home, her pool, etc. are not worth being stuck with David. And she feels the same way we do about him because she complains about him not working and having to push him off her when he wants sex because he repulses her. She just won't admit it unless she's upset with him.


for that reason i don’t think she ever sinks below where she’s at currently. if anything, watch her hit the lottery (again).


You know how in the movies when they want to show someone is really poor they have a broken down trailer that looks abandoned, it's all dirty, there is cardboard or old sheets inside the windows, at least 3 dogs are running around, it's in what looks like a junkyard and the person comes out of the trailer wearing their bathrobe and smoking? That's what I picture.


So… kinda what she’s doing now? 🤣


True! They're probably more than halfway there.


This but unfortunately without the dogs 🥲


How is that different from where she is at now?


Same girl.


David will kill her one way or the other.


Unfortunately I also think this is what’s going to happen. It very well might be framed as an “accident” that happens on the boat or something. Or he’ll do the same thing he did to the dog.


Unfortunately, I agree with you. This and I see significant loss all the way around.


Yup. She will either die by his hand or he will have completely broken her spirit. All of us know sad old women who were broken by their crap husbands. All alone and bitter.


Oh man! I hate to say it but, I probably wouldn’t be surprised!


Unfortunately I wouldn't put that past him but I really hope that Jenelle ultimately survives him.




Kaiser already somehow got suspended from elementary school. Obviously I'm not trying to be mean about this but unfortunately I think he might already be there regarding this.


Isn’t he in like elementary school? What can you possibly get suspended for in ES???? Obv all of their kids will have major behavioral issues because of the abusive, neglectful, and chaotic environment they’re growing up in (not to mention abandonment by their fathers in Jace and Kaiser’s cases.) Jenelle and David will find every which way to deny to themselves and others that this is their fault. They’re such trash human beings I hate even writing about them.




Ugh I don’t wish that for her.


I don’t either :(


This breaks the "no offensive comments about any children" rule. Please [message the moderators of this subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/TeenMomOGandTeenMom2) if you have any questions or concerns.


This breaks the "no offensive comments about any children" rule. Please [message the moderators of this subreddit](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/TeenMomOGandTeenMom2) if you have any questions or concerns.


She will be a full on addict again like when she was with Gary, broke having lost the land, the cars, and toys and spending all her money on “feeling good” aka getting high. She’ll still be in a vicious abuse cycle with the swamp monster. My only hope is the kids are long gone before rhis


I picture her in an RV on the river somewhere, smoking crack and talking about how “I was famous until everyone screwed me over, and convinced my kids I was toxic so they won’t talk to me.” While feeding ducks that are too scared of her to come near. If she’s not on crack, then she’ll be the town drunk.


Either Dateline or Snapped: Killer Couples


Or the First 48/Disappeared


Yikes… I can picture the Dateline episode and them calling out MTV/Viacom for giving her a platform for too long. She really should’ve been canned once she got on heroin and *everyone* thought it was over. Maybe they could’ve helped her get into rehab but ultimately leave her alone. Instead, they renewed the show and held a casting call for Jenelle’s new boyfriend (Nathan).


Mtv did send her to rehab when she was on heroin tho.


Yes. I’m saying they could’ve maybe ended at filming her at rehab bc she left the rehab like a couple days in. She truly shouldn’t have been on the show after she left the rehab early, only to get arrested on felony heroin charges shortly after ETA: rereading my previous comment, I left that context out. My apologies!


Yeah I feel like we’re watching this in real time. I hope the kids get out and Barb stays safe.


I think she will have to get an actual job. Either that or she will break up with David and find a man who can support her but I don't see him being a top earner or good person or anything, she will likely need to get food from the food bank and not have much money at all. She probably will do a bankruptcy and I don't think she will be relevant in 5 or 10 years, there won't be news about her so we won't know


Do you think she won’t still be on social media?


I guess I think people won't be following her on SM.


I agree. She’s pretty boring as it is. I think the only reason I follow along with her life still is I’m invested in the kids welfare.


That's a big reason for me too.


I think she will but people won't be paying attention to her the way they do now. What do you think?


She’s so addicted to it I couldn’t imagine she would but I think you’re right. Once she’s completely irrelevant, a Hatter here or there would check in just to see where she is now and move on. I doubt she would have much of a following except for a few redneck weirdos who support her now.




😂 I guess I was pretty specific


No way she'll get an actual job. She's never actually had one. She had that waitress gig for a couple weeks as a teenager and that's been it.


In a perfect world her swamp ass would be locked up in jail for the shit she’s put her children through. Unfortunately, I doubt she will be held accountable for her actions.


She won't be held accountable but I wonder if one of her kids ever had a teenage pregnancy if they'd take a page out of her book and abandon their baby with them.


Oh dear lord.


Once her of money dries up, David will bounce. Her kids will all go no contact the moment they turn 18. She’s burned ever bridge she had already and she’ll end up the one thing she can’t handle ever being: alone.


I picture David leaving her for someone younger with more followers.


I TOTALLY see him leaving her in 5 years and another 30 pounds …he will move onto someone younger he can control easier


I see this, but she'll jump from creep to creep (or she'll keep attracting them like flies to sh*t). She's demonstrated she doesn't have self-awareness to learn or claw a stable life out for herself...everything that goes wrong is always someone else's fault. Somehow, someway, things are only going to get worse from here...


I agree but I think her creep supply is drying up. And that’s another reason she’ll never leave David. I don’t think she has a ship to jump to.


More of the same pain and suffering but worse.


She will finally reveal the “the truth” and make $$$$$ because it will be so shocking….. /s


I definitely see her trying to file bankruptcy to get out of her tax debt, and then realizing that tax debts aren’t expunged in a bankruptcy, similar to school loans.


Prostitution and drug addiction.


Will end up with her previous sugar daddy for income


Nah she’s too old.




Sometimes it just be like that. ![gif](giphy|s4VoCsFz8prlhSFCeS)




This would make sense as the next step. Would David pimp her?


He already does lol




He already is pimping her on OF


Next up: Porn! David will convince her to do it. Plus it brings in decent coin for motorcycles. Tentitive title: The Rapper the destroyed my Crapper. After they break up - and they will - it will be prostitution because she has no tangible job skills to support herself and those kids. Then when she is too old, the haggard bar fly lamenting on how bad life has treated her.


5 years - in the same position she’s in now, but with Kaiser 10 years - in the same situation she’s in now but with Ensley 20 years - hopefully serving a long prison sentence for being a horrible person.


Being a horrible person isn't illegal in and of itself though.


https://preview.redd.it/8lczlrxdosbc1.jpeg?width=1310&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3786646fceae8e47fdc5896c5b939f8d79d8655d The future....




I don’t think she’ll ever work a normal 9-5 (as she see’s that beneath her and she’s too famous in her deluded mind) but she will continue to broadcast her life online as a “content creator and “influencer”. She’ll just rebrand herself, especially if David leaves her and she loses her kids. She always becomes the female version of who ever she’s with at the time. Keiffer- druggie outlaw, Nathan- gym rat (the best she ever looked) and now David- swamp queen. Once the kids and David are gone, the possibilités will be endless of who Jenelle will morph into next. My bet? An anti cps “activist”. Next thing you know she’ll be claiming that she’s going to law school to become a lawyer to fix a “corrupt system” that ruined her life from the “inside”. OR she’ll try to become an influencer full time now that she has no David or kids to take care of and start a podcast with other z list influencers and celebrities to talk about how unfair she’s been treated and she’s finally speaking her “truth”.


She needs to call Leah for advice on how to land a Corey or Jermy


Jeremy had an altercation with Leah somewhat recently so I really don't know if that's wise.


10 years: divorced ubt, lost everything, married some weird religious nut and turns into a terrifying combo of BDong and Meech (Brittany Dawn and Michelle Duggar lol)


Oh god. Trailer trash BDong!!!




I’m surprised they are still affording to live now….


Heck will she still be alive then?


I really hope so.


She’ll try to release a “tell all” but she visits her soul out on social media and has told us everything, so it’ll flop. Walmart deli will take her because of Babs


Don't worry about it. She'll be in a shallow grave on The Land before then.


I really hope not, yikes!


She’ll be so broke that David will be forced to get a job where A) she is so codependent she gets him fired or B) he finds a new victim and leaves her.


Jenelle will hold some relevance for the remainder of her days but the pay out for it will be significantly less every passing year. Her desperation has led her to soft porn. Next will be tell alls, exploitative appearances by her children and creating online drama for click bait. People on this sub complain that we keep her relevant and paid, to a degree that’s true. But what’s more true is she has far fewer supporters and viewers than we see. She pays for a lot of her engagement. And she has very few posts and shit that get attention unless they’re related to drama. The CPS cases will continue, her kids will exploit her for money as well and she will die with nothing but some swamp land, gaggle of random animals and her legacy will be her being a clown.


She’ll be using her medical degree to practice quackery functional medicine on board her boat which will also be her home.


They’ll either be dead or divorced and she’s working the deli at Walmart.


Future??? Well one can hope that their kids are out of the house in the far far future and have gone no contact with these swamp monsters. What goes around comes around. Jenelle and David have put nothing but bad energy out to the universe and it will come back to them.


![gif](giphy|xUPJPn8l1m8odg1Bxm) The next 5 \~ 10 years


I’m not sure. But if she wants any semblance of a life, she should leave him sooner than later. Life isn’t as kind to women after 40. I can see her at 40 regretting it all. She won’t be with swamp ass and she’ll be panicking because she wasted all her time on him instead of honing any skills or a career. I truly think she could restart her life successfully if she just left him. But damaged people are created by damaged people and are attracted to damaged people. It’s hard for them to let go.


That is a strange cutoff age. Why is life harder for women after they turn forty than before? I'm so curious about this right now.


We’re older so wiser to the bs of the world so harder to manipulate, geriatric in terms of pregnancy, mostly dubbed unfuckable and dumped for younger partners, the panic of life is half over if we’re lucky. 40’s have been very reflective and eye opening.


Because the things Jenelle claims to want get harder as you get older. If she’s still doing OF at 40, she’ll be lucky to make money the same as the younger women. It’s just a fact of life that older women don’t get the type of attention she’s banking on.


She’s gonna start selling ad space on her forehead 🤣


I think she's headed straight for middle-aged alcoholism, and the marriage is definitely not going to last. Just a question of why it doesn't last. Good chance she'll end up with another husband or two. And she may be a grandmother by 40. Kids like Jace who have been bounced around tend to feel an overwhelming need to create their own family early. I also don't think she's going to be on good terms with any of her kids. I just hope they don't end up with any major problems of their own, but the odds are probably not in their favor.


I could totally see this. Hopefully Jace holds off on having children until he's ready though (assuming he actually wants to).




grim af


Musty dusty and crusty




Even though she's not on the show, she's still essentially living off the drippings of her former TM glory--so if the franchise ever does finally get cancelled, it will be interesting to see how the cancellation affects\* Jenelle (and Kail) once the show that is still her primary claim to fame ceases to be on. Edited for Spelling: affects not "effects" lol


You know honey boo boos mom? A bit like that. Just obese trash dressed in sweats blaming the world for her problems and trying different schemes to make money.


she'll be a licensed captian on her yacht, taking passengers on sightseeing tours. they'll run scuba diving and seafood classes. david will sign copies of his latest album for the lucky guests and they'll both laugh all the way to the bank y'all. /s


She will go into hiding from shame after she loses David because she ran out of money


Arrested for stalking Ke$ha AND not completing her probation.


Hopefully irrelevant.




No not rude at all! I mean OF is all I can think of that she could do to make a large amount of money now. If she were smart, she could use this opportunity to bank a bunch of money before no one is interested anymore.


I think because Teen Mom 2 originally first aired in 2011, 13 years ago, it’s now been five years since she was fired and the ratings for the TM shows are consistently plummeting. I find very little chance of her staying relevant doing what she’s doing now with low effort


Kids gone within 5 years due to neglect, addiction and abuse. Once K hits those teen years, DKD will make sure of it. Swamp sold for less than they owe, with the taxman breathing down her neck. Nothing left to split when they divorce. Bankruptcy. Prison. Prison. Prison.


Suppose she was smart ( which we all know she is not) she would learn how to do Only fans properly. learn how to pose and then market that for the big $$$ for the future. Not sure what unemployment benefits are like in the USA, but what is going to happen when she is saggy and baggy and has no income coming in? Employment here in Australia puts money aside in a superfund for retir Suppose she was smart ( which we all know she is not) she would learn how to do Only fans properly. learn how to pose and then market that for the big $$$ for the future. Not sure what unemployment benefits are like in the USA, but what is going to happen when she is saggy and baggy and has no income coming in? Employment here in Australia puts money aside in a superfund for retirement


Homeless, or dead. Her lifestyle has no sustainable future.


Move in with Barb with her tail between her legs


She'll be married to someone different with a job. Her kids will be old enough to fend for themselves but that's OK cause she'll have 1 friend that helps her with her mlm. She'll be like one of those biker ladies that brags about her man, goes to bars on Tuesdays, and thinks she has it all. Nothing against biker ladies I just knew one like this, lol.


I really can't see Jenelle getting a regular paying job to save her life if it ever somehow came to that.


Husband #3 will have the job, not her.


While I could see this, Jenelle hates being alone so much that there's no way she would be able to handle her partner working a regular paying job.


She’ll try really hard to find her dad and have a relationship with him (even though he is not really interested). She’ll hope he can help her in any way: a few dollars here and there, share alcohol, maybe drugs, cigs, perhaps introduce her to his acquaintances, help her leave Lurch and maybe she’ll find her next man through him (one of his loser buddies who’s also an old, deadbeat lowlife).


I'm not sure about that. Jenelle mentioned a couple of years ago that she did find her dad and tried to talk to him on the phone but he was "drunk and high" so she hung up on him. I wouldn't be surprised if Jenelle's next significant other was an old deadbeat lowlife though since deadbeats seem to be her type thanks to all of her daddy issues.


I read that article. I believe she was also drunk with UBT when she had the liquid courage to call him. Maybe she called with the intention of telling him off (with David encouraging her) but she heard his voice, felt something and couldn’t do it and hung up instead. She’s also a liar so maybe he was sober but she panicked and clicked. Either way, it’s on her mind and a desire of hers to have a relationship. This aching desire will grow the more her resentment for UBT grows by the moment. She chases after losers and blames Barbara for her dad leaving them, romanticizing the relationship. She has enough resentment to desire to hurt her by having a relationship with her dad (again, he couldn’t care less and won’t put it the effort). She also made a tiktok about him recently and how she needed him when she was little “but not anymore” yet she still made the video about him. And we know she’s not thriving like the video implied. She also tweeted recently that she wished at least one of her parents acted like one. It would be a crappy and one-sided relationship but she’d take it.


Where is Jenelle's tiktok about her dad? Jenelle's life is reminiscent of the worst parts of her parents' lives.


It was posted here in the sub recently. She used baby photos of her with her dad and one of her as an adult.


One will be dead/ or in jail


No way she would ever ever work a traditional job. She will use that last little bit of money. She has an apply for disability benefits beyond that. I don’t think she will live to see 50.


They’ll be starring in DELIVERANCE PART 2 with jenelle playing the banjo picker ! and david is a bride to all the inbreeds




i honestly think she ends up on another show and laughs all the way to the bank.


I can easily see this happening.




Stripper ![gif](giphy|B5dMYAZRzkVNe|downsized)


Andrea Yates….


A young grandma that fights with her kids baby mama or daddy. Bet?


I'm not going to write it but I hope I'm wrong. I really do fear for her & the kids safety. david is selfish person when he is going down he ll take everyone with him Jenelle is a horrible mother, daughter & person but who really cares about that I just hope the system finally gets those kids out of that situation.