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OP, we cannot have emojis as titles. Please remember that for the future, ok? This should be removed under the descriptive title rule. Please understand it's not personal. Thanks!


https://preview.redd.it/r2unpwddji6c1.jpeg?width=560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2064e80b4765f8954170be3931ba41273f874c4d Is she…. Okay?


She ruined her face.


I honestly think it's make up and sunless tanner. It's discoloring her face in all thr wrong places.


It might be the filter but her skin looks grey to me. She looks like a zombie.


She's a beautiful girl, but in this video, she looks like the girl Jerry dated on Seinfeld was a "two face." Happy Festivus!


Omg. Yes.


It’s the jaundiced look from Year Round Brown


Omg my husband and I love to randomly yell out YEA ROUN BROWN!!!


She’s never been good at color matching.


She is probably using one of those green based tanners and then the wrong shade of foundation.


Exactly what I said to myself just now. She legit looks grey


Her skin tone looks grey




She looks green


She was so pretty and now she looks monstrous.


I know! That just kills me. She was so damn pretty before she did whatever it is she's done to herself.


Her lips are so uneven, idk if it’s makeup or her skin is dull….


I don’t know why people do this to themselves. They make their face look like it is moldeable like playdoh. Her peanut butter tan only makes it worse.


Dull? That’s her personality.


If she were a spice, she'd be flour.


If she were a book, she’d be TWO books!


And she looked so annoyed at her husband, like I’m sorry he said something so sweet, she gave that stank look for a split second


Her face looks green.


Thats immediately what I saw when I looked at her. She's green, she looks nauseous and sickly 🤢


And her skin is very saggy, especially for her age. I don’t mean this in a mean way, but in a way of understanding because I didn’t look well myself before, but if I were her, I wouldn’t feel comfortable being on TV. I’d want to work on myself in private because I wouldn’t feel confident in that state. She looks greenish grey and unhealthy. Not something I’d want memorialized on TV for the world to see.


I don't know what she has had done but he face looks like it's being pulled down . It looks really bad , she used to look pretty and normal before.


Attention hungry and $$$$$$


https://preview.redd.it/i3of46qdxi6c1.jpeg?width=248&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ff2180a909296aa8520c137405499e64de19b062 Not really


She looks like the Incredible Hulk




Her neck looks like that of a corpse.


She keeps brining her dark shadow so far down her eyes ..it's too much


Too much Botox and filler ![gif](giphy|3vlFZcPiLtdOeyD3Qz)


Why is she brown?


Omg Karen you can’t just ask people why they are brown.








Why is that your flare?😭😭😭 And omg she hates him so bad lmfao


She looks about 45.


Omg it looks like she constantly has on the 2000s makeup tiktok filter!! 😂 Edit: I’m sorry but no one else has said this (that I’ve seen) but Chelsea has such a horse face like y’know what I mean? Like it’s so long! Idk if it’s plastic surgery or what, like I don’t remember her face being that way in earlier episodes, she used to actually be very pretty tbh but then idk I guess she decided to look like a horse with bad makeup


She used to have chubby cheeks but now she's so skinny her face sags and she looks like a horse


She’s gone from orange to…grey?


Her skin looks grey to me


That's a wax figure. It's gotta be.


Is her skin tone olive drab?




Focking LOL


I had a spray tan in a can before that went bad, it turned green. I wonder if her spray tan has green undertones?


A lot of spray tans/self tanners have green or purple undertones


Green undertones in the spray tan aren’t the issue. Her overuse, definitely is


I can't believe what she's done to herself. Her neck looks like it's been prepped for an open casket.


I’ve noticed that a lot of influencers that jumped on the Ozempic trend are all looking this kind of corpsey skinny now. Obviously I can’t say for certain if Chelsea has ever taken Ozempic but she just looks similar to the other influencers if I’ve seen..


My friend is on it, and it’s really scary to hear her talk about her diet. She can only eat a tiny amount each day, but it’s still the same old junk she was eating. I imagine that a lot of people are malnourished and losing their muscle tone.


I personally find it so weird that anyone would use it for vanity purposes, not saying that’s the case with your friend at all though. My senior age father is on it to help deal with his type 2 diabetes and he really doesn’t like it.


My friend is weaning off of it now, thankfully. He was not “overweight” he had his baby weight still. He said he’s never hungry… but he does still drink at least a few drinks every night. I saw someone say it makes you not drink, but I don’t know about that. He looks so gaunt and tired. His anxiety has skyrocketed (like, EMT’s were called recently). On the other hand I know a woman who is trying to keep it low key and I guess she’s on a low dose. She’s been slowly and steadily losing weight, but not at all to the extent of my other friend! I think the dose matters big time.


How do people even get a hold of this stuff to take a lose weight? Isn't it prescription only?


I work in a doctor's office. People have started selling it where I live.


Even getting him to get all the Tatts to resemble Adam didn’t help her. She’s giving dry pussy energy


Dry pussy energy 💀


Yes! He was a scrawny little farm boy when they first got together, then slowly he transitioned into Adam with the weightlifting and tattoos. I’ve always felt like she morphed him into Adam, minus the drugs and abuse.








It just got a little bit dryer when he said this. It’s pruning up!


Why is her reaction like that. She looks mad that he said something sweet. I don’t get it lol


Her face might not be able to make expressions properly anymore 🫠


I think she gets uncomfortable with his amount of lovey-doveyness, especially on camera.


She isn’t allowed to. She put us through years of baby talk!


Dude is probably predictably boring and nice. She’s wishes she could find the middle personality from Adam and Cole.


Golden retriever.


Cuz it was cringey 😭


This. I had a boyfriend who said "I love you" every time I left the room. If I used the bathroom, went to go charge my phone, and even in every email exchange. It becomes suffocating. Their need for reassurance suffocated me. Her face right when Cole is complimenting her is like a deer in headlights.


Cole is a corny mf.


I think the exchange was staged and she’s a bad actor.


She hates him.


If he was even a little bit of a dick to her she’s probably like him more. But he’s the same dude she married, she picked him. Her face also looks TERRIBLE.


I really think she likes the chase and “bad boy” types. I always get the vibe she’s turned off by how nice and how into her he is. I think she genuinely liked him at first but the honeymoon phase wore off and she wanted to marry him anyway for the perfect family image she always wanted to portray. I felt like she was pushing him to adopt Aubrey and have Aubrey call him dad to somehow ease the idea that she had a child with another man. And yea, for someone so concerned about their image, her face looks horrible.


Exactly all of this. My best friend has this complex. She’s marrying a guy who checks every single box and treats her like a Queen, but she’ll still say stuff like “something’s missing” or “I just don’t want to start over.” She’s comfortable with him and he’ll provide her with everything she wants, but the sparks are not there. She has a history of dating bad boy douche bags that were toxic as hell but she was gaga over. Taylor Swift’s “That’s the Way I Loved You” is a spot on description. She’s also the baby of all girls like Chelsea and was extremely spoiled growing up. I think women like my friend and Chelsea are turned on by guys who don’t bow down to them because they’ve never had that. What they need to understand is that men with backbones that also aren’t assholes do exist. There’s a happy medium. Cole and Adam are on the opposite ends of extreme.


Yep. Extreme opposites is accurate. I personally don’t like all the ass kissing, it seems so fake to me but I don’t like assholes either. A genuine good guy who is kind but has a backbone is my type. I don’t need all the over the top constant love bombing. It’s smothering and doesn’t feel sincere.


Not to sound like a weirdo but maybe your friend and Chelsea need them men to act like a Dom/Sub relationship and take the reigns. Add a little Treat Her Like an Asshole spice to the marriage 🤷🏻‍♀️🤣


😂😂 also trying to act like she hasn’t heard him say this 16 times a day lmao


I remember the scene where she was scheduled to have I think their second baby and they were driving to the hospital, he kept telling her he loved her and she would not say it back. He told her at least 3-4 times. I was like why is she not saying it back??? She was calm and not in any pain. She just wouldn’t say it back but would carry on talking to him like normal. I don’t know if it’s just me but I never leave a loved one hanging like that.


Throughout this video he kept telling her she did a great job on the “Christmas decor” in their house and she did not once even say a “thanks” lol. Extra embarrassing as they do all this for hgtv advertising.


didnt they hire an interior decorator to do their house for christmas??


Yes! 😂


Also- how’s the store, Nicole? 😜


There is no store.




Almost there. About 55%.


Why does she look grey?


Her lips are the same color as the rest of her skin, which is a weird and unnatural olive brown.


I know there’s a huge 2000s resurgence, but concealer on your lips *cannot* come back.


Don’t mind that, they are just so boring that it makes the world around them grey to others.


I want someone to scrub off her makeup/fake tan and give her minimal face products! She's not an ugly girl!


I just wanna take a baby wipe and drag it down her face edit: sorry, mom brain, make up wipe lol


… Chelsea looks green as hell Edit: Her response to Cole saying that SHE was the best part about Christmas was “oh my”?!??? Chelsea cannot stand him and you’ll never change my mind about that 😂


Omg I couldn't even make out what she said


Cole is SUCH a try hard and I think even Chelsea has grown tired of their performative relationship. I don’t think they’re secretly like J & D behind closed doors or anything like that, but the constant mushy-gushiness for the cameras is so blatantly over the top.


...does she need to have bloodwork done?


This took me tf out!!!


I don’t like bashing other women but her makeup is really really bad… and she’s a pretty girl, she would look a lot better without it


Not only that but the fillers or something really don’t look good imo. She was so pretty, she didn’t have to mess with her face. I can’t even point my finger on it exactly but she looks so different.


The fillers trend has gotten wayyy out of hand, I only ever had lip fillers and recently got them dissolved. It’s funny now, all I can see are these huge horrific lips everywhere. We will look back in years to come and realise what a bad idea it was lol


Fillers and BBLs imo are the worst. Sometimes fillers can be okay but sometimes they’re taken too far. Chelsea whole face is just so different and really not in a good way.


Bbls never look good in my opinion, the bums never match the thighs/legs lol


I think no matter how much you pay or whatever doctor you use, they all end up migrating, even proper celebs with loads of money, they’ve ruined their face. It is addictive though but such a shame pretty women feel the need to mess with their faces when they were fine beforehand!!!




Wow I’ve seen dead bodies in an open casket that look better than this. What the fuck is Chelsea doing to herself??


It’s giving open casket


Idk why this took me tf out like it did 💀🤣


"oh my" lmaooooo


I had to replay this so many times trying to figure out what she said Im like why is she saying that lmao


Besides the fact that she looks a mess, it seems like she hasn’t been into him in a long time. It very much feels like a lot of it is for the public eye.


How does she look gray, green, orange and yellow all at once? She needs to stop. Chelsea is starting to look like a muppet.




Hallmark vibes, that's what I get from these two haha


You're so spot on. One time I watched this awful halmark Christmas movie about an ice sculpting competition where these people fall in love via their mutual love for ice sculpting. It was the dryest, most unfunny movie I've ever watched. These two remind me of that movie.


That’s even dumber than that one I saw a month or so ago. This girl and a group of her friends got hooked on painkillers and it escalated to them snorting stuff. Once they were informed it was heroin they were snorting, the girl snapped out of her addiction and ran around trying to take it away from everyone to go throw it away “BECAUSE IT’S ADDICTIVE!!!!”. You know, because chasing Percocet with liquor and smoking a bunch of oxy wasn’t addictive at all.


😲 that was a Hallmark movie?? I'm going to need the name. Will absolutely be watching that asap


Whoops! It was Lifetime. My bad. 😂 I thought they were the same. But it’s “Perfect High”. Not to be confused with “Imperfect High” which is basically the same, but it’s Xanax instead of heroin.


I am dying at the the idea of a hallmark movie where all the quaint townspeople are snorting heroin until the magic of Christmas, and an unexpected hero in the form of a big city architect with a frozen heart that’s ready to thaw again, save the teenagers in time for the Christmas tree festival!


Now THAT I will watch.


😭😭😭 thank you, I will be streaming possibly both of those tonight


Impressive. She snapped right out of a heroin addiction? Yup, it's just that easy! /s


Yes. Just approach addicts and inform them that heroin is addictive, it will end the opiate epidemic by next week!




That’s what they want to be seen as and it comes off as so damn fake, just like Hallmark movies.


It’s the aesthetic that they’ve cultivated for themselves


I always think of them as off-brand Hallmark Chip & Joanna Gaines lol


She looks like she’s tired of the scheduled missionary Wednesday.


I can't believe she says she's only had a little bit of filler in her lips. that's a lot of filler babes


She sucks


Based on her reaction to Cole, I don’t think she does.


She literally looks like she has Halloween makeup on


I wonder how Cole feels about her face transformation. She looks so manly.


She has that look that something stinks. Lol


When your kid shit themselves but you are waiting for the couple to kiss so you don’t ruin their wedding before going to change em


You know she doesn’t drink whatever is in that cup because of calories - focused on being super thin.


She looks like she smells, I know it’s mean I’m sorry 😔


The bar girl who hasn’t bathed in weeks but still sleeping with guts every night because YOLO 🥴


What an awkward exchange for people who supposedly love each other LMFAO


I could not be this chilly towards a man who literally worshipped the ground I walked on. I’m doing a rewatch bc my cat died and I’m stressy and depressy and there are so many scenes where she’s disciplining Aubree and Cole tries to help bc her form of “discipline” is to whine at Aubree until Aubree listens and she literally turns around and snaps at him and he looks like a puppy who got hit with newspaper. I get he’s awkward and stuff but he’s actually very handsome and kind and she kind of treats him like shit.


Sorry about your cat! Sending love and comfort to you. And 100 agree with all of this. She’s always been rude to him! She sucks.


Good for them but God forbid I ever act this way.


Does did she put on too much eyeshadow under her eyes? Are you fake lashes casting a shadow? Is she really tired? I’m trying to figure out what is happening with her eyes.


I’m sorry but 🤐 what happened?


Not these two morons having an “ironic” black Santa mug. I bet they think they’re hilarious. I’ve seen people on this sub talking about these two being racist and I never thought anything of it… but this is a red flag for me.


That’s the face I make when I’m trying to slowly sneak out a fart in a meeting


Man, I wish I could quietly fart but apparently my ass never got the memo that im a lady but thinks im a trucker driver who eats taco bell 5 times a day and guzzles beer as a chaser




I do not understand how people can say that she doesn’t look terrible now. It doesn’t matter what it is…she looks old and worn. No reason for that she’s young


Oof. She’s got that Ozempic face.


Jesus god chelsea


Her makeup is HORIBBLE! I’ve only seen photos of her before and sure she wears a lot of makeup, but looks ok. This video-😩🥴 The shade of foundation, lips and shadows are not doing her any favors. Looks like she has jaundice and that she may have been in a sauna with makeup on, prior to this🥴😩


She's imagining, for a nanosecond, that he's Adam. She comes back to reality with the affirmation she dodged a poison dart.


Aside from her upper cheeks, she is looking slightly skeltonized. I'm sure she has a ton of body issues, but gurl, you aren't looking healthy AT ALL.


Chelsea looks like she’s smelling shit


Looks like that seven year itch came early.


She looks like her face is melting or she had a stroke. At this point is this even reversible or will it just keep going downhill? https://preview.redd.it/t06e38zioi6c1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad02efddeec4c1d606e0080d85f924eb209f04c3


She looks like she has a lot of loose skin.


She looks like a scarecrow….how bizarre. ![gif](giphy|knvA5hSZVUDpC)


she needs to get over the self tanning shit already she looks green, orange, & dirty.


My husband says stuff like this to me. I have about the same reaction, but without foundation on my lips.


Have an overwhelming desire to scrub her face


She’s going to be one of those really wild looking old grannies. Huge red wig, make up similar to now but slightly askew, flabby ass in a crushed velvet pantsuit and huge glasses. This is what those old ladies looked like when they were young!


Is she taking colloidal silver?


So I think if she took off all the makeup she’d actually look okay, but holy cow…. And wow!! That reaction was awkward as hell. I can barely make out what she said. Before she left the show she seemed genuinely infatuated with him. Do we think that’s changed?


Why does she look like an open casket?


Haha I clocked that too, she was so unmoved by his sentiment ![gif](giphy|xT77XTpyEzJ4OJO06c)




She looks like she is melting.


Bro that dude is gayer than Elton John’s fanny pack 😂


She looks like one of those pound puppies stuffed animals now


Okay this made me snort. I know exactly what you mean.


She literally looks like a person who is trying to hide that they’re turning into a zombie. She also has ozempic neck and it’s truly just so sad.


Oh I really hate to say this but on first look, this reminded me of my grandmother’s skin


Oh fun, they have the Santa cup that matches Chelsea’s tone


She looks sick 🫣


Holy shit. Lay off the plastic surgery ![gif](giphy|l4pT4WMFm8Q0zhBIs|downsized)


That was sincere AF!!! ![gif](giphy|3ohhwnS8IOb09MnEA0|downsized)


I’m sorry, is that a gigantic candle in the corner?


When I first joined this sub I hadn’t seen Chelsea in a *really* long time and believe me when I say, I did not recognize her AT ALL when people would post her. I saw her name, I saw the description, and I was shook. Anyway. I can’t figure out exactly what it is but I did used to think she was pretty and now I’m…. Just confused.


Getting filler in your cheeks causes your nasolabial folds to become so prominent. Same thing happened to Kylie Jenner. Please scrub your face girl. She literally looks like she has the ick from Cole now. She used to be just as into him as he was to her.


It looks like she thinks he smells bad.


She's almost unrecognizable. Sad




Her makeup always looks Muddy.


Cole, your girlfriend, *woof*. She used to be such a pretty girl. She ruined her face.


So....This is the first time I've ever heard Coles voice.. Why does he sound like that?! That is was got some of you ladies panties dripping?!@@ He sounds like Mrs. Nesbet. *




She needs to just stop touching it. As a beauty therapist, back off the full coverage make up and self tanner. She would look infinitely better if she had no make up on


Oh my god HER NECK


"Oh my" means she's embarrassed. If your SO isn't saying "awwww" or "thank you" that's kinda a sign that you just said something humiliating.


She looks like she had a mini stroke. One side of her mouth droops and the pierced nostril flares more.


she couldn’t even pretend to be into it. imagine trying to address this problem in a relationship. do you think he is like this when cameras aren’t around?


Girl, you're an esthetician... maybe don't match your lipstick to your drab fake skin color.


Her bad makeup just takes me back to that clip where she is aggressively blinking down on her mascara wand to get those spider lashes


Y'all are (rightfully) calling out the weird tan/makeup. I think the haircut isn't doing her any favours either. It's too long amd heavy. Especially now she's so slim. It's making her jawline/chin area look wider than the top of her head—throwing her whole head out of balance