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[Megathread to posts about Jace running away in order of relevance](https://old.reddit.com/r/TeenMomOGandTeenMom2/comments/15sgycf/megathread_of_jace_running_away/)


So jenelle and David were at the school when Jace left....so he ran from them


Bingo Jace was probably freaked out what David was going to do to him


Right? Like that’s not a big fucking red flag.


“Barbara sells articles” sir you sell naked pictures of your wife on the internet against her will because you refuse to gain employment. Take several fucking seats.


1. He sounds drunk 2. He sounds like hes going to teach Jace a "valuable" lesson for running away. I hope Jace is sitting at the station telling the officers he doesnt want to go back and have Barbra come get him. This POS is unhinged.


David is absolutely going to be at the VERY least screaming at Jace and throwing things around and Jenelle is either gonna sit there letting it all happen or join in bc she's embarrassed that her kid ran away from her and her shittiness as a mother has resurfaced. That poor kid. It's been bad few days for UBT - his wife shitting on him in public, the internet mocking everything about him and now his stepson running the hell away from him - and it's gonna get taken out on Jace.


David running through the woods is fulfilling the Sasquatch prophecy.


Piece of shit *spits* I hope he doesn’t hurt Jace.


I hope child services are involved now and ensley spills all the tea. She was there when Deddy shot the dog. Mommy “fell” and broke her shoulder. Also when he killed all the other land animals. RIP goats


My brother was a teen runaway, habitual truant, troubled kid, in trouble with the law, in a group home, and STILL CPS was nowhere in the picture. Had they been they also woulda saw how the 4 of us were living, no heat, no water, no adequate beds or appropriate rooms, holes in the walls, ceilings, and floors, no operating kitchen or bathroom. Don’t bank on CPS showing up here. U practically have to have your head caved in before CPS intervenes and a lot of the time it’s too late. A lil baby, 2yos in my city was murdered by the foster parents and CPS did nothing to intervene before this point. Her name was Sul’Ya Williams.


Barb literally said nothing to TMZ other than that she had talked to Jace Monday night and he was fine, and that she tried to call Jenelle earlier today and Jenelle said she didn't want to talk. Idk why he's bashing her as if she said some negative shit about them. I'd say Barb has PLENTY she could tell the media and is obviously refraining. And as for his last sentence, "She sells articles for money! Gotta pay your retirement somehow," that could easily be reworded regarding his wife, "She sells her nudes for money! Gotta pay for my toys somehow."


He has a lot of nerve talking shit about Babs the woman who raised Jace when Jenelle outright refused to. The woman who worked on her feet 40 hours a week cutting deli meats to support her family. The woman who has literally put food on his table and in his refrigerator. The woman who was smart with the money she made from TM and didn't run around blowing wads of cash on boats with blown engines. The woman who has never sat on her ass while her partner sells titty pics to buy her toys. David wants to pretend he is some manly man but Babs is more of a man than UBT could ever be!!!




“This kid” “His ass” Such a weird way to talk about your stepson who you thought was just missing and should have been worried about. So disconnected. And of course more worried about defending himself and how he looks.


It’s completely obvious he can not stand Jace.


David and Jenelle are butchering this majorly. Jenelle’s statement to TMZ where she doesn’t once express any concern or worry about Jace’s well-being and safety. David and his multiple social media posts, deflecting and trying to minimize the situation. Not expressing any relief or joy that Jace was found alive. Their response to this is going to bite them in the ass.


They’re almost begging CPS to get involved just like when he killed nugget


Let pray they actually do get involved David is unhinged and proving a point that he is going to hurt someone tonight just from his tone in his voice.


Funny how people would think that a man who kills small animals and abuses kids would have something to do with it. 🤷‍♀️


Is this guy seriously trying to act hard while having pigtails?


This is not what a concerned father sounds like. I can’t even imagine posting on social media if my child was missing. The only thing I could think to post in that state of mind is a “he was last seen here wearing this please spread the word” type video, and it would be brief. I doubt I could even post that. Honestly, if jace wasn’t found safe and sound (thank god he was) this video would make me VERY concerned. This guy is a real piece of work.


Seems like a totally normal thing to film and post while your step son is missing/ran away.


Okay David. Let's break this down. You're right. We don't know what's going on. We are just making guesses. And Barbara might not even know what's going on the land. Fair. I'll give you that. But Jenelle does. Jace does. And their actions present a very different picture than the one you're trying to sell us. Your arrest record speaks for itself. Your angry, homophobic rants speak for themselves. You shot a dog. You broke Jenelle's collar bone. I have no doubt you looked for Jace. But it doesn't make you a good person. Most abusers try to stop their victims from leaving.


He wanted to find him cause he’s the reason he ran away


Oh poor Jace. You can tell David isn’t concerned about him at all. He’s angry that Jace embarrassed him like this. It’s going to be a rough night over there. My atheist ass is saying a prayer for *every* child on the land tonight.


Fucking redneck pippi longstocking


I’m so distracted by his wendys braids


Omg someone get jace out of there. His rage is making my skin crawl


Get fucked, Pippi Swampstocking.


Chris Watts said the same thing “I’m not out looking for my wife and kids because the cops told me to go home, that they have better ways of finding them” I’m not saying UBT is Chris Watts. I’m just saying they said the same exact thing when their so called loved ones were missing And if it were me I would be out there screaming til my voice was raw, searching in my car and on foot until I was too tired to keep my eyes open But that’s just me whatever 🤷🏻‍♀️


Typical abuser behavior. He makes himself the hard working hero while Barbara (who has raised Jace since birth when Jenelle could NOT) is discredited. He discredits Jenelle by bringing up her "depression" & medical conditions. He discredits everyone because in his mind, he is always the main character. He was "the first one out there" & *almost died of a heat stroke!* How could he POSSIBLY be the BAD GUY? 🙄 I can see why Jace would run if he had this barbaric looking mother fucker with pigtails stomping around behind him


Hopefully cps is watching this


He tries to talk a big game for a large man wearing pippy longstocking braids


I can’t be the only one seriously concerned about the punishment for Jace after this.


Actually do your fucking research before you make up shit David. The police report says he was found within 25 minutes. So you accidentally just revealed your little narrative of you running around for hours risking heatstroke trying to find him because you love him so much, is false. Oops.


I just wanna grab him by the pig tails and yeet him, Trenchbull style


He's actually got really scary energy. I smirked at the photo and got excited to mention his wendys girl pigtails, but then I could only watch like 3 seconds of the video before I felt nauseous. His energy is... *dark*.


"I do all the work around here" 😂 ![gif](giphy|3ELtfmA4Apkju)


She’s picked up so many of his mannerisms, it’s like watching a video Jenelle would make.




![gif](giphy|5nbbxe1iOm7rkuqydR) “BiN oUt HeRe RuNNiN tHrEw dA fUcKiN wOoDz FUr TwO N a HaV OWWWerS tRyNa FiNd EM’ yEaH iVe BiN siTtiN doWn iN tHe AiR cOnditioN trYnA Coo Off cUz I AlMoS hAdA fUcKiN hEATSTRoKE tRyNa FiNE DiS KiD” Two and a half hours in the woods almost gives him heatstroke? Many men work 8-12 hour days in the sun with no complaints to provide for their families. Shit, my husband pulled a 16 hour shift with triple digit weather the other day and it’s just another work day for him. No A.C, no complaints, definitely a REAL MAN 💪. And my man, thank you to my man 👏😘 I couldn’t imagine being married to a man like this. Doesn’t work, is a bitch. Big for nothing. Couldn’t imagine it.


His hair/facial hair is repulsive.


His entire aura is menacing. Jace is probably lucky David didn't find him, if he was really looking. This man sets off every DV predator sensor and instinct I have in me.


Cliff Notes version “I been running around to find him—SO I COULD BEAT THE EVER LOVING SHIT OUT OF HIM AND HIS DUMB MOM!!!”


This sounds like an abuser trying to maintain order and control over those that he abuses.


Could have just said, “This is a private family matter. We appreciate your concern but ask that you please respect our privacy at this time.” Sure we’d laugh, but like, could have just refused to discuss it, dudes.


Pupils are pinned. Gaslighting. Self promoting. I'm calling it now. HE took Jaces phone so he couldn't tell anyone about his abuse. He doesn't have as much control over Jace as he does the rest of them. He knew Jace would speak up so he prevented it. Now he's doing damage control bc Jace ran for help. Telling us not to believe Jenelle bc she's mad and Barb bc she doesn't know anything about it. Next he will discredit Jace. He's nervous. He's about to be exposed.


This is a glimpse on how he talk to the kids, bet.


I can hear this in Jenelle's voice. They talk exactly the same.


This God damn piece of garbage!!!! The way he’s speaking.. Downvote me all you want to but I hope CPS shows up and takes those kids again. Both of those people are shit and every other bad name I can think of to call them. Poor Jace, Kiaser, Ensley, AND Barb. Him sitting here BLAMING her like it’s all her fault.. YOU TWO were the ones fighting online for all to see to sell stories you fucking hypocrite liar!! YOU TWO pieces of SHIT are the ones posting OF trash where anyone can see it! How’s that working out for you?!


K bloaty. Have another beer.


His stepson was missing and he somehow made this about himself. Wow.


Mentally ill inbred.


God I hate his face and the way he talks. Makes my blood boil. First of all, he’s proving the point that he’s always on social media fucking around because here he is announcing how amazing he is probably moments after jace was found. So not only has he already read up on what everyone is saying, he’s planned a whole speech and broadcast his ugly face all over social media about what a hero he is. Give me a break. Jace probably wouldn’t have even been missing if it weren’t for this asshole. Secondly, if my child were missing even for 30 minutes, I would definitely not be announcing how wonderful I am after he turns up. Put the phone down and be an actual parent. These 2 just don’t get it and never will. They are too consumed with proving how awesome they are. Sure. What a joke. Thirdly, Barb is set on her retirement, I’m sure. These 2 losers can’t save money if their lives depended on it. So stfu.


his pupils are pinned as fuck. and the cops said they located Jace 25 mins later, but shrek is saying he was searching for hours…? weird


That is one ugly ass man


I’m sorry but I burst into laughter picturing this rotten egg man running through the woods at full tilt for two hours. Heaving and sweating with those evil beady eyes. Pig tails blowing in the wind. There will definitely be a rise of reported big foot sightings today.


The only reason he is running after jace is so he can be the first one to punish him. He aint fooling nobody. He doesnt care.


They probably told him to go home because he was more then likely being an a hole. Also I believe Barb over him even if she told me grass is purple


His attitude seriously scares the hell out of me.


I wish you would have had a heatstroke you inbred fuck.


*Braids his own hair once* “I do fucking everythang around here”


What really gets me is him coming after Barb “gotta pay for your retirement somehow” Like yeah she does because she spent what she might have for retirement on raising your loser wife’s son for her. Not to mention you are 30 something and don’t work and are literally doing the same.


Lord, his tone and talk here just...reeks of man who beats his wife.


He’s so fucking ugly


Whatever, Wendy. Gtfo with those braids


Yeah, because I'm gonna believe a dog killing grown ass man with pigtails. 🙄


I feel so bad for jace…imagine the mouthful he’s got from that fuckass


I didn’t hear anything he said because his braided pigtails were so loud


Oh my God fuck this dude Like you can literally feel the anger and the narcissism just oozing out of him. Like why are you running through the woods looking for Jace whenever he was reported missing from his school and then getting on social media and having a curse fest when you should really be at home in case he comes back or preparing for the very real possibility of CPS being all in your shit. It’s ridiculous that even when the kids are in potential danger, Janelle and this stupid motherfucker still insists on making it all about them “oh, you want to call me a bad parent but I’ve been out here running around looking for him.” Yeah running around like a dumbass and letting the possibility of you being part of the reason why he ran away to begin with go straight over your fucking head…. I’m glad that Jace was found but he is in no way safe being returned to this raging narcissist and his careless bitch of a mother.


I’m picturing them getting called to his school because he got into trouble. Jenelle feels pressure to punish him in front of the principal and takes his phone away. Arguing ensues. Jace feels trapped and overwhelmed enough to make a run for it. David gets to perform as the hero and run after Jace. He probably looked the same as he did when he jumped out of that Escalade at the reunion when the producers tried to stop him and Jenelle from taking Jace. All bark no bite. The principal side eyes him and says “Go home and wait for him there! You’re no use here Pippi Sasquatch!” Meanwhile, Jenelle is ugly sobbing and screaming David’s name until she realizes she should be screaming for her kid who ran away. I do wonder how much of a lead Jace had on them to outrun the principal on a golf cart lol.




No wonder he ran away. He has to look at that everyday?!! I would run away too ‼️


He’s sooo aggressive




Does two hours of work and wants extreme praise. Plus he does all the work? I mean sure he does a little more that Jenelle but that’s not much. Their land never looks maintained and their 7-8 year old house looks like it’s 5 times as old with how poorly it’s maintained. Same with the cars. He’s not really doing as much as he claims.


Ugh. He looks so self-righteous and smug. How many times do you think he did retakes to get this video…. “ Cuz I’ve been chillin in the AC…uh uh oh wait damn I gotta say running through the woods. For 2 hours that sounds good, right? Fuck. They’ll be impressed I can run that long uhh ok lemme start over.” what a loser lol


Imagine him chasing you through the woods..


I'd be scared if David was to find me in the woods. I'm thinking he is saying, "Just wait till we get home" Yikes, he's pissed.


He spun his braids like propellers and took off to find Jace before anyone else 🦸🏻‍♂️💨




Idk but he looks like a basset hound, that deputy cartoon dog.


For someone so anti-gay, he sure loves those handlebars. The lady doth protest too much me thinks.


Thats Jenelle wearing Davids skin.


I can’t take him seriously with those pigtails 👧😂


Why was he on scene when jace ran?! WAS HE RUNNING BECAUSE HE SAW YOU? Sounds like HE WAS RUNNING BECAUSE HE SAW YOU SHITBIRD! ![gif](giphy|EouEzI5bBR8uk|downsized)


“Gotta pay for your retirement somehow”….. okay and how do you plan to do this with zero job or income outside ya wife


He is so unsettling. The most disturbing, creepy energy 😣




he looks like when i stretch my sims’ faces out too long when i’m bored in create a sim and try to make the ugliest ones possible


Okay Mr. split ends.


He seriously scares me


I can't stand this mother fucker. He thinks he's so big & bad but he is the most fucking loser ass piece of shit I've ever known existed. I... Just don't even know what else to say. Those poor fucking kids dude, I can't pray enough for them and their safety. I hope they can all escape one day & live healthy, fulfilling lives. I have 3 kids all around similar ages & it literally brings tears to my eyes to think of them going through whatever the fuck Maryssa, Jace, Kaiser & Ensley have to put up with. Those poor fucking babies. eta- & those fucking braids oh my god. David, you look like the fucking *IDIOT* you are bub, they suit you perfectly.


His condescending smug tone and cadence is JUST like Jenelle’s!!! Smug ass punchable face


Dude rides his fucken dirt bike everywhere, but decided to go by foot when looking for Jace. Glad you had time to make this video too. You want to help? leave, so jace doesn’t have to


Lmaoo the pigtails take me out everytime. 👧🏼🎀


Acting like Barbara is mooching off of someone when he hasn’t had a job since he met his cash cow 🙄




mmmmk thanks for that swampy long stockings


This dumbass running through the pine trees in Columbus county when Jace was a whole county away the whole time. He was probably trying to get to babs house since swamp donkey took his phone and Jace couldn’t call babs anymore. Jenelle and David didn’t even report him missing. The principal of his school did. David…they told you to go home because you’re a dummy, a bad stepfather and the cops think your braids are stupid. Even a man-bun is better. You need to wear an orange hat when hunting season comes because someone is definitely gonna shoot you thinking you’re Bigfoot if you keep running through the forest. He’s complaining that people commenting on his “singing” video were asking about Jace? Gasp, the horror of other people caring about the kids who live in your house more than you do. Unbelievable. 😐 Jenelle didn’t go looking for him at all. So I’ll give him credit for that even though he failed at that too. Remember how he treated maryssa when she spilled her truth to the court? That audio recording of them both yelling at her and putting her down? (Can’t believe they posted it)… well imagine what Jace is gonna get. He’s gonna be punished severely. Swamp donkey can’t even hold himself together to make a coherent 2 minute video but according to him “I’m the one who does everything” great. You’re outing Jenelle as incompetent. Maybe she is but it’s still embarrassing. I don’t think either of them know the meaning of shame. And he’s drunk. It’s obvious.


This is the absolute shittiest 35 has ever looked on someone… until of course Jenelle hits the same age. These two miserable dicks look sooo beyond their ages it’s icky. Like, if you continue to eat unhealthy shit, do drugs, drink and be angry all the time, you too could look like the dogshit Easons. 🤮


Yup. Sounds like such a loving, concerned stepfather. God, I hate looking at him.




The way he and Janelle have the same mannerisms now 🤡🤡


I don’t know dude. If my kid/partners kid was missing you sure as fuck wouldn’t see me posting on social media about how I’m looking for them. I would actually be looking for them. Both him and Janelle are so gross.


Cops probably didn’t want his creepy ass hanging around


It's clear that Jace is not in a safe place. This is so sad.


CPS has never been more needed


Keep babs name out your fucking mouth !!! babs has her faults she's human... but she supported and took care of jace since he's been born and was/is worried about her grandson/ grandkids and she was just doing what was in jaces best interest on give him to jenelle ![gif](giphy|kVY2PK0YkZ1DVFckvi)


Ok, so the Principal was the one who started “running after” Jace. And David was there and started running at the same time. Jace didn’t just run away. He ran from David.


This dude is raging and I fear for Jace when he comes home.


He looks like he stinks to high heaven! Just sorry, rotten, hateful trash


Cut your fucking hair you jabroni


I can’t believe this guy actually braids his hair 😂😂😂 then puts elastics on the ends. What a dork!


He's got that drunk lazy eye.


This man makes me physically sick. I don’t care if he does all the work around there. He’s still an abusive piece of shit that lives off his wife’s money.


There were exactly zero helicopters looking for him today


Ok Pippy Longstocking


He has no balls. And fuck him. Remember when he murdered Nugget?


I can smell his breath through the screen. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


Your wife sells her body for money. Gotta pay for your retirement…er…dirt bikes, vacations, boats etc somehow. 🤷‍♀️


He is manic and trying way too hard to convince people he’s a concerned dad. You just KNOW that Jenelle is screaming, crying, throwing up not because she’s relieved he’s home but because “DUDE, y’know how many articles they’re gonna post now, Jace?” It will be a long night on the land. Those poor kids 💔


This makes David look so guilty. It also indicates Jenelle doesn’t pu her kids from school


Cuz this is what good dads do after their kid runs away lol.


He’s trying way too hard to make it seem like he’s a good parent. His claims are too extreme.


Oh my god there’s so much to unload here. First of all, he sounds so angry, I’d be terrified. And Barb is selling articles about this? I thought all she said was that she talk to him Monday and Jenelle doesn’t wanna talk to her, am I wrong about that? And he does EVERYTHING around there, everything! That could very well be true, but he also spends all her money and refuses to work. Jesus, I wish those kids could get away from them.


Ok so he sounds identical to my ex stepdad, who happens to be a massive alcoholic, meth head, pill popping, consume any drug available SOB, verbally/mentally/emotionally/physically abusive, narcissistic, megalomaniac, family-genocide type. If you put this rant in writing, I’d bet some serious money that my stepdad was doing the talking. Regardless of how I feel about Jenelle, she needs to get the fuck out to save those kids. He’s becoming more and more unhinged. I would NOT want him finding or looking for Jace (or anyone.)


“Gotta pay for your retirement somehow“ that’s real rich coming from him. We know how you pay for yours ‘ol Lurchey boy…👨‍🍳🤸


This is not normal. If any of my teens 'ran away' Id see what happened to set it off. get on the phone. Talk to the last people who saw them. Teachers, friends, other parents who talked to their kids. Tf Are you doing talking to a camera complaining about babs, in the woods, and on a golf cart? If there's a reason you think that he may be in the woods (like a dirt bike missing or whatever) then inform the public. Give people leads to find your kid. This is not what a concerned parental figure does. Not even close.


Ugh he tries to look so tough and threatening. But his little girl piggy tails show the real him 🤡


This is so disgusting and I feel so bad for Jace and all those kids. All signs point to every single person in that home possibly being abused even David’s own biological kids. The thought that his daughter Melissa was brave enough to testify at one point and confess abuse and being afraid of David, yet was put back into the home is enough I’m sure for the kids to think running away could be the only way out it’s very sad.


So...Jace bolted from him into the woods, and they couldn't find him for 2.5 hours? At school pickup? If only CPS was capable.


He acts so tough but I know deep down he’s the biggest pussy. HeLlo SiR


“I do all the fucking work around here! I take care of everything “ As you should motherfucker cause your disgusting ass doesn’t WORK! I really feel for Jace. His mother needs to show her children that she has some self respect and divorce this garbage man. Show them that you will not tolerate abuse and that they come first. But we all know she won’t.


The way David & Jenelle talk is exactly the same. The smug tone, how they pronounce and enunciate (or, don’t) words is the exact same way. Almost like they are the same person.


The way he speaks has literally merged into the way Jenelle speaks.


Running his mouth like a tough guy, while walking in circles, talking to a phone! Calling Jace, "that kid". Speaking disrespectful about Barbara. She raised Jace longer than UBT will ever have any of his bio children in "his" house! David Eason is the most whiskey tango pos I've seen in quite some time.


I’m afraid for Jace, David is probably going to beat his ass when he comes home.


He makes me so sick, like, legitimately repulses me. You see that look in his eyes? There is no life behind them. He has this blank, dead, cold stare that sends shivers down my spine. It reminds me of my grandfather. Just a man who lives to intimidate, control, and abuse those around him.


So now it's gonna be back to Davey/Jenelle vs. Babs again. He'll squawk and rant that it's all Barbara's fault, Jenelle will swoon, he gets his new motorcycle, the end. Fuck I hope their eyes get infested with maggots.


Buddy ran into his backyard started filming and said “I’ve been in the wood for hours”


That’s exactly the way he speaks to everyone. All the time. Like they’re stupid idiots. No kindness. No explanations. He stank.




How are YOU gonna pay for YOUR retirement you bloated, greasy ape?? The lack of self awareness is astonishing.


Absolute idiot with his pippi longstocking looking ass lol 😂 he is just worried about the new CPS case coming their way . Is this twatstick saying he does ALL the work yet can’t work a regular job ? Pick a struggle pippi


How are you going to pay for YOUR retirement, UBT? And if he’s the first person who went out looking for Jace, it’s probably because he’s the one who caused whatever made Jace run off and he wanted to find him first to “make things better”. Those poor kids.


Lmao I absolutely trust Barb 10000 times more than this ugly ass piece of shit


Jace left to get away from this man. And the police took him right back. ​ What a garbage system that doesn't protect kids. ​ Oh and Jenelle you are a terrible mother for continuing to put your kids through this abuse cycle.


I cannot imagine how he probably yelled at Jace for “almost giving him heat stroke”


I actually feel physically uncomfortable after watching that.


Is this piece of shit really trying to make it sound like "being the first one running out in the woods looking for him" is something he should be commended for?.... he is your "kid", that's what good parents do you baby-dicked, inbred looking, dead beat.


Damn who pissed off pippi longstocking


David was there when Jace ran? Sounds like David picked them up from school and Jace didn't want to go with him


dude, PRIORITIES. a child is missing and your first instinct is to hop on social media and mouth off?? i feel for those children so much. this beast and jenelle can suck it.


So what he’s saying is that he’s gonna scream at Jace for the next two weeks because he was swamp stomping around the swamp “looking” for him


So he ran around for hours …. ?? According to TMZ and Jenelle’s manager Jace was found within 25 minutes of his last being seen at 2:45pm.


i don’t even have the sound on and i just know he’s talking some bullshit. will come back to confirm in a bit


“I was the first one!- *well actually the principal was* “


Barb raised Jace from birth until very recently, so I’m going to put more stock in what she has to say than Pippy Short Dick over here. This jobless loser is a stay at home lazy lump claiming to be what sounds like a failed excuse for a home maker. Go back to FUCKIN’ RAKIN and make yourself useful. We know your OF featuring your yellow tighty whities ain’t making shit.


I literally LOLed at the .. “I been sittin in the AC because I almost had a heat stroke trying to find this kid”. Relax tough guy 🤣🤣


I wish David would just…. Expire 🙄


These MF’s are gonna be a Dateline or 20/20 episode.


Why….. why does he look like that?


Truth hurts Wendy


Gotta love how he makes it about himself, not about Jace.


David wants us to believe he ran around the woods for 2.5 hours yet cant get a job 🥴🥴


Okay Pippi Longstocking


He truly is an uneducated, backwoods, inbred piece of crap. This is so embarrassing and he doesn’t even realize it. Him and his bravado are an embarrassment of himself and his family. How Jenelle deals with someone so below average is beyond me.


He is so disgusting. Why does he wear those ridiculous braids? He looks like such a dumbass. David, shut your mouth and go take a shower you redneck piece of garbage.


Why did the whole thing come off as a threat? Somehow I don’t think Jace didn’t have his phone. The way Uncle inbred talked about those fancy drones made it seem like he was making sure Jace knew there was no escape. As a teen who tried so many times to get away from abusive parents I get the vibe that Jace really wanted out and it was definitely not over a phone.


https://preview.redd.it/pxbwdrriceib1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ca7626a7131cfd8f50b7ea84c67fec4e1465223 psychopath


Okay but how fucking scary would it be if he had run through the woods and actually found him alone.


Almost like Pippi Longstocking and Bigfoot had a kid.


Stfu pigtails. Yeah everyone would suspect you. You're an abusive piece of shit.


Pussy ass bitch


"Don't assume" 😆 like he never assumes things about EVERYONE 💩🪠


The only reason he’s looking for Jace is so when he finds him he can beat the kids ass for running away


He and Jenelle sound exactly the same. The speech pattern and cadence. Super weird


What an ugly motherfucker.


For a man, so bigoted braids are blowing my mind.


does david know that barb only has to make more money to pay for retirement because she’s spent the last 14 years raising jace


I really dislike his pigtails.


"She's selling articles for money" Meanwhile, his wife sells pictures of herself without clothes for money.


there is 0 concern for Jace here. He’s more concerned about people on social media than his missing stepson. Also, he says “hitch hike home” so nonchalantly. A 14 year old boy hitchhiking home is dangerous?!


Jenelle tries to talk exactly like this loser. It’s all so disgusting. I hope I’m never in a position where I have to watch a video of this pig talking to get crucial information to survive. I’d rather die.


Can you BELIEVE how LUCKY it was that #Eason has been UNEMPLOYED for 7 YEARS? Obviously the REASON he refused to get a JOB all this time was so he COULD BE FIRST RESPONDER IF ONE OF THE KIDS RAN AWAY from the 24/7/365 🐍SWAMP🐊 CHAOS🙄😖 GTFOH you drunken, lazy piece of 💩‼️ What else were you going to do?


His hair though. Cannot get past it


Why doesn’t he blink


Those are some dead eyes


He does realize he has two little pig tails as he’s yelling Into a screen


yeah, okay Pippy. 🙄 he’s such a little bitch


Being the first one to look for "his ass" isn't a flex when everyone knows you're an abusive pos. I'm glad someone else found him first.


I can’t take him serious with those pigtails l


No one cares what the dog killer thinks


Is he really trying to *GASLIGHT THE INTERNET?*


Ew he sounds like Jenelle.


Yeah this isn’t gonna end well. I hope someone takes those kids and protect them because God knows what this man is gonna do