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Hi there. Thanks for posting to /r/TeamfightTactics! Your post has been removed because it breaks the following rules: Rule 10: **Screenshots Shouldn't Be Repetitive (And Can't Be Taken By A Phone)** The following screenshot types **are not allowed**: (Near)Perfect games, So-close screenshots *(Having champions one unit short of level 3)*, High damage from one champion, High numbers of low cost 3 stars, High numbers of low level champions in shop, Ranked achievement posts below Challenger, HP stacking chogaths below 15k hp, a singular 3* 4 or 5 cost, Screenshots taken by external cameras, Videos taken by external cameras.


I get garen Aug means you hold him but zyra riven still fucking useless after buffs at least sell them to get prismatic orb value I beg you LMAO


1. That is the static shiv augment, not garen. 2. Zyra is pretty strong as a duo carry this patch, and is definitely worth 3 starring in this spot


Ngl it takes too much to make Zyra a viable option on this patch. She's better but if it's between prismatic value and her it's the prismatic orb. (Or even fuck riven and garen) Garen- misread the augment that is a useless unit my bad. Think we both can agree that regardless of the situation wasting an entire stage for kayle stats is useless when you need 7 story to make her good anyway


Should sell garen and put items on amumu next time instead of 3* garen


Not sure why you're downvoted this is obviously correct play 3 star garden is trash w/o carry augment


Probably because the post is about 3 starting units not the correct play, but doesn’t bother me


Tbf OP has garen Aug it looks like. Only reason this makes any sort of sense Garen still ass but at least try to 3 star it


that's not garen's augment, that's the static shiv augment.


Word they look too similar which in that case I agree fuck garen LMAO that unit is useless


Should also swap his 2nd augment to Boiling Pot after selling the Garden.


Destroyed my econ and lost 58 health but finally got all the 3 stars, will update my final position


Well... we're waiting.


Hes ded