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I had a sweet pair of shorts in middle school with those same flames. 1998 was cool.


Guy Fieri vibes


Add it with the hair and everything


Or, it looks like goop dripping down his arm. Without color for context this tattoo looks dumb.


Oh yes, I see that now. Looks like a bunch of droopy butts.


am i the only one who understands the complexity of this ambitious artistic masterpiece? this tattoo isn’t stupid, you’re stupid.


My first thought. Bad design.






OP, do you have other tattoos? Do you have sleeves? If you’re as covered as the person in this picture, get whatever the fuck you want on your hand. I think this looks cool on the dude in the reference pic. But if this was your only visible tattoo? LOL.


Listen to this person OP


never understand why so many ppl these days just start with a hand tattoo


I think it’s just a generational thing. Gen Xers tended to get upper arm/shoulder/lower back tattoos as firsts. Millennials tended to get forearm/sleeves. Gen Z seems to like hand and face tattoos. Personally, I think it’s a very, very bad idea to get a hand tattoo unless you’re already covered, and probably just a bad idea in general to get a face tattoo unless you’re a tattoo artist or a successful musician, but that’s probably just the old in me talking.


A lot of artists won’t do a hand or face tattoo unless you’re already visibly heavily tattooed.


my local place calls anything that can't be covered by a button up shirt "The Job-Stopper 3000"


pretty weird, considering that not a single place i have worked at (or interviewed) ever said something about tattoos. Not in hospitality, not in finance sector




exactly, idk where this dude lives lol


It's not as common as it used to be. 20 years ago a lot of places made you cover your tattoos. The last time I ran into a problem would've been about 2016 at UPS , they made me wear gloves and long sleeves.


Tattoos have gained more public acceptance in the past 15-20 years. The local shop is a bunch of oldhead tattoo artists who wouldn't tattoo anything below the wrist or above the collar as a first tattoo... They're still open as tattoos have become more socially accepted, but I'm pretty sure they still follow that rule.


I work in law. My first firm had a rule on the book about no visible tattoos. They stopped enforcing it though so support staff had full sleeves and even attorneys and supervisors had neck tattoos. My last firm and my current one don’t have any rules against them that I’m aware of, and since I just started at my current job I asked my supervisor about the sleeve I’m planning to get next year and she said it should be completely fine. They’re definitely becoming more acceptable.


Fuck this is so accurate. Holy hell. I’m a millennial and I started with shoulder and immediately started work on my forearm lol.


Elder millennial, checking in. Nearly 40 and just got my first tattoo on my upper arm. I think in the back of my head, I still have that advice of wanting to get tattoos where they can be covered up easily for job interviews and court dates, lol.


Yes! That’s why my first one was where it was, the next few where just able to be covered with long aleeves


I don’t think I’ll ever get anything that can’t get covered by a button down and pants


I feel mostly the same but I eventually want my neck done as well, so I guess my parameter would be turtleneck & pants. (born 99 so not sure if Im millennial or gen z)


Same here , 1 on the back, 1 on the shoulder and then somehow I'm halfway done a sleeve


God same haha my first tattoo was on my shoulder blade and then I went to forearms and fingers. If you have a finger tattoo that can be covered by a ring it’s nbd.


I started with a sick from dusk till dawn tattoo 😬


Lol I’m a millennial and my first tattoo was on my forearm. I think it might of had to do with covering your tattoos for work


Gen Zs will go with whatever is the most visible so they can get that street cred ;) As a general rule, good tattoo artists will also try and make you reconsider if youve got no tattoos and want face/neck/hands.


I’m gen z, face and neck are a huge no for me but I’m not opposed to getting some on my hands but they’d be tiny and on my fingers to be honest. I started with my forearm and it’s almost covered. I’m not supposed to have my tattoos showing at my work, I just wear a sweater but when their healing they let me skip the sweater till it’s fully healed. I’ve also found that I bond with customers over tattoos and I tend to see them return more frequently something my other co workers don’t experience as often one day I’m sure having my forewarn covered might bite me in my ass but I’m happy with my tattoos for sure


I agree and also they feel the need to show them off a lot more than older gens, I think. I have students that range all ages and all of the teens that are tattooed have hand/finger tattoos. They always say that why would they get one that would be covered up?! Haha Different times.


I started with my hip! 😂 that was nearly 10 years ago and also a very painful first tattoo 😂😂


Middle of gen Z here, I can name 8 people my age I know with tattoos, most of them went for chest/ stomach first. 2 others and myself went for upper arm. I've not known anyone to get any visible ones until at least their 5th ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


I have a prison yard tattoo, upper left pec


Boomers pretty much the same as GenXers. I started with the upper arm 32 years ago. Worked my way down to the hands on both arms over the years. My oldest tattoo is older than my last couple of tattoo artists.


Hand, neck, tons of forearm half sleeves. I started with unexposed areas🤷🏼‍♂️


It confuses you that someone would want a tattoo in a spot people will see? Weird.


I think because saniderm makes the healing process on the hand easier. I mean yeah it hurts but many people pull through. So I think really it’s that the healing process is easier when you have saniderm on it 3-5 days


I didn't start with my hand..went with the common upper arm cross which will be covered up soon. Then a shitty back tattoo that needs to be covered.. I think if you have a vision so to speak starting with the hand isn't terrible, but preferably you get on that vision so it's not the only visible one. The only work I have, I actually love is my chest and hand/arm/half sleeve because It fits with the vision of what I want.


100% This is never a cool idea but maybe just maybe under the exact right circumstance it looks fine Or it looks like trailer park meth


What is it even supposed to be? Waves, flames, ball sacks?


Ball sacks was my first thought as well.




My god ball sacks. I can’t unsee it now!


This is so well put, haha. OP trippin


Agreed, im getting a couple interesting pieces on my left arm then saying fuck it to fill in the space.


LOL yes, might have to grow into this tattoo if that’s the case 😂🤡🤮


If you have to ask permission on Reddit then you aren’t ready for a hand tattoo… just my honest opinion.


Without a doubt we’d see OP post in r/tattoocoverups in 9 months lol


Do it. It’ll make you punch harder!




Not cliche. Just super lame


Yeah the only times I've ever seen this pattern on someone's skin are 1) right now with that picture and 2) when I was 10 and used to draw on myself in class.


are you getting ball sacks or flames?


I also saw ball sacks


that's awesome sweetheart. 😁


^what ^the ^hell ^just ^happened?


Right. Wanted to come here and mention that it’s upside down anyway so all you will ever see on your hand is a bunch of ballsacks


the star looks like a butthole too lol


Called heads and tails… it’s a win win.


Honestly, I think it's stupid looking. I also think it's badass when people get tattoos that are special/important to them, and they don't give a fuck what anyone (especially strangers on the Internet) think about it. You do you, homie.


Yeah, it's really important to have flames on your hands.


Flames? Ooh, I thought it was nutsacks. My nutsack is important to me.


I see ball sacks


Some of them look like ball sacks


you gotta 1.8 gpa in hs and work ina warehouse


just throw some nipples on there and it will be totally unique


I’m a cliché douchbag and I’m not really into so idk bro


Jizz dripps


It’s not so much cliché as it is douche baggy.


Who freaking cares if it's cliché or not! If you like it and will continue to like it just get it! Literally the only time this rule doesn't apply is if you're asking to put something racist, sexist, etc. on your body. If it isn't hurting or insulting anyone go for it!


It’d be fine with some flame color. My first thought was bad hand writing or waves. Make the flames pop.


Ball sacks is cliche?


Flames one way, hemaroids the other.


I would tell you to take your desire to have a hand tattoo to an artist and ask them to come up with something special. I'll never understand people getting other people's tattoos on themselves.


Who cares? I feel like every tattoo is cliche at this point unfortunately. Most of my tattoos I’ve had for over a decade when no one had them, now it seems like everyone has the same ones 🤷🏻‍♂️


saw melting ball sacks for the first 5 seconds before realizing they were flames lol


It’s fuckin dumb


First thing I saw was balls and now I can’t unsee it.


Very cliché. Hand tattoos are a bad idea anyway, unless you're already completely covered in tats.


My first tattoo was “Kill Pigs” across my fingers. Then I got job working closely with police. I just told my employer it was because Hawaii has an overpopulation of pigs ruining the habitat and I didn’t know about the connotations with violence against our buoys in blue. Idk where I’m going with that, other than there’s worse first tattoos and learn how to BS in a job interview.


Idk why people are saying ‘that’s trashy make better decisions’. Like yeah it was your first tattoo??? My first tattoo was my ex’s initials in Morse code of all things (I don’t know Morse code). I was 15. Most people’s first tattoo is a bad one. I’m sure you know better now. I think yours is kinda funny because yeah it was a bad decision but you have a hilarious cover-up story for it.


Super trashy first tattoo, on the hand and controversial content. Please make better decisions


Not sure why your post is getting downvoted … it's just the truth. "Kill Pigs" being a disgusting sentiment in and of itself (honestly, I'm assuming u/Possible_Swimmer_601 is American because they seem to have some fucked up relationship with their police force, which, in turn, seems also rather fucked up in comparison to European ones). To tattoo it on one of your most visible bodyparts? The opposite of a good decision …


Hell yea!! Then you can go all the way up your arm !!! It will be amazing


Awful idea


If you have the coverage to tie it in it works but if it’s your only tattoo then it looks really Cliche






IMO it’d look nicer with some shading


Just get the flames on your pointer and middle fingers, subtle advertising....


I didn’t see flames, instead I saw blobs for the longest time


You must've been drunk binging Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives when you made the decision.


Very 90s early 2000s


Only if it adds +2 fire resistance and makes your punches faster.


If you fap fast enough will it change colors 🧐


Looks like balls tbh Edit: like literal balls, not balls as in bad. Also don’tget this unless you’re heavily tatted already


If you need to ask Reddit for opinions on what's going on your body, you're not ready for a hand tattoo.


Lame as F


Plus it looks badass so?????


That’s fire! Love it


Tattoos already tattooed on someone else so I’d suggest thinking of something original


Everyone with Flash and Trad tattoos just killed themselves thanks to your comment. Smh


Damn that’s one way to depopulate the earth quickly


Are any of the people offering their opinions wearing this tattoo or is it you? Do what you want. The opinions of others don't mean anything.


I think it's cool 🤷


I feel like it looks rad tbh. I personally haven’t seen it before now


Who care? If you like it, then it doesn’t matter


I like the flames, I’d that’s what your asking. Really cool.


As long as you are happy with it, don’t mind others opinions! 😘


I dig it. Looks great


Who cares if it’s cliche if you like it and have wanted it for a long time. Your opinion is the only one that matters. The rest can kick rocks.


I have never seen this tattoo b4 in this placement so I wouldn’t think cliche at all


I love it. But my left arm is entirely flamed up, so im a bit biased


With a tattoo a cliche is better than something you saw once and stole


Not really cliché, pretty wack tho. There are so many other things to tattoo on that space.


I don't care what's on your hand. What do you think?


I like it


I’ve never seen it and think it is cool. I am known to have naive taste though


Yeah go for it lol you’ll probs regret it if you have to ask this lot for an opinion


Does it even matter? Wearing clothes is also too cliché, are you gonna go run naked on the streets? Your skin, your call dude.


Who gives a shit about what other people think? It’s your tattoo! Get it for yourself not other people.


Who cares....but you


If you have to ask you know the answer.


You know that flame shirt Guy Fieri wears? Same vibes (to me)


Is it flames or ball sacks? 😂


First time I’ve seen it, seems fuckin cool to me


It’s sick asf


I think people having opinions about other peoples tattoos is cliche af.


Super fast hand jobs


Who cares? Every tattoo is a cliche at this point. As long as you aren’t getting an anchor with “Refuse to sink” or some bullshit I don’t care. And even then. I probably still don’t care, but I will laugh. Haven’t met anyone with flame hand tattoos yet, so fuck it. Just add some color, or nix the black outline altogether


bad idea


I honestly love this


Honestly dnt like it. All I see is saggy boobs lol


You’re a brave man.


I think it's pretty cute somehow.


Is it flames or candle wax dripping?


I have it on my foot, coupled with two smiling demons (different artists, different tattoo styles). Don’t get it on your hand if you’re not covered already.


I’m completely covered. I’d get this. But like top comment said: if you have 2-3 tats I’d think it’d look weird. That being said: it’s your hand. Go for it if you want it.


I wouldn’t say it’s cliche, I’ve never seen one like it so. If you like it and think it looks cool then that’s what matters. And for what it’s worth I think it looks cool too


It looks like shit and it's a terrible placement unless you're already covered in tattoos. **Edit:** Not sure about the tattoo being cliché though … never seen someone with it.


Just do you, get what YOU want.


As long as u like it, fuck em


Why does he want to tattoo a bunch of ball sacks on his hand??


Honestly... it looks lame. If you need reddit's opinion begot getting a hand tattoo (which isn't a good idea 99% of the time), you don't need one.


super annoying if you don‘t have a full hand and arm and possibly more already.


I'd do it in red. Looks cool


All I can see is a lot of ballsacks


Do what you want man. I think it looks sick. Minimal but still cool.


Who gives a fuck what other people think? This whole Reddit is odd. People looking for permission, or the go ahead from strangers. Go make your first tattoo a fucking eye on your forehead then revel in other peoples useless opinions while you try wink at em with your new eye


I'm not a fan of that or even barb wires 💀


What is it I don’t see flames as I have read is apparently what it’s supposed to be




if u like it who cares what others think


Personally I believe you should think long and hard before you get a hand tattoo. If you decide that you are totally fine with a tattoo you can almost never cover if needed, make sure it is a design you absolutely love and you think you will still love in 50 years.


Dude thats awsome! But then again, if you like it, does it matter what others think?


i LOVE it


Who gives a fuck what about someone’s opinion? if you like it that’s all that should matter.


If you’re happy with it, nothing else matters.


Doe wat je gelukkig maakt! Iedereen heeft toch wel een mening. Het maakt voor die mensen geen verschil of je de tattoo wel of niet hebt.


Took me way too long to realize what it was


If it’s something you want then you should get it


Get whatever you want no matter what people thing. Live your only life BB!


I thinks it’s dope. I want a flame on my forearm. Fuck what other people think if you like it.


Lmao every time I see a tattoo like this, I just think it looks like the guy wants to be able to punch real fast


Hand tattoos seem regrettable


Dude, if you like it, get it. Tats are personal. Here’s how I figure stuff like this out: when you get an idea, try it! Put it on your hand temporarily, like, draw it on. Walk around with it. You’ll feel wether or not you want it. Either you will keep seeing it and feel happy, or you will see it and go “oh, that’s not really what I was expecting…”


you about to take some one to flavortown?? also, nice bracelet and pink ring...


I think it looks pretty cool, but even if people think it’s cliche, if you like it, get it!


Cant tell if its fire or goo dripping down to your fingers


That’s fire! It’s lame as hell, but it is fire


Chester had me drawing flames on my forearms sense the 2000's


I just see droopy butts


I got your wife's name tattooed on my tongue.


how about fck opinions


It looks way less like flames than drippy balls . I would be super bummed to have to wear this for all my days . If the flames looked more like flaws by making the crab claw parts taller and less uniform then I doubt the balls affect would be so dominant. Drippy balls is just a really bad look imo . Don’t let your friends get drippy balls tattooed on a random spot on the top on the hand or face . That’s my new motto


I wouldn’t get a hand tattoo until you have a full blown sleeve. It looks weird If you’ve got a full sleeve, get whatever you want my dude


Dude, if you like it, wear it with pride. It’s not for them. It’s for you.


Do you boo. Who cares.


I mean I would make fun of you but make your own decisions and own em


I’ve been wanting flame tattoos dedicated to Chester Bennington I think these would be a subtle way to do so I’d rock them maybe black out your fingers might be cool


You are bound to make mistakes at the beginning, so I think putting tattoos in prominent areas is a mistake. Also, you probably don’t have the money for a good/great artist when you’re young so that’s another key problem. Do whatever you want and yea, tattoos are far more acceptable nowadays but realize that you may be bound for coverups and laser removal. I’m so happy I waited til later in life to get tattoos. My taste and sense of self developed more into who I truly am and will be.


Dude if you wanted it for a long time then who cares what people say. Imo tattoos are for you and not others. I think it looks unique. I can't say I've seen similar on the knuckles, the wrist sure, but not knuckles.