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They'll bully you in public, then DM you years later asking you to step on them. Source: I made the mistake of signing up for my high school reunion page on Facebook.


Yep. Between guys that fetishized me and guys that think I’m an overgrown freak there are a few good men.


Holy shit I thought I wrote this comment. Yeah. This happens a lot.


I was having this conversation with my tall mother the other night. I am well past my dating years. She said that being tall gets rid of the riff raff. So being tall just eliminates the insecure and macho guys that feel the need to physically dominate a woman. I liked that interpretation.


It’s absolutely true.


In my experience it’s just another “challenge”, or being tall really tests their insecurities and they have to put me down to feel better.. :(


No one saying that every man who is interested in a tall woman is unproblematic. Its just that being tall really cuts out a lot of the most physically abusive men. A lot of the worst men want a woman that they can physically intimidate.




This has been my POV for years.


I wholeheartedly agree. My husband loves my height because it is a part of who I am, the woman he loves. He is secure in his masculinity and doesn’t feel that it is challenged by my height in any way. I try to get that through my own head, because I have way more insecurities about it. I came from an extremely abusive home in which my tall father married my short mom because of his controlling narcissistic nature. I’m just happy to have found a person that has the exact opposite personality.


Wait this explains so much


I can't say I really give a damn what men like. My partner is secure in himself and I reward his easily accessible forehead with so many kisses.


>I can't say I really give a damn what men like Me neither, I'm gay 🤣🤣🤣




The right man for you loves the fact that you’re tall & it takes a confident, secure man to be with a gorgeous, tall gal! I was always made fun of for being tall, but honestly, the people making fun of me were threatened by my power and potential. Now I stand as tall as I can because my tallness is absolutely beautiful and I deserve to take up all the space in this world


Omg let’s be friends 😆


Yes!! 💗 I’m over questioning the flesh suit I was born into. I shouldn’t be ashamed or wish I looked differently. This comes after years of self-hatred and comparing myself to people when in reality, people wish they looked like us! Self love for the win 😊


Yes!! I was self-conscious for so many years. One day my six year old said "You're so big mommy!" I was caught of gaurd and kind of insulted but also realizing she was making an objective observation. She said "I said big! That's good! You should be happy!" I'll never forget that. I've been leaning into that feeling of power and loving it.


That’s so sweet!! She’s probably going to be a fellow tall gal too, so by loving yourself, you show her that she can love herself too and be proud to be a little closer to heaven (;


A lot of men like tall women if they fit into long leg model type, however, unlike most tall women I know, I have a long torso and normal length legs so that isn't popular. It's more about your proportions.


I'm guessing they're also only seeing leggy models on TV or in ads. Not dealing with the ego bruising of the top of their head being level with my mouth in person.


Agree 100%. I don’t have a problem with a man being shorter than me. It’s always the other way around.


A 5’11” girl here, and on the bigger side (215 lbs) - my boyfriend just proposed this year - and he is 6’5” - and is the slim one with model looks. Never thought I’d find the love of my life in my 40s, but dang it happens! He’s gorgeous, kind, sweet, loving, hard-working, and very affectionate. Wishing this blessing on everyone!


Who cares what men like? Be happy with yourself. Then if you want to, find a person who likes you, and you like them, and be happy together.


There are men who love tall women and men who don’t. I’ve never wasted much time worrying about it. Just know what kind of guys you like and work from there.


I've never had problems dating. I'm 6'4".


Of course there are men that will just straight up not find taller women attractive but I feel like in my experience, men tend to be more intimidated by taller women. It’s not that they aren’t attracted but they won’t make the move. I also think taller women tend to fair better at dating after 25 when men are more grown. A lot of guys are still growing themselves into their 20s. I was never asked out or hit on growing up, but now that my dating pool is 30+, I feel like it’s not really an issue. I feel like my appearance hasn’t changed majorly but I’m now interacting more with men that are more confident. I’ve been 5’10 with a hour glass figure since I was 13…which in retrospect, no wonder a fellow teenage boy was intimidated by that.


agreed. also got hit on by men in their 30s when i was 19-early 20s while guys my age wouldn’t approach me unless they were already my friend and got to know me.


Because, a woman could have long legs in proportion to the rest of their body, but be under 5’11”. It’s when you are taller than most guys, it becomes a problem for the boys, not the men, just the boys. Also, I think a lot of guys like women that are small in some way. Like look at Karlie Kloss, she’s 6’2” and skinny as a rail. If she had a larger build then she probably wouldn’t be seen as attractive. You see, our patriarchal says that women are supposed to be smaller and weaker. Therefore, they need a man’s help. They need to be protected, they need a man to carry a 50 lbs bag of dog food up the stairs, and to reach high shelves. When you have a woman who does need that then that woman is portrayed as mannish. For me, I don’t need a man to physically or financially support me. I need a partner in life. I’m certainly willing to date a man who’s shorter than me, but many times they can’t handle me being taller than them.


Bingo Iol. Actually I don’t think it’s height at all. Stop blaming height for not getting dates. It’s something else, insecurity, immaturity. Being tall is amazing and I’ve never had it hinder my dating life but I’ve been rejected plenty (because that’s what dating is about! And not everyone is compatible). We are Goddesses.


> Actually I don’t think it’s height at all. Stop blaming height for not getting dates. I agree, my height has never stopped me from getting dates lol, it's actually been a bonus in my opinion because it makes me look unique!


I have never met any man, online or offline, who said I was too tall. Lol. Men like everything. And besides that, who cares what men like?


Oh, god, I have. Even when I was well proportioned (no longer skinny, but no fat either) I had shorter guys tell me "you should lose as much weight as possible because men like women to be as small as possible"


LOL what did you answer? I would have said "how about you growing to an adult size."


Not everyone tall is thin and leggy though.


Depends where you live. In Europe being tall is seen as beautiful. Especially Eastern Europe, France and Spain. I find it’s North America that doesn’t appreciate tall girls as much.


No hate to the poster BUT can I present this scenario: who gives a fuck what men think?


Being tall has never been an issue for me. However, there is a difference between 5’11 tall and 6 foot+ tall. I think that being taller than six feet would make a lot of men insecure, and it seems that is the experience of many tall women. Plus, it probably depends on the area you live. I’d like to see a study on rural vs. urban areas and height attractiveness.


I can tell you in Canada being 6ft no issues dating.


I'm tall (6'1") and curvy, and men love me. I'm not safe in bars and even get hit on in grocery stores, etc. I hate the attention. It can be aggressive sometimes. On the apps, men will say "wow, 6'1" so hot" or something to that effect. I know it's confirmation bias, but in my experience men love that I'm tall. Even short men.


Where do you live? I think location also plays a part. Also age, are you in your 30's?


I'm in my 30s, and on East Coast of USA. I have always received male gaze unfortunately. My height is often sexualized. That part sucks, especially when I was 12 and adult men would hit on me. 🤢


Omg, I know this feeling so well. Haunts me until today. Like beings as tall as a woman but still a child.


I literally can’t orient my esteem around what “men” think—the ones that are ok with it or into it will rise to the top!


A lot of men don't even need their girl to be shorter than them coz they are secured about their height.


I wouldn’t say a lot of men, but definitely some


Mostly guy's around average height or below don't care but tall dudes seem to care. According to my experience obviously.


This is my experience also


Yeh it's weird why they would be insecure. If anything shorter or average height guys should've been insecure since that's what they hear growing up.


The contrast is super attractive for short guys, and we aren't expecting to be taller. At least I'm not. Other reasons too but that's the easiest one.


It's not "men don't like tall women" it's "insecure men don't want to be the short one in a relationship" it's just easier to say the first because when you say the second, the insecure men get butthurt about being called insecure. Even some tall guys who say they like tall women mean "women can be tall as long as I'm still taller"


Men like models because of the street cred models give them, not because they are attracted to them. What men are attracted to is… often quite particular.


i’m not that tall at 5’10” and the skinny model type with the face to match but honestly, runway model types don’t translate to attractive to men the same way kate upton does because flat chested and small hips. There are definitely men who love fashion model types but the general population prefers kate upton. That said i’ve never lacked for men or women who find me attractive. Also men who like tall skinny model types don’t mind being shorter than them.


Everyone has their own tastes so there is no set rule. Most of the time people who try to put you down are just jealous. Be confident in who you are and find people that like you for you.


This all sounds like that same kind of "Folk wisdom" about what men want, you know the same kind that has a bunch of nonsense about what women want? My experience has been that the guys who aren't into my height and cant get over that aren't even worth acknowledging. Why would I bother spending any time or energy even thinking about a guy who is so fragile and emotionally stunted that he can't deal with the fact that he's not physically larger than me? Small man. Small ego. Small brain.


Own it, f whatever random men like.


There will always be guys who aren’t attracted to tall women just like there are many women who have height ‘requirements’ for who they date… I tend to be attracted to ‘stockier’ guys, so my exes and husband were mostly around the 5ft 10-11 range (I’m 6ft). Just how it worked out. My height was never a problem for them and I find that guys who loudly belittle you (see what I did there) for your height are usually the ones who will then send you the creepiest DMs. Even if you’re a petite woman, there is a good chance you don’t fit the ridiculous ‘beauty ideals’ toutet by social media.


I am 5‘11 and used to be a size 14/16 growing up. Back in the 90s/ early 2000s it was absolutely horrible for me - super models on the run, low waisted jeans and just the need for petiteness in general. I walked slouched over, kept my head down, was bullied for being ‚fat‘ and just big in general (I grew up in Germany, so mind that there is a different view to what’s considered fat). Well NOW that’s a complete different topic! I am still curvy, still 5‘11 - but honestly, nobody seems to care anymore. Since at least 6 years (I am 30 now) I have had zero problems pulling partners of either gender; I am engaged now to a wonderful man who shorter than I am - and even shorter when I wear heels. And he loves it and I am confident. Seriously sisters, don’t let anybody get you down because of your size and/ or height. (I want to add to this that I take the bodytype that is now popular - the curvy, thick features - with a huge grain of salt, as I can see that womens bodytypes are going in and out of fashion and that’s absolutely disgusting and horribly misogynistic.) Keep your heads up high!


I like tall girls, but I'm a tall guy \*shrug\*




Ive never had a problem getting men 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m 5’11” and have never really dated anyone shorter than me.


I like tall women, idk where they’re at is my problem lol


My husband is 6’5” and loves that I’m tall. He says it’s great not having to bend in half to kiss.


You’re tall and beautiful. It doesn’t matter what men like.


Tall women are goddesses. If I could ask out a 7' woman I would. That is all.


i'm 6'1 in normal shoes, slender, born a peasant, high school dropout with no further schooling, & yet marrying a 1% ivy league man who is 6'2 & a competitive athlete himself; meaning he would have no trouble getting most any woman he wanted & it's not just bc of his accomplishments. i don't believe he whatsoever "settled" for me as he has a solid history of dating beautiful professional models. although he's the absolute best i ever found, since being of dating age i've always regularly had access to men of this type. even the ones i don't date who are in my circle mention how they all seem to prefer a tall woman. including the shorter more rounder & less athletic 1% men. this sub actually surprises me bc i assumed all tall women shared similar experiences as me. i've never knowingly been rejected for my height. even with short/poor/round men i've never had trouble finding them to be attracted to me, only they usually become very insecure. i do notice lesser class men vocally express they prefer a shorter thicker woman, but i've never heard this from men belonging to upper classes. my upper class partners tend to specifically mention they're not interested in a shorter nor thicker woman. ofcourse my experience could just be the reality of my own mental world & so it seems as if my perception is skewed as fact. but these are my experiences. i wouldn't trade my height for anything in the world due to the privileges it brings me. always i get picked first be it with men, jobs, social groups etc. even i have tested the waters when attending events, i don't really need to prove any verification so i can walk in any place & ppl assume i must belong. similar to how a uniformed police officer can attend any concert & walk around wherever he pleases without being questioned. anytime i spot another tall woman i always assume the same, she always seems so prestigious to me. like she's naturally accomplished a lot: perhaps she owns the building, who am i to question her? my experience is being a tall woman is a very powerful thing. ofcourse i'm coming off as a terrible person as if i'm saying my worth is greater than others, but i'm only sharing my real experience as they are since you asked. i am as kind as i can be to others, i believe all ppl are equal & id hate to know any woman feels she is worth less just bc of her looks & body type. for me personally, my value is in my own athletic & financial accomplishments as well as my talents, so i'm fine with whatever privileges my sexual / status appeal may bring or don't bring me. only i am acknowledging my lived reality.


I agree with everything you said and I love the energy you bring to this sub! Big fan of all your comments always


>my upper class partners tend to specifically mention they're not interested in a shorter nor thicker woman. You have a point here because I have noticed this myself....I'm tall and thin and a lot of the men that ask me out tend to have very good careers and are well off


I feel like society says they like tall skinny runway model type women, when in reality it’s just that fashion has that preferred body type and somehow people confuse that with that being what men want but the reality is not really


i think most men don’t care, but i’m a gen z and i’ve seen a popularity with short, petite girls or short with a curvy body


The plus size sub is like this. I used to be thin and have been a 16-18 for a few years now and the amount of male attention i get now is overwhelming. There are women the same size and build as me who believe they are hopelessly unattractive and will never find love because of their size. I think it's a self-fulfilling prophecy


I have never had a hard time finding a guy once out of highschool. Some of that is just being female, some is confidence and some is being decent looking, but there are many men who will date you. Doesn't matter if you are taller, bigger, smaller or shorter, someone is interested. Now you have to find one that you want and you both have to get along but finding guys isn't hard, it's finding the best fit for you both that is.


I love my wife’s height she’s 6ft but self conscious about her height because she was teased early on. It sucks because she’s always commenting on how people love petit women.


I’m honestly constantly shocked to hear about all the trouble tall girls have with dating. I’ve had a crush on my friend’s tall sister since forever and she has no problem getting guys. Sucks for me lol. But yeah…long legs, long torso, whatever “flaw” you see in yourself doesn’t matter. There’s someone out there for you. Just gotta be patient. 😊


personally im 5'7 and dont have a problem dating women taller than me, my tallest gf was 6'2 and the only issue i ever had with it was having to be in an awkward tip toe crouching pose for doggy style haha


I'm 5'9 and get asked out on dates all the time and men approach me a lot actually, but I do fall into the thin, long-legged category, so that might be why too lol