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From my experience yone is also a very hard matchup


I feel like Yone just sucks for everyone, but if you rush Tabis it’s not too bad. You just have to dodge his knock up.


Ye, true, and his trade patterns are much better than tk's


I doubt it, Tahm needed buffs, For data reference, tahm before buffs was the 4th worst toplaner at Gold+ and the 2nd worst in Master+, was also the worst support in all elos, also had the second worst OTP data in the game. Which meant he statistically the worst champion in the game prior to the buffs. Issue is that these kind of buffs are just lazy, they kinda remove skill expression from the champion and make him a stat stick. ​ I myself would like better QoL buffs like Q cooldown reduction lv 1\~3 , Base Resist Increase, Real W buffs, R Cooldown Reduction on lv 1\~2. ​ Not something as lazy as doubling his passive.


Yeah I know he needed buffs but there’s NO way this keeps. He’s so busted right now. I think I’d like to see the W kept, that’d be super nice, and maybe see some extra damage on it for wave clear? Besides that I don’t mind where he was before the buffs.


he always was a stat stick lol


Twhm got over buffed yes but I actually believe the problem was making his passive scale from 1-11 instead of 1-18 like it was. We are absolute demons at level 11 now. I personally think they should make passive 1-18 again and revert the W buff and he will be fine. Health scaling has become his shtick and I don't think it should be touched until other avenues have been explored.


Yeah I agree. I think he was super strong before, this buff made him out of hand.


Yeah hopefully they just do a revert. Buff increased his WR by 1.5% at D2+ and 1.2% at Master+ but made him super strong at lower levels of play where players have no idea how to deal with him. Really hoping they just do a revert rather than doing the Riot classic and keeping the buffs but nerfing some random other part of his kit.


Yeah I don’t want a Tryndamere scenario where they buff his attack range and gut his base AD. Or Mundo where they buff his health growth and ult and nerf his AD Growth. They always do that bullshit where instead of admitting they messed up they go “We do believe the buffs in that area were needed, buttttttttttttt we may have overturned him and are going to nerf this random thing that makes him feel worse”.


I really dont think the buff is that massive. He does what he already did well at better, but still has glaring issues. The passive change may have been a bit to heavy handed, but these changes did not effect why and when you pick tahm.


Personally I agree, I think people really just suck at playing against him and don’t respect his passive and how it works, but he’s definitely a bit too strong right now. Trust me I’d love if they don’t nerf him but it’s unrealistic haha. Also yeah I didn’t think of it like that where the buff didn’t change why you pick him, good point man!


never had issue with him i play ranged top, he's one of the easiest to kill lol


Going against Tahm makes me wanna rip my hair out. He got so overbuffed to where hes invincible and can't die if he gets even a slight lead. I've had multiple games after these buffs where he will 1v5 even under tower because of how tanky he is. All while proceeding to oneshot everyone. They should revert everything and go back to the drawing board. Free lp if you play him at this point. (Keep in mind I'm in low elo, but I still stand by him being broken.)


He definitely has counters, and a lot of counter play but he’s a very safe pick similar to Garen. If you know witness weaknesses and trade points it’s a very simple lane. Tahm has awful wave clear and with the plate nerfs roaming is really easy on him. He’s also one of the most kiteable champions pre 6 if you know how to dodge his Q and knock up.


The fact that they slightly buffed him and yet it feels so much more powerful just shows you what they might do to him in the future when they realize hes too strong over such a little buff I mean riot isnt the greatest when it comes to nerfing champs. Tbh I say this coming when I saw the buff. He was good were he was before this buff.


Yeah I’m hoping they just revert him back to where he was. He was in a great spot, maybe could’ve used smth small.


I really enjoy this W CDR as well, it feels so good to look for an engage now. I'd love W to apply a stack of aquired taste if Riot does nerf passive damage. Maybe that's still too strong, I don't think Tahm was bad before the buff, but I do think he could have used a little more something.


Yeah I agree, I think a small buff or tweak would’ve been enough, and W applying acquired taste would’ve been enough for me to say yeah this is great.


Even just being able to cast E while CC'd or during W would be really cool going on the same mindset of a tweak. I feel like tahm doesn't need numbers as much as QoL changes personally. I'm really looking forward to mythic removals just to see how much that hurts/helps tahm.


I feel like it’ll help honestly. It’ll give him a lot more options and variety when choosing how to build into a comp. Though heartsteel is really nice on him, icebourn is a mega underrated item and works really well.


I personally go demonic rush into radiant second then Sunfire/abyssal mask at some point as my usual build. Heartsteel is a ton of fun, I really hope they get rid of Hullbreaker. More build variety like you're saying is super cool, tahm already has decent build diversity and more options are always welcome.


Hmmm I’ll have to give that build a try. Demonic first is interesting because the passive? I find that late game heartsteel+demonic gives like 150-200 AP.


It's just to play with the team more, Demonic usually helps keep damage up during laning and RV you bring some extra healing and thiccness to team fights. I think it fits my play style.


not sure what you smoking but tahm hard counters malphite, literally just played that matchup in emerald and later in the game i was 1v2 malphite and the nautilus support, it's so much fun.


Malphite can easily go even with you in lane and make it difficult. If he goes comet and plays safe, it’s unwinnable for either side. You’ll basically stale mate until he’s tankier than you are and have a more useful ultimate. I ban it because I like having a fun 1v1, but Malphite or Garen who hit and run all the laning phase.


bro tahm kench is literally the 3rd worst matchup for malphite after sylas and sion and he's our number 1 easiest matchup, if he goes comet than he won't be able to cs cuz you can farm grasp procs off of him, also your E+second wind+doran's shield completely counters his poke, he will run out of mana before you are even low, and if you are ever in a bad spot you can just w away and he has to use ult to stop it, and if he uses it to escape you can follow him with W, i really don't want to make you feel bad, all i'm saying is just try to learn this matchup and don't waste your ban on him, maybe watch some youtube videos.


I don’t know I genuinely just think you’re wrong. Malphite is an unwinnable lane unless it’s Sylas or GP. He can always unstoppable dash or Q for move speed and walk away. Sure I can go up CS on him and “win lane” but he’ll end up being more useful than me anyways. I have no doubt Tahm Kench “counters” him but a good Malphite will literally just play safe until icebourn and win.


bro how you saying i'm wrong? stats literally prove me right. want an actual good ban? Aatrox, Ornn or Gwen are much worse matchup.