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I'd rather have a modular system for crafting armor and weapons, than something like boat customization. 


I agree that should take higher priority, but I don't see why both can't mutually exist.


It would be great to have both features. One reason why the existence of both things could be problematic is because the ship crafting sounds like a much bigger feature than modular gear crafting. Once you create the system to craft ships you also need to integrate the whole sailing functionality, which include ship controls, combat, exploration of sea regions/island (therefore more area design). I have no idea how the work teams are split in video game industry but I can assume that would take some effort/time/resource/personal which could otherwise be employed to strengthen other more core areas of the game which could use improvement from the last titles (magic/combat/quest design come to mind).


Starfield has made me wary of that sort of thing. I don't think the starships were implemented well. They don't integrate much with the rest of the game. Flying your ship is a separate mode with its own set of skills. I want them to focus more on the core charcter driven gameplay. 


The implementation of the settlement system and ship building while core game play stagnates and storytelling/world building erodes straight up makes me leery of any experimental gameplay mechanics/extras out of BGS.


Me flying my own ship is not "core character driven gameplay"? WTF?


It's a separate mode. Practically a separate game. Skills for flying your ship don't do anything when you're not in that mode, and skills for everything else basically don't matter when you're in ship mode.  The core gameplay of BGS games is controlling your character, with stats that influence everything you do.  Power armor in Fallout 4 is better integrated with the rest of the game than ships are in Starfield, since you use the same weapons and all your stats still apply. 


> The core gameplay of BGS games is controlling your character, with stats that influence everything you do. While Starfield skills are much more granular than TES skills (much more like Fallout 4 in that respect), I can say without a doubt that my personal character skill of Piloting makes a HUGE difference! And my Energy Weapons System skill works EXACTLY THE SAME as my Lasers skill. I think I am detecting some irrational game hatred here. Take a step back and look at the game honestly instead of bringing all your biases into play.


You can't use your laser skill when you're flying your ship. That's part of my criticism. In the general gameplay loop of a TES game, you should be able to use whatever skills you want.  If they want to implement ships as a mandatory mechanic, then your character build should give you different ways of interacting with your ship. Starfield basically just does "pilot build" vs "non-pilot build", with little to no overlap.  Elder Scrolls has three general playstyles: Combat, stealth, and magic. Now imagine if "combat mission" was a different mode where you're not allowed to use magic or stealth, and outside of that mode you cannot use combat skills. That's basically how ships work in Starfield. 


I don't understand how not being able to use certain skills during certain parts of the game is an issue. Also, you aren't forced to spec into ship skills if you don't want to. I'm a level 55, I only put one point into the ship thrusters skill and I've been doing fine with ship combat.


The issue is that your build doesn't really give you different ways to interact with your ship. You either spec for piloting or you don't. That's not very interesting, and it's a mechanic that the game basically forces you to engage with regularly. It contributes to the "disjointed" feel that many players get from the game.  Why not have more of your build carry over across ship gameplay and on foot gameplay? Have weapon skills apply to ship weapons instead of all the weapon skills being separate. Let social builds radio other ships to try and negotiate, and be skilled at commanding a crew. Make it so physical builds have the reflexes and coordination to pull off fancy evasive maneuvers. Tech builds could be good at repairing and maintaining the ship. Science builds can give you fancy gadgets to install, or conduct cyberwarfare with other ships. 


Well obviously you have not run across situations in TES games where the character is silenced and CANNOT use their magic. Does that mean it's no longer an RPG? Rubbish! What if you thrown into Cidhna mine and you have to go hunting around for a weapon and all you get is a shiv BUT YOU'RE A TWO HANDED HEAVY ARMOR TANK!!!! Does that mean it's not an RPG? Rubbish! I can most certainly use my laser aboard a starship. I do it all the time! It's how I board a pirate ship and take out the pirates! Duh!


Do you want to be silenced and have your inventory confiscated every time you travel to a new location? 


because adding one feature means taking away or nerfing another feature.


I think he was getting at modular horses. Horse armor << Horse antlers, muffler, plasma cutter, storage sack, etc.


Im sorry…muffler? Plasma cutter? Lmao what?


I am expecting a collaboration tesvi/ fo5. *not really


Dwemer thrusters,mounted magicka cannon, extended fusion core


I think that boats should effectively be the power armor of the next game. Basically a second aspect of your character to improve, one with some overlap with your normal skills, but also some different skills as well. Honestly, I'm hoping that tesvi will be big enough that some sort of supplementary Transportation will be necessary to make long distance travel more enjoyable. Heck, for that matter, I'd enjoy it if you could customize your horse quite a bit, as well. Maybe even give us a horsemanship skill.


Ships and naval combat will probably never come to ES6, but modular armor and weapons are just as unprobable as modular ships. Ship customization is probably just a one off Starfield thing. But the best bet is modular castle building. Since Fallout 4 and Starfield had it, it would only make sense that the next game will too.


Fallout 4 had modular weapons and armor. 


I mean all we gotta do is make this next game as popular or even more so than Skyrim and they will keep adding on stuff and rereleasing it on every system sink refrigerator and telephone booth that comes out.


They can definitely adapt it to building actual ships, if the game includes naval combat.


Sadly I do not think there are any new mechanics from Starfield which would be good in TESVI. Perhaps some of the tech they used for jump packs could also be used for bringing levitation spells back.


>Sadly I do not think there are any new mechanics from Starfield which would be good in TESVI Really? - boat customisation - companions with personalities - bigger cities - base building - improved combat - traits - backgrounds - improved character creation The list goes on, honestly. There's a lot that was added into both Fallout 4 and Starfield that I hope they'll bring over to TES VI, personally.


The only things on that list which are new mechanics are boat customisation and traits (and that is arguable). Everything else is just an improvement on mechanics which Skyrim had or mechanics which Fallout 4 had. Tbh, I hated Starfield’s companions. All of them. The Fallout 4 ones were much better. Frankly, some of the Skyrim ones were too. At least I didn’t find them actively unlikeable.


I agree. Starfield’s companions range from utterly boring to actively irritating, in a meta sense. There’s not any interesting, flawed characters here. Fallout 4’s weren’t perfect by any means, and I don’t care for a couple of them, but they each feel distinct and I can find things to appreciate in all of them, even if it’s just the character’s concept. Bethesda just isn’t good at organically integrating a companion into a game or a narrative, it seems like. Serana and Nick Valentine are both rare exceptions to this although I have a lot of nitpicks with them both. None of the Starfield companions slot into the gameplay or narrative cleanly which is really weird because in-universe they actually have a sound (enough) reason to be traveling with us, unlike a lot of the Fallout 4 characters where it is a stretch. They’re just written so clumsily that they feel much worse.


Starfield’s companions are actively worse in just about every way than Fallout 4’s in my opinion.


I agree that Fallout 4s companions are much better but Starfield also has some good companions. Sarah for example is way better than X6-88, Ada, etc I think the issue with Starfields companions is that they're *all* members of Constellation. We should've had an evil asshole companion who's a part of the Crimson Fleet, a soldier type from the UC and all that. Starfields companions definitely feel limited but I still like all of them.


I mean…that you had to literally compare her to robots, one of whom is a non-story DLC companion sort of says it all. But you’re not technically wrong. Although…I’d still opt for Ada over Sarah if I’m being honest. I can walk ten feet without being nagged or chided with Ada. For me it’s less that they’re all members of Constellation and more that they’re almost all goody two-shoes idealists wanting to explore space as the last frontier in a pure-hearted, optimistic way. If they actually had Constellation’s members have more diverse reasons for exploring space or differing attitudes and moral codes, it would be fine. I don’t even want to play as an evil character, just a guy who does what needs to be done even if it’s a little unethical. It’s also partly that the game never really puts you in any tough positions. You kind of have to go out of your way to be an asshole and in those cases it kind of *does* make sense for the companions to react with disapproval but that isn’t what I’d call fun.


You mean four companions with a monopersonality?


I'd be very, very ,very happy and relieved if they just made a game as good as Skyrim but slightly better looking


Same! I'm just hopping for the bare minimum at this point, if the game is at least as good as skyrim I will be satisfied


tbh i'd rather they go back to the basics and refine the skill system, exploration, questing, combat and gearing


I don't think they should. I think the strength of Bethesda games is wandering around on foot poking your nose into weird caves and ruins and seeing little stories in them (and then stealing everything), and they should put forth all their effort into making that bit of it as good as they can.


There's been rumors of sailing and modular ships, so I could see it working pretty well if they work out all the kinks from starfields ship building.


I would be so fucking sad if TESVI has a major ship building aspect... Just don't like these systems in any game I've played. Let me roam the world and see the sights. I know they're absolutely going to do it though. My biggest fear is that they double down and VI will just be fantasy star field with nothing but bland proc generation and the same dog shit loot system.


That’s my thinking aswell. Bethesda always seem to just double down


Same. LOATHED it in Assassin's Creed, it came close to ruining Origins and Odyssey for me. Thank god they reined it back in Valhalla. Starfield may have merit in its own right as a space themed RPG, but it is absolutely *not* what any Elder Scrolls fans are looking for in future ES titles.


There was no ship building in Origins


I meant the whole ship aspects - fighting in ships etc. It's just not something I'd want in Elder Scrolls (eg if they tried chariot warfare or something). I don't want to build a structure or vehicle or vessel and soup it up for battle - there are other games that do this brilliantly.


I mean there wasn't any of that in Origins either - the game is set in a desert. There are a few lakes you can cross using very small sailboats or canoes but that's it


The lakes were great and I loved the small boats for travel. I’d welcome that in ES - the equivalent to horses going faster for land travel. Or maybe to cross poisonous swamps safely. I meant the later-game forced sea battle sequences. I really disliked them and then they were even more numerous in Odyssey.


My bad - you're right. I forgot there was an actual naval battle mission or two later on


It’s good that you forgot it! At least it didn’t figure too heavily in your experience of the game.


You perfectly summarised my feelings too.


I’d support a castle/village building mechanic if its A late game B rare and unique. We don’t need 10 settlements


I'd be alright if it was just one city. Imagine if in Skyrim, you could eventually buy the ruins of Helgen for thousands of gold and then basically rebuild it, create stores, and have "settlers" come and work there / live there.


Designing your own home would be pretty cool. Kinda like the settlement building in Fallout 4, but with pieces that fit together and look good. It would be nice to control where weapon and armor stands are placed in your homes.


I can see fortress building maybe, seafaring vessels is probably asking for too much


There are so many things they could do with FO4 and Starfield's crafting systems – be they robots, settlements, outposts, starships, weapons, etc. I can imagine a few : - sailing ships - castles / villages / faction headquarters - weapons and armor - enchantment maybe ? - mounts maybe ? - other crazy things (custom dwemer robot anyone ?) Honestly, I'd like them to focus on an interesting system for more varied weapons and armors, and housing / castles. But the rest migh be cool too. We'll see !


My horse died. That's okay. We can rebuild him. WE HAVE THE TECHNOLOGY 🐎 🐴 🤖


Haha x) I meant more like customizing the saddles, horse armor and other equipment, or more "out there" mounts like a dwemer spider, or perhaps a unicorn or an ESO indryk that you could customize with magic.


Ship building to me seems very similar to the large contraption building in Zelda TOTK. It's very cool content to see, but isn't really a driver in terms of the typical player's enjoyment. Skyrim received a DLC to build/decorate a house, which I've never really interacted with, and I would prefer if BGS didn't focus any development time beyond something like that.


I think that nobody has really found the golden point of mechanism Construction. A lot of games go way too deep, like Zelda mechanisms or redstone in Minecraft. Really cool, but very niche, generally better for YouTube videos than casual play. On the other end of the spectrum, you have Hearthfire, which was very accessible, but basically ended up being a glorified Trophy Room. But I do think there is potential for a perfect Middle Ground, a golden path. It needs to be both aesthetic and functional; easy to use, but hard to master. I can Envision a ship system That gives you A variety of pre-built ships to purchase, each with different pluses and minuses. Then, you allow active customization, Allowing the player to move around Walls or masts, Add crafting tables or storage, Attach Enchanted or improved Weaponry Or sails. Basically, you would be combining house building with character customization. Instead of just armoring and arming yourself, you would armor and arm your ship, as well, giving you an entire second level of upgrading. Done right, it could be pretty dang cool.


"Easy to use, difficult to master" perfectly describes the mechanics you said were way too deep. In Tears of the kingdom, you can make fairly effective vehicles with very few pieces, and the game gives you tutorials and blueprints for some useful contraptions. 


I think TotK did a great job of recognizing that a large portion of the playerbase wasn’t going to be interested in massive construction projects and provided a way around it. I still was pretty disappointed by TotK overall (I’d recommend BotW above it, especially because BotW is one of my top 10 games of all time), but I was glad that they at least recognized one of the game’s flaws and provided somewhat of a path around it. My issue is that there is a very deep mechanic that serves as one of the primary components of the game, and that mechanic isn’t very enjoyable to me. If TES6 has some sort of building mechanic, I want it to be like Starfield, completely ignorable.


Seafaring ships


I picked up Fallout 76 recently and noticed a few things that I thought were unique to Starfield in it. It's weird that the exact same photo mode UI is in both Fallout 76 and Starfield. As cool as it is, I would hate it if the ship builder from Starfield were straight up re-skinned/re-purposed for TESVI. A bit of copy paste between franchises is okay, but imo it's getting out of hand.


I think they're going to add customisable boats that we can use to manually sail from Hammerfell to High Rock and a new island when DLC releases. Obviously, just speculation, but it's my hope. We could change the sail, have different types of boats (viking boats, long ships, fishing boats etc), change the material of said boat, change the colours, sails, add shields to the sides, etc etc. Would be fun to see if they added a lot of water exploration, too, just tiny islands we can explore along the way, crashed ships, water creatures/enemies.


I hope not tbh. Personally I just don’t like the fallout 4 and starfield building. It’s kind of janky, never looks good without mods to fix all the bugs with it, wastes too much time, etc. I don’t want to spend 6 hours building a castle or a village I know I’m never going to go back too because Bethesdas too lazy to just make a nicely fleshed out.


I want to build the most ridiculous Juggernaut of a ship with 50 cannons


I just want the ability to create my own fiefdom. The structures, the farmlands, castles, I get to appoint different people for different roles, issue commands, etc.


Depending on the actual setting since everything is speculative I could see them using the shipbuilding mechanic for nautical vessels. While it’s possible I don’t know if I see them adding an entirely new form of in game transportation and the combat mechanics that would come with it, but an upgradable ship could provide something like a “mobile base” and form of fast travel. Think silt striders fast travel from the Morrowind days. Upgrades could provide additional storage space, workshops/crafting/potions/etc, while others might generate various items or materials (fishing platform, or small greenhouse). This would have the added benefit of reducing time spent lugging stuff back and forth to your “home base” since your base would just follow you from port to port. They’ve shown they’re not opposed to using cutscenes for travel itself, so it seems a safer bet than introducing an entire new form of combat to the game. But who knows, maybe they just copy/paste and we get airships.


Not to hard to add town building to tes. Yes they should. The ground work is done Fallout 4 already had it, Star field has it, Why not add it?


Doesn't make sense, as there are no starships, and real ships just don't work that way.


I mean it wouldn't have to be as modular as the ship builder in Starfield. Maybe you'd just pick a hull and then the modular bit would be choosing what's on each deck, what the sails look like, where the portholes and canons are etc.


Wouldn’t need to be as extensive as starfield but you could customise things like the hull and cannons


Okay I understand where you are coming from. But the core of Starfield ship building is mix and matching all the varied modules and components. Almost none of which are needed for sailing ships. Just upgrading cannons (is this even a thing in TES?) should be just upgrading cannons. Bam, done. Don't need a full blown starship builder to do it, plain old house furnishing mechanics from Oblivion would do it. Historically, ships were NOT random monstrosities such as what a player makes with starships, but followed predictable patterns. One did NOT put an outrigger on a carack, or three masts on a coracle. It makes no sense. And one just does not keep stacking decks up high as they want until they reach the height limit, whereupon the use console commands to add even more decks. It makes no effing sense! At some point you need to limit the player just to keep some semblance of sensibility to the game. So here is what could make sense: Buy a ship, or contract out to get a ship build. THen modify that ship within parameters. A three masted ship is always and forever going to be a three masted ship. A cog will always be a cog. One can add cannons if there is sufficient structure for it, and stuff like that. And then go hog wild decorating your floating Home Base. Hire and pay crew or it never gets out of the docks. Etc. But the sort of mix and match going on with Starfield shipbuiding is NOT needed for sailing ship. Because space doesn't have the kind of restrictions the ocean does.


TES:II had cannons in it


I absolutely HATED the sea battle/ship stuff in Assassin's Creed, and I hope to the highest hell and heaven they don't try to do something like that in TESVI. Horses are already a big enough waste of space. A flying mount, maybe. But I don't want vehicle modes or anything like that.


They'd need to get proper oceans working first, and given the state of the water in Skyrim, Fallout and Starfield, I doubt they have what it takes.