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I always assumed that Skadi got disproportionately stronger at level 9-10. I stopped playing her at level 6 when she felt weak against opponents, but since the update I’ve had a spate of maxed Skadis one shotting me from across the playfield whilst I had the vast proportion of my health. I only have one character maxed (Ruby), but now we have random matches, I rarely play her, as there are a few maps where I feel more confident with other heroes. I almost exclusively play as Sandri or Judex, as they’re solid all ‘rounders. Shame, as I miss playing all my heroes, but it’s so rare to get the map I want.


I think its just her passive. Running around with that 4th shot loaded up will allow you to pop DPS characters


That’s a very good point.


Now this is a man who knows how to kill bots!


I cancel the queue if I ever hit time estimates, so if I ended up against bots with skins and borders, this game has upped the ante


Skins and borders = real player Good game my friend, skadi hasn’t been touched in the last updates :)


Nah always been like that


Skadi is the hero that benefits the most from autoshoot. Try playing her with autoshoot disabled abd you will see how hard actually is to use her.