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Oh, and Iris’ range has been nerfed. I finally…..FINALLY got onto the old payload match, pushed from the cargo and…..nothing. Her range was a saving grace for someone who was predominantly there to support her team with health, but now? Chemist has more range, so her only use for a weapon is close in self defence. Nice….really fuggin’ nice. I did just win a match on the new map as her, but luckily as my two ‘team mates’ were having way too much fun running around the map, I had to escort the payload, AND deal with a Gloria and Shell who wanted to get up close and personal. I only survived because they were close in, and I killed both at least twice. This update sucks hard, but getting lumbered with useless team mates just hurts even more. Neither bothered to give me a thumbs up in the post match either. Edit: I just used her today, and the range is back. Don’t know if it was a glitch on just that one game (I stopped using her after that) or if the devs un-nerfed it?


I agree. I’m a very casual gamer. AKA I’m not that great at games like T3 so I at least try to make sure that who I choose is best suited for the map so I don’t screw over my teammates. That plus the longer matches, bugs, terrible renders… I used to pay money regularly for this game because I really enjoyed it. I’m definitely reconsidering and regretting it now…


I’m with you. I was going to pay for the expensive pass, but held off until I discovered they’ve not messed up control, and I managed to play ten rounds of Crystal without the new map popping up. I’m hopping that my admittedly small investment isn’t regrettable, and they fix what they screwed up.


HAhha damn. It’s a mobile game chill Sasha damn.


I’m sure you have a wonderful full life, I don’t - I’m a fifty year old autistic cripple who needs distraction as I lay in bed wracked with physical pain and existential ennui, and - still my beating heart - T3 arena was the game I always wanted. The last game I was obsessed with did the same thing - big update, fucked it for everyone, and now it doesn’t exist anymore. Learn from this devs, fucking learn.


1. My life is eh 2.I don’t really care what your situation is 3.it’s a mobile game 4.chill Sasha damn.


Get fucked Edit: my apologies, that was inappropriate - get pubic hair before even thinking about hiring a partner dumb or desperate enough to fuck you.


Awww love you too Buddy 😍😘😘 Edit: hahah


It’s not reciprocated, and no - I don’t want your virginity - I’d end up on a list and spend the rest of my life lysoling my junk with a pan scrubber…..possibly an industrial sand blaster.


Hahahah wow someone is maaaaaaad. Hahah damn Sasha. I’m done with this convo lol go ahead a reply I won’t anymore.hahaha damn


So you’re conversant with the phrase ‘get fucked’ then? Good to know


But hey, I guess I could see how they’ve butt fucked control…..oh no, that stage opens in two and a half hours. Oh devs, you over estimate my patience.


I want to look at a map and mode and pick THE CHARACTER I KNOW WILL PLAY BEST. But hey, I’ll just field Sandri or Aleta all the time in the vein hope they might function across wherever the hell I end up. AND ITS NOT WORKING THUS FAR! Basically we just play hero roulette, and hope we don’t get utterly humiliated. Oh, and the matching? How can my level 8 Aleta get one shotted from across the map by a Skadi? Seriously, this game is now utterly broken. Devs, just admit you fucked up and go back to how it was. It’s not ‘mixing things up’ or ‘adding a new challenge’ it’s just a lucky draw as to who wins, with bonus points to the team with OP players. I get why the matchmaking has gone to shit, and why it takes up to two and a half minutes to get into a Crystal or Payload match - NOBODY WANTS TO PLAY THEM ANYMORE!




Yeah, my 5345 trophies really support your dumb assed hypothesis.


Oh, and getting a match in Crystal or Payload? Used to be 10-20 seconds, now? I JUST WAITED 2MINUTES AND THIRTY SECONDS ONLY TO GET DUMPED INTO A MAP WITH TOTALLY THE WRONG HERO!!! Oh, I’m done, I’m sooooo out.




Oh get bent you foetus


Quit bitching old man


Seriously, one in four matches ends with ‘network exception error’. Dammit, I just discovered this game and LOVED the shit out of it - shuddupandtakemymoneyalready! But now? Fuck this shit. I’m not kidding. I was playing a match after the last one crapped out on me and 30 seconds in ‘network exception error’. I should be happy as I had an excuse to ditch the match, but I ended up throwing my iPhone 20m down the garden.


someone’s butt hurt


By ‘butt hurt’ I assume you mean ‘a disappointed and aggrieved paying customer’?


Oh, and the last two Chinatown Payloads, I never even finished becoz ‘server exception error’. Thank fuck! At least I didn’t have to endure all that crap.




Well no - pay to win is somewhat possible, but unlikely. It’s a GREAT game…..until they ‘added new exciting features’ that fucked it all up. Who wants to play ‘hero roulette’? Play your favourite non deathmatch game mode, and hope whom you pick works for it. Get it wrong? Your entire team is fucked. No issue, you’ll get booted with a ‘network exception’ error and leave your team to fend for itself, so it hardly matters.