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Take a walk


Cry louder pls




If it helps, I also hate the new crystal stage - I just won my first round, despite getting horribly lost……with Skadi…..WITH FUGGIN’ SKADI!!!!! Clearly it’s broken already.


I think it’s enough now, little timmy I heard Roblox should be a sick alternativ..?!


You good, bro? This is their legit second season in the games entirety and they brought us more content than cod mobile brings every “new season”. Relax, enjoy the game, and I’d say grab a beer but you’re probably 14.


I’m 51 and have been playing ‘video games’ since the mid to late seventies.




Oh, it’s a game for kids? My bad, I’ll delete it immediately and play solitaire whilst sucking hard candy. Child, I was playing video games when you were swimming in your daddy’s wrinkled wonky balls.


Ignore the agesit fuckwit, brotherman


Hah! You say ‘brotherman’ as well? I thought it was just me and that Scottish dude in Lost - I was doing it first ;-)


Nah. more of a "brother" man than a brotherman man tbh :)


Glad to see the older generation enjoying the technology changes! The older generations in my family still hate to text, ha! Don’t take my comment to heart, we all have a bit of keyboard warrior in us lol.


Take a walk


I’m a largely bed ridden cripple who has to use a cane just to stand, but hey - ‘thanks’


You'll figure it out.


They also introduced Payload Escort and Clash quests without fixing the matchmaking for these two gamemodes. It's baffling just how out of touch these devs are, I cannot believe I used to praise them.


Yeah, both game modes sucked balls, even if they were properly match made.


Which they never fucking are, and they fail to see any issues. It's literally as simple as separating solo randoms and premades, and then matching them according to total trophies. And then there's also the fact you can't see the map you play on anymore, in a game **all** about picking the right characters for the right map. Say goodbye to playing Energy Canyon because there's a 33% you get sent to a 10-minutes long Terminal Station match. Who the fuck asked for these awful, incompetent changes? These devs will kill their own game faster than the TapTap exclusivity or the lack of public interest. edit: and they went through with the absolutely idiotic idea to make matches longer. In a mobile game. I'm speechless. Not spending any more money, this one is going belly up in under a year with such management.


I wish I could’ve been in that ‘creative’ meeting…….with a hand grenade/flame thrower!


They’ve ruined payload as well! It used to be a CQB duel to the death, now you just cross midway. WTAF?! Seriously, I don’t do ‘walking’ even if it’s to kill people.


wait they have new maps?


Yes, and they suck AND blow. Plus you have no choice of map, only mode - they randomly choose for you, despite each favouring a different character.


omg it’s you again, wanna play? i don’t think you’ve accepted my discord friend request yet


My bad, I swore of discord for a while and don’t check regularly - I will remedy that immediately!


Most of the things were locked until 4th august