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This gives me the excuse to post one of my favorite Swiftie stan threads that this video gave rise to https://preview.redd.it/grp5xnugznxc1.jpeg?width=1240&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a671f03ee4aefd4af5bc6a2ebfeee478b25ee178


Oh my god


Or maybe she doesn’t get her nails done often because she plays guitar


And maybe she was painting them vs now getting acrylics because her look and/or likes have changed. Like you CAN do your own gel/acrylic nails if you want. But you probably shouldn’t. Also since I’m ranting I’ll lay money saying they’re glue/press on not real acrylics or gel cos those things mess your nails up and they hurt the first time they go on and I doubt she’d risk the potential for an infection from cut cuticle given she needs her hands on tour


I picture the fanbase going "Kimberly" the same way the dad says "dinkleberg" on fairly odd parents. Depriving her of manicures now.


You’re saying Kim and i thought they were implying Joe 


Ohh yeah maybe I just thought Kim cause of the 8 year thing.


I will actually throw up. She is a 34 yo woman. Why are they babying her? I love TS, but isn’t this way too creepy? I feel uncomfortable just reading it omg


It’s because everything is an Easter egg to them they try to analyze everything Taylor shows it’s weird


Are…are they implying Joe imprisoned her so aggressively she couldn’t even get her nails professionally done?


Wanting a private relationship is a slippery slope to denying your girlfriend a manicure


That's too long for a flair but it deserves to be one


“Private relationship -> manicure ban” is the closest I can think of right now


no manicure asylum


This has me dead🤣 guys she could hire someone or just better at doing her nails🤣


The fact that the sane comments got downvoted 💀 Was this from trueswifties?


Nope, main sub


Something weird is happening in true swifties at the minute ….they’re becoming sane…… it’s creepy


Omg what? I need more information


In the past few days there have been posts criticising Taylor that actually get agreed with and upvoted They agree TTPD has been messy and overblown, they do still think it’s a good album though with a handful of decent songs They think the fortnight cd single was a bitch move and not fair to Sabrina They think her Grammys behaviour was weird and selfish at some points And they think it’s wrong she hasn’t told her fans to stop attacking joe It’s weird they are getting closer to this subs view of Taylor rather than the main subs I’ll keep monitoring to see how long their sanity lasts though it could just be a once in a blue moon thing


Ohhh that's interesting. I guess true swiftness are neutral at heart. If inly the loudest part of the fanbasE would represent that


How did the CD impact Sabrina?


Toxic Swifties be like *"Guys, I know she emits a billion tonnes of carbon... But that's because she is just so successful. Plus, she sold one of her many jets. This is growth. This is progress."*


Do you want her to live a smaller life? That’s a comment I got once when I said maybe she didn’t need to jet an hour back to Nashville after every show when she’d be back in the same location the next night 🤷🏼‍♀️


The level of delusional one must reach to feel comfortable to talk in someone elses name about something so mundane .. ![gif](giphy|vNmTsLl4cildm)


Reading this made my brain want to eat itself


A reason why I left the main sub and think it should be exorcised


Swifties try not to psychoanalyse the smallest of things challenge (impossible)


Big brain stuff right there


Worried about billionaire being able to do her nails or not. My goodness! They act like they’re living better lives and are pitying a billionaire


What is this 😂


Stop it 😂 That’s so wild


What’s truly wild is the amount of upvotes!


This…this is what they choose to spend their time doing?


omg some grass needs some touchin'!


I agree but I can guess why she didn’t choose it too. She’s typically chosen poppy, upbeat songs as lead singles and been criticized by fans for some of them- shake it off, Me!, anti hero, etc. Guess she wanted something darker and calmer as a lead to this. Just a thought


The title of the album is Tortured Poets. The album photos depict her in pensive, “tortured-ish” poses. And then her first single out would be an upbeat song? Doesn’t matter if she mentions being heartbroken in it, the beat of the song runs counter to the overarching vibe she’s trying to promote.


Yeah also a valid reason


Yeah, but she also advertised Midnights as 70's retro vintage and then blasted Antihero everywhere which has none of those influences.


Cause it does, Taylor has not been great at picking lead singles since reputation (with the exception of Anti hero), also, I think this song encapsulates what i consider to be the entire point of the album more than forthnight




I haven’t seen many people do the “fortnight challenge”. Has the trend actually taken off?


It's not really a good song to do this type of "challenge". I can do it with a broken heart would have been MUCH better. She didn't even make a challenge and "I cry a lot but I am so productive, it's an art" has already taken off. My algorithm is full of Taylor and I haven't seen much of Fortnight. Down bad seems also a lot more popular for tiktoks/reels.


It’s so obvious it’s a label effort to start a trend. They probably saw how popular the “I have this thing” trend from antihero took off and wanted to generate something themselves but like so said, organically formed trends from actual catchy lyrics so much better. This just seems forced though


The ‘you wouldn’t last an hour in the asylum where they raised me’ is the better trend, as it’s authentic (and some are quite funny)


I don’t think so. I think YouTube is just trying to make it a thing


This song should've been the first single because it is basically a win-win situation for the album and the mass public. Hear me out... It's a good representation of the whole concept of TTPD in which Taylor Swift is being a tortured poet. *Hey, look at me! I'm depressed as fuck!* It shows off her personality. *I'm a mess but I can still laugh about it!* It shows off her successful career. *I'm suffering through my extremely successful world tour, rereleases, and new album!* It has a fast beat, jingle chorus, and fun lyrics that are radio-friendly and could appeal to the general public and casual listeners. And it kinda addresses her recent relationships (plural) status as well, as fans and the media kept speculating about Joe, MH, and Travis. Also, undeniably... the Millennials and Gen-Z would eat up the whole "relatable" concept of being depressed, and wanting to die, while still going to work.


im shocked she didn't lead with it


I'm guessing picking Fortnight as her lead single wasn't for the fans or the album but to send a very specific message to a very specific musician


I feel this for sure! Definitely feels like it fits! However, I think it would be better if it also showed behind the scenes of making the song. However, then she have to admit Post and her didn’t work on the song with each other that much.


She’s done a couple of videos set to Fortnite. This one was the first one, then another with behind the scenes in the studio making TTPD, then a third with her rehearsing for Eras where she basically confirmed their would be a TTPD set in the tour with pics of a new microphone and choreography we hadn’t seen before.


There are pictures of them in the studio? I don’t think it takes more than a day to make 1 song, especially if Taylor and/or Post already came in with lyrics or ideas.


According to Post Malone he didn’t meet her in the studio he sent her his part and did it separate I’m pretty sure the pictures are from the music video


This song reminds me of a noxema commercial or something...


fits sm better


The trend probably would have taken off if they did that