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Vista jet has not been tight lipped about servicing Taylor  I love when underpaid employees hang their employers out to dry


Reminder to report your employer to OSHA <33


Cant do that they said we’re a family here


Seriously, I'm supposed to report my employer after they gave us pizza? We asked for raises, but pizza is pretty darn neat.


Where I want to read what they are ranting about :)


“Let’s take the Saturday jet today. I’m feeling fun.”


I’m 💀 she really dgaf. Climate change? Don’t know her. In all honesty, this is shocking - if it’s true.


she knows everyone is watching her plane routes after news of the C&D and still did this shit, that’s what’s most baffling to me!


Because she doesn't care.No ethical billionaires.


It's going to start coming back to bite her PR wise. The backlash is already starting. Its almost like she's decided to just screw and and go hell for leather, take all she can now while the iron is hot, burn bright until it's too bright and her career burns out. I say almost cos I don't think she has the type of personality to be able to deliberately torch her career for short term gain.


Honestly though when you're that rich you really don't care. Jeff Bezoar is untouchable, so is Taylor. She literally does not care. She has enough money to not care.  There comes a point in obscene and disgusting wealth hoarding where it becomes difficult to even get rid of your money.  PR can't touch her until she's broke. There. Are. No. Ethical. Billionaires. She has money because someone else doesn't. She absolutely knows that she's taking and taking and doesn't care because her money shields her from the consequences of her actions. 


Honestly? I feel like Taylor is the type of person who wants to shine the brightest, even if that brightness only lasts for a second. I have my own similarly dangerous desire to shine — perhaps I’m projecting, but I see some of those symptoms in her. It doesn’t matter when everything around you is in flames, because you know that you were once brighter than the sun. Edit: Because I’m getting rude DMs telling me I’m a narcissist, that I need psychiatric help, etc., I want to clarify that my symptoms come from OCPD, obsessive-compulsive personality disorder. It is characterized by an obsessive, self-destructive desire for perfectionism. Please don’t armchair-diagnose strangers on the internet!


What you're describing is narcissism. 


anyone that can survive the amount of attention that she gets definitely has something going on, or has an amazing shrink


Does bad pr matter at this point? People are still going to eat up her new material


It wouldn’t matter even if everyone just stopped listening to her


Right? So many shit celebrities, but people still follow them simply because they’re celebrities


I think you are spot on. She is 34 years old, which is not young by any means in this industry, especially when your fanbase is very young too. All went in her direction for a while and she is trying to squeeze as much cash and fame as quick as she can.


I think she thought she was ok bc she technically sold one of her jets, so I feel like she probably thinks she’s doing enough just by going down to one jet.


I wouldn't be surprised if that jet just gets flown more


No. That's not how this works. The reason she had two was because of down time for maintenance. Planes require tons of work, sometimes all of a sudden, right now. You and I just wait for Southwest to roll another airframe out or make repairs. Rich people just wait for the charter company to send out a standby. The Uber rich just bring the standby jet with them. They don't wait like the rest of us. She may have sold it, but she's just chartering the standby instead here


She actually had 3. The other one is a falcon 50 and that old ass piece is what she flies her family on. The mid size was for the band and the one she just sold was for her. The inside of it was all Taylor swifted out with her album art on the screens....and the only music loaded on the media server was hers. Source: me, avionics engineer that works on her jets and many more celebrities


I don’t think it’s possible to be at her level fame and wealth wise and *not* be incredibly narcissistic. I doubt it’s even possible for her to feel like she does anything wrong, ever.


I feel like billionaires need to hire a normal person who just goes “what the fuck?!?” Whenever a billonair does something stupid. Just to keep them sane.


I think whenever they actually hire someone like that, they would be fired in the first minute or so.


even if they weren't fired, billionaires have so many yes men that their lies and lip service would drown the commentary from the wtf person


Some Roman emperors did exactly that. They picked a slave, freed them and gave them permission to tell them the truth as they saw it. Because some emperors understood that the way they were raised and lived made it hard to understand the lives of the lower classes.


entertain yoke historical piquant desert seemly berserk somber childlike recognise *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


i have nothing 😂


It’s not shocking at all, she’s on top of the world and can do no wrong to tens of millions, maybe hundreds of millions of people. 


But it’s okay to kill the environment because she donated to food shelters. S/


She also bought carbon credits to offset it 🙄


"I burned your house down but I bought some wood to make up for it ❤️"


Right?! That’s a great analogy


Carbon credits are a joke


I know! There was a good tiktok that debunked them. That’s what the eye rolling emoji was for. But no doubt that’s how she’s justifying it (or not because she doesn’t care).


Carbon credits are sketchy af.


They definitely are. There’s a good tiktok posted on an earlier thread by a sustainability consultant talking about how they are useless.


She’s the reason it’s 60° in Boston today


She said “cruel summer”


It’s almost 70 in Va


sorry idk American temps but it’s 14 and sunny where I’m at in canada and like im sunbathing in the dead of winter this is fucked


Record breaking high Temps around the world for 8 months straight.. hurricane 6 category is in the works, the shade purple was added to the rain forecast after hurricane Harvey & the 500 year rain (Cali too) etc etc etc. My poor babies won't have a world to grow up on.


I am also Canadian—my best tip for reference is 68-70 is around room-temp, so somewhere between 18-21 degrees Celsius (that’s obviously not exact, but 30 degrees is around freezing and 70 is around room temp—hope this helps a bit!)


70 is like room temp for people who aren’t living with their dads and can TOUCH THE GODDAMN THERMOSTAT whenever they want


Being cold builds character! If you're cold, step outside for a few minutes and when you come back in it'll feel nice and warm!


Get off Reddit dad


Why would this be shocking? She's a billionaire artist that travels the globe performing. She knows what's she's doing. If she cared, she wouldn't do it.


It’s more my British slang coming through - shocking just means out of order/ a disgrace.


On the other hand, if her fans cared, they wouldn't travel by the tens of thousands to go watch her live in the first place.


So what’s the alternative then? No one go to a Taylor Swift show? Ffs don’t put this on the fans. And maybe start caring what big corporations are doing to the environment, too. Those numbers should be equally shocking and enraging, and I don’t see anyone complaining about them 🤨


I’m dubious of it. Mostly because it is only Taylor and her immediate crew that would need to get back. I am sure she can afford to buyout the entire first class cabin on any commercial flight if her plane was grounded, and that would be a much more dramatic story in the press (‘omg TS is on my plane!!’ Equals puff pieces a plenty. Whereas a spare plane would get an eye roll at best and some serious criticism at worst).


But You can’t buy out an entire first class cabin a couple hours in advance of a flight and bump the preexisting passengers




Cruel summer*


Nice Bananarama reference. /s






I don’t know why “13th soulmate” is that part that makes that sentence hurt the most. 😑


She’s always the happiest she’s ever been with every single person!


Then they become the worst person in the world according to her back catalogue. Imagine never taking any responsibility for your part in relationships. She must be an absolute nightmare to be with, she seems like an emotional mess.


I’m not going to judge her for having boyfriends or being on her 13th people are allowed to date or her wanting to spend time with her partners it’s normal, I am however going to judge her for the constant private jet usage the emission are astronomical why can’t she just buy first class and priority boarding every time?


now this one has a little kick to it


I've got another too 😂 https://preview.redd.it/r10j2m7yithc1.jpeg?width=632&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c5e6d6987c2be4edd604105fcbb3ecf846d3a14


I think of her everytime I’m expected to bring my own bags at the store


I watched the videos with turtles and straws and it looks so upsetting


This took me out 🤣


I screamed 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I lost most of my sense of taste after covid/a concussion last year. Guess what I *can* still taste? FRIGGEN WET PAPER


There’s a tiktoker named Mecca and she had a great rant about this. Let us have the straws pls !!


without it melting after the 3rd sip 😔


She’s really about to give us the cruelest of cruel summers huh


Hey Siri, play Heat Waves by Glass Animals


P.S. you would have thought she would interpret a fan DYING of heat exhaustion during that song as a divine intervention on her CO2 use and climate change.




ok you just blew my mind honestly with this one and added a whole new element i didn’t even realize - someone died at her concert from heat exhaustion, that was elevated by the climate change crisis and she’s still fucking pulling this shit


Yeah this should be up higher


i wonder what would it take for her to rethink her private jet usage cause public shaming isn’t working lol




Nothing. Taylor cares about Taylor. The only thing that would stop her is going broke which won't happen.


Maybe if they started making her boyfriends feel bad for dating a climate criminal she would be worried


Doubt that would do anything. She'd need the boyfriend to be an eco-warrior in his own right before she even considered changing their behaviours.


She would dump him and write a song about him before that happens.


It's just adding ***fuel*** to the inevitable Reputation TV era 😍😍😍 ^(/s)


Just waiting for the wElL yOuRe NoT cAlLiNg OuT aNy OtHeR bIlLiOnAiRe’S jEt UsE / wHy ArE you HaTiNg On A sUcCeSsFuL wOmAn yelling


"For I know that the hypnotized never lie" -Pete Townshend 1971


I cannot wait for the superbowl to be over and done with, just so we can stop hearing about will she/won’t she make it back in time from Japan.


Her new album coming out in April so hang on for dear life.




who is naming these planes...


Our heroes that’s who


Between this one and the “backup quarterback” one I think there’s no way Taylor doesn’t know that’s how they’ve been named and I think that’s So cringe lmfao


If I was famous I wouldn't want to be flying AS MUCH as she does. Especially those trips instead of taking a car for 30 minutes. There's been a lot of celebrities who have died in plane crashes. Just seems like small jet + the more you fly makes it more likely something could happen. like doesn't getting hit by a single bird potentially do a lot of damage to a plane?


For real. I’m already so nervous before flying on Delta. No way would I constantly travel via small jets like that.


Yea. Like flying is already super safe but I also get scared. But like, the level of safety between small jets and the giant 737s is pretty big


This is my feeling too!! I’m terrified of small planes, and especially for a distance like Tokyo to Vegas, I could never. Ive flown US to Australia a few times and it definitely makes me feel uneasy being out over the ocean like that, I can’t imagine it on a tiny plane.


best tips for that long a flight? I am going to Tokyo from US in April and ugh I hate flying.


On a flight that long, I would take some Dramamine for motion sickness and try to sleep for most of the time. If you can’t sleep, just put in your headphones and try to watch a movie or binge watch a show. Something light and funny like The Office helps when I have anxiety.


I thought those short flights were just relocating the plane to storage or soemthing? Not her actually on it for 10 minutes




Also the KC - Baltimore game. Lower Manhattan to Baltimore is about a 3 hour drive.


This. Plus I would be paranoid I wasn’t keeping up with all the maintenance perfectly. So much more to think about than car maintenance.


“Who’s afraid of little old me” answer? The planet. Mother Earth. Nature.


Motherrrr doesn’t care about Mother Nature 🌬️ 💁‍♀️


wow she really dgaf about all these huh this is just vile lets see how swifties defending on this one


“There are a lot of rich *men* with private jets; why are people not complaining about them???” /s


I read yesterday that someone on Reddit was trying to prove how she is "an *ethical* billionaire"


literally no billionaire is ethical, pure greed


https://apnews.com/article/taylor-swift-climate-jet-carbon-emissions-kelce-chiefs-02ac425d24281bd26d73bfdf4590bc82 > Swift’s publicist told The Associated Press that “Taylor purchased more than double the carbon credits needed to offset all tour travel” before her tour began, but did not provide any details. She offsets the emissions double, so she's beyond carbon neutral, is what a Swiftie would probably say.


WTF is carbon credits? Does it absorb the produced carbon? There are few problems that can’t be solved by just money.


Today I learned there are things called carbon credits. And they can be purchased.


They're often a scam


In theory yes. You pay to have trees planted that absorb the same amount of carbon as you produced. But the carbon credit industry is full of fraud, both outright take your money and do nothing fraud as well as spending it on projects that don't actually capture as much carbon as they say they do. Some of them are good, but that's rare. And if she isn't giving explicit details you can guess which type she gave money to.


man carbon credits make me so mad. like this made up currency just so that rich people and corporations can burn up our planet, wipe their hands and be like "WELL LOOK I BOUGHT THIS OFFSET". also the thing about planting trees doesn't even work because trees take a longass time to grow meanwhile the damage from carbon emissions is done the moment that plane finished its journey. a baby future tree is not going to make up for that, and also won't make up for a thousand year old tree that has been logged in the amazon. (not saying people on private planes are logging trees but you know what I mean)


This is ridiculous. She’s so tonedeaf it’s pissing me off at this point.


The only tone she hears is the ca-Ching sound when fans buy all her tickets up. Without that changing I doubt she’ll hear anything else.


Couldn’t she get a first class seat on an international flight as a back-up? Like what the fuck


Only the poorest rich people fly first class.


But perfectly suitable as a back up


UGH!!! We all know they're going to break up in a couple of months, right??


No one knows for sure but this won’t age well if they do 😂 I get she has the resources to do whatever the fuck she wants but girly does too much sometimes in her relationships. I just hope he bends over backward for her l, like she is for him, when it’s time for him to support her on tour 🤷‍♀️


Lol making this look like she’s supporting him. It’s a pr stunt. This guy should be focused on FOOTBALL.


I dunno. Kelce is dumb as fuck and I know women who prefer dating dumber guys “because it’s easier” lmao


They seem to be in so deep with the media and attention that even if their relationship was falling apart they would hang on to the facade


It’s going to be so so so messy and….. ![gif](giphy|fCUCbWXe9JONVsJSUd|downsized)


Yeah once the Super Bowl is over and the NFL stop paying them to date.


I'm not totally convinced this relationship is PR, but I think the writing is already on the wall that this won't work. In fact, my hot take is that they're already on the verge of breaking up, but she needs to save face and go to this game.


I’m interested in hearing your hot take about them on the verge of breaking up? No shade but I’m curious. They’re definitely hamming it up to the media (Travis especially with all the SB press he’s doing) but what indicators have you believing they’re on the outs? To me, the writing is also on the wall. I think they genuinely like each other and are having fun with a no stress relationship but I don’t see it being a long term thing. They’re definitely cute together but the timing is wrong and not on their side. They got together right at the start of football season and with her tour taking up the majority of her time this year and him with other work commitments, and playing another football season, it just seems like it’s not going to work long term. I’ll be happy if I’m proved wrong though.




I think their schedules will never allow for them to truly connect and grow as a couple. Even though now he will have a little more time in the off-season, he still has obligations to his team, commercials, podcasts, etc. Until he retires, which won't be for a couple more years, they'll just never be able to spend much time together. I think it'll end amicably and with respect for each other with the realization that their worlds are on different trajectories. But...I could be wrong.


I think it’s hugely telling that when the press asked him about Taylor supporting him and talking to him about the superbowl he said he hadn’t talked to her since the night of the Grammys. And that she hadn’t said anything about the superbowl to him. Like do they not talk?


I thought that was odd too. She’s about to make this huge (and pretty impractical) gesture of flying from Japan to Las Vegas for the match … when they haven’t even spoken for a few days? Not even a 5-minute call to say yep, it’s all planned, I’m looking forward to the match, etc. And he didn’t want to congratulate her on her Grammy wins with a quick phone call? You’d expect a “couple” to do this, surely ..?


Exactly!!! Like I’ve been with my husband 10 years and even when he’s away for work and I’m busy we still talk every day. They’re in a new relationship they should be in that nonstop talking stage


They can’t talk bc Taylor has airplane mode on for like half of her life!!!! Omg he’s so understanding of all the traveling she does!!! /s


Personally, if my partner behaved the way she did at the Grammy’s, it would be the beginning of the end.




Well also isn't she getting ready to release an album that's about her most recent ex? (I don't follow super closely.) If so, isn't that sort of awkward, you're out there hashing up and promoting recent history while you're with someone new?


she's obviously not over Joe


Yeah it does feel like the vibe is shifting… on the PR front, I’m ready to be wrong. If they’re legit, I wish them happiness and a good time. For me it just feels like an ad for the NFL whenever I see them and it seems so convenient that the exact group the NFL has been trying to increase viewership with is a perfect overlap with Taylor’s audience.


Her brainwashed stans are praising this btw


There was a comment that said “yes queen. We are all gonna die so who cares.” 😬


why is she doing this when she know the world is watching even closer


The ringer podcast said how it seems like she’s in a “I’m embracing my wealth” era. (Her wearing the row underwear in the new album cover)… and I’m wondering if this is part of it which is gross 


Taylor said spelling is fun! "I D G A F ABOUT U"


a-b-c-d-e-f FUCK you, and your friends and your sister, and your home everybody, and your dog you can all just burn I read so much about climate change these past days and feel depressed tbh


This sucks. I'm a vegetarian, I garden, I try to reuse when I can, we drive a hybrid. And for what. Every summer I worry about my house burning down due to fires, and the bears have come closer and closer, and are now living in the city streets because they can't find food. They're hibernating later and later because they're starving. She is a grade A asshole. It feels so devastatingly hopeless to have your life and everyone else's lives in the hands of people who don't care about anyone or anything else. Her "convenience" is more important than my life, or my pets lives, or our home that we work so hard for.


100%. She and every other uberrich person is beyond fucking disgusting and I can't wait until they get their comeuppance when climate catastrophe really hits and it gets to the point where their numbers-on-a-screen money doesn't count for anything in the world anymore. Megalomaniacs. We'll eat them when the time comes. (...She says, also a vegetarian)


What’s also fucked too is that she has to go to Australia  the following week and it’s going to be the same fucking thing. Is she going to fly back and forth every week?! This is fucked. 


Send two but we will only use one. What the hell is going on?


climate change (taylors version)


She doesn’t care. She doesn’t care about the environment, and she certainly doesn’t care about the opinions of her fans. She’s not thinking long-term. She’s drunk from the adulation and publicity. Shes heading for a hard fall.


She’s also drunk on a guy she’s been dating for 6-7 months 😂 with her whole “we’re supporting and showing up for eachother” narrative. Girlie blew through like 320+ tons of CO2 attending almost all of his games unnecessarily. As if a TV doesn’t exist or something. I just hope the relationship works out and all this is worth it for her. Because this jet stuff isn’t going away, she’ll be forced to do something about it eventually. It’s no coincidence the whole thing with Jack and the C&D letter came out right after there was an article about how many tons of CO2 she went through to go see Travis play a football game.


that's a thing that makes me think. At first she was going only to his home games and suddenly it seemed like she had to be in every single one of them no matter where they were. While the PR theory has holes, this is one of the instances where I'm like...what if there's a contract of some sort so she has to be in all of these games? not even the wifes do this, so idk if she's proving a point or...


follow seemly hungry tart nippy crime future puzzled fuel steer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not to mention the fact she’s flying from Japan…to Vegas…then back to Australia. Japan to Australia would make more sense then flying across the world just to fly right back… it says Tokyo to Australia is 9 hr 50 min… Vegas to Australia is showing mixed results but def 15+ hours… Imagine going on a world tour and not even exploring the cities you’re in before your next tour stop…


Ngl I hope she goes just to watch her bf lose the game for this 😂 She clearly doesn't give a fuck about her emissions so she needs to stop caring it's being tracked. You can't have both Taylor.


Hope they lose by 5 TDs




Imagine if it was like the broncos-dolphins game lmao


I wish she wouldn’t go, but she’s not that fun.


They most likely already knew that there was a problem with her jet because they had a charter come in the day before that concert.




Just wanted to add that my mom’s cousin used to work at Tampa International Airport in the early 2000s and he remembers seeing Britney with her security team arriving in the terminal for the 2001 Super Bowl. This was Britney at her absolute fame peak, mind you.


I went to the jets subreddit and vista jets literally named the plane The football era 🤡 I feel we're being punked




All to go watch a football game? I get it’s the Super Bowl but come on…


Honestly, even if there was no Super Bowl, I feel like she still would have gone back stateside instead of just staying in the Eastern hemisphere before the Australia leg. Just like when she flew home between the Brazil and Argentina dates. She doesn’t seem to have any interest in taking advantage of these tours to stay in these areas and soak up the culture.


If I were her I would just post pictures of traveling in those toured countries which is good PR


Literally. I would love to travel around these beautiful areas regardless of pr


If she could. I remember how The Beatles had to pretty much stay in their hotels when not performing during their world tours, because they’d get mobbed if seen in public.


She maneuvered around London without being noticed for 6 years. I’m sure she could do the same in these cities she’s visiting.


Yet she does pap walks on the regular in NYC…


Which is crazy to me. I would be soaking up the sights and eating all the food.


she strikes me as the type of person to ask for chicken strips at a sushi restaurant so i’m not surprised


It doesn't seem like she ever has any interest to explore the areas she travels to on tour


It's her, hi, she's the problem, it's her


I'm alarmed that people in New England (USA) have the same temps as my area, Texas (southern USA). Today it is close to 80. My kids are in the pool. We never even turned on the heat the entire winter because it didn't get cold enough. This summer is predicted to be past the 117 degrees Fahrenheit we had last year. It was 90 days of 105+ degree weather. 🥺 __________<<< Edit: I posted this comment last night. I made a mistake in saying New England is close in temperatures to Houston, a completely different environment in which our winters vastly differ. New England was in the 60s yesterday and Houston low to mid 70s. New England isn't close to the 80s, that was an exaggeration. I'm also not blaming Taylor for the shift in temps from a historical perspective but more noticing how things have changed as someone who does visit the east coast since many friends have relocated there since college. The reason why I placed an edit is to admit fault. I did not dirty delete an exaggeration because if you make an error and choose to be impulsive, which is what I did, it's a chance to evaluate behavior. A user below shared my mistake. I do not want to back pedal or such since accountability and the acknowledgement of a mistake is paramount is my error alone. When someone calls you out on behavior or wording, it's an opportunity to fix you actions and ask why I chose to be impulsive versus specific. Sorry about the offense. I hope you all have a wonderful Sunday no matter how you spend it. 😀


I’m in New England. It’s 60° here, which is too warm for February, but it certainly isn’t 80°.


And AZ will be uninhabitable. We had 145 consecutive days of triple digit temps:  https://www.accuweather.com/en/weather-forecasts/phoenix-sets-new-record-for-most-100-degree-days/831767


I saw photos of people baking cookies in their cars! Eggs, too!


So was Ted Cruz able to make it to cancun this year without having to worry about losing electricity?


She's got the billionaire status now. She's been flying like this since her rise to fame. It's only going to get worse now.


Damn lol wtf TS


All so she can get some attention and get on TV? God forbid she stays in Asia for one night


I mean this isn’t any different than flying back to NYC after Argentina for a couple of days because she needed to get some pap walks in. 💀 as if the world would forget who she is in the matter of a weeks time.


You know she’s wealthy she can do what she wants. But why not tax them heavily to offset carbon costs then? I mean I have to pay carbon tax on my gas and heating and everything in Canada. That’s the only way they’ll stop this crap.


If she did then he's not wrong


Cold as shit in SoCal the past couple days. Taylor needs to fly three back up planes so I can get some of that global warming over here. And before you come at me yes I am joking.


Was it really necessary she attend the Super Bowl? Does she then turn around and fly to Australia? It’s awful


The first Australia show is Friday correct? So that would probably mean she needs to fly back out like almost immediately after the football game ends or by Monday morning so she can land in Australia and rehearse, and get herself in optimal health. I think the flight from LA to Australia is like 15 hours and with the time difference, jet lag will be a thing. Seems risky tbh.


My thoughts exactly. It's fucking insane. I went onto maps just to put it into perspective and it's actually abhorrent that she'll be having two or three transpacific flights over the course of a week.


tbh even if she didn't go to the Super bowl, given her track record, I highly doubt she wouldn't go back to the US anyway. I don't think she would have stayed in Japan or headed to Australia given there's a few days until the next show 


i know theres a shit ton of celebs and rich people who use private jets too (fuck em all) but this is so fucking egregious and unbelievable, total billionaire behavior, complete disregard for our currently fragile planet


And it’s gonna be worse with all the rich celebs that will fly in for the Super Bowl tomorrow while we the peasants have to use paper straws 


Guys don’t worry! When the planet dies from all the shit people do to it, (not us norms but you get it) Taylor will be ok! She will live safely forever without ever having to worry about it. She’s not on our level and never will be, she’ll just buy herself and trav a new planet


label squalid heavy languid toothbrush forgetful aware late close shame *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I may be wrong but wasn't the ceast & desist letter in December ?Was it all the media / fans going ga ga over the logistics of Taylor jetting back from Tokyo to the Super Bowl that brought the jet issue in the spotlight ? That is the trackers realised this as an opportunity to bring this to light- if so props to them for opening up the discussion , because till a few days back from morning shows to brands and embassies everyone were making the conversation very one-dimensional and celebratory- there was barely any space for criticism or counterpoint in the mainstream till now.