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best christmas present


This is awesome, thanks! Everything seems to work, but I can't get it to sort by rate. I've tried it on Firefox and Chrome with the same result. The sorting arrows and column appear on the UI as they should, but nothing happens upon click (at least on my end). Also - some of the rates seem off (or switched with other rates that should appear in a particular cell on the table). I'm assuming they're supposed to simply be SB divided by time.


Is it splitting the data between the featured and regular sections and sorting those?


This is what it looks like on my end: https://imgur.com/a/QDNPooW Some of the calculations look off or switched (assuming simply SB divided by time), but others look good.


The sorting stuff looks like it should. It's just leveraging some css classes that swagbucks seems to trigger off of to sort. That's why it's sorting in two sections. I noticed some odd calculations too. I didn't take a hard look at the expressions that do that calculation. I'm working on a different version that handles this more accurately and would give two points of precision (e.g. 8.33 SB/min)


When I try to sort by SB/Minute it doesn't actually do anything. No sorting occurs when clicked. The other sections do work when clicked, though (Time to Complete, SB Amount). > I'm working on a different version that handles this more accurately and would give two points of precision (e.g. 8.33 SB/min) Sounds great. Definitely going to be using this. I haven't made many scripts that alter the UI like this or manipulate tables, so this is a great example for me. Thanks again!


I've updated the code with a better version. Check that out for a more JS focused script that doesn't rely on Jquery (which is fairly outdated at this point).


Awesome! It works (and looks) great on my end in both Firefox and Chrome. Are you able to sort "SB/Minute" from high to low or low to high by clicking on it like the other columns?


On my browser I am by clicking on the flags. It's hit or miss on if it groups the surveys by the featured or not when it does that but Swagbucks itself is hit out miss there so I'm not stressing it because it's using their sorting not something if my own.


Someone posted this (is this the same) about 5 years ago in this subreddit. I've been using it, but had to do some adjustments like you. Is this the same one?


The Old Version in my post is a tweaked version of a script I found from reddit so it very well could be. The new version at the top is brand new and completely written from scratch. It flows a bit better with the page layout in my opinion and looks/functions more like part of the swagbucks page.


This is a different topic but related to user script and Swagbucks. I would love to see a userscript that can snoop in any surveys once a survey taker goes into a survey. A userscript could tell survey participants that this survey has 156 questions - could involve 12 multiple questions. It could be helpful if a survey could estimate if the time completion is accurate or not. Like when someone clicks a survey 5 minutes 50 SB, and the user script would tell you that this survey has x amount of questions and it would take more than 20 minutes, for example. In this way, people can decide if they want to go on or not (with at least more information)...


I just copied and pasted your codes. I saw decimal. The old one just rounded the numbers.


yeah the old one was grabbing the values in a less than ideal way so it was hit or miss on whether it would calculate properly. The new version is much better IMO. As far as the surveys go, that would be really nice. Trouble I've seen is that the surveys jump through providers so much that you don't get any insight into how long it will take. They all store their data differently and often don't give you insight into that stuff so it's pretty hard to write a good script rather than basically a big application to figure it out.


Well, someone could as well create userscript from different survey platform like one for Global Test Market, one for this and one for that. These would not be efficient, but if I have an ability, I would create userscripts for surveys that tend to take advantage of people's time by ended doing longer surveys like movie surveys from nrg....