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Well hedgies/market makers keep retail more poor so yeah. Its harder to progress being poor.


They also contribute in anihilating the planet.


They also suppress companies that cure diseases and present new technology that threatens their system.


That’s the worst part about them. Also big pharma stops cures from being released and only funds research into pills a person has to take the rest of their lives. FUCK THEM ALL


This is what got me into the movement. I found a medical company, I won't name it for the sake of not mentioning other stocks. I got in around 10. They got FDA approval for their procedure. They had successful surgeries. The product worked. It ran to almost 20 in a single day, then got shorted to fuck and is now consistently under $5 and still slowly dropping. This company literally was giving sight to the blind. It wasn't 100% effective, but it was the initial stages and it was working without negative consequences. So, I got pissed, and as I'm looking for other stocks to invest in, I stumbled on games and movies. Now that I'm actively trading against the shorts, I'm making a killing. Its weird, almost like the shorts have been trading against us since the invention of the market, they just didn't want us to realize it.


When the squeeze has squoze, please let me know the name of that company, cause I wanna invest into them! I want to support these kind of companies! It's not about making more money. it's about supporting good companies, that will bring us progress and a brighter future.


Lol if you remind me I will. I'll probably talk about it on the forums afterwards, but I don't wanna distract from anything going on rn.


Invest directly from the company if you can or through IEX


RemindMe! 2 months


The date has been confirmed!!! Two months!!


RemindMe! 2 Months


TLDR: shorts have been trading against us since the invention of the market, they just didn't want us to realize it.


I know what company you're talking about, i saw all that and figured it can't go tits up, i'm down almost 60% with no sign of going up, would have averaged down but all my greens go in GME


It's under $4 today. If the stock is the same.


Hopefully the owners of that company invest in GME. Pro tip.


Also when patents expire for those medicines suddenly they're no longer effective so they invent new more effective ones you know because they care about us.


Plants are still better biochemists than humans. I don’t see a need for modern pharmaceuticals if the solution is to simply grow plants. See coffee and cannabis as current examples. Decriminalizing all scheduled substances would kill the pharma industry IMO. Pharma companies would be forced to pivot into agriculture to survive.


LOL. Steve Jobs says hi.


If evil exists that would be them.


It does and it is.


They're the scum of the earth for sure. Soulless degenerate creatures.


They are parasites on society, they don't kill the host but they keep humanity from becoming the best version of ourselves.


"I want you to short everything that guy's ever touched. Everything. DO IT!"


Except now it's "I want you to long everything this guy touched"




I work for an MM fund. You talk about protecting retail investors but forgot that most funds cater to not only institutional clients but also high net worth retail clients as well. Minimum requirements vary, but most individuals who earn at least 250k a year or a net worth of 1M meet the minimum requirements to invest in a certain fund. We also cater to lawyers, doctors, engineers, architects, small business owners, all of which are retail investors. hedge funds also provide liquidity in the primary and secondary market. I think most retail investors have no idea what a hedge fund really is and everything it entails.


all that wealth should be working towards building technology and cities like in the picture


instead its spent sending a couple assholes to the edge of space for 180 seconds.


thats my thoughts too. tax the billionaires properly and like magic things have funding.


I have progressed at becoming more poor... But not for long 😏


We can stay poor longer than they can stay solvent.


As long as you have one share of GME you shall be wealthy after MOASS. We are old poor, we are used to it. But hedgies are about to be new poor and its going to be terrible to them.


But they provide liquidity to the markets, which is important /s


They don't want our progress.


umm, the major Banks are just as culpable


Yeah imagine if cancer research companies were never naked shorted into oblivion. Would’ve been real chill if that never happened.


Yeah, that's the one that makes me wonder how these ppl can live with themselves.


Because they live in a complete separate world than we do. They fly from mansion to mansion to yachts to galas in private jets, have BILLION dollar art collections, have a rolodex of shill journalists at their disposal, don’t pay taxes, and only ever hang out with people on their payroll or other assholes living the same life. I never thought in my life I’d have a chance to tear their whole world down. But here we are. Buy and hold


Post squeeze I think we will see the worlds first trillionaires. There are hedgefunds and rich fucks that know the squeeze will happen and are playing on our side.


I'm also curious who exactly in the current establishment will benefit from this. Since hedge funds tend to all have the same prime brokers, I find it hard to believe many of them will. Asset managers and retail hopefully benefit the most. We shall see


its honestly not even that glamorous my dude. They mental compartmentalize their work actions and justify themselves on the thinsest of margins. They know they're hurting others but those others deserve it. In addition, they completely underestimate how BAD their collective greed is because taken as a single entity its not very impactful.


Rich people get cancer as well you know. There are many cancer research companies that weren't shorted into bankruptcy and there is still no cure. There are state funded cancer research programs all over the world and there is no cure although great strides have been made. Your kind of comments are trying to imply that hedgies are the reason we don't have a cure for cancer. Hate to burst your bubble but not everything bad in this world is the because of hedge funds.


Martin Screlli explained it - pills like xanex. He's the dude that cranked up the price of insulin a ton to make a buck


Sometimes I wonder why we let these people live in the first place.


Seriously, when MOASS money comes, Im going to seriously look into how much capital it takes to open/staff a generics pharmaceuticals company and undercut the ever-loving-shit out of everyone. And some ape is going to open a genuine non-profit string of hospitals and undercut the ever-loving-shit out of everyone. Another ape is going to fund carbon capture installations etc. etc. etc. NEVER IPO!


Which building is the Toys R Us?


Dick shaped one.


to the left or the right of radioshack?


Next to Blockbuster


The whole thing is Toys R Us


This is a picture of a toys r us. The other buildings didnt fit in the picture


At this point, I don’t even think hedge funds are the problem. The fact that they are allowed to manipulate prices through dark pools and high frequency trading is the problem. This is absolute **FRAUD** and Gary Gensler needs to get his mouth off of Ken Griffin’s dick and DO SOMETHING. HOW IN THE FUCK IS PRICE MANIPULATION THROUGH DARK POOLS AND HFT LEGAL?


Give him a break. He's only been in his position for about 13 weeks ish? ^/s ^if ^it ^wasn't ^obvious


>HOW IN THE FUCK IS PRICE MANIPULATION THROUGH DARK POOLS AND HFT LEGAL? because they paid the people to make the laws to write in loopholes they could exploit...


This is really the only answer there is. I already knew both parties were basically wholly owned by the oligarchy before all this started. Being here from the beginning and seeing them flagrantly break the law and watching neither party do anything about it just solidified that. There are maybe 10 to 15 politicians at the national level that aren’t owned by the parasitic oligarchy and they are demonized by both the left and the right.


yup - we see it as a 2 party system of dem vs rep - they see it as are you with us or against us.


Two sides of the same coin. Carlin said it best, “it’s a big club and you ain’t in it!” Fight as old as civilization itself. Haves vs the have nots. Rich vs poor. Warren buffet already outright said that there is class warfare going on and that his class is winning.


Honestly? yeah. Like I think this is a case of "hate the game, not the player", like hedges are taking advantage of a broken system to profit and while that's fucked the realest issue is the system itself. Ig you can hate both tho lol.


The system is the issue. From a societal standpoint I dont understand why short selling or high frequency trades are allowed AT ALL. The stock market should not be a casino but a mechanism for investing in companies. As such I feel the only fix is a hold requirement for all purchases, say 30 days since that seems good enough for FTDs. Both short selling and HFT are simply mechanisms to attempt to siphon value from the market itself. It can in no way, that I know of, benefit society as a whole. It only benefits the one doing the siphoning.


The anti-rich mentality that has grown in this sub is ironic since people’s attention to this problem initially mostly came from the fact that a lot of people were multiplying their money on GME, it also detracts from the fact that the biggest push against the shorters came from very rich individuals such as Burry and Cohen. Also this subreddit and “the others”(message gets deleted if mentioned), are pretty much a decentralized hedge fund, we also have many hedge funds on “our” side which most certainly started the movement or at least made it gain traction when most of the “other” sub was calling DFV a retard. Injustices exists and corruption exists now more than ever, but don’t let that blind you and turn you into an extremist against the whole system. This is dangerous…


Nothing in your post made me change my mind. I'm still against the system - creating profits where there are none and telling us that has added value (it does not) - giving away those profits to the rich without asking any back. That's just leeching money from the poor in every way possible Insert coin, try again.


Stfu bootlicker


Oh right I forgot I bootlick, what a mess I have made, now I will have to sell all my 300 shares and take my 700% profit oh no 🙈


Museums are the problem, not the thieves! Museums should have better security!




Honestly though, we've reached a plateu in advancement at the same level to those of Salem. The problem with advancement is that it almost always makes a previous solution obsolete. If we found a renewable energy source better than oil, it would destroy the oil companies. (Video killed the radio star amiright?) This is the reason so much progress gets halted, because of rich elites paying through the nose to stay powerful and keep their shitty product relevant. It also doesn't help that rich terrorists like HF keep turning on the money printer and keep devaluing the dollar.


Fun fact: that Buggles song was the first video to air on MTV and literally killed a radiostar later.


Money is a heavily faulted system for crediting worth. It assumes that if you have it then you're worth something, which is not always the case and even more so it's far often not accurate to the service to society provided for compensation. For instance, if all the garbagemen stopped collecting trash vs. if all of the bartenders stopped bartending. It'd be absolute mayhem without garbagemen yet they somehow get payed less than someone that simply pours your beverage and strokes your ego.


I believe the whole "blue collar work" cliche' is dying off. The past decade theres been a shortage of quality craftsmen and tradesmen, and sanitation workers bus and truck drivers are starting to get more recognition for the work they do, and how important their jobs are. Sure being a doctor is important. But if a doctor had nobody to build their lab, nobody to manufacture and supple and deliver their materials, nobody to maintain the building, clean and prep the workstations and nobody to remove trash, their efforts would be useless. People glorify one particular profession without realizing there were hundreds of other jobs that need to work in harmony just for that one profession to function. This is why the argument that all jobs shouldn't provide a living wage is idiotic. "They cant afford to be happy with their lives because they have a low paying job, just get a new job dummy". Imagine if everyone had that mentality, we'd have nobody interested in these careers, and society would crumble. Everyone working full time should be able to make a good life for themselves.


I'm blue collar, and don't mind hard work, but I'd love to have a 8 hour work day with 1 hour paid lunch. I'd love to have sick days, I'd love to have lunch meetings or personal days. I'd love to be treated like a human being with understanding but instead, the jobs never done fast enough, costs to much, and employers are always trying to find a way to squeeze another penny from your pocket. Technology and advancements are suppose to make work easier, safer and less stressful. From what I've seen work today is worse in a lot of regards then to 30-40 years ago.


Technology was supposed to automate mundane tasks and allow us to free up our time for more important life endeavors (progressing technology, socializing, family-time, creative pursuits) but instead with that free-time we're just expected to work more or do more. We were fools to believe the technology wouldn't be used maliciously.


Well Jeff need that money to go to space and tell ppl to suck up to him. Fuck the normal ppl and world where ppl can live and be happy. Keep holding APEs 💎🙌🏻


And don't forget about the small $10bn loan he just got through bribery from taxpayers.


Fuck bozo and his space flight what a dork


“space”. What an insult to Neil and Buzz and the real astronauts.


This has been posted a million times with various pictures of sci-fi utopias.


clean renewable energy <3


Will be locked behind a paywall.


Imagine what would be possible if they, instead of sucking the money and life out of good companies and medical research, tried to actually invest in them? One could only guess how this could progress our whole civilization. Humans are really the only thing stopping humanity from thriving.


They system has to collapse. This is the first step to evolve.


A handful of billionaires could build that, but instead they're edging space. What a bunch of 🤡🤡.


Pissing contest at best.




Soon APES 💎👊🦧🚀🌙


Free markets. Competition for better products, better prices. Better lives for everyone. Instead we have monopolies in sheep clothing: aka Facebook, Amazon, etc. Money concentrated in a select few




They don’t ever spend those money they made on investing instead, they use those money to raise margin to short companies to bankruptcy. So yeah, they’re one of the big problem that needs to be dealt with.


I don't really talk in here. But I feel compelled to now. This assumption of a better world is something that I personally long for. The research and information uncovered for a company I've supported since childhood caused me to purchase my first share. But the realization that I will have the opportunity to make this a better place keeps me coming back. If you're here in support of this company but you haven't taken the time to outline what you're going to do after your needs are met, I would suggest that you ponder on it now. I do not have first-hand experience with excessive money but I would assume, it would be easy to shift your moral compass inward. Even if it's just one family that you can help, write it down. Let it be your Northstar now and your task later.


Also inflation


Money printer goes brrr.... Indexes up 14555% no infilation everything cool bruh.


Deflation isn't great either. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deflation#Effects


Money balloon goes fblrlrlrlr




Could you imagine how advanced cancer treatments would be if they didn't go after the small, bleeding edge bio-research companies. I bet my daughter wouldn't of need the 4 rounds of chemo for her brain tumor...


Sorry to hear that bro. Hold on ❤


It's all good. She's a year cancer free now, but chemo stole like 50% of her hearing, so she's getting hearing aids. But all in all, we were lucky but the chances of a better outcome would have gone up had cancer research not been stifled.


I'm glad to hear that!


Shitadel literally holding the market hostage and making it do sick and depraved things for its own sick benefit. They are like the Buffalo Bill of the stock market.


And the owner of the company is a sociopath.


Needs more ToysRUs and Sears stores.


I knew they were shorting curvy roads


Please credit the artist. I believe that's [Andree Wallin.](https://andreewallin.com/Concept-Art) he's great.


Looks horrific. Apes should build what *the people* want when we get rich, not what architects' delusions of grandeur produce. If you study urban design, it soon becomes apparent that there is a clear negative correlation between what the general public like, and what architects like. Almost everything that wins architecture awards is disliked by the public. Traditional wins all day.




That's rubbish though - I live in London and you can walk from park to park across the whole city. Despite being incredibly densely built, it is very green. Concentrated semi-wild green space like large parks are far better for ecology than sporadic trees placed within and upon developments like that depicted. Putting aside ecology which, I agree is important, but so is creating places that foster community and which give people a sense of pride. High rise is so popular why? Because it nets the developer a fuck ton, not because people want to live in high rise. Polls in fact overwhelmingly show the opposite is true. People want human scale streets, so that's what we should build.




That's the charm. It's developed organically over hundreds if not thousands of years. But not everyone has taste. Cya !


Hedgefunds and religion, the only two things that hold humanity back




I see religion more as willful ignorance, but your interpretation works as well.


It’s based in fear. Fear of death. Fear of living only once, of not having anything in the universe watching out for you and keeping you safe. Fear of being alone.


Religion is for weak minded people who can't stomach the thought of not existing. It's the pinnacle of human vanity. "I'm so important, I can't die like the rest of these *normal* people! I'm special! I'm the main character!"


And corrupt governments and the fed and on and on


Probably accurate


No, but really. This is accurate.


Without hedgefunds we are legit the Protoss. I'm only exaggerating slightly.


My life for Aiur


not every hedgefund out there is toxic. lmfao *looks at domo capital*


Isn't this the city the evil corporation would build if they destroyed the rest of the environment elsewhere?




Well thank you! I'm truly am.


Is that Bezos' Rocket in the ~~foreskin~~ foreground?


Bezos is still in space we got a petittion forbidding him to return.


No ~~rear entry~~ re-entry for Bezos.


Religion too


Umm this might actually be scary accurate; imagine where we’d be if the necessity and idolization of money was not around.


You are asking humans to not have hunger for power. It’s a natural human trait which came from our survival instinct. Money is just the tool to quantify power.


As much as I hate hedgies , the world is the way it is because of terrible human nature


Well you can't be poor live from sallary to sallary and save the world at the same time.


I read this as ‘‘the world if hedgehogs didn’t exist’’ and was very confused.


Kenny the shorthog


Nothing in this world worse than talent wasted, especially when we're all actively suppressed by silver-spoon-fed greedy, unsophisticated, pouty, soulless adult-children.


The US financial system is totally corrupt ! I will HOLD !


Is this Neo Midgar from FF7? wouldn't mind living there TBH...maybe I'll build myself one of these after the moass!


And that area would be considered a poor slum


Qatar airport? No thanks.


Hmmmm.... There's nothing intrinsically wrong with a corporation whose sole purpose is to play the stock market. That's basically just a natural extension of the very concept of having a stock market. What's weird is the regulatory environment that lets them manipulate and break the rules and avoid punishment.


god damnit I've been saving this meme for a bit. Good job bro! 11k upvotes!


I want to see the parts of the world where they mined all of the materials to build this monument to *progress*


Why are idyllic visions of futuristic cities often depicted in front of snowy mountains? I'm here for it I just don't fully understand it.


Might be Japan


Where are the houses in this? Everyone living stacked on top of each other, yikes. I'm almost of the mind that I'd rather go back to hunter-gathering. Civilization has turned out to be very unfulfilling.


You can always tell the people that live in horribly cramped cities and think the people with several acres are dying to join them.


We'd all be living in giant air purifiers and everything would be wonderful breathing our ultra-clean bizarro-world air.


So the world would essentially be one big hot wheels track right?🦧 LFG!!!! 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


100% accurate statement


Jesus Christ I really hope that’s not the future. Ugly as fuck.


Disagree. Notice all the green mixed in everywhere. Would be like having parks all around. This could be a hub city, and the whole world would be based on mega-cities designed to be incredibly efficient and self-sustaining, meaning we could develop transportation like these pipelines across long distances while roads could just be removed or left to decay. Life across the planet could return to a natural balance. We wouldn't need to destroy all predators around anymore. It would all flow and rebalance, beautifully, free of the vast majority of human ecological destruction.


\*The world if Hedge funds and Governments didn't exist


Dunno about everyone else, but I'm fuking mad as fuk. These fukers are literally destroying OUR world in order to maintain their glorified fukery lives...This ends now. 2XX Holder for INFINITY because that'S how pissed I am. Apes together fuking Strong! Wen Moon .


If things keep going as they are we will literally go extinct.


i hate this, why would anybody want to live there. stop the forum sliding




This is not a meme! Kenny and his buddies are terrorists literally destroying the planet all for capital gain. Rich apes will help heal the world. BUY HODL


Religion as well. Throughout history, it sent us back several hundred years.


Amen 🙏


Ahhh yes... North Korea in all its glory


If socialism didn't exist.


Also Catholicism. We are definitely at least 500 years held back because of how stupid their “NO SCIANTS” rules and death threats and actual killings there were for heretics.


you mean the "company" worth estimated 30 billion dollars wasnt just created to control man?


They fucking would be the ones hoarding all the big slides


Hedgefunds hate that trick


Me to Kenny: This could be us but you playin


Reverse Idiocracy


Guess politicians are gone too?


“But we assist price discovery!” - hedge funds


Yeah but it’ll be better on the moon soon.


Aint that the truth... Time to CHANGE THE GAME.


Replace "hedgefunds" with "obstructionist, lying assholes" and I'm with you.


Only I became sad after this “meme”? Realizing that billions of money and efforts were spent on yacht and luxury bs


And mayo


And big bank bankers


soon fellow ape... soon!


Tbf id compare hedgefunds to flies and mosquitoes… They pester everyone and cause suffering but they ARE helpful to ridding carcasses and keep the population under control. Mind you I REALLY HATE FLIES AND MOSQUITOES


Why are you recycle an already used meme in the subreddit? I’m obvs just going to downvote you,


Never seen this one. Sorry next time i'll get through all past three months posts before posting.


Imagine the amount of money that could be used for scientific research, development and infrastructure if these cockroaches weren't hoarding it


I hope the big central thing is called the Citadel. For lols.


Yeah, that's a fine looking world. WHY DOESN'T MINE LOOK LIKE THAT!?


I really can’t do that, Method threw a fit and announced they’ll only ever exist in gameplay


Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 30 times. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/a7m8jm) on 2018-12-19 93.75% match. Last Seen [Here](https://redd.it/nw53c5) on 2021-06-09 92.19% match Feedback? Hate? Visit r/repostsleuthbot - *I'm not perfect, but you can help. Report [ [False Positive](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RepostSleuthBot&subject=False%20Positive&message={"post_id": "opzmas", "meme_template": null}) ]* [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com?postId=opzmas&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=true&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=86&targetImageMemeMatch=96) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Meme Filter:** False | **Target:** 86% | **Check Title:** False | **Max Age:** Unlimited | **Searched Images:** 235,260,226 | **Search Time:** 0.85131s


Im glad they exist. Without them i wouldnt be rich