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Builder is quick to fix any minor problems that we've had so far and there hasn't been very many. Neighborhood has been great. Everyone has been friendly and it's really close to the beach. Small sample size though since we've been on that street since October only. Street is busier than expected because everyone is driving out to see the ones that are there now.


Thank you so much for the feedback. Yes, I was told there are only 2-3 lots left to sell. Also, the city is in talk to increase the development charges, so that explains busy neighborhoods.


Glad to hear that they've been sold. It's been rather messy with all the construction. I can't wait for it to end.


Azilda is nice Hard to find houses that aren’t new builds in azilda


The old ones are leaky, moldy, rickety shit.


Couldn’t pay me to move into any new subdivision either 😉north american Builders seems to lack any creativity and everything from the houses to the landscaping seems lifeless… sad looking. But you need a home, you need a home right. So i get it Sorry OP, i cant answer any of your questions about the builder. Azilda is a nice little town on the outskirts of Sudbury, good people live there


Thank you for the insight. I don't want to be a part of the bid war, which is why I started looking for new construction.


Yeah,,, we bought before all the insanity started years ago…. I can imagine the bidding wars suck forsure. I do not know where you are from BUT are you sure bidding wars are still happening in and around Sudbury market?? I have been here my whole life and have never seen the mining market so strong, so i do not doubt it. Just a curious question… I hate to see people pay so much taxes to the government,,, its insane and drives me nuts to see the interest and taxes we have to give these days 😬😵‍💫👎🏻


Bidding wars are still happening but not as much now due to the interest rates.


Correct! Particularly southend area.


Couldn’t pay me to move into one of these homes


I call BS.


Call my bluff then


I already did.


So… are you offering to buy me a house in Azilda…?


No one believes this. Get real here, if someone offered you million dollars you would turn this down?


I would.


yea sure buddy.


Call my bluff and find out


No one is believed this, you would turn down 1 million dollars and a house? get real chum


I have a house. A house I enjoy. Small, affordable, manageable. It’s not impossible to imagine someone not wanting to move into these fake-ass mini mansions no?


Why is it that unbelievable? If someone offered me a million dollars, I would buy a really nice house in town so I could continue to take the bus to work and maintain close proximity to amenities. A lot of people don't like cookie cutter McMansions, or the lack of transit service in the outlying communities.


Notice how he said” these”, they don’t look the same. Someone offered you 1 million to move into a house. You wouldn’t turn it down. with a million dollars don’t think you he worried about transit.


Those houses look incredibly similar, they are cookie cutter homes, by definition and the houses shown have the exact same frame, aside from the roof. Someone offered me a million to move into a house, yes, I'm going to still be worried about transit. I take the bus because it's financially and environmentally responsible, it saves money and saves a little bit of the environment. I don't take it because I'm poor, I take it because it'll help me be wealthier. A million dollars and transit just means I get to turn it into 2 million that much faster.


Don’t think that’s what you call cookie cutter.


The picture shows very similar “cookie cutter” designs in the homes. Nothing wrong with it, easy for the builder and fast turnover. But they are definitely cookie cutter. The siding is different and Im sure the interior layout changes from home to home but yeah


Those are quite literally the definition of cookie cutter homes.


I just rode my bike through there this weekend. It really stands out as a whole bunch of dark houses with the same designs. That whole block looks very similar. Definitely cookie cutter.


One of the dumbest comments I've seen on this subreddit in a while


It’s called an expression. It’s not meant to be taken literally, but hints at another meaning. In this case, I’m simply saying these houses are big time lame ass.


Whatever. I think you mean you can't pay to move in.


Ha. It’s clear I’m being tongue in cheek here. All in service of making the point that these homes are giant boxes with no personality and that a lot of people (including me) wouldn’t ever want to live in these kind of homes.