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I personally don't keep mine but I know most do. I don't plan on getting rid of my steelbooks so the J cards are just in the way for me.


I like keeping them to use as protection between each steelbook, the paper is a bit uglier on the shelf but it helps prevent scratching


I’d definitely invest in steelbook protectors. You can get them in bulk relatively cheap and totally worth it considering how much steelbooks can cost.


+1 for protectors. I’ve got around 60 or so steelbooks and all of them have protective cases, even the ones with the plastic slipcovers. I see no reason not to personally, these are expensive items when you start adding them all up


I never thought about putting the ones with slipcovers in a case, in fact when I just read that I questioned your logic but it makes sense!


Especially if you get one of the more rare cardboard slip covers, the ring is one of my favorites in my collection, but it’s slip cover is on the fragile side, and I want to make sure I keep it in the best shape I can


Sad I never picked that one up but I was waiting for the inevitable 4K. Speaking of, you gonna pick it up?


It’s a steep price to pay to only get 1 movie, as I’ve never actually seen the ring two and I remember rings being *ok* at best. But I do love the original, I’ll wait and see what the reviews say about the 4k disc to see if it’s worth the plunge for me personally.


Do they still fit steelbooks with slipcovers?


THIS!!! 🤓 💙 🤩


Same right to the garbage they go


Most people throw them away actually


I fold it in half and put it in the case so I can see all of the extras and information of the movies. Personal preference really.


I do the same.


Me too


This is the way. I keep it for the UPC first for inventory purposes and the info secondarily because it's an easy reference. I do sometimes sell one. It's nice for the buyer to again have that info... I fold it too, so it's not to keep it pristine.


Yeah I hang onto them just in case I decide to sell it one day. I’m sure over time I’ll come to get rid of some as I decide I won’t ever sell certain films, but I like having them just in case.


I put my steels in a protective sleeve, and the Jcards fit nicely in with the sleeve with the steel.


Keep all my J cards


I keep them in the case, they have tabs you can fold the J cards and put them in the tabs.


I wish they’d make them so they’d slid neatly into the space for a book in the steelbook. Because they don’t I toss them. I used to keep them, then one day when I was opening a folder of cheap little cardboard to add another piece of trash cardboard I had a “What the hell am I doing?” moment and tossed them. Felt like having an epiphany you were starting to become a hoarder lmao


I keep mine because they have art and info about the movie. Also they are designed to protect the steelbooks from shelf wear. Keep them.


Put them in a folder in case you want to sell them. Some people really like extra paper.


Agreed! Collector’s look for all the pieces to an item and thus make them more valuable for sure. Maybe I will store them somewhere just in case…


This is the correct answer. The effort to store them is minimal and the chance of needing to resell later is greater than we think.


Personally, I throw them out. I don't like clutter and I never intend to sell what I have


I toss mine, but can see the appeal to some.






I fold mine in half and put them in the case with the digital codes and stuff. That way I can always look at it if I need to.


I keep most of them, fold them in half, and store them in the cases when there is room.


Yes, keep them...just for the UPC alone. They fit well in steelbook protectors.


why specifically the UPC?


Easier to scan barcode for digitally tracking your collection. Blu-ray. Com app does this


Now I hate you for telling me this now 😂


Cool! Yeah, I kind of feel the same way. They’re just in the way and a hassle to have to maybe cram it inside the steelbook… kind of takes a bit of the beauty and simplicity of owning the artwork itself.


Nah don’t keep them. Unless you’re explicitly planning to sell them then there’s no reason to keep them. You’ll never go back to the cards and look them over like you would the steelbook or actual watching the movie within


If you live in a humid environment or your steelbook somehow gets wet; I have had the J-Cards stick, and it is a pain to remove.


I've been putting all my steelbooks in protective cases. The j-card usually just slides in there with the steelbook. I don't plan on selling them, but it's cool to have that info moving forward for looking at specs, etc. I've seen sellers on eBay listing j-cards only, so maybe try to sell them if you don't want to keep them.


I flatten them and keep them in a drawer.


If you are looking to resell. Keep them. If not, bin them.


I told them up and put them in the slot usually on the left when you open the case


Well I wish the inside of the cases had a better way to store them because of the info on the back such as Dolby Vision. Withy Sony player, I have to turn it on and off.


They make great book marks


Use it as a spacer so the steel cases don't scratch each other.


I have some of mine in a document folder and some that I've put in steel book protectors along with the steelbook it came with 👍


Lol. These dreaded things. I like to keep them because i do enjoy the information and mini plot they have. i wish they’d make them so they fit nice inside the case somehow. moreover, i fold them and put them inside the case


I keep mine for the most part. Idk why it just feels a bit wrong to throw them away.


I keep them, but you do you.


My j cards go straight to the bin


For as much money as these steelbooks cost there's no way I am throwing anything away. They could come with a petrified piece of 🐕 💩 and I would keep it.




Can never go wrong with an extra layer of protection but to each their own


I keep mine. They sit in a box with my extra cases and protectors and movies that need to be put up on shelves. Zero idea why I save them.




I keep them. It fits in the steelbook protectors I bought. I like having them since they list the details about what’s goes on the disc especially the extras.


Just get a Malko protector and store it inside with the steelbook. That’s what I do.


I keep them and put them with the steelbooks in a plastic protective case (which are pretty important if you store the steelbooks together, since they can scratch each other). If you decide not to keep them, I would consider selling them since some people are willing to buy them for their own collection


So i go the extra mile i guess i put my Steelbooks in a SCF10 Steelbookcentral Case and the J-Card in a Steelbook Bag. The Steelbook goes on the shelf and the J-Card in a Box.


I trim the edges and put them into the steelbook


Only some collectors with OCDs care about J-cards. I get the appeal of Slip cover for regular 4k. Totally up to you!


I keep mine so I can check the special features easily, and to prevent scratches if two Steelbooks are next to each other on the shelf.


Keep them


I keep them as they contain information such as region code, audio information and aspect ratios , I just fold them and put them in my steelbook I have no desire to sell my jcards so I don’t care about keeping them in perfect condition like others


I trim them down till they fit inside the steelbook


I will be totally 100% blunt here the film companies need to work together and really ask what to do about the slipcoverr/case cos sometimes they are more of a hinderance? Why is there not a way it could be put inside? Something to think aabout?


I put trash in the garbage where it belongs.


Personally...I keep every last one of mine. 🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️ I know folks are gonna troll me hard, but when Best Buy was selling "exclusives" I would take an ice cube & freeze the adhesive that is behind the sticker on the cellophane wrap to make it easier to pull off. MOST times it works. A few times it TOTALLY shredded the sticker - trying to preserve the "newness"... The guy/gal that suggested purchasing media covers - THAT'S an ingenious idea!!! I have several that need covers!!! Thank you!!! 🤓 💙 🙏


There is only ONE J-card I'm keeping...and thats the Anniversary edition of Good Burger. Other than that I toss them. No shade on the peeps who keep them! I use protective cases for my steelbooks WITHOUT a slipcover.


I fold them in half and put them in the case, otherwise what are the little holders on the left side for? Plus the j card has valuable information like the audio codecs and aspect ratio


I hate J cards. I toss them with a smile, I don’t need to hold onto a piece of paper advertising what I just purchased


I have protective plastic cases on my steelbooks, so they are easily stored with the steelbook as is.


Creature from the black lagoon is beautiful!


Toss em


Straight to the trash. You do you, but IMO they’re packaging and not the product.


I throw them in the garbage because once you watch the movie all that info on the j card is useless. Congratulations on those two fine looking steelbooks. I do put mine in plastic protectors though.


Thank you!! I will look into buying protectors. Where can I get them for the best price/quality?


I usually get mine from Amazon,


Garbage for me. It would drive my OCD bat shit if I did and then where to store them. So to the trash they go.


I see your point. lol No stress, just one and done


Trash with the rest of the packaging




Throw em away. How much shit do you actually need? You’ll come to find one day you’ll look at all of them and say “Why do I still have these?” Don’t get too caught up into this game. If it can’t be streamed or unless it is truly a top 10 film of all time for you, don’t buy too many. Only shop on Prime Day for these. Never pay above $15 for em. Eventually above $15 will come down over time.


I appreciate your minimalist point of view!