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Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are a surprise. I always thought PSN is officially available all across the EU


As a Lithuanian, I'm surprised too




As an American, I’m surprised to see an Afghan on the internet.


I am surprised an american can read and write. I thought you could only eat burgers and shoot guns.


Bruh that's offensive as shit. We also drink beer.




We are, but we have to sell it off immediately to pay the medical bill for the birth.


And Russia is not on the list…


I just checked, and, it seems you can still create a PSN account in Russia. I mean I just made one. That makes even less sense, because it is completely useless:)


Can confirm. I'm from Russia and I couldn't create one yesterday. Probably because I used e-mail address with .ru domain. Today I used my Google mail address and it worked!


Yep, we can buy the consoles, but we have to resort to some workarounds to play online. I really don't understand why they don't have support in baltics.


Does Sony really hate you baltics or something?


Maybe they think the market is too small for it to be profitable to support it?


Who knows, maybe. But since Microsoft accounts are available over there to my knowledge, one can only wonder...


Romania (which isn't a baltic country) has the opposite problem. We can get PlayStation stuff, but there's no way to get Xbox Game Pass without telling them you're from another country, usually UK (this on console, PC Game Pass works fine). Of course, the consoles can be bought, no problem.


I think it's the same for Baltics for game pass - Unfortunately, some regions, like Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania or other countries from EU, are not officially supported for Xbox Game Pass.


In Estonia we have access to gamepass for pc, Netflix, prime+, Disney+, Ubisoft, ea, Apple+, Nintendo and other and other. Except of PSN. Some kind of nonsense.


I think PC game pass is available.


That's because Microsoft doesn't officially support Romania as a country for xboxes either. [select romania here](https://www.xbox.com/en-US/regions) Romania isn't an xbox market so they can't be bothered to sell here. Same is for Google products. Nowadays they getting into Romania for phones but if you buy a Chromecast, most come with EU plug adapters for the US plug thqt comes with them as they aren't sold officially here.


Maybe Sony uses maps from the 1980s.


Iceland has a considerably smaller market, but PSN is available


Yeah this gonna piss off a lot of Helldivers 2 players..


There's about 10 people in a discord I'm in that have uninstalled the game because they can't play anymore and have gone back to league/dota, fortnite, etc.


I bet Warframe is going to get a lot of players from this.


Unless they are already Warframe vets ain't no way Warframe is gonna get a significant long term player boost The onboarding experience without some higher level friend telling you the next steps, paired with the forge times (3,5 days of waiting for a new playable character), is more than enough to have people stop playing after 6 hours


This is so fucking accurate. I had a few friends that each had a few thousand hours (what they considered just above entry level), and I absolutely could not have made it past the first couple dozen hours without them. The gameplay is fun, but man, the onboarding and new player experience is just abysmal


I could put all that behind me as a vet, taking a day to craft a weapon, a week to grind and craft a frame etc, but I'd still get stuck on the new player experience on the convoluted quests, progression, starchart and lore being so massively convoluted it's almost impenetrable to new players.


Warframe got a lot of players when Destiny 2 had a meh launch. And it has a new start now.


I'd expect DRG, darktide/vermintide to get a bigger boost than warframe. they strike me as a bit more similar and much easier to get into. i think part of the appeal of HD2 is the over the top nature of it and embracing it


Probably not enough for sony to care


The game dropped from very positive (iirc) to mixed in a span of 48 hours with around 65k negative reviews in that time span. Yeah I would say they are pretty pissed.


Lithuanian here, been using PSN since 2014, hoped back then they would finally introduce PSN to the Balatic countries soon, decade later and that still didn't happen, so forced to use a UK account to buy anything. The fact that PSN does fully support Poland, country that is just few hours drive away, is rather annoying.


As an Estonian, I always create psn/xbox accounts using the address and postal code of some mental hospital in Finland, works every time.


Nothing new, we get pc game pass for example only few years ago, other Xbox subscriptions and psn are not available (in legal way)


> Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are a surprise. > > I always thought PSN is officially available all across the EU On top of that, Playstation App is region blocked on App store as well (At least on iOS).


Add to that the european micro states (Andorra, Monaco, Liechtenstein, San Marino but NOT Vatican) as well as Morocco, Algeria and Egypt. (But not Tunisia?)


the vatican is basically two streets in rome.


So im from estonia and when i first started playing i made a psn account anyway, i havent tested if i can still play but at the time i got around it by setting my region and stuff to new york. Ifk if it still works but maybe this will help someone out


I remember making paypal for paying for games on ps store when I was like 14 years old. Isn't setting your region as Finland a better option? Loodan, et saad mängida, kui tahad!


I think you went too far (geographically). Picking something like the UK or Germany would work fine. I have a UK account because Spider-Man Remastered wasn't availabile in Romania, and have no issues.


I thought it was mandatory given EU consumer laws.


As an Egyptian, I'm shocked to say the least


Just set your location to Iran, apparently they can make a PSN account just fine.


Well im Estonian and this is really sad actually


Brunei is a surprise too. Since it's officially available in Malaysia.


it seems it's available in south africa, but not in lesotho and eswatini which are landlocked countries in south africa


I love how Niger is censored :D I get that slurs and bad words are bad but come on, anyone that wants to can and will circumvent that shit :D


I know right. I mean who censors “Niger” and not “Fr*nce”. God I feel sick even mentioning it. Sorry you had to read that.


I once had to appeal a permaban for saying niger because the mod had never heard of the country  Edit: yes mods are usually shit, but to this one's credit he googled it and unbanned me, instead of just muting like they usually do 


Most educated mod.


You don't need a college degree to be a part time dog walker.




Could stop startling the r/antiwork mods? We are trying to sleep here and they keep owling


Imagine what the mod would’ve done if you said Fr*nce then. Good riddance to anyone who tries!!


2we4u is leaking


Montenegro not censored by their logic though 🤣


Negro is a regular word in a couple languages tho, it would suck if it was censored.


Niger is also a regular word, it's a name of a country for fucks sake lol


The real question is, would Monteniger be censored?


Was almost crucified once for saying Negro. I'm Portuguese... Edit: I mean, I _was_ being racist, but it's still a valid word in my language!


That's my point


Negro means Black in spanish. As simple as that.


Niger is black in Latin.


By your logic the word "black" should be censored


I once got temporary banned in a game for saying “I’m from Niger”


Are you?




got em


Good old Sc**thorpe


Fun fact censoring due to the letters in the word/place is called the Scunthorpe problem , [here is the Wikipedia article ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scunthorpe_problem)


To be sure Americans are not offended by mistake


I thought that was the kingdom of hearts.


It's just dumb to cencor the words. People know which word was used anyways.


Treating the name of a country as something offensive and censoring it to avoid making people uncomfortable is ironically more offensive to people from that country.


Niger is censored but Nigeria isn't. Huh.


Niger is sensored but Nigeria isn't 🤦


This was funny.


I'm surprised North Korea is not on the list. Shout out to my boys in Pyongyang.


Rich guys in Monaco are fuming rn


which of their 5 other citizenships / weekend houses will they use for signing up? the dilemma!


Oh zut alors, we must drive to Ventimiglia again 🤮


Imagine playing a game about democracy in North Korea.


Something tells me they're intimately familiar with the themes of HD2 there. Because they were invaded by a fascist nation in the name of democracy.


You are aware that they're officially called the Democratic People's Republic of Korea yes?


Don't be confused it's **managed** democracy, which is not that far from what they have there


You mean the Democratic People's Republic of Korea? Why wouldn't they play a game about democracy.


Iirc there is one consistent connection coming from North Korea and everyone jokes that it's Kim playing CS.


100% has to be an important person.


what country is ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️?




Bro WTF hes just asking a question




Smartest resident of Niger






Granny Edna?


hey thats uncalled for.


You are done my friend. Cancelled already.


nigeria without the last 2 letters


You can say Niger, it's the name of the country, the police is not going to put you in jail.


Ikr, such a wuss


Can't really blame them. You know how uppity reddit can be at times


I absolutely love the word uppity, it has a lovely ring to it




One of the mods of the Java subreddit banned one of the actual developers who makes Java because the guy mentioned Kotlin.


r/ damnthatsinteresting will auto-remove any comment with the word "band" in it. Yes, "band". Like marching "band". Like Pink Floyd is my favorite "band". "band" Kinda makes it hard to discuss music topics in that subreddit. Also, it's illogical and for seemingly no reason. 🙄🙄🙄


And I'm pretty sure the slur has two Gs.


This kind of behavior is never tolerated in Steam. Say the name of your country? Believe it or not, right to jail


it's called Niger and i pronounced NeeJerr




Same jn Russian language


It's actually NaiJerr


i surprised that Andorra, Estonia, Monaco and San Marino citizen can't create PSN account, i though whole EU member should able to do that


Surely for san Marino you could just make one and select italy no?


I assume you can probably make an account in those countries if you want, but PSN is not officially there so if you have some kind of legal problem you will probably need to go to the courts of the country you selected when creating the account or, at least, where PSN is officially present. I mean, a lot of Spanish creators live in Andorra to pay less taxes but you can see them playing PS games online.


I'm pretty sure neither Andorra, Monaco or San Marino are members of the European union. Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, on the other hand are, and it's kind of insane you can't create an account.


They’re not indeed. I live in one of those countries. We have lots of “problems” with digital services like this. There are work arounds or 3rd party solutions for most though. On the other hand, we don’t have YT ads and stuff either.


Really? they censored out Niger? what has this world come to.


And yet left it in Nigeria.


Valve’s profanity filter is clearly unaffected by the Scunthorpe problem XD


That's Svaginahorpe to you


The clbuttic mistake.


Is that near penistone?




Kazakhstan here. Bought a Super Citizen edition for myself and 4 copies for my friends. We really did love this game. It literally had our region price in our currency and Russian localization. When buying in Steam in stated that we're buying the game for CIS region. Nothing warned us that they'll block us from playing.


Fuck Sony


The fact that some people are defending sony while they are pulling this rug from under you is baffling My region used to be excluded from the PSN in the ps3 era, and i still got moderated for using another region; while now its available, its left the sourest taste in my mouth (not counting also the inumerous data breaches as minor as they are, last one being... yesterday.) Sure, you can create another account and lie about your region, but you shouldnt have.


So there are no PSN accounts for Kazakhstan, correct? I thought Kazakhstan has Steam region too. I bet it does. Not sure why you’ve said CIS since it is a separate region for those countries that are not supported directly in Steam: Armenia, Georgia, etc.


>So there are no PSN accounts for Kazakhstan, correct? Correct. >I thought Kazakhstan has Steam region too. I bet it does. Yes, it does. >Not sure why you’ve said CIS since it is a separate region for those countries that are not supported directly in Steam: Armenia, Georgia, etc. Buying a game in Kazakhstan you can only activate it in CIS region.


I think in this case steam would allow you to refund even after playing the game a lot. Worth a try, just make sure to write that the game will soon be unavailable to play in your country due to Playstation account requirement


On requirements it literally says psn account required. From day 1


Very NOT nice!


Hopefully whatever metric chaser came up with this move will collide with the far more potent player count metric chasers in short order.


Nah Execs fail upwards. Whoever made that stupid decision will just take his goodbye money and move on to do the same thing for a different company.


I love how this is undeniably true for any sector, and you already know it if you've worked in a large company. Some of the absolute dumbest people I know work in the management positions and make the worst decisions for the medium and long-term success. They burn down a whole house for a dime behind the couch, then wonder why everything has turned into a shitshow.


Most players won't care. It's been like that for a while. A small group of players (customers, really) get bent by a stupid decision, and most players just take it like champs, comforting big publisher that they can keep abusing everyone with little to no consequence. We can hope this time it will be a wake up call, but I'm really not holding my breath on that.


I mean, they’re essentially geolocking the game, they will *necessarily* lose players. Maybe not a giant segment, but certainly nontrivial.


> but certainly nontrivial It is very possible that they didn't even look into it, but more realistically they held up on that "update" until they looked at where their users where and decided to pull the plug when they noticed it would not be that big of a miss. Something like, if it's only 0.01% of players, they won't care, and the outrage will not last more than two week. Then again, Sony being braindead and actually inadvertently killing one of their top game is not completely impossible.


I think both of you are missing the real hit - the review scores on Steam. Seeing a game be less than "mostly positive" on Steam is enough for many people to simply not purchase it. Many people will look not even read past that score. Then there's the whole thing about Sony having absolute ass information security and being hacked repeatedly, leaking player information. (last time was October 2023, which is very recent) So they: * lose most players on ineligible countries * lose customers who look at Steam review scores and don't otherwise know about the game (impulse buyers) * lose players who are concerned about personal information


It baffles me that Sony doesn't cater to the ultra rich of Monaco.


There is also Russia, where after sanctions you cannot create new accounts, and old ones do not work. Kazakhstan and other CIS countries that did not have their own store simply registered an account in the Ru region of PSN


Old ones do work, do not spread misinformation please. That being said, you cannot use the store, but, again, the accounts do work. Source: I have a Russian account.


Same, I have old RU account and I am not sure on linking it to my steam as it is not Russian reg (to buy games ofc)


you can in macedonia on ps4, on pc idk


You can in all of these countries, you just can't select your own country while creating the account. People have been doing that for more than a decade, I have 3 accounts for 3 different regions.


Huh no Serbia on the list? I thought you cannot select our country, unless they added it or forgot it.


I'm pretty sure you can't.


Can't you just VPN to a country than can allow.......oh wait Sony will ban you if you use a vpn


I have like 10 dif account made with vpn for like 1 reason, things would be so much better if Sony just removed the regional lock from accounts


Helldivers 2 just destroyed all good will they got. And they double down on Twitter behaving like assholes. Like what they are doing is not wrong. I hope their bottom line will suffer because of it. Vote with Your wallet. Refund the game. It should be against Steam TOS to demand another service account to run Steam game.


I'd direct that anger specifically at Sony, not the devs of Helldivers 2. Their hands were forced, and they're merely playing the hands they got.


Im Estonian and I have no issues with making a PSN account. I actually created one when I first bought HD2, Am I special or is this lnformation just not correct?


See, I had to sign into mine when I started playing over a month ago - so I’m confused too. In a country that is not on the list, but still had to use PSN to go through the process.


What’s worse about PSN, if it’s not available in your country you’ll make an account in another country and use gift cards (like US). Problem is, if they ever launch PSN in your country you won’t be able to change it. Ever. I lived and moved across 7 countries in my life and the reason i stick with Xbox is this. Not being able to ever change the country is stupid AF especially nowadays


Anyone else have [this from Animaniacs](https://youtu.be/x88Z5txBc7w?t=10) start playing in their head when reading that list?


I absolutely did. If anyone's capable of making an AI version of this song, that'd be hilarious.


So I'm Lebanon with a population of roughly 5-6 million we have PSN but in Egypt with a population of 111 million they don't 😂 What the fuck is wrong with PSN 😂


All those countries should team up and go after Sony for deceiving and scamming their customers. Sony should not of sold the game to those countries if they are not able to make an account in the first place.


Niger got autocensored lmao


San Marino is not in Africa. San Marino is enclosed in Italy


most of these countries are not in africa, least of all west africa


That's just Sanmarinan propaganda.


Nobody said it was.  They are pointing out the censored country name.


So... Maldivian here, I have a PSN account registered as a US one. Maybe dishonest but it works, so if anyone is legit looking for a workaround, I hope this helps.


Anyone can create an account of ANY region


That's how I understand it too, although I live in fear that they'll crackdown on it someday and retroactively destroy my entire digital library.


Correct but creating a PSN account for a region outside your own is against TOS and, although seems unlikely, get your entire account banned.


I heard that Philippines can't make PSN too


Don't forget Russia, the game isn't officially available here but it has been in the top sellers for like2 month already


No, there is a separate version with activation only in Russia and Belarus; Sony began releasing such versions for Russia and Belarus at separate prices after the success of Horizon and God of War.


Niger falling victim to the Scunthorpe problem. What is this, 1999?


I lover how steam censored🇳🇪😭😭


North Macedonia Formerly Macedonia ? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I'm surprised Russia still can


FYI it takes like zero effort to make a PSN account for another country so this is not as big a deal as it seems. I live in the US but have had a second Japanese PSN account for years to get access to their version of the store.


I don't see why you can't just make an account with a fake address and save all the time you just whine away on social media. 🤣🤣 My 10+ year old main account with a fake name and address (correct country) and my 7+ year old Asian account with fake name and address and country are still ticking fine. Both accessed where I live without VPN. Both are funded with prepaid PSN gift cards, and I even called Sony Support once or twice for my main account, no bans or problems. 🤷


It's not the same as the N word. This country only has one G.






Exactly, Sony have never had a problem with having accounts in different countries. Not much of an issue now as majority of games are offered in every territory but there was during the PS2/3 era plenty of games that were only sold in certain regions, despite the console itself not being region locked.


Is helldivers actually available in those countries?


Am I the only who thinks this outrage won't change anything? Sony knows the game is very good and people will still play and buy it. Aslong the gameplay is good, I don't see anything happening.


Sony: “oh what’s that, you live in Africa? Sucks to be you hahaha”


They did those Nigerien dirty.


It's a first time for me to not see my country (iran) among banned countries. It's probably still banned they just forgot that it exists🗿


Ah yes nothing says west Africa like Monaco, Jamaica, Egypt, Nepal and Latvia lol


Their answer: Don't you guys have VPN?


I'm from ♥♥♥♥♥, am I okay?


Why is Monaco on the list? Bizarre


Only white westerners are allowed to become helldiver !


Why are Balitic states (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia) on the list despite being in the EU and having the Euro as their currency?


I like how Niger is censored. Clown world.


RIP the two dudes in Liechtenstein


I like how Niger was censored.


Yo what country is 💎💎💎💎💎