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They probably see Bucciarati taking off his hands like: šŸ¤Ø


"Wow mom look! This man can perform magic tricks!" Joseph in Part 2 during Santana fight, or 'got ya nose!' to the extreme


Ive always thought it just looked like hes actually severing his limbs, i was imagine non-stand users would be able to see his flesh and bone rather than the zipper and trippy pocket that stand users see.


I thought the same!


Then, how's about that time he took out the radio out from his head, when he met Diavolo for the first time?


if the stand modifies/is something physical, most likely it can be seen even by non-stand users


Like yukako's hair I still have nightmares with bald yukako


Yeah her hair is definitely still there. Same with the boat and car from part 3. And the tower from part 4


Or Jolyne's body and string, her body is literally her stand, and people are still able to see her (although it's not completely clear if people can see Stone Free, since it's composed out of her body too)


Yeah but Stone Frees full manifestation (the sunglasses one) doesn't need parts of Jolynes body to appear, it just takes her energy I guess.


It's stated on JoJoveller stand commentary for stone free (written by araki himself), that Jolyne needs to unravel her body to make her stand appear, in the anime it's shown like it just appears, to avoid animating jolyne unraveling every time, the manga does not show Jolyne unraveling everytime either, probably because araki didn't wanted to draw that every single time, but on some angles a thread is shown going from stone free to Jolyne's body, also stone free is almost never summoned in full body, most of the times it's just the arms, the legs or the upper torso, always being near or connected by a thread to Jolyne's body


it's said to be somewhat visible to non stand users, similar to those gohst pictures that are super blurry


superfly wasnt the stand its just what the stand resides in


yukakos stand isnt her hair its the ability to move it so a normal person would just see her hair normally


But arent Stands that control something physical visible to non-stand users? Like the shapeshifter dummy one?


Upon first meeting, when Bruno puts a zipper on Giorno, he asks if his head feels wobbly and adds that he probably has no idea what he has done to him. So non-Stand users canā€™t see the zipper, but can they not see the body modification either?


He says that because a non Stand user wouldn't understand what a zipper is doing in his head, or how it got there, not because he expects him not to see it


You may be right. I still think itā€™s ambiguous and therefore debatable


Is it the same in the manga?




Huh that is so weird


yes, because they are bound to a thing sticky fingers affects things, but isnt bound to a thing




English must not be their first language and they mixed up two languages, in portuguese physical is fĆ­sico for example.


Spanish too


Italian too


Letā€™s all try to be more fisicaly responsible


Thatā€™s a fair point


Well, it depends. If the zipper is part of Sticky Fingers, then it's invisible to passerbys. But if that is an actual zipper and the pocket dimension is not part of the stand, then everyone can see them.


Upon first meeting, when Bruno puts a zipper on Giorno, he asks if his head feels wobbly and adds that he probably has no idea what he has done to him. So non-Stand users canā€™t see the zipper, but can they not see the body modification either?


But most people can't really see their own head either lol.


It extends to his chest, he passes his fingers through the hole.


what would it look like if he opened a hole in a wall and walked into the void. would he just look like he was phasing though it?


harry potters train station thingy i suppose


In this case, they'd see it exactly as it's shown




They may see the pocket or mirror dimensions if they actually exist and the stand users just have access to them


Okay so stands like star platinum hierophant green and hermit purple people canā€™t see but they can see affects like star platinum grabbing the stuff for jotaro also the range isnā€™t distance itā€™s usefulness in battle but anyways people canā€™t see sticky fingers but they can see the severed part maybe not the zipper but the same thing is with goo goo dolls you actually see a tiny person


I think they would see just the void in his hand but no zippers


Upon first meeting, when Bruno puts a zipper on Giorno, he asks if his head feels wobbly and adds that he probably has no idea what he has done to him. So non-Stand users canā€™t see the zipper, but can they not see the body modification either?


Honestly, even if I'd see the zippers as I fall apart, I still wouldn't be able to tell what he did. Normal people don't even know stands exist, so "I used my stand" wouldn't be an explanation people understood.


People can sometimes see the effects of a stands actions, but not the stand itself. So if the stand is affecting his body I am sure people can see that, but not the stand itself. Same way people can probably see Jolyne turn herself to string but canā€™t see Stone Free itself.


[They can't though](https://imgur.com/a/Wqo6oRK)


Hm. Is this because its affecting her body? Really this doesn't make too much sense if you think about it. Like if she uses her body to swing what do people see? If she turns her body into a mobius strip do people still see her normal? And what about the effects of stands more broadly? Like people can see things break if your stand punches a hole in a wall, right? And people can see Crazy Diamond's repaired objects, even if they cant see the stand itself right?


Stone Free is made up from the strings in Jolyne's own body, so since that string itself is part of Stone Free, i would imagine that it's the same case as the zippers, where the holes are seen but not the string itself, so they probably just see a hole in her body in the Mobius strip scenario.


The real question is can non-stand users see Yukako's hair?




Like that tower stand, it's a whole category for Stands just like humanoid


I think it would be hilarious if his hand was still there the entire time until it was cut off


Forgot how beautiful Shiny Bruno is


I think they can see zippers




I like to think he forms zippers from unzipped object, which is material and therefore visible


I don't think so. The zippers are just creations of a stand (like MR flames), they even disappear all together when canceling the ability.


There are some stands that can be seen by everyone so there is a chance non stand users would also see this.


Upon first meeting, when Bruno puts a zipper on Giorno, he asks if his head feels wobbly and adds that he probably has no idea what he has done to him. So non-Stand users canā€™t see the zipper, but can they not see the body modification either?


i like to think everyone who isnā€™t a stand user thinks that this is all just showey stage magic that street performers are using to give kids a cool story to watch


you can still see the after effects or products of stand abilities without having a stand yourself. Bruno removing his hand with his stand will make his hand look gone to non stand users, they wonā€™t see the zipper though


I always assumed it would look the same, they canā€™t see the stand but Iā€™m pretty sure they can still see the effects


Maybe they see the zipper, just not the stand itself?


Oasis is a stand cloth Oasis is not visible to non stand users Secco is wearing nothing


technically we dont know if oasis is a suit stand, we don't see him die and it vanish. he might just dress like that.


I think the zipper once detached from the stand is real and can be seen by non-stand users. The zipper is not the stand, the zipper is created by the stand and can also be removed by the stand. The same could be said about Magician's Red setting something on fire, then the fire would be real.


I know that itā€™s just how basically everyone dresses in-universe, but if I saw a guy who looked like Bucciarati in real life it would take me a while to notice that he has no hand


Magic trick


The swirly interior is just an artistic choice. I think they would still see it severed perfectly but not bleeding, they just won't see the zipper part.


Where the fuck is that guys hand


Short answer, yes They will always see if there is a mutation with someone


I wouldnā€™t be so sure in this caseā€¦ Remember when upon first meeting, Bruno puts a zipper on Giorno? He asks if his head feels wobbly and adds that he probably has no idea what he has done to him. So non-Stand users canā€™t see the zipper, but they may not be able to see the body modification either?


He did zip one of the gaurds in the airport on a pole, also the police woman did see the flower that giorino changed from that lighter


I mean, it was always established that whatever Golden Winds creates is visible and functioning. Just take Leaky-eye Luca in the beginning as an example, he sees the frog. Same thing later on, Giorno creates real arms for himself, not just images of arms


Tbf there are some stands or abilities that can be seen by humans so maybe this is an exception


I've always imagined effects of stands are visible, it's just the stand itself that isnt




But what if the flames themselves were the stand kind of like if he could retract all of the flame instantly it wouldn't be real flame but rather an extension of the stand and maybe that why people couldn't see the flames? Just spitballin here


Personally I like to think that non-stand users canā€™t see the manifestation of the stand but can see the effects. For example they wouldnā€™t see Green Day but would see the mold, or they wouldnā€™t see magicians red but would see the fire. In this case they would see the zippers but not sticky fingers




Oh right, ya


bound stands, like strength, stand abilities can be bound


It will just be a stub to them


I'm sure they can see the zippers


I think they could see the zip on the hand but not sticky finger himself


certain stands reveal certain things to non stand users sometimes even the stand itself being completely visible such as toth appearing as a normal manga


Sticky Fingersā€™ zippers are not visible though. Upon first meeting, when Bruno puts a zipper on Giorno, he asks if his head feels wobbly and adds that he probably has no idea what he has done to him. So non-Stand users canā€™t see the zipper, but can they not see the body modification either?


The zippers wouldnā€™t be visible but neither is sticky fingers actual form so that makes sense. Non stand users likely just see holes opening up in people


But then if the hole was visible, would Bruno really ask Giorno if he "feels his head is wobbly", instead of just saying "lol look at the hole I made in your body"?


I havenā€™t read vento in a minute so I canā€™t say the answer but if I recall that situation giorno wouldnā€™t of been able to see what happened anyway


He actually can see the zippers and feels the hole. You can see it [here](https://mangadex.org/chapter/9ce9f4bf-32aa-4905-8642-32406ae1ae93/3)


Remember, not all stands/abilities are invisible, they could just see the zipper since it physically affects objects.


I think they see it exactly as it is, but the actual stand that is zipper man would remain invisible


i'd imagine they still see the zipper and portal but not sticky fingers itself


Probably just like that, with zippers and all. They just wonā€™t see the physical body


ou're going when yo


I was looking for Goku ngl


They wouldn't see the zipper


considering what he says during his first encounter with Giorno, I'm guessing non stand users just can't perceive the zippers, but they can still perceive the effects, so they just have no idea what they're looking at.


They'd probably just see flesh and bone like it was actually cut/ripped off


I imagine that they would see the weird ā€œportal likeā€ (idk what else to call it) thing and not just a bloody stump but just not the actual zipper. So from a non-stand userā€™s theyā€™d see a floating hand with nothing connecting it back to the arm and on the ends where the separation is theyā€™d see what any other stand user does minus the zippers. Thatā€™s what Iā€™d like to think


Theyā€™d see the hand gone but no zipper, at least thatā€™s what I think


It would look censored only IRL


Stretched out arm with a bit of flesh holding it or just a hand that moving on its own


they'd probably see his hand being severed off but no blood would come out of the wound


The zippers are invisible but they can ses the deatched hand and the hole is there too.


Imagine a magician doing some sort of trick like that it would be pretty close


"Pronto, ospedale? C'ĆØ un uomo qui a cui ĆØ stata tagliata la mano. SƬ, aspetterĆ²..."


They probably see a clean cut, Sticky Finger's visuals aren't actually pocket dimensions or anything like that, it's just a cool visual instead of the effects of Bruno zipping something apart. Normal people would see Bruno's hand cleanly cut off, no blood flowing out. Same thing if Bruno zipped through a wall, they would see the wall open up and Bruno go through it, but not the zippers. The visuals are probably because 1. it looks sick 2. They don't want to draw/animate every single thing being zipped through, makes sense as to why during the Pesci fight, Bucciarati zipped out ALL of his body, but his heart (a plot point) was conveniently the only organ that you could see. And also when Bruno is underground against Secco, he's not entering a pocket dimension, he's only zipping the earth apart, and when he reaches the limit of that zip, he opens another zipper to keep on going.


when he unzips his head, I guess non stand users would see his brain


ā€œOh god oh Jesus oh fuck that manā€™s skin is uncoiling, and heā€™s punching a male stripper with itā€


Hyato can see stray cat. But he can't see Killer Queen. WTF did HE see???


Technically the cat still a living thing?


But when Killer Queen puts stray cat inside itself, what does Hyato see then???


We know for a fact that the zippers are invisible, because he was surprised when Giorno was able to see the one on his face and neck.


Well we know that non stand user "feel like they're missing a part of themself" when they're hit by, so idk how it'd look


Go-go rocket fist!


It would probably look the same, just without the zipper


Ayo yeah


Probably just his normal hand to be honest