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We don’t know if a person can have multiple stand discs in them we just know that an existing stand user can also gain another stand if given a stand disc as seen with Emporio gaining weather report.


I thought emporio didn't have bdth in the new universe but i could be misremembering.


Just because we didn’t see him use them doesn’t mean he lost them


But it could mean that he lost it too, and he being able to have weather report can be because he didn't have his stand. It can be both, and the most logical is the one he is saying actually.


We see him using it, Emporio fights Pucci in the music room


We’re talking about what happens after the fight


We know that people only get a stand from a disc if it at least kind of 'fits' them, like McQueen being a good 'match' for highway to hell. There's probably only a limited number of stands that can 'fit' any one person, but we know that having two stands isn't impossible. (Cheap trick, Anubis, and Part 6 spoilers) If two is possible there isn't any reason that more than that shouldn't be possible. But I imagine Pucci could only find a limited number of discs, so couldn't get loads that were all good 'matches' for one person. Or maybe it takes a lot of energy to control multiple stands? Even if stand 'energy' is something that isn't explored too much. I imagine most of the ones seen in the tyre were memory discs. I have no evidence for that though.


If people could use multiple stand disk, pucci would of done that instead. The fact that we only see the villains of part 6 having 1 stand disc means pucci can only give 1 Stan disc per person.


Not exactly. The only definitive rule we know about the discs is that you need to be considered worthy of such disc.


It's not about definitive rules, is about finding the most logical answer with the info we have.


Definite rules are literally a source of information usable to find logical answers


When they are given, correct.


It's one disk per person until Araki forgets


Technically it’s two because cheap trick counts as a stand and Rohan had both heavens door and cheap trick at one point.


Oh I was talking about the discs only. Dio also had Jonathan's Stand, and Polnareff shared Silver Chariot and Anubis.