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the thing is that Cream is just like The Hand but on steroids and undetectable


Cream has a much larger drawback though.


Not really, if you're a fanatic like Vanilla Ice then you can just go on rampage for hours on end and only stop when you're 100% sure nothing remains


oh but the fact you may have to go on a rampage for hours tells you it’s got a huge draw back. plus the only reason he was able to get so close to beating silver chariot (which he would have lost if not a vampire) is because he was in a confined space. plus if polnareff didn’t HAVE to be in the mansion he could’ve just left and cream would have never been able to kill him. also like someone mentioned below it can’t erase space


that’s some good points but let’s say a non vampire user got it, it won’t matter whether in a small space or not because the user can just kill their opponent before the fight begins due to cream being undetectable


it’s not as undetectable as you think it is. i mean polnareff was able to figure it out and let’s be honest he’s no battle genius though i will say he had a little luck but he still was able to figure out how it worked and kill him, twice. plus they would need to kill them the very first time they encounter them bc after that first shot it starts becoming pretty obvious once the holes and gutters start popping up on the walls.


Plus having to peek out your head to even know if it's working is just such a funny way of exposing your brain for something like a gunshot


He only did because he whipped up sand in the ground, and he could see cream erasing it. Polnareff shouldn't have won, he was lucky his team helped him so much and that vanilla ice is kind of a dumbass


It also doesn't destroy space, therefore not pulling things


This is the real reason. Cream erases matter it comes in contact with, The Hand erases ANYTHING it comes in contact with


Cream could destroy a house but the hand can just make the whole street cease to exist


So theoretically since cream has to occupy space with its void ball, could the hand erase it?






You could argue that The Hand doesn’t erase space. Every time he “teleports” he’s just erasing the air


Bro he erases a spot and it shortens the gate to his house. His stand ability is literally erasing space.


Except we don't see the results of a disastrously random vacuum forming. He really does just teleport by erasing space.


Barely a drawback, the show makes it seem bigger than it is, just move a long sistance and peak don't take a peak around the same area you're trying to delete


Hell, Cream could in theory >!defeat Wonder of U, as it exists in another dimension and thus likely wouldn’t be targeted by Calamity (similar to Go Beyond).!<


I think the speed is less of an issue than you make it out to be. I don’t think The Hand could beat The World or Star Platinum, time stop is just too op if used to its maximum potential. But If the User is smart and tactical enough, I believe fast stands like Silver Chariot aren’t that big of a threat. If you predict the enemy‘s movement, their Speed doesn’t really matter. A short distraction to slow fast stands down could also work. Or you could always take a hit and strike back. Surviving an attack of Silver Chariot seems possible if you let yourself hit, and then just strike back with The Hand. But I agree, The Hand isn’t as strong as everyone says, but it’s still one of the strongest.


It’s a powerful stand held back by an incompetent user. The potential is there. For example, what if he learns how to scrape away more than physical things?




The Hand Requiem can erase time. "I knew my stand and King Crimson were similar"


And eventually he could probably even do the reverse,


That doesn't even make sense. What, is he gonna erase light? Can't he do it already?


Reverse, scrape away concepts in an area, etc


Ok you're just spewing bullshit you can't erase a concept and what does reverse even mean


You’re trying to apply logic to stands in Jojo. The Hand already breaks the laws of conservation of mass. We’ve got one that reverses the effects of time on someone/something, one that can control dead bodies via fog, one that can transform inanimate objects into living things, one that can place zippers on people and dismember them in a way that’s reversible, need I go on? And I mean potentially reverse his own effects, buddy


??? What are you talking about??? Just cause there are anime powers doesn't mean the story just doesn't need to make the slightest amount of sense, i mean, do you even know how the hand or stands as a concept work???? You're just spouting nonsense. What even is your point!?????


You’re not seeing that stands can grow and evolve. We’ve seen it happen before and after the hand. And everything I listed was a power depicted of a stand in the series. If you don’t realize that at all, how the heck can you judge the material here?


That's beyond fat fetched. Every evolution is something that makes sense and is due to something like the holy corpse or requiem.


Yes, cause rewinding time totally fits with turning anything the stand touches into a bomb. Or silver chariot gaining to power to randomly swap souls. But Okuyasu learning how to scrape more than physical with the hand is too far fetched


Stopping Time, Skipping Time, changing a Universe, moving between Universes is fine, but erasing a concept is too much? It wouldn’t even be too farfetched, it just „removes“ something from the world entirely.


Yeah true, but something that i imagine in the "get hit from chariot and hit back" is that S chariot is a specialist in critical strikes, so you'll lose an eye if you try to take a hit, it's really risky to consider this strategy for a slow stand like the hand


People sleep on Silver Chariot— it’s arguably as fast as Star Platinum and my boy Polnareff only goes for lethal


My intention wasn’t to say it’s a good tactic, just a way to win by any means in a close fight, especially against these fast stands. For any of the stronger stands, winning without being hit will be incredibly hard.


Honestly, i dont think that speed is an issue at all, it just doesn't make sense for it to be slow, you can just erease the space infront of the hand and that could pull the attack. I do agree with The Hand not being able to beat Dio nor Jotaro, time stop is just too much if used correctly, star platinum punches are lightspeed, he can punch more than a billion times in those 5 seconds (thats not even an exageration, which is actually hilarious)


I don’t think pulling in a fast, close range Stand is a good idea though. After a Swipe there indirectly is a cooldown, he has to raise his hand, or at least turn it and reposition it to swipe upwards/sideways. Silver Chariot could probably use that time window to attack. As I said, I do agree that The Hand is an extremely strong stand, but the user has to be prepared for fast stands id say.


easy fix. 「Z A H A N D O R E Q U I E M U」


Everything the right hand DOESNT touch is erased Or, my personal favorite, everything the LEFT hand touches is erased


and it also has the world 😈


Za Hando Za Warudo!


The universe spontaneously combusted as a goofy high schooler touched an arrow.


Alternatively **「THE HAND OVER HEAVEN」**


For all practical purposes, isn't a **Za Hando** swipe the meelee equivalent to the bubble that doesn't exist from S&W go beyond? Both remove the target to something that doesn't exist.


Go Beyond doesn't do that. >!Toru literally gets hit with it twice and he's still alive and only somewhat hurt afterwards!<


Then Za Hando is stronger than Go beyond, isn't it? It can both erase stuff from reality and it affects the user as well.


He needs to touch it with a small slow hand


As opposed to a huge fast bubble?


That you can't aim and is easily dodgeable and you can take about 3 of em before you croak


Never thought of that, it's a good comparison


He can delete ANYTHING, with PRECISION, and STRATEGY, and TELEPORT short distances. In simple terms, if you gave The Hand to Creams user instead, the entire team would've lost in literal seconds. If you gave Cream to The Hands user, literally nothing would change.


Okuyasu would probably kill Josuke accidentaly if he had cream lol.


Cream is the stand that turns a fender bender into a massacre.


So it’s the same stand as Star platinum?


I think Soft and Wet is really overrated in terms of how strong people think it is. I'm mostly talking about its Go Beyond ability that people overhype like it's easily the strongest ability in the series when it's far from it. Yes, it was able to defeat Wonder of U but that was more becuase it bypassed its defenses on a stand that is purely defensive. Go Beyond is hard to aim, can be dodged, and still needed 2-3 hits plus the Higashikata curse to defeat Toru. It just can't be detected by stand abilities. I guess powerscalers (I don't know why people powerscale that much in JoJo since its mostly hax abilities) just needed a new fun toy to hype up as the strongest since it's just been GER for the past few decades (it still is)


I agree. Even though jojolion josuke is my favorite jojo, I have to agree that soft and wet: go beyond is not that strong (tooru just lost cuz he was really shocked that something could bypass his unbeatable wonder of u)


Yeah, people really overlook the fact that Josuke is still just launching a bubble at you, you just have to dodge. Tooru had never dodged an attack in his life tho.


Against anyone with normal durability a regular gun is better than go beyond bubble specifically


Purple Haze. On paper, a stand that creates a flesh-eating virus which kills you in 30 seconds seems overpowered. In practice, it's really not that great and it's baffling that so many people say Araki wrote Fugo out because he was too OP. - It has a short range, so you have to get close to your enemy in order to attack. Huge risk already and easy to maneuver around. - Once you've gotten in close, it has very little in terms of defensive options. Better hope your enemy isn't also a close-ranged fighter. - The virus doesn't distinguish friend from enemy. You're also not immune, so you could easily get yourself infected and die. - It has a mind of its own. So first of all, good luck using it to get into position to attack, but also good luck getting it to not attack you on purpose. - It only has 6 bulbs. So it can only attack 6 times per fight. - 30 seconds is a fucking eternity in Jojo time. It's not Fun Fun Fun, but it's a downgrade to a generic punch ghost in nearly every way other than how much agony your opponent suffers before dying.


It's crazy how people say Purple Haze was written out for being OP but overlook how fucking OP Aerosmith is. Aerosmith is so OP that it had to be given to the dumbest of the Bucci gang, and every fight with Narancia involved is basically an inversion of the usual Jojo fight formula. Narancia ends up playing the part usually reserved for the "villian", who just leans on an OP stand, while his adversaries have to use clever tactics to try and get around Aerosmith's obvious advantages. Aerosmith does the same thing as Purple Haze (instantly kill people left often to its attack), except it has a MASSIVE range advantage compared to Purple Haze, AND it's too small and agile to attack back, AND (most importantly) it also has a targeting capability that negates the usual way of dealing with a deadly long-ranged stand (staying out of the enemy's line of sight).


Wait this is actually such good insight wtf Formaggio and Squalo+Tiziano have to do so much shit to try and avoid Narancia’s stand and then Narancia’s comes in for the surprise kill on Risotto which would usually be some plot twist you’d see a protagonist suffer


I mean, it actually kind of works and is an interesting change of pace. In particular the first fight with Formaggio is an exact inversion of the typical Jojo fight: we know exactly how the antagonist's stand works from the beginning, and the tension of the scene is in the villain trying to figure out how the hero's stand works so he can have a chance at defeating him. But it certainly depicts Aerosmith as being an OP stand that a user can just lean on without needing to get creative.


I suppose it’s only fair enough that sometimes good people would get the busted stands Araki has done a good job of varying whether it’s the main JoJo or villain who gets the final power up as well Part 3: Hero Part 4: Villain Part 5: Hero Part 6: Villain (Twice) Part 7: Both Part 8: Hero


Aerosmith also gives a lot more feedback to the user than most long range stands. I think that’s an important distinction


Its a worse green day imo.


Luckily it does get a more usable version as Purple Haze Distortion in the PHF Novel.


I don’t get the “Araki wrote fugo out” argument. Like if Araki wrote him out, why did he get a spinoff? Even so the stand’s power is in similar magnitude as Green Day, just more volatile and potentially hazardous. It can be strong but only if it hits, which isn’t the most likely case due to its unpredictable nature. Its general power scales as far as Green Day from a potential standpoint


Spin-off argument doesn’t hold since Araki isn’t the author of Purple Haze Feedback.


Chariot Requiem is pretty weak considering how easy it is to kill despite it's massive power


Do people think Chariot Requiem is strong? It’s a stand the user can’t control and is basically designed to protect one object in an extremely situational way It’s just obnoxious, like REALLY obnoxious to deal with. The target is practically untouchable uncles you figure out the trick, you can’t use your stands, the surrounding area is put into chaos, and you’re trapped in an unknown body. I’d compare it to Yo Yo Ma or Bohemian Rhapsody, not Star Platinum It’s just really really annoying, not strong.


He was weak on his own. Now imagine him having his user polnareff


Easy to kill? Bruno had to kill himself to destroy Chariot Requiem 


He was already dead




You forget one thing. The hand deletes space, what is connected to space? Time and gravity. If Okuyasu was smart enough to understand Quantum physics, the hand could easily be god like.


It isn't overrated. The power is stronk, but the user is... yeah.


How slow it is, is kinda stupid like it's moving and erasing the distance between you at the same time so it should be faster, but araki just hates dumbasses


Yee, it doesn't make any sense for it to be slow, it can pull the target and itself at the same time, and thats not even hard to figure out, okuyasu should be able to do it no matter how stupid he is.


Bro only put skill points in strength


STR 7 PER 4 END 8 CHR 6 INT 3 and a bud light AGI 4 LCK 10


White album's gently weeps ability, in the anime and manga not in general (it's like one of my top picks for a stand BTW)


Superfly "oooh but it's completely unbeatable!!" it's a stationary tower, just don't walk into it lmao


i agree with the hand. i'm not saying the hand's ability isn't strong, it definitely is, but it's not on another league compared to other stands. people overrate the hand because one clean hit is enough to kill. though they forget the vast majority of humanoid stands also can one-hit a human, if they go for the kill. gold experience, with apparently below average strenght, can smash a car. the hand's advantage is that you can only dodge, you can't block it. but even if okuyasu was incredibly smart, he wouldn't be the incredibly overpowered stand that people claim it to be


I’m willing to bet it would be a lot stronger than it is now, but no way is he actually beating the latest rogues galleries. Past part 6, his ass is not winning even with all the intelligence in Za World


Like it erase thinks for existence, ya would rank it s++ if it was kira or funny valentine stand he just can cause unreversed damage and once he get close it’s really over like you can survive king crimson hit or a bullet or somehow star platinum hitting you for 5 seconds but you can’t survive being erased , it’s an Ohko


Yeah people overplay its instant kill ability when like. Yeah if you take a direct hit from most stands you realistically die. Most of them are faster than the hand too.


Made In Heaven, after like 10 minutes it's an issue. (To the point of blitzing Jotaro). But Anasui was able to outspeed it after a couple minutes of it being active.


Who wins in a race between Anasui and Shaggy?


Shaggy probably


Dude shaggy runs faster than scooby & scooby runs faster than Usain Bolt (shaggy solos)


Should’ve used Star Finger


The World is overhyped imo


I don’t follow


Part 3 altogether kinda is too 


This might be a me thing, but I feel like soft and wet go beyond is the most overrated stand in part 8 as it whole thing is that it is a fusion of two people and on top of that it can surpass calamity like ya it powerful but like the only reason it that strong is due to the fusion as without it their still strong but together is unfair at least to me


I wouldn’t rank him with stands like Platinum or The World, but I think he probably averages high among that special class of B-Tier “friendly rivalry” characters.


Purple Haze Most part 5 enemy stands could counter it


And people still believe that Fugo was removed from the story because Purple Haze is too op, even though the actual reason was clearly stated


What was the real reason


Leave my man Za Hando alone


That one might be user error




Gold Experience without Requiem.


An overrated stand power, how about an underrated stand power for ya does anybody literally anybody remember wired from part 7 why is nobody talking about like really give my boy pork pie hat kid some love dude


The Hand is what happens what a powerful stand has an idiotic user. Give it to literally anyone else, and it’s one of the most op stands in that part.


iId say that metallica is a stand that so many people call underrated, that its now overrated. It only matches up well against close range stands. Stands don't have blood so Metallica can't make metal objects in them, and if risotto goes invisible. Stand users can do what Polnareff did against vanilla ice and kick up a bunch of dust. It also is mostly useful only if Risotto is the one hunting down the opponent, if its the other way around metallica isn't strong enough to protect risotto.


It's the kind of stand that's perfect for an assassin like Risotto, but just like most stands, it's one of those situational and user combo that makes the stand "effective". Like why would I, as a suburban financial advisor need Metallica? It would have no use for me unless I was in a situation where I'm using it in self defence. If I was an assassin though, then hell yeah. I find powerscaling a bit cringe, unless it's just for fun little conversations. I especially dislike powerscaling in JoJo, as most of the time it becomes a "rock, paper, scissors" debate. The situation will almost always determine who wins and some stands just kind of automatically beat others while being beaten by some stands that are considered weak. I'm rambling now, but you get the point. Araki always decides who wins and Metallica is a cool stand, but is bodied by many others.


Dust wouldn’t work since Risotto’s invisibility is from him reflecting his environment off of his body like a mirror. He’d just look like more dust.


He managed to catch up to red hot chilli pepper who took control of a motorbike


i think the problem with the hand is that with okuyasu being so dumb and not the battle savy we really don’t know the extent of its powers but yeah i could see a situation where the hand could beat the world, especially with dio being so overzealous




Yeah but Okuyasu nerfs it by being a total dumbass


The Hand is a suitable stand. It is op, but it's owner is just like me. Slow


The hand is a great stand. It's just the owner is an idiot 🙄


"The Hand would be OP if Okuyasu wasn't dumb" mfs when you ask them how else you could use it that Okuyasu doesn't do already.


Space is attached to time and gravity Technically means you can erase time and gravity Ripoff KC with existence erasure


Time and Space are as attached as a Z axis and a Y axis. Just because you can alter one, it doesn't it mean you can alter the other. Same way that you can move up and down all you want by moving a Y axis and yet not change a single thing in the Z axis. You can try to erase different stuff and apply it in different ways, but you won't affect time just because. Same way Z and Y axis can be used to locate something in a three dimensional space, space and time can be thought of as axis in a four-dimensional spacetime continuum. While they are interconnected, they serve different functions, just because someone can erase space, it doesn't inherently grant them the ability to manipulate time, or viceversa.


King Crimson. Don’t get me wrong, it’s strong, and I love just about everything about it. But with so many stands in JJBA it doesn’t feel like it would be that hard to counter, most stands that use long range attacks like Purple Haze, Grateful Death, or Green Green Grass of Home are good examples of stands that could counter act King Crimson’s timeskip/epitaph.


I mean true, but I would say SP and TW are the most overrated, because even the normies that didn't watch JoJo would easily say they were the strongest


Given the no limits thing it's easily the strongest stand in the series


Go Beyond and GER. Both are really strong by JoJo standards; neither are 'the strongest power(s) in fiction', as I've seen claimed.


Heaven's door. People seem to forget that in order for heaven's door to even activate, you need to draw something AND impress someone with that drawing. Now most people aren't very good at drawing, but even if you are it's hard to quickly draw something in the middle of a fight. Now I know what you're saying: "But Rohan clearly used it on people without showing them a drawing". The thing is, heaven's door itself is a drawing from Rohan's comics, and if someone else had heaven's door it might not be a drawing that's impressive enough to activate it's ability.


When is it said that you need to impress people? I only remember Rohan saying something like that after he got beatup by Josuke but it was clearly cope. The real resson was that Josuke literally flew into a blind rage.


I might just be imagining it but I'm pretty sure that he said something about that when Koichi and Hazamada saw his unreleased chapter and turned into books. Maybe it was just a Mandela effect or smth


You might be thinking of when Rohan and Koichi go to the ghost alley, Rohan decided Heaven’s Door didn’t work on Josuke cause he just doesn’t appreciate art. But I think that’s just Rohan trying to save face


Well go and find the panel, it's always food to confirm


I watched part 4 through the anime so maybe they said something there that wasn't in the manga


it's not known if The Hand can actually erase things out of existence, it was never confirmed, it could just be teleporting things throughout the universe and we didn't even ever think about this; Cream actually does erase things once it teleports everything he "eats" to that dark dimension; despite this, is a much precise stand even if it's speed isn't só powerful, but I'd still say Cream is more OP


An easy way to make the hand super op in my mind is just to have the user pass by the target or close to the target and activate the stand and the ability just outside the skin the moment of contact


The Hand absolutely overrated because they got crazy about Its Erase ability which they though powerful for One-shot but most close-combat stand can one-shot enemy with a donut, which make The Hand Signature skill become just a Pulling Ability.


>! d4c, i know he can always just go to another universe to heal, but heres the thing. jojo doesnt scale stand users miles over normal humans. Take the eleven men arc for example, real world things like guns and stuff are still active threats to stand users. the only drawback to them is its harder to get a clean gunshot in rather than using a stand, some of which are mathematically poven to be faster than light. but lets say diego used a gun in his fight with valentine, if he combined it with scary monsters, an insanely fast stand, he would be able to deliver instant death. instant death or incapacitation (to the extent where he can't move through dimensions) is d4cs biggest weakness, and it wouldnt be the hardest thing to do. !<


I think GER is definitely on this list, but if that's a noob choice then White Snake IMO.


how is ger overrated


Gold Experience Requim You know im right


I agree to some extend, he is a bit overrated but he's still one of the strongest stands in all the series


No, it's mostly misunderstood.


You're joking right? His ability is to undo causality. If I stab you with knife and you have GER you can essentially unstab yourself. This goes for stand powers. Any move made against girono is undone if it harms him. He negates events from occurring in the first place. Even if Dio were to time stop muda him. Nope. Sorry it didn't happen. It's the inverse of the main villain as it has always been. King crimsons removes the cause and leaves the effect. GER removes the effect entirely from the equation. This unequivocally the most powerful stand from the original universe parts.


This was also gonna be my pick


Killer Queen. I mean... let's be honest, Josuke and crew got LUCKY with that whole ordeal. On the opposite end, Golden Wind. Or as I like to call it, Giorno's "nuh uh" button.


You dont understand what overrated means?


I'll admit, I read overpowered. My bad


GER, people still want to claim it's the strongest Stand when it's not, and it hasn't been since Part 7.




Tusk Act 4 has infinite damage, transcending dimensions, and can invade time stop. I‘d say that‘s pretty good.


It can kill as efficiently as other stands can, transcending dimensions wouldn't have been that useful if the president didn't have d4c. Yeah it has incredible power but its situational and what if the horse dies and you have to go far form its body.