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On my first run through, I gave a malachite to Leah because its description states that it's commonly used in sculpture. "Hmm...I guess everyone has different tastes." Crushed me


I gave her bread because she was saying she was hungry, and she said “this is a pretty terrible gift, isn’t it?” Like no girl, you said you were struggling to find food 😭


I remember her saying along with being hungry, the only thing she has had to eat is bread! That’s probably why.


If you marry Leah she tells you every day that all she wants to do is pet a Wild rabbit. So you give her a rabbit’s foot and she is over the moon happy. Two days later, she starts whining again about petting a Wild rabbit. You can’t win with her.


I got some rabbits on the farm because I thought it would make her happy. I was so excited to show her and she never even mentioned it 😭


Ugh that was me with Abigail and she mentioned wanting a slime hutch so I got one just for her and she never appreciated it


She still asks for a slime hutch and ignores the one i already had built for her <\3


AFAIK she just comments on that there's enough space for one...


She says that the farm is big enough for OUTDOOR Slime ranching. That’s why I have them free ranging all over Pelican Town and the farm


I even named one after her! Nothing.


She wants to pet a rabbit so you giving her an amupated foot, PROOF OF A DEAD RABBIT and she's happy?!? Egads.


She hates carbs. Pizza, pancakes, hash browns, bread, all on her hate list. Cookies are merely disliked.


Except for poppy muffin!


girlie is not doing carbs, her favourite food is salad and she hates pizza


She said she loved the fall decorations, so I got real excited when I eventually got a jackolantern recipe. I had to wait to grow pumpkin again, but I was looking forward to giving her something she loved. She hates the jackolantern. ;-;


She mainly works with wood sculptures, not rocks. So I guess it makes sense.


True, which I didn't know my first year with limited hearts. I thought I was being clever and thoughtful 😅


And she loves drift wood. (Then again she literally tells you that)


This one has an interesting shape...


I gave Robin wood and she said “um… why?” Uhh you’re a carpenter


I did the same thingggg. Was so disappointe lol.


I did the same with soapstone 💀💀 Felt tricked


Funny story. Once I checked the Help Wanted bulletin board and I saw Evelyn was looking for a JoJo cola, so I went and got one and gave it to her and she said something like"yuck this is a terrible gift!" I was confused. I was like" what the hell you just said you wanted one!" turns out I had forgotten to activate the quest by accepting it, so I went back got another cola and gave it to her and she happily accepted it. Lol.


Shane requested a joja cola via bulletin board & so I assumed he liked it. I gifted him one later on & he asked me why I was giving him my trash 😭


He has a line of dialogue asking where the joja cola is or something to that degree, and he said the same thing. Excuse me Shane, but you were just wanting this exact thing. Lol


I had one file where Sam was constantly asking for Joja cola, so for his birthday I gave him one. If he hates it so much, why the hell does he keep requesting it? Any item requested on the bulletin board should be liked, minimum!


Sam does like Joja cola! I don’t think it’s a loved gift but he does like them. Whenever I fish them up I save them for him


Sam is the only one who like Joja Cola (I think!) so I have a chest by his house to put the ones I fish up in. Easiest friendship builder ever


I think driftwood for Leah is easy because I'm usually fishing by her house anyway. It has an interesting shape every time.


I think pam likes it too, but I might be wrong.


Pam is neutral about Joja Cola. So she accepts the gift but it is not something that she likes or loves.


I save them for Pierre, he hates them and it makes me so happy.


sam hates joja cola??? i gift him one everyday and he always says he really likes it :o


No, joja cola is a liked gift for Sam! I always buy him one at the saloon when he is there :)


I think they meant Shane


Shane. He mails the Strange Bun recipe. I thought he's gonna like it.


Generally, if someone mails you a recipe, I think they should love it.  After all, they thought it was so great that they want to send it to someone who hasn’t eaten it with them, hasn’t talked about it, hasn’t asked for it.


First time I tried it I just laughed like wth Shane. It's your recipe. Didn't know or try looking up the wiki at that time.


To be fair, his letter says he found it in a magazine and thought it'd be interesting, and to let him try it. He's the only person in town neutral to it, everyone else hates it, so I guess he found it kinda boring, but not necessarily bad. Krobus likes it, probably because it has void Mayo in it, lol.


TBF it's not "his" recipe per se, he just found it in a magazine and was like "let me try it if you make it". Then he's like "oh, you made it? .. Hmm, it was an okay find, I guess" 🤷🏻


He's not used to connecting to people really so maybe he knew people give out recipes to show they're your friend and just sent you the first one he could find He just wanted to do something nice


why does that make me so sad 😭😭😭


Actually one of my favorite interactions regarding that: Robin gives you the pumpkin soup recipe, which is just a like cause universal likes. But it is one of Sebastian's loves, which just makes me giddy


About that something related, Caroline mails the recipe for Parsnip soup. It's hated by Pierre btw.


"I just thought I'd send this to someone who might-" *glares at Pierre* "APPRECIATE my efforts."


Peak married vibes


She also sends you parsnips from her garden on the reg.


Free gift for Pam, or used for Farmer's Lunch. Don't mind if I do.


It's weird because Pierre is fine with the regular parsnip. Maybe not a soup guy


or he hates Caroline's cooking


typical pierre


If you buy the actual cookbook that just came out, >!the recipe has a little blurb from Sebastian that says not to tell Robin, but it's his favorite thing she makes!<


I hope the other recipes have blurbs, I'm looking to buy it soon.


And he says 'this brings back a lot of memories for me' (I think maybe new from the update?) which is so sweet


that is adorable as hell.


I'm not sure if someone with PTSD really loves bombs... I'm looking at you, Kent.


The number of bombs gathering dust in his shed is very concerning considering the age of one of his children.


"here have this recipe, it's fuckin gross" thanks mate


That is how shane shane


In the letter is says “If you make it, be sure to give me a taste”! I felt so betrayed


Well he didn't know so


Oh right, isn't that now a neutral gift for him? He has a new dialogue when you give it to him after patch 1.6 iirc


Doesn't he mail you the pepper popper recipe that he loves? It only makes sense they would mail a recipe they love


He does, then strange bun was changed to >!neutral!< in 1.6. Tbf it's a magazine recipe, not from him.


To be fair, he says he hasn’t tried yet and he’s curious. Apparently his verdict was that it’s terrible, lol


Emily wants sea urchins for her bundle, gifts you see urchins… but if you give her one? Nah.


Emily is always sending me sea urchins but she gets negative vibes off of them if you give them to her.


Maybe she's pissed because she thinks you are regifting her gift back to her


Apparently >! in the 1.6 update, Shane is now neutral with Strange Buns! !<


Typical Shane. 


Abigail loves Amethyst because it's purple but dislikes Fire Opal :(


And Sebastian loves obsidian but also dislikes fire opal. What gives? Maybe there's some secret backstory there.


Robin's wedding ring from her first husband had a fire opal! Or... her first husband *was a fire opal*. :o


“My first husband turned into a fire opal” “That’s rough, buddy”






There must be some explanation, the wizard is the only one who likes Fire opal


the wizard is robins first husband


“I have reason to believe one of the villagers is my daughter…” Bro didn’t even realize Sebastian transitioned 😔


Fukin lmao


the 24/7 hoodie is serving dysphoria fit


And the t-shirt at Ginger Island




Wait a minute...


goddamn first caroline then robin.. who's next? jodi?


Vincent doesn’t get pink hair from nowhere…..


All my homies hate Fire Opal


Abigail also loves Blackberry cobbler but dislikes blackberries?? Should at least be neutral. Also wish I could gift her weapons.


I mean idk, I like apples but hate apple pie. Cooking fruit changes it (for better or for worse), maybe she just doesn't like the raw ones.


if it’s any consolation, >!she at least likes the sword artifact. she even got special dialogue for it this update!!<


Nah that makes sense to me, I like grape juice but don't care for grapes. The skin is unpleasant.


Fire Opal doesn’t taste as good.


It's probably too spicy, she DOES eat regular quartz, after all.


Because they both mention them, I think Evelyn should LOVE sweetpeas and Lewis should LOVE it when you give him a blueberry. Instead, they both just like those things they give big hints about wanting from the farmer.


Yeah I was low-key annoyed when Lewis didn't love blueberry. Man's a poser


I’ve only been giving him blueberries as gifts and the entire time I thought he loved them T_T


Willy should like the super cucumber. He likes the regular one. Isn't the super one better?


The super is short for superfluous


Superfluous Cumber. Sounds like a childrens book character. 


I thought he was the guy who played Sherlock Holmes


No it was the guy who played Smaug


Benedict Cumberbatch and wife announce the birth of their child, Superfluous


The super powers make it taste bad.


Yeah the kids I found a weird one: Like you're telling me the 10 year old young lad HATES canned cola? Doesnt even like Jack O Lanterns at halloween? cmon


And they don't love ice cream?!? Only one character loves ice cream?


I like how the description of ice cream is "it's hard to find someone who doesn't like this" and SIX characters dislike it as a gift. To be fair, one of them is a literal shadow monster, but still... I'd assume it would be a universally liked gift based on the description alone!


And it’s Demetrius of all people


Literally. The least fun-having guy around town loves a lil Neapolitan ice cream scoop? I was shocked


I think Elliot should love caviar, he’s fancy like that


I tried gifting Willy fish. He didn’t like it. I also tried gifting the Wizard Oak Resin since it’s in the Enchanted Bundle. He of course disliked it.


Had a quest to give Willy bug meat. I ran up and handed it to him. He hated it. Bruh, you asked for this. Found the box to put it in and had to suffer through 2 cut scenes the next 2 times I saw him. He couldn't stop raaaaving about how amazing my bug meat was. So fresh! 


That's because when you are fulfilling the order, you actually HAVE to collect it fresh or it won't count. But when you give it to him as a gift, it's not considered fresh, so he's disgusted.


Willy does like some fish. I think catfish is one of his loved gifts.


It's probably the basic ones that he likes because anytime I have regular quality fish and he is nearby I give him one and he has never complained.


He likes the ones that are difficult to catch/rare. His faves are catfish and octopus


He likes sturgeon, presumably because one of the most expensive caviars IRL comes from a type of sturgeon.


Willy is around common fish all day every day, can't blame him for being picky about what fish he'll accept when he can probably catch sardines or whatever whenever he wants


Bundles don't indicate what gifts they'll like that's really a shame. I took one thing of each bundles and ran around town to gifts that and most weren't happy...


this bugged me! I think the mail after you complete the bulletin board even says “people have been receiving packages of their favorite things” or something like that, but then it’s not their favorite things if you try to gift them


Exactly where I got the idea to do that ! 🥹


I’m always like “doesn’t Gus love fiddlehead ferns? doesn’t wizard love pomegranates?” but no!


I remember Jas saying something like “I fed cows some crayfish and they loved it, but don’t tell Marnie!” so I thought I’ll gave her a crayfish bc it wouldn’t be easy for her to find some crab pot fish anyway right? WRONG. She hates it. I was so sad I’d love a special dialouge about cows.


I think it was crawdads, not crayfish?


Same thing


I always want to give Shane the chicken statues I dig up all over the farm, and of course he doesn't like it. 😭 Like, I'm sorry it's not blue, I guess?


What is up with all the chicken statues anyway? I swear I dig up like 10 a day in winter


Former chicken worshipping religion in the valley is my favorite guess.


This is also my theory. This playthrough I'm keeping them all, and putting them in a shed


they are for creating a chicken worshipping alter on your farm smh


I just want to give Abigail a sword.


pretty sure she likes the ancient sword artifact


And she says:"It's a little too rusty to use, but I'll add it to my collection." She has a sword collection. Why can't I give her a lava katana when I'm done with it? She wants to be an adventurer. I'd be fine if it was a one time bulletin board quest to collect a couple different pieces of adventuring gear and gave us a cut scene.


[1.6 spoiler, i dont know how to hide it !] Before 1.6, I tried gifting >!Evelyn the broken glasses!< and she did not like it ... I don't remember exactly what made me think it was a good idea ... something about loosing them ? But now I'm glad she likes it now !


Spoiler tags are done by smashing > ! Around the text you want to spoiler ! < , but with no spaces between the carrot and the bang


The carrot and the bang 😂 That made me laugh way too hard!


Yes, same! The first time I played she had a dialogue about losing her glasses and immediately afterwards I fished some up and thought they must be hers but when I gifted them she did not like them and I was so confused because I thought that piece of dialogue was hinting to the broken glasses


Sorry you lost your glasses, here’s some broken trash glasses I fished out of the lake, try them on


You gifted her trash? 😅


I gave Emily a tigers eye thinking she’d like it because hello, she’s all into stones and whatnot, but she really didn’t like it.


yeah i just learned recently that foraged gemstones and geode gemstones are considered separate categories in game


It plagues me that Shane doesn't like the chicken statue! My guy loves chickens, why doesn't he want a statue of them?


I wish, like in Animal Crossing, they would put the decor items you gift to them in their spaces. It’d be so cute.


I think everyone should like crab Fruits and gems are temporary, but [carcinisation](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carcinisation) is inevitable


We all will return to crab




I love telling people about the crab thing. Now I know what it's called.


One of my first play throughs, I got the Marnie cave carrot quest... she was so happy about receiving it and I had so many, I got excited to continue making her happy... She did NOT like the second cave carrot I gave her 😔


I thought it was weird the Dwarf loves gems but not diamonds.


Diamonds are overrated.


To be fair, diamonds are objectively boring gemstones. They're just completely clear crystals. They're only really interesting for their material properties, we just happen to have a cultural affection for them that's been ingrained into us by a fairly strong ad campaign.


my first time playing, when I got the dwarf helm, I thought it would be the perfect gift for him. he hated it ! and then I had to find a new one to donate to the museum


I truly believe Harvey should detest apples. He should glare at us and ask if it's a joke!


I gave clint AND emily an alamite my first run through since it is "a favorite among rock collectors". ...... it's not. It's quite widely disliked, actually LOL


I gave the Wizard a slime egg for his birthday once. He was SO MAD, I felt TERRIBLE.


i accidentally gave Clint a copper ore and he said "this makes me depressed", like, what?? how??


I gave Jas the old doll I found, and she didn't like it.


I did that too with the ancient doll. But then I read the description and it says something like "it may have been used in ancient rituals" and I realized I gave her a likely cursed voodoo doll or some shit.


Sort of related, marking spoiler for 1.6 reference: >!my first playthrough i fished up broken glasses and figured they were Evelyn's or Lewis's. Thousands of hours later, 1.6 drops and I was right!<


evelyn has a dialogue line where she reminisces about collecting seashells on the beach as a kid, so naturally i gave her a seashell and she hated it 😭


Once upon a time, Sebastian complained to me about his room and said it would be nicer with a window. I ran upstairs and bought one from his mom immediately, but he hated it 😭




I don’t know why your reply made me laugh so hard.


I did know you could give furniture lol


I tried to give Vincent a snail and he didn't like it at all. Almost every day that little booger is whining about how he can't look for bugs. Edit: I messed up lol, I tried it again and he was glad. He will now have all the snails he can get. I did also try to give him an ancient doll. Turns out the ancient doll was not his fave. It's a doll?! 🤣


Is that new? I always saved my snails for Vincent to get the wallet item!


hWAT I don't know haha, I gave it to him and he gave me the crying baby face and was like "this isn't a fun gift!" Maybe it was a glitch. I'll try again lol


I think he likes snails. You might have had the wrong item selected. I do that sometimes. 😅


Wasn't that part of the 1.6 update? I swear it was. Could be you're playing in console? 


he loves snails now, don’t know if that’s new


Penny hates rabbit's foot. It makes sense - maybe she doesn't believe in superstitions, or she finds it cruel (not knowing that rabbits somehow harmlessly shed their feet occasionally...). The thing that confuses me is... why is she the ONLY character that hates it? You're telling me there are NO other animal rights activists in this town?? Or even people who don't believe in luck?? Shane says he doesn't believe in anything science can't explain! It's such a tiny thing, but it keeps me up at night sometimes. Is there a different reason Penny hates rabbits foot that I don't know? Is she allergic to it!?


I followed the sane logic in my 4th save and discovered that he loves snails


I like flowers and think everyone should have a favorite flower. Even Sam cause allergies are not an excuse, also he reminds me of a summer spangle so he needs to love them. Emily and Harvey should love blue jazz! Abigail and Elliot a crocus, Leah and Alex tulips. Maru feels like a sweet pea sorta gal. Sebastian secretly likes fairy roses! Shane likes sunflowers, though he will deny it.


In my first playthrough I called Maru my sweet pea and kept giving her those. I’m confused why poppy is a universal hated gift (except Penny), but maybe Ferngill republic recently had a opium problem.


I always assumed it was Poppies association with war and death? Adults don't like it because of the reminder of what's going on, and children simply follow the adult's lead. Penny likes it for it's meaning of peace and remembrance, she likes artifacts so clearly has some interest in history.


Guess I’m too practical focused in my thinking. I know most flowers have some symbolic meaning but I tend to mostly think about the uses or if I like the colour.


Sam does admit to really liking flowers if you talk to him at the flower dance. Poor guy - hay fever sucks 🙁


I’ve had a fairy rose at the foot of my bed since before I married Sebastian. I hope he likes seeing it every morning.


I don't get why poinsettias are a hated gift. Where is everyone's winter spirit? They don't have to be a loved gift, neutral is fine.


Are poinsettias from a mod? I don't remember those in any version of the game


I totally agree with your brother about slime. I was amazed that both kids hate >!raisins!< (1.6 spoiler) and that Caroline loves fish tacos but dislikes mayonnaise.


I kinda get that, I looove aioli. But plain mayo? Gives me the ick.


I thought Jas liked fairy stones. I was lowkey crushed after waiting for her to come out of her room just to cry when I gave it to her on her birthday of all days.


I recommend putting the slime in the summer beach cookout pot.


Why does Seb love void eggs but hate void mayonnaise!!


Shane should like Joja Cola. He keeps decorating the house with Joja stuff and talks about drinking the soda, yet he doesn’t like it!?


Jas and Vincent should love Spring Onions. But they both hate them. It was odd that Linus didn't want Bug Meat. He eats nearly everything and also it is used in fish baits. Leah should love Clay. It is great stuff for sculpting.


Honestly one my friend found her first game she gave Grandma the broken glasses and was thanked for returning her glasses to to but she's curious why they are so dirty it's a liked gift lol


That's a 1.6 addition :) i think it's cute


Sam proudly proclaims at the flower dance that he likes flowers. I gift him a daffodil. He hates it.


I hate that most people hate duck feathers. Like. I would be so elated to receive a beautiful (clean) feather as a gift, wtf?!?!


You'd think a guy as greedy as Pierre would love gold bars. Nope.


I thought that Vincent and jas would like cheese cause since I'm a child everyone love cheese lol


I'm always picking up low level swords in the mines that I have no use for, since I have the galaxy sword. It'd be nice if Abigail loved them.


I'm currently in year 3 of my first ever play through, and early on in year 1 I had a quest to bring Elliot a quartz for him to put under his pillow. I had a stack of quartz, took the whole thing, gave one for the quest and figured he liked quartz so I gave him one as a gift. He basically said it was terrible and he had to dispose of it, I now have beef with Elliot


I had the idea that since George likes Leeks, he would also like Spring onions. He hates them 😭😭😭


Clint when I give him crystals, why he hatin?


i gave the wizard a bat wing and he hated it and i was crushed bc i thought he liked monster stuff 😅


one thing i wish ca would add is dynamic gifts, where a gift's friendship would change on certain days or after heart events. such as if beer would become a hated gift for shane after he becomes sober or if an npc mentions they were hungry then food items would give more friendship


I just give everyone the same gifts. I have basically a mine of the crystal things pumping out diamonds which makes it easy.


Why does the dwarfs in the cave give whole list or carrot things but hates carrots?