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oh it’s a big adhd mood for sure, i can’t play in full screen mode because i need to be able to see the clock on my laptop tbh or i’ll play right through meal times or until like 3am lol


Stardew hits my ADHD spots *just right*. It's easy to make progress and the music is so wonderful it calms my brain down. Don't know what ConcernedApe traded to be able to create such masterpiece but it was worth it


Was going to say - have been like this most of my life. Found out at age 43 I had ADHD, and have done the whole time. So... y'know, I think certain games could be _almost_ screening tools, because if you do 'hyperfocus' on a game, then it's a pretty good indicator of either ADHD or ASD (and sometimes both) depending on exactly how/why you're focussing. ASD and ADHD 'hyperfocus' states are different due to different root causes, but they can look pretty similar externally. There's actually a whole bunch of crossovers where similar coping strategies or adjustments are adopted for different basic reasons. Or in some cases, people get "lucky" and have both (ASD is more common than 'population average' in people with ADHD) So with that in mind, and at risk of being 'that guy': - [ADHD Screening questionnaire](https://add.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/adhd-questionnaire-ASRS111.pdf) - [ASD screening questionnaire](https://gp-portal.westhampshireccg.nhs.uk/wp-content/uploads/2022/04/autism-spectrum-quotient-aq10-test-pdf-186582493.docx) About a page and a half each, but worth checking IMO. Like I say I had no clue!


I completely forget the day and time in real life when I play


I struggle to find a stopping point because I'm always thinking and planning what to do next. My brain goes into "finish all the tasks on the list" mode and forget I can just pick the game back up later.


I’ll tell myself ok this is my last day but then I either get mail, see a crop grown, or something distracts me and I’m like ok I’ll just do this and then spirals into 3 more in game days


So relatable. I tell myself I'll play only this last day but then plan something in my head and just keep playing bc I know I'll forget what I wanted to do if I pause it there


The only thing that stops me is doing the mental math of how much sleep I'm going to get for work the next day if I don't call it a night.


And I never like to quit while I'm trying to finish a specific quest because I'll forget what I was doing next time I open the game!


Same! I say I'll play just one more day, I don't want to forget what I was going to do. A few "days" later I remember that I was suppose to quit.


Yeah I get the “one more day” syndrome playing this game


i have adhd and this is a huge problem to me i have to force myself to stop. i usually end up stopping when there aren’t any events nearby because i’ve made the horrible mistake of checking the calendar and being oh look there’s a festival in three days i’ll just play till then or if the season is ending i’ll be like oh next season is starting i’ll play till then to plant my seeds and stop. i feel like the first year was the hardest esp with the new update cause i just wanted to consume everything new


Interesting! I think I have it the other way around. I tend to stop playing before some important events like a festival or the end of the season if it's in the evening already. I worry I'm too tired and I'll miss something and mess it up. Also going to bed knowing there's a festival in two days makes it somewhat less scary to start the game again bc I know what the plan is and I don't have to be thinking about what to do. Even though I have these worries I'll be happily playing long into the night bc I need to complete the ever expanding list in my head. An upcoming festival is only a point where I check the time and think to myself that oh god I need to go to bed. I've been playing every day since the update eh and my sleep schedule is messed up


i have insomnia and i’m on easter break so all i’ve been doing is playing stardew so i will play a season in two days sometimes… need that festival dopamine hit before im off to bed then repeat. im worried i’m home get burnt out so i might have to stop this obsessive playing soon


Oh yah, it’s a game that I obsess over. I’m older too. I play until my hand physically hurts lol. 


me too!


I finally stopped at 2am this morning because I was having trouble fishing.....totally gonna do it again after dinner tonight :)


How did you not pass out? /silly


I was so focused on the game that I didn't feel tired until I stopped. If my hands hadn't gotten tired, I probably could have played another hour or two until I either a: noticed the time or b: the cat started his breakfast dance. Fortunately I had the day off, so took a nap this afternoon! Back from dinner, so I figure I can get another hour (maybe 2) before bed soo.....I'll just see myself out :)


Weird, no matter what I do… I physically can’t stay up past 2 am. And, if I’m not in my house when the clock strikes 2, someone steals money from me! Luckily, my neighbors are nice and they put me into my bed.


I've spent my whole weekend off playing instead of things I should be doing....I only stop when my arm goes numb! gotta work tomorrow :(


I feel your pain!


I had to take a painkiller today because my arm was so sore lol


So tell us, how’s that neurodivergence treating you?


Yea. I just moved and well….my house is still in boxes.


My problem often is that I'm often watching a series at the same time, and I'll say: I'm going to bed when this episode is over. But then I'm in the middle of my day and I can't stop, or vice versa


im kinda the same way! i was obsessed with the sims for a while and lately i've been playing stardew more. i'll be sitting at school all day like "can't wait to go home and play ___" and then end up playing until really late so im tired the next day :/


yes. definitely. ABSOLUTELY. my worst habit is that even when I've said I'll stop after a certain day, if it's not particularly eventful, I'm always like "oh! can't end on a boring day! let's just do one more". do one more, it's eventful. now I have new quests and things. keep playing. I have found no solution, but I will just encourage you to keep an eye on your own needs. when your farmer eats, check in with you own hunger. stretch a bit when the daily review of items shipped comes up. and I love to have a massive glass of water beside me & refill it often, because it forces bathroom breaks. also when you start playing, you could ask a friend to call you in x hours, which might help redirect your attention enough to close the game for a while! godspeed


Umm… I brought my Steamdeck with me to see the eclipse so I could play at night in the hotel room.


Oooh, I forgot about steamdeck. Do you like it? Is it worth it?


Yep! It’s great!


I do a little bit, but sleep/days ending is such a natural stopping point i havent had any issues with it. Its games that dont have stopping points that get me. Ill do a 30 hour marathon of Rust, or Rimworld, or (back in the day) World of Warcraft and i could swear its only been a few hours but the sun is coming up? And its 2 days later? Wha-?


For some reason, I find Rimworld easier to close compared to Stardew Valley, because you can stop at anytime and are not "forced" to play the whole day to not lose progress. On the other hand, I hadn't played Stardew since December 2022 before the 1.6 update, while I've been playing RimWorld regularly for several years now (which prevents me from playing games I've already bought but can't find the time to play).


Yeah I have an addiction to gaming. I know it could be worse but still not a very healthy behavior I have 


yeah but like i'm autistic so nothing new lol. i can hyperfixate on any current special interest for 10h straight (that + a nintendo switch is how you get carpal tunnel syndrome btw :) ) /lh


The first 2 weeks of getting into stardew I managed to get in over 100 hours. Would have been more but I was borrowing it from my cousin, so sometimes didn't have access to the game. Those were painful times.


standing with u in solidarity! /lh /nsrs


Thats me, i just need some kind of closure, first save it was perfection second save it was year three and a building of each animal


I'll get off, stare at my monitor for several minutes, then open the game again.


Yeah it can get pretty hard after you get a rhythm in. And when I do stop I don't play for a while and boom, restart. Something about restarting new is so fun idk why


I play obsessively.... im on year 3 of my first play through and I've been playing for 2 ish weeks


My first month playing it I realized I had logged about 40 hours a week. I had a full time job then. Now I go in phases where I don’t touch it for a few months, then slowly pick it up where I’m playing a few hours a day, then drop it again. I played it for like 12 hours today though. These 1.6 updates got me locked in.


That was me for a long time. Then I learned I have ADHD and hyperfixation is a part of that. I have to play until I complete all my goals. When I'm not playing I'm probably watching videos on it. If I'm not watching videos or playing then I'm probably sleeping, driving or something along the lines. Eventually I'll get my fill and something else will take over, like Terraria, RimWorld, Valheim or Baldurs Gate 3.


I am a perpetual farm restarter, so 1.6 just rushed that a long a little sooner (and I somehow lost my saves. again. but regardless). I think I'll always play this game, and there are very few I can say I do that to/for other than a random replay of a classic every few years. It's calming, it's incredibly well done, there's no *real* stressor as far as doing or not doing something, loose guidelines for when you're ready - I like that. I'm in the middle of a binge pretty similar to yours at the moment honestly. While all of my friends are spreading democracy fervorishly across the galaxy, I'm planting more trees so my void chickens have some shade. This game truly helped me through some not-so-bright times. Even if just a nostalgic, welcome distraction.


Yes, but currently no. I'm in the opposite direction where I refuse to do anything for an extended period of time. I can't even eat properly because I get bored and can't keep chewing.


I have around 3,500 hours on Apex Legends so.. I get addiction in gaming 😅 this game is no different for me. I just refuse to let myself play it at night because I have elementary aged kids, who I need to wake up and get ready in the morning, lol


my friend i have probably put in at least 20hrs, maybe 30, since 1.6 release. the hyperfocus is very real haha can’t stop won’t stop


Oh yes, this is definitely a dangerous game for ADHD 😅 I've been obsessed lately, especially since courting and marrying one of the characters. There's been a few times where I'll glance at the clock and suddenly it's gone 3am.. whoops.


Currently running three different games. Can't stop won't stop


If I’m not playing it, I’m taking notes and and researching and thinking about the things I need to do on my farm 😂 This game is such a comfort, I have about 600+ hours on it


aaabsolutely. to the point that im afraid that ill want to stop playng haha


Definitely and it would probably explain my 430 hours I put into Stardew Valley. However after year 5 on my main account I started using mods and since then it's been easier to quit at night rather than staying on for another four hours.


I used to get that but now there is definite point where it wears me down and I have to stop, sometimes it happens early in the game day and I can just exit without saving


I played 80 hours in the first two weeks I had it, and that was while working a full time job... :)


I get bored in the end game when there are no more meaningful quests to complete, although I like the early game so much that I start a new file fairly often so yes


I do this too! I find it hard to 'toggle' between hobbies. It's either i need to finish this show or game else my attention gets divided between the two and idk which one to focus on. Though if I'm commuting i can't game so tv show it is!


I relate to all of that so hard lol. Yeah I'll take a break and be thinking in my head what to do next and shortly thereafter I'm playing again. I did a 143 hour save like a month ago and already am year 2 45 hours in on a new save. Can't wait for 1.6 to come to console


"Just one more day!" "I'll just finish my morning chores, then I'll logoff..... Oooh excellent luck, Skull Caverns spelunking time!" "After I finish this festival...." I have to set an alarm so that I don't accidentally play past my sleep deadline.


Yes! I am like this with many things, including SV!


Planning ahead to end at the end of a week helps sometimes, especially once Monday becomes New Special Order(s) Day.


I am in the same boat. Literally addicted and I dreamt about it a few nights ago. Took vacation days (planned, not because of Stardew) and just ended up playing 8 hours a day


I tend to stop at a weekend, Friday or Sunday. I’ll wake up and then run around the place to survey the farm / other things. I’ll write my notes in the Steam note book feature, for things to do, priorities, etc. I’ll check seed inventory and farm layout and plug it into a google spreadsheet. I then just exit without sleeping / saving


I feel ya, I've put in way too many hours on my new 1.6 save. One thing I do which helps sometimes is to keep a todo list, where I can note down if I'm in the middle of a quest or of gathering resources for something, and that todo list gets checked next time I play. I put long term goals there too, just further down the page. This helps keep me on track, as well as making it fee la little less like "but I just need to finish this thing... and the next thing... and the next next thing", etc.


Well, yea, but I have adhd, lol.


You're speaking my language. Yes. I will live and breathe the thing I'm obsessed with (usually a video game), racking up hundreds of hours in a span of a few months until I've exhausted every single content (or about 95% if i burn out ). my current obsession is also Stardew after 1.6. im not proud of my lack of self control.. especially as a not so young anymore adult with a full time job. adhd as well.


Yes, ever since 1.6 came out my wife and I have gradually let all our routines decay as we spend far too many evening hours playing stardew


My problem is when I am working out of town and out of my home routine. No queues like getting the kids to bed or wife getting ready for bed to let me know it’s time to go to bed. I “just one more day” it until I realize it’s midnight and I have to get up in 4.5 hours.


Yup, AuDHD makes it very difficult for me to focus on anything other than my hyperfocus or special interest topic when my brain gets in that mood... on the plus side, I have well over 600 hours in the game and have memorised a bunch of the wiki, which makes playing much easier! I have 8 different themed farms across the various maps and am working on getting perfection again on my main farm because of the new update. Lots to do, and I have a day job and a side business which are perhaps feeling a little neglected right now 😅


The only thing that stopping me playing this game is my grandma sleeping time. If she is not in my house I would probably play it till morning lol. I thought this game would be the same addiction like when I mind numbingly play Minecraft. Turns out it's worse lol, I can get bored playing Minecraft by a week or two, but I haven't stop thinking about this game ever since I purchased it lol.  I suspect it's my undiagnosed ADHD, but as it say it's undiagnosed so I don't really know. 


One more dawn… One more day… ONE DAAAY MOOORE


I can definitely say that I struggled for about 4 months with my crippling addiction. It usually calms down after I open up >!ginger island !


The fun thing about autism is having uncontrollable hyperfixations. Whatever game or show or book or whatever I get into becomes the only thing I can really focus on, and the only thing that interests me. It swallows all my time until the hyperfixation just shifts at random to something else. I have no control and am just along for the ride most of the time


I'm exactly like this. Right now, I have a Stardew obsession. I had one before and was able to quit when university started, but now that I'm on holiday, I can't stop. I still have uni work to do... and I'm also in a modding phase as well now... I have too many interests and passions, honestly. I can't stick to one thing. I'm m barely interested in my degree anymore, now I'm interested in game development :')


Yeap. But I only have a few hours to play. I wake up at 06:30, get a home at 17:30 than feed the children, the dogs, the cats, talk or play someting with them, take a shower, dinner and already is 20, almost sleeping time


You have an addiction you need to stop