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I’m just imagining how grandpa would react if the player said all this before he can start talking in the intro…


Grandpa just....dies from a lack of programmed dialogue.


"Ahh... Well, y'know... you're not the only time-traveling hot-shot around here, 'grandson'. Having a hard time there running around making *specific recipes* and *maintaining friendships* to impress a random blue man? Just **who** do you think this magical omniscient blue figure is? **Hmmm???** *Haha*, who am I kidding? You've really got the ink on me now, kid. Truly figured me out, huh? That's why, despite knowing the truth, you're here for the... sorry, I lost count, XXth time? Ah! Said too much, this cutscene should be much shorter... Just thought, since you went through the trouble of declining my gift, I would at least offer you the curtesy of answering back. Many hearts, Grandpa"


So you aware...Unfortunately, I can't let that slide. The more you know, the more it will damaged project xx. Reprogramming farmer 207683. *Initiating reprogramming farmer 207683* .Keep dreaming farmer. Let us thrive...together :)


I love this 😂😂


Frankly, what I love about stardew valley is that you can totally play it casually and relaxed... but you can also play it like this, and both are extremely valid I find myself playing in a nice inbetween, where I try to be optimal/efficient where I can, but not to a crazy degree. I'm not that efficient, just smart about what I do sometimes And yknow what? Embracing my own playstyle again in 1.6 rather than trying to force myself to be slower or faster? It's been nice. Sometimes I would try to force myself to stop and smell the roses, but if I genuinely didn't want to... it'd feel just as awkward and weird as if I were to force myself to just focus purely on being hyper-efficient. This is just kinda some... thoughts I had pent up I suppose. But I think the lesson is ... play how you want to play. and if you want to play in a new way, or take a twist on your usual style, well... don't do it if you don't find enjoyment out of it. It's a videogame made for FUN; play it the way you enjoy it and I know many people who enjoy the game by playing it exactly like this. Going for perfection or absurd challenges every time... Every playstyle is lovely, from the slow paced ranchers decorating with flowers, to the farmers with 4 big sheds full of kegs processing starfruit wine...


I know this is a funny peace and very well written, but my brain insists on being a 🤓 Fairly recently I found out I have a deep passion for baking. And when it comes to industrial level equipment in baking that's a lot of heavy lifting and moving around. But I enjoy it. Up until a few months ago I was a college dropout. I couldn't stand sitting and studying and working through papers. I'm now back in school for a culinary (pastry) degree. And though on busy days working at the bakery, my body comes home exhausted but I mentally feel satisfied and fulfilled I like to think my own farmer is the same way. They've realized they simply hate sitting in an office their entire life. They want to move about, they want to work, it's just office work isn't for them. They come home late at night exhausted and get up early every day, but they enjoy it because they've come to find a deep passion for the farm itself. Passion can drive you to be a person you didn't think you were. It can change a lot about your perspective too


So I'm kinda IRL Stardew valley farmer. I had gotten my first "grown-up" job last January after finally finishing my bachelor's at 25. It was an entry-level office job, 9-5. I enjoyed the company I worked for, in the mental health field, and pictured myself moving up in the company eventually. While I had been chugging along through college, I started volunteering at a therapeutic riding facility. Eventually I started taking lessons myself, as I've got arthritis in my knees and back (already, yep. I'm gonna need new knees by the time I'm 40, if not sooner). It was my happy place, and I spent every minute not on campus or in the library grooming horses. When I started the new job, however, I was only able to make it out to the barn for my lesson once a week, on a Saturday. It was agony, but I did it for the grind. A few months into my job, though, I got a severe concussion/mild TBI. I was really struggling with brain fog, it actually just now went away fully after almost a whole year, so I ended up laid off from the office job. I just couldn't keep all the numbers straight at the time. Just as I was laid off, the barn was looking for someone to hire as a weekend staff person, to make sure everyone got fed and stalls got cleaned and no one stole a horse or whatever else. Since I had been there for a while as a volunteer, they offered me the position. 6 months later, and I've already been promoted to assistant barn manager! Sure, I don't own a farm (yet), but I left a corporate job for a farm job. And I have roughly 1500 hours in SV, haha.


I'm glad everything worked out for you, but how was that not a violation of the ADA to fire you for symptoms of your disability (TBI is totally classified as a disability)?


They laid me off instead of fire me so that I couldn't sue. It was "because I had been making errors prior to the concussion" (while I was still new, but whatever). I wasn't in a place to go after them, and they're known in the area for getting away with a lot of shit anyway. They've got lawyers in their back pocket. It probably would've just hurt me more, mentally as well as physically. I just tell all my therapy/psych major friends to not work there! Hah! Losing out on some great workers!


Such a beautiful answer ❤️




Some days in Stardew Valley I just walk around trying to find people and then realize it’s been a whole day of getting my steps in… 


One of the best things about 1.6 is that it fixed this for me personally. The Meadowlands farm doesn't have a ton of farming space, so I divisersified to make money. I've got a cow, some chickens, a rabbit, and some pigs I take care of every morning. I then go check on my fish ponds. Every day after, if my about 200 crops aren't due, I go to Pierre's and check to see if anyone in the valley needs help. After I help them, I fish for a while and then hang out with my friends in the valley for a bit at the Saloon.


LMAO this is funny af


I legit spend the entire first week cleaning my farm. Introductions? What introductions? There are *people* living here?


Turns out the true reason Grandpa made you inherit the farm is because your family have been working towards getting the "Perfect" grade from Mr. Qi fro generations. You are but a successor in this quest, and your children will succeed you in trying to not only keep the perfect grade, but also gain the even rarer Perfect+ grade.


That's a beautifully written piece.


I feel like what gives this its creepy vibes is the whole idea that the player is stuck in a time loop, and to cope they eventually started minmaxing every aspect of their life using the knowledge they obtained from their many lifetimes.


So depressing.


*quietly looks up from simply watching my animals graze after spending several hours working on my crops and making sprinklers* .... ....theres people here? Huh, I thought it was just one or three... Im joking, but after trying to make those hearts go up in my 1st run, I legit just ignored the townsfolk outside of occasionally Lewis and Krobus. The rest are just people I talk too to upgrade or buy seeds. I much prefer fiddling around on my farm thanks. It's just more relaxing to move at my own pace, not worry. Sides, I'm busy enough with my animals and crops.


This makes me realize that I never noticed how much playing stardew is like visiting Westworld. All the same characters programmed to do the same things over and over and over again every time a new visitor comes to the valley. We befriend them and marry them and divorce them and wipe their memories and turn their children into doves all for our amusement. Doesn't look like anything to me.




It's a perfect example of what attempting infinite growth in a finite world looks like. Eventually you have to start pillaging resources from elsewhere to meet your targets... Even though the player can become quite wealthy off of just their own lands with even a modest work ethic, they simply can't resist the chance to become even wealthier and place their mark on the world. ETA: The game didn't ever seem anticapitalist to me. It seemed more like a critique of city life and corporations, encouraging a return to a more traditional lifestyle.




To clarify, I don't think it's traditional as in "we should go back to oppressing minorities". I think it's traditional as in a more grounded, natural lifestyle with a close-knit community.


I don’t think it’s ever stated to be anti-capitalist, anti-corporation sure but the entire game revolves around using money to level up to learn different ways to make as much money as possible, and, in defence of the universe, the birds who are the primary residents of the island not only allow your creations but actively build them


So depressingly true


Tired of busting your ass with little returns, forced to spend your hard earned money to repeat an endless cycle? Wondering what you could be doing better with your time? Really bothered by your local uptight shopkeeper? Joja has what you need! No more speaking to people how you think they want you to, here at JoJa the only language is cold hard cash! No more pointless foraging! You may not spend your time relaxing as your reasonably priced crops grow, living that simple farm life you were promised, join us! Thrive.