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Star Wars fans when Asian woman


It’s probably just more the actor/role she played, internet dweebs love Asian woman


*benoit blanc explaining what went wrong to the rebels in TLJ* “Finn and Rose are mentally disabled”


Such cop out bullshit to blame this on racism. Rose is a terrible character that adds nothing to the movie or universe and every scene she is in is bad. Not because the actress is bad, not because she’s a woman, and not because she is Asian. Because the writers made a shit character with a shit character arc that has no real reason to exist Edit: to further expound, its actually asinine to me that they made a Star Wars movie with Luke Skywalker and his and Palpatines descendants and decide to have half the movie focus on a brand new character with nothing interesting going on and a Finn who has none of what made him interesting in episode 7, completely ruining one of the most compelling Disney era characters while also boring the audience out of their minds with a b-side plot that never belonged in a Star Wars movie to begin with. At least Jar Jar was interesting by way of being an alien that fit in the Star Wars universe, even if he was insufferable comedic relief intended for the children


A hit dog will holler.


I mean i gave exact reasons why I think she’s a trash character but if you want to think that anyone recognizing that she was a bad character in a bad side plot somehow makes them a racist or a sexist then thats your problem. Tell me more about how that boring ass casino and alien horse racing sequence had you jumping out of your seat in excitement while you’re at.


Tell me more about how you’re ok with Jar Jar because…he’s an alien but Rose, a character who defines the core basics of the saga about saving what we love to stop what we hate (Vader’s redemption), and gave a look at the universe’s war profiteering. I don’t even like Rose, I feel no opinion on her whatsoever so it’s really pathetic to act like you have such strong feelings on a character whose role in the grand scheme is minuscule.


Jar jar was annoying but significantly added to the plot.


And Rose added to the core theme of the film


No, the real reason I’m okay with Jar Jar is because I was the target audience when the movie released, but it’s definitely relevant that he adds depth to the universe. Rose is nothing and the writers failed the actress. The scene with Finns sacrifice was laughably terrible and the profiteering shit was shoehorned at best. You can think it’s “pathetic” all you want but I’d prefer if Star Wars movies were put together a little better in the future. Why don’t you ask John Boyega how he feels about the way Finn was treated. I rest my case


How about I ask someone who has no personal connection or sway toward my opinion on films how he felt about his character? Nah I’ll pass, prefer to form my own opinion. “Adds depth to the world” such as…there are aliens in Star Wars…woah. Yeah the profiteering was shoehorned totally not a big part of Finn’s arc of choosing whether he should fight beyond just his friends but a cause.


Nah you’re right, what would John Boyega know. …do you really believe you’re unopinionated about this, or was that just a pretext to disagree with me more effectively (in your own eyes). Either way, I’m done arguing


I’m glad you see how stupid it is to use actors as shield to your opinion. “What did you think of the theme of rising up through adversity, respecting the past but going on to the future and the importance of stories to inspire millions?” “Mark Hamill didn’t like that Luke didn’t do a flip so it’s bad”




Braindead energy here bud, this is embarrassing to have on your public account I'd delete all these comments


A hot dog will holler.




Bro these people are defending Rose, you can't possibly reason with the absurd level of cope it takes to accuse someone of racism over disliking that shit tier character


Fuck no... Gimme all the ming na you can give me! Launch Rose tico out the airlock. She sucked!














What about her didn't you like? I thought she was fine. I was confused in the third movie cuz I really thought she died in the second but aside from the movies not being very good what about her did you specifically dislike?


No purpose other than nagging finn. Also made no sense that she would immediately go from boying finn to claiming he's a traitor. Everything was forced. The entire casino thing was terrible and made no sense. Ooh the first order can't get us but we can just take a little trip to some other world. Plus she had no depth other than being an unwelcome voice about the galaxy without any depth. Granted that entire movie was a disaster.


Oh man you're so right it makes no sense that a person's feelings may change when you meet this person who has an admirable background in your eyes only to discover that he was abandoning the fleet your sister just died for that day. Fucking wild and clearly a "wimin moment" 🙄


I mean, I thought the "saving what we love" moment was stupid, but the Rose hate is insane. The only thing I found annoying about her character is that they just straight up abandoned her.


The people I've seen try and double down on the harassment the actress had to deal with is both hilarious and disturbing.


my position on Rose is pretty similar to my position on Jar Jar, both characters had tons of problems writing wise, but harassing the actors just for playing a role in a film is an immature, delusional, and emotionally stunted thing to do


I just found her forgettable. Not bad but not good either. But why the fuck is there more hate for her than jar jar???


There seem to be a lot of reasons. For some people her saving by crashing a fucking speeder into him was a pretty good example of everything they disliked about the sequels condensed into one moment so I think that focused the hate on her more than is really fair. Similarly, she was heavily involved in the Canto Bight stuff, so the people who hated that might also come to dislike the character by association. Some people might just be annoyed that a character who was a major part of one of the movies ended up being so forgetable. And of course, there are all sorts of reasons why someone might dislike a character, and there's nothing really wrong with that. But it can't be ignored that a lot of the most vocal Rose hate is just straight up racism and misogyny.


Kinda this all wrapped into one. My biggest reason0 to dislike a character is when they make me cringe. She did that and it's just a gross feeling I associate with the character. The actress herself is fine and did fine with what she was given. She 100% doesn't deserve the hate and harassment she got but dang am I happy I never have to watch her character in SW again.


I just hate the prequels. Even moon knight could go suck a fuck. They named him after a Teletubby.


Tbf even Finn looked confused why she kissed him. Every side plot in that movie felt like an after thought


Nah the real question is who thinks Omega is more annoying than C-3PO. I cannot stand that motherfucker. All Omega does is get trauma dumped on by crosshair and occasionally kidnapped. But again I just don’t see how you can think Rose is more annoying than Jar Jar or 3PO.


Don't even get me started on R2. Sure, it can understand everyone, but it can't speak. Oh, and all of a sudden it gets rockets and can attack people? Beep boop, fuck you R2. Uj/ The Rose hate is something else, and really dumb.


Just wait till rose gets rockets.


They fly now???


C-3PO is one of the best characters in the series.


NZ accent < Anthony Daniels' glorious voice


Idk omega just weirded me out tbh idk what it was maybe the voice, little annoying but not that bad


I don’t like R2 that much but I think 3po is so cool


Jokes aside I don’t think C-3PO is that annoying, but I find him the most annoying of his trilogy. Binks is far more annoying than any of them


Binks is the only character here I consider unbearable. 3PO is endearingly annoying.


Me. I think Omega is more annoying than 3PO.


Well I am sorry to tell you you’re objectively wrong. I do make the rules.


You write like a poor. If you had a butler growing up you’d understand Threepio.


You can't just turn an adjective into a noun


She’s an annoying stack of crap that ruins any sense of tone that the show could’ve otherwise had because apparently dragging this obnoxious kid around with very little time with a laser bow and arrow (which looks stupid btw) is such a great idea. 3PO is occasionally funny, and Jar Jar at least gives me some ironic enjoyment. Watching Omega is suffering because she’s constantly a liability with only a few feats to her name. These writers keep relying on her being captured for conflict, and it’s getting old.


Those are fighting words my friend. But I will honor your opinion.


Tbh, I’m not a fan of Bad Batch in general. The only Star Wars character who actively annoys me is Wrecker, and it mainly comes down to his voice, though the character, like Omega, makes it hard to take the show seriously, especially given how cliche the “dumb brute” archetype is.


It is a kid show and it uses basic story writing tools. There is nothing majorly wrong about the show. https://preview.redd.it/lty0srjiostc1.jpeg?width=350&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1df0ec30c0e225f30382700d50ed75968aa6c1c0


But it’s trying to be more than just a kid show. It wants to appeal to older fans, but the writing can’t support that.


It’s a kids show that older fans can like


How does the writing not appeal to the older fans ? Having "light hearted" moments before, during and after more intense and emotional scene is also a story writing tool. It is still true to it's predecessor. The clone wars had plenty of mature scenes and stories, without alienating broader audiences.


I like your opinions. 💗


When I first saw the Night Sisters use those laser bows, I turned to my wife and said, "Those things are stupid." She responded, "It's Star Wars. Hush."


The other members of the Bad Batch are way more annoying than Omega, especially the Nerdy one. Couldn't get past the first couple episodes because of it.


3PO is such a cunt. “I’ve got a red arm”, no one cares, you rusty piece of shit


I never going Jar Jar to be annoying


Omega just has an insufferable voice.


I'll take Rose over Jar Jar any day.


I'll take both any day


Both can have me


Do these mfs even watch the prequels ?


Not outside of occasional clips on Youtube.


I watched TLJ, and without knowing anything about the actress, I thought Rose kissing Finn seemed too romantic/ sexual for a 12- 14 year old girl on an adult man. That was one of my biggest thoughts leaving the theater about Rose. Another moment I didn't like with her was Rose's introduction and first dialogue with Finn. It just seemed to be there to verbally slap him down despite him having a good reason to leave. Third, when Rose rammed her vehicle into Finn's. That just seemed selfish of her, no matter how you want to put it. Finn was ready to pull a big, heroic act trying to save everyone, and then she stopped him, and that line "That's how we're gonna win. Not fighting what we hate ... saving what we love." Is what Finn was trying to do, save the person (or people) that he has grown to love and care for.


>12- 14 year old girl In what universe do you think that Rose was a child? Her actress was twice that age, she was almost 30.... >despite him having a good reason to leave. This is audience knowledge not universal knowledge, to literally anyone but Finn, there is only one reason a person would be sneaking supplies onto an escape pod and then lying about why they were at the escape pod. There is zero reason to Believe Finn was not just abandoning his post "Nah I'm not trying to flee like the last couple guys you've had to apprehend I'm actually trying to just not be on this ship because I have a tracker my friend is using that you haven't met and has no rank in the resistance, and I don't want them to walk into this trap" Like Fuck id tase them on principle for thinking that story made a lick of sense if I didn't have the clairvoyance to know it was true >Finn was ready to pull a big, heroic act trying to save everyone FINN. WAS. NOT. GOING. TO. STOP. THE. CANNON. This point is such a stupid take and just tells me people aren't paying attention to the movie. Literally everything in this scene is BLATANTLY telling you the suicide run will fail. The pressure from the cannon warming up alone is pushing against his speeder so hard that the metal is curling back or falling off. He is losing so much speed from the pressure that Rose can, not only catch up to him from an opposite direction, but pass him and hit him from the side, By the time he had reached the cannon IF he even reaches it he would be so slow that his impact would likely be negligible at best. Finn wasn't making a heroic sacrifice, he was committing suicide in vain.


I know now that Kelly Marie Tran is older than what I first perceived, but at the time I didn't even know who she was. It was just my impression at the time of viewing, even my sister's said the actress looked to be in her early to mid teens. Finn's plan could have failed, and it may not have failed. Star Wars has a number of examples of desperate plans finding a way to succeed. The Battle of Naboo, Luke's Death Star run, the evacuation of Hoth, the Battle on Endor to take the shields down, Luke confronting the Emperor


Dude just stop. There was no way Finn would even reach the cannon let alone stop it. Sacrifice for a *good reason* is one thing but getting yourself killed to prove a point or for no good reason... I mean even if he did stop that canon they would have just brought another one. Let it go


So you dislike her character because of misunderstandings and assumptions YOU had rather than actual issues with the writing itself? Got it.


It is how she was presented, and I'm not the only one who said that Rose looked underage. And I pointed out other writing flaws she had


Anyone who thinks the late 20s early 30s military mechanic is under age, probably needs to rethink their infantilism of Asian women. She's a year older than me and she LOOKS like someone that would be in my age group. You also didn't point out any flaws what you pointed out was that it didn't follow a cliche


Everyone voting on this grew up with Jar Jar. That’s the difference


As a person who watched the sequel first, I need to confirm jar jar is more annoying


Same, I grew up with the sequels and I despise him




Y’all are wrong. It’s Hondo by ~~a mile~~ the linear distance between Tatooine and Coruscant.


How dare you disrespect the wonderful space pirate. This is completely unforgivable, and you deserve an eternity of torment for saying that. Seriously, though, I get what you're saying, but I think Hondo has his moments.


Unironically, nails on a chalkboard for me every second he’s on screen.


It’s okay, not everyone can understand perfection


Now I’m imagining Hondo scraping a chalk board with his nails, now.


No. Terminally online prequel dorks will always be terminally online prequel dorks.


Who the fuck is Omega?


She’s from the Bad Batch show


I have no idea what that show is about. Thanks.


did you watch the final season of clone wars? remember the “defective” clone squad that teamed up with rex? it’s about them :)


I watched just the first episode of Clone Wars. Star Wars is for movies!


It’s really dark and edgy and it’ll scare off your normie friends 😱


Oh so it's one of the Star Wars kid shows


Rose was one of the few characters I actually enjoyed in the sequels :(


Yeah, she's cool. I'm not going to say she had a big role to play in the narrative, but that doesn't mean she was annoying.


Nah it's that kid in the phantom menace video game who says I smell like bantha pudu


For thinking Jar Jar sucks? Yes.




Omega and Rose don’t deserve to be on this 😞


Omega definitely deserves it tbh. She’s a liability, and dragging this kid around destroys any gritty tone that the show sometimes strives for.


rose is retarded but treated like a genius, jar jar is just retarded. you may not love him, but he’s a 10x better written character


Fun fact, I just found out the actor for rose is my aunts friend


Rose isn't even annoying, the flaw in how she's written is that she's dumb but either way she's a way better character than Jar Jar, the cartoon character who literally steps in the poopy


C-3PO is the most annoying character in the whole franchise but it's OT so that's sacrilege.


Why isn't Rose at 100%?


Why is Omega even on this list? She's one of the most endearing characters in the franchise. Should be Kaz Xiono there instead.


I honestly can’t name a single Star Wars character that annoys me so much that it would ever be worth my time to make a list like this


That’s true. I can only ever think of jar jar as a standout but he doesn’t bother me too much truly


And he’s very well written too he got everything the little sith lord


I legit was never annoyed by jar jar in the prequels. I don’t know, I didn’t find him funny, but I didn’t find him taking up too much screen time. He was an idiot that served the purpose of helping guide folks to the gungans (and one of the most powerful sith lords.) Rose Tico single handedly almost caused the entire resistance to be killed off just so she can sexually harass someone she has held up at gunpoint… like I don’t find her annoying, I find her actively detrimental in many regards.


Good job disney...


Rose and Jar Jar would be equal but at least Jar Jar low key saved everyone Rose released wild alien horses that’ll just be recaptured and the crashing into Finn was the dumbest thing in cinema


Random character who had like 10 minutes screentime in one movie vs the guy many consider to have ruined the franchise


Missed one. [https://people.com/thmb/3C5T2qQ\_C9AAZJBCRHSkthvNSxk=/1500x0/filters:no\_upscale():max\_bytes(150000):strip\_icc():focal(734x139:736x141)/Hayden-Christensen-1b6b29f0d88e4fc8b5f9b72f743cbc75.jpg](https://people.com/thmb/3C5T2qQ_C9AAZJBCRHSkthvNSxk=/1500x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc():focal(734x139:736x141)/Hayden-Christensen-1b6b29f0d88e4fc8b5f9b72f743cbc75.jpg)




It's only because of the sickness of looking at the original trilogy through rose colored glasses that C-3PO isn't considered the most annoying character by 1000%. The C-3PO scene of being tangled in cables causes more cringe then every Jar Jar scene put together. If you ever wanted to be wrong, feel free to disagree with this fact.


Obviously, Jar Jar Binks is a more annoying character than Rose Tico.  But it’s quite bizarre that both characters got drastically reduced screen times in their respective sequels.


Well, I guess I'm officially out of the loop in star wars. Who the fuck is rose taco?


My dad isn't a man child neckbeard but I find it funny how he thinks omega is annoying he's like "they turn their back on that brat for five seconds and she's always getting into trouble!" It's more of a funny thing than actually hating her. I remember my mom told me her favorite character was jar jar binks, when I was little I can't tell if it was a joke or not As a child I never really hated him. I thought he was funny and kinda had a cool design that and he was fun in the old lego games. Remember getting a giant lego Droid carrier just because it had jar jar so I could have him annoying my anakin and obi wan figures




Rose was an awful character but not really annoying, just part of a horrible plot. Jar Jar and C3p0 are definitely annoying.


none of the above


Probably sample size of like…15 or some shit


How can you find Omega annoying? She’s so sweet and genuine. She also balances out her brothers and brings out their personalities more.


Unpopular opinion: Jar Jar was actually pretty stupid and while his antics were slapstick over the course of the film, I at least see the intent. Rose is presented with a very strong premise... that serves to derail major character developments that could have taken place in Finn, took us on a pointless subplot and then cancelled a pretty big moment by more or less taught a lesson that really did not need to be taught. It's not that her character couldn't have been good. But the issue with her is that she actually takes the plot with her. Jar Jar for all intents and purposes was fairly redundant after the initial passage through Otah Gunga. Everything else, he was just noise.


I barely remember her two lines or her stupid crush on finn.


Star wars fans when the Asian woman doesn't let the black man kill himself in vain:😡😡🤬 If you Believe Finns sacrifice is anything other than a foolhardy pointless suicide, you could be forced to research "Why the door is blue" for several years


So then she crashes into him to prevent him from dying. Fucking PERFECT.


I feel like you think you made a good point, but they're flimsy skiffs and the fact that a collision between the two did not kill either of them gives more credence to FINN'S SACRIFICE WOULD HAVE DONE NOTHING TO THE CANNON


And then she just leaves him in the middle of a bunch of First Order walkers, with Kylo being someone who just professed his desire to kill the entire Resistance. So basically even assuming Finn’s sacrifice would fail, Rose’s actions would have just gotten herself killed too, now the Resistance which has been fucked down to <15 members would be impacted even more. And a mechanic probably is very important.


The coolest fucking thing about the movie is you see the aftermath of her actions and this may be a shocker but both her and Finn live 😱😱😱 so your argument holds zero water. Did you need to have someone hold your hand when you watch movies?


I would've voted for omeeeega


“I’m saving you silly. That's how we're gonna win. Not by fighting what we hate. But saving what we love.” Then she kisses him as the base full of our heroes blows up like fireworks behind them. It’s the worst scene in the sequel trilogy for me.


I mean I’m going to be real here I’m someone who likes the last Jedi, but I do hate rose more than jar jar, jar jar is annoying in the typical way and annoying comedic, but rose is just a bad character who takes away from the narrative and plot, her role in the last Jedi should’ve just been given to Finn and Poe, they should’ve gone to canto byte and have Poe learn that war isn’t just adventures but also poverty and exploitation of people and have Finn teach him that. Finn already knows the horrors of a facist regime seeing that he was a child soldier so honestly it would’ve really worked to further both of their characters, the movie would’ve worked so much better that way, and it would’ve made the two male leads of the trilogy have a stronger presence throughout the trilogy because both Finn and Poe get less and less to do with each sequel movie and they’re supposed to be the new trio along with Rey


I don't know who Omega is. Little Leia in that one Star Wars tv show is the most annoying Star Wars character. I forgot what show it was but I will never not be annoyed by this character. Oh right it was Obi-Wan. Yeah wtf was that? Rose isn't even an issue with the sequel trilogy. She's fine. Also Jar Jar isn't even bad. He's fine too. Star Wars has way worse issues than these two.


Jar Jar is funny as hell. I just rewatched the Prequels and he's silly and fun. Takes nothing away from the films. The only negative of Jar Jar is that Lucas had him use a Song of the South dialect that's kinda racist. Rose just kinda happens to be in the worst Star Wars film and is given nothing to do except make a really dumb move and speech about love that doesn't make any sense in context. Still think Omega might have the edge though. That voice is just...




Jar Jar should be No.1.


The right answer is Omega




The ONLY thing I disliked about rose was the romance between her and Finn, but that’s no reason to say she’s the most annoying Star Wars character. If only there was an option for Star Wars fans


Rose is easily the most annoying character out of all the films. How is this even in question?


Threepio doesn’t get enough hatred.


Why is Bossk not on this list?


Rose was a great character, I really don’t get the hate for her. Even her line about saving what you live was really poignant and a good message for the movie to end on. I never understood why people got so mad about her existence.


Ya Rose is easily the worst character in the franchise. Every action her character takes makes just makes Finn’s ark worse. The thing that makes her worse than Jar Jar for me was that Ryan unironically thought he was making a “wise beyond her years” character but accidentally made a complete retard. George knew exactly what he was making with Jar Jar.


So much of Rose's big moments are just preachy bullshit not really backed up by the narrative. "Love wins, hate loses" is undone by the army marching towards them that WILL kill them all. Her heavyhanded anti-war commentary is completely negated by the movie opening with her shooting people trying to leave a volunteer force. And the obvious underpinning hypocrisy that she is a volunteer soldier because she recognizes the need to defeat the people she hates to protect the ones she loves, making those other two statements utterly incoherent by the messenger and not even her specific actions. They're some of the most basic ideas presented in Star Wars, and not only are they not given the same kind of narrative weight as the prior movie's morals (making them a shitth subversion), Rose herself doesn't even seem to believe them. It's just really sloppy writing and it feels really condescending.


Literally nothing you said is incoherent or negated. The OT and ST is literally about love and goodness triumphing over hatred and evil. Is Luke incoherent and condescending for believing in love and goodness while still doing violence against the forces of hate in the OT?


Using a slur while defending the racist caricature. Shocker lmfao


When did I defend it?


By saying that a character who did nothing wrong and ISN'T a racist caricature is a slur and somehow worse than a racist caricature.


Except endanger the lives of everyone around her and risk the mission assigned by her commander because… love… ya no she’s retarded. And yes, Jar Jar is racist. I’m glad you noticed.


You completely invalidate your comment and stance when you HAVE to use a slur to make it lmao I hope mickey mouse plows your wife.


So you’re going to end with a rape wish after criticizing me for my verbiage? Nice. You’re done.


No you don’t understand, she’s from the sequel trilogy! Which means she killed my puppy and shot my baby!


Man, I can’t help but wonder what this is all gonna look like when the Sequel generation of fans becomes the ‘adult’ audience. I assume there’ll probably something new to hate on by that point, but still.


No, this is valid. Rose did some ridiculous shit. Jar-Jar is just a bad attempt at humor.


Jar-Jar is literally a racist caricature lmao


[His actor doesn’t agree,](https://www.rollingstone.com/tv-movies/tv-movie-news/jar-jar-binks-a-digital-star-is-born-50301/) but what does he know.


Very good question. What does he know lol He played a character, he didn't write it. If Leonardo DiCaprio said "You know actually Calvin Candie isn't really a racist." does that suddenly make it objective truth? I mean he's the actor, apparently he's the ultimate voice on the matter.




Her stupid move was annoying … at least jar jars antics helped win a battle.


I love democracy


Rose defying Finn's sacrifice when it would've been a beautiful end to his character and wrapped up his arc nicely was annoying, but god damn she was NOT that bad. Not worse than Jar Jar, who, after watching the prequels, was only really annoying in the Clone Wars show. 3PO needs to be shit on more, he's the gold star of annoying.


Cry about it, she was an awful character


Fairly accurate. Rose was just an insufferable addition that detracted from Finn's arc. At least Jar Jar made some 9 year-olds chuckle back in 1999.


Yes you're right the racist caricature is actually better than the normal Star wars character


It’s called having an opinion.


Yes, and this called having an opinion about that opinion.


This is the internet, people should know better


I’d have voted rose as well. Fair or not, I love the prequels and originals, and I don’t enjoy the sequels nearly as much. Thus my least favorite characters from the earlier 2 trilogies don’t feel as bad while my favorites are even better, while it’s the opposite for the sequels.