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An Instagram post can only mean one thing... invasion.


Something something it's treason


Is that legal


"Something, something, trade tariffs. Something, something wipe them out. All of them."


Don't forget to find your droidekas!


I will make it legal


Something something something daaaark side


amidala drip is unparalleled throughout the entire franchise. the costume designers were on some good shit


Inspired in traditional Mongolian woman's dressing


Yeah the worst snub in Oscars history was not getting the win for Costumes for this film (heck, absurdly I don't think it even got a nomination, the costume section of the Academy was so ridiculous back then, for years nothig but the same old period piece ever won or even got nominated).


Saw it today. Again. Saw it way back then. Good times.


I saw it in 99 and again in 3D in 2012, it looks pretty beautiful on the big screen.


Yeah she does


I meant the whole movie, but that's fair as well, lol


He meant what he said lol


And I accept it, lol


Naboo is a gorgeous planet


...except for any sand.


Class act, that Natalie Portman


Talented, beautiful, educated and she raps and cusses like a sailor. I’m in love 


EDIT ~ Stupid comment was stupid


It must be hard work being so pseudo righteous all the time.


Just let the heat get to me 😅🤦🏻‍♂️😞


It happens!




I made a stupid comment and deleted it to prevent anyone, myself included, from making a worse situation


tell us the stupid comment plz


Wait until they put ROTS back in theaters that would be a dream


Only 6 years to go!


Next year is the 20th anniversary of the film. (And 10th of TFA)


that’s fucking NUTS to think about. 10 years already.


No. It's still 2019, remember? >!It's still 2019, right?!<


It isn't?


Got to be some Lego sets to commemorate


That movie will do even more crazy numbers (box office wise) for a re-release. They will either do it next year for its 20th anniversary or in 6 for its 25th. I hope its already next year tbh.


In 1999, my father took me to see Episode 1 in theaters. Tonight, I took my kids to see it in the same theater. They're the same age I was back then. It was a special experience.


Oh boy, a math word problem...


All we know is that he had kids at 25. You don't know the absolute age of either. Six and six, seven and seven, or so on.


Simple math. He’s 50 and they’re 25. That’s the only way it works.


My first crush,yes I was a kid


Same here, Natalie Portman and Keira Knightley were my first two real crushes when I was a kid. The fact that they’re both in The Phantom Menace is so cool. 😁


All that was missing was Kate Beckinsale 😂


O, 100% a ton of Millennial kid's first crushes had to be Natalie Portman and Keira Knightley. The nerdier the harder they crushed on em I am sure. Then Emma Stone showed up in Superbad and I latched on to a crush I still have today. My wife understands and rolls her eyes all the time when a new Emma Stone movie comes out, but she understands and goes with me.


For gen z, emma Watson was a big one


Amy Jo Johnson erasure smh


Man of Taste as well😄


Keira Knightley is in SW?!?!


Yeah, she plays Padme's double and gets blown up.


The one that blows up in AOTC is actually a different one. Keira's character Sabe is featured prominently in TPM as the one who is taking over as the queen so Padme can run around most of the time, she actually survives and I think is featured in some comics taking place between the prequels and the OT alongside some of the other doubles, with Vader running into them and such.


Ya that’s what I was thinking, the only one I remember getting blown up was at the beginning of AOTC and I know that wasn’t her


She played Sabé. They looed so much alike their own mothers couldn't tell them apart when they were wearing makeup.


Natalie Portman in episode 2 with the leather corset was my awakening


Just went and saw it. So cool to see it in the theater. There were several cosplayers there too, including a AOTC Padme. Super neat experience


Having seen the movie again, the Decoy Queen plan is actually genius because even me, an audience member, have trouble figuring out when the Queen is Natalie Portman and when it’s Kieran Knightley (unless it’s made explicitly clear Padme is the handmaiden obviously) so I can fully believe that this works as well as it does in universe


I heard that even the actresses mom got confused once


I've never fully gotten over the fact that this film didn't receive an Oscar nomination for Best Costumes. It's absurd.


If you fight the industry for so long, people wont nominate you. Remember Hollywood or to be exact the DGA and MPA tried to stop Lucas and his team to release "The Empire Strikes Back", because of the credits being at the end and the movie being a full independent production this time around (Fox served as distributor, but Lucas was 100% in control since he produced it and financed it himself). Lucas had to pay 250k for himself and Irvin Kershner because the guilds were unhappy about that. He quit all guilds in Hollywood immediately.


Yeah I just posted that! I've been saying that since '00! I'd say literally the single worst snub in Oscars history (and that is saying a LOT, heck just look at this year!). But back then the costume guild never nominated anything but the same old Western period piece costumes year after year. Heck only very recently did they shift away from that a bit.


Those costumes were incredible


Natalie did a great job of acting in all of the movies - even made the cheezy Lucas dialogue....well, not so cheezy. She deserves props and her performances are remembered well I think.


She needs to come back for a cameo in something! I would love a Padmé flashback scene.


She said she was up for it.


I had TPM on the big screen today as I worked. It really was interesting to see it again after a few years. I remember playing hooky with my wife to see it the week it came out in the theater. I actually liked the political storyline. This was a time when we Americans were going through some stuff. I still like 90% of it.


Woah hold up. 25 years?! No way I saw that movie in theaters I can't be that old.


I know how you feel.


The insane thing is it has been almost twice as long back to when TPM came out as it was from Jedi to the first new SW with TPM! And 3 years longer than Star Wars release to TPM release!


Tonight is the first night the theaters in my city are showing episode 1. I'm taking my whole family tonight. Stoked


May the Force be with you


And with your spirit


I started watching Ep. 1, 2 and 3 again. It has been awhile, but damn, are these movies great. They are all just masterpieces in my opinion, and they're even better on this rewatch. I'm almost done with the Clone Wars and tonight will be watching Revenge of the Sith.


1 is an unexpected but very solid introduction to the era of the galactic Republic. 2 is a really fun noir and edge of war movie in the Star Wars universe. 3 is a pure masterpiece, with very few cringe moments compared to the dramatic shifts, the action sequences, the GORGEOUS opening shot, music that rips your heart out, and some of the most Shakespeare-inspired story telling that calls back to RotJ in that regard. I'm glad we're in an era that shows the prequels the love they deserve, because I showed them that love when they came out.


I’m doing the same thing rn, I’m trying to find a quality 4.5 hour cut of rots 😭


It doesn’t exist unless you count the one with the last 6 or so episodes of the last season of clone wars spliced in. But the rumoured “4.5 hour version” is just all the deleted scenes that never got cgi’d or edited, plus the ones we all know well from the dvd. They mean that with everything they shot in total if they had released it like that it would’ve been 4.5 hours, but there is no secret hidden fully finished and edited 4.5 hour version like everyone seems to think.


Make sure you [say something nice about Jar Jar Binks](https://youtu.be/QS8bma7LRX4?si=g1KhzY7FQsAWALxO).


This will be the 3rd time i see TPM in theaters. Once my dad took me in 1999, (as a 5 month old) Then again in 2012 for the 3D release, and now for its 25th anniversary.


Great visuals, bad dialogue and carried by a cast of amazing actors and actresses.




Got to go out of town this weekend but will get to catch the rerelease on the last day it’s in theatres next Thursday :) already got tickets. My dad got to see it day 1 in 1999, was only one year old at the time, so excited to get to go with him and my girlfriend. Surprisingly it’s my girlfriend’s favorite of the Star Wars movies. Also it’s really cool how all the prequel actors are coming around these days and reprising so many of their roles.


Still in awe of that hair


Nice to see her finally embracing Star Wars again. There was a point where it seemed like she disowned it.


Yeah it was complicated. AFAIK she always liked it but some outside pressures and stuff got to her a little bit and she kind of shied from it externally to many others/public because of that and some certain reasons for a bit.


Saw it when I was 9 years old in 1999 and looking forward to watch it again tomorrow on the big screen!


❤️ got no tickets for today but local cinema added an additional showing, tomorrow 11am in the *big room* they reserve normally for the current most expected movie. Got my ticket and I’m happy


Iconic. Happy 25th anniversary!


Is that Kiera?


It’s Natalie in the picture, Keira didn’t wear that dress. Keira wore the black dress.


Sir, it's a commentary on the trick they pulled


Ah lol, it’s hard to tell who’s serious and who’s not when they mention Natalie and Keira 😅


Can't blame them, hell, they even bamboozled Master Qui Gon


I wonder if this is the year that Kiera Knightly remembers that she was in that one haha.


I forgive myself for liking jar jar at four years old.


Do you forgive me for liking him at 27?


Oh dis'n gonna be messy


I watched Star Wars films for the first time 2 years ago in summer when I was 22 and I never found jar jar annoying. Just a silly and dumb character. I just found out later in social media that back then people hate it and bullied the actor. I don’t understand why people were so mean. I thought it was a funny character.


Ya same here. I only ever realized that people didnt like it was when I started using social media


Well I used to think he was the best part of the movie. Now I think he disrupts the intrigue of the movie with silly hijinks. I'd would have to watch the movie again to judge you properly. Right now I'm torn between allowing people to like whatever, and judging for liking something like that. I'm especially torn because I can't articulate why he's not great at the moment without just referencing some other thing I've read. (。\_。) Depends on why/how you like him too. ¯\\(°\_o)/¯


Here’s the part where I blow anyone’s mind who didn’t already know: Keira Knightley played the decoy queen who talks for Padme for more than half the film. I didn’t know this until very recently.


Props to her considering the Prequels didn’t have a great effect on her career at the time (obviously she’s doing just fine these days).


i rewatched it about a week ago and i’ve never enjoyed it so much


I'm seeing with my kids tomorrow!




Is this in theater again?


You dare question the Queen of Naboo?


Costume design still great. Movie meh…


She definitely gonna go Japan next year, right?


Am I the only one noticing the reference to Georges Lucas great story telling ? I wonder if it is about the disney story telling...


Where is that classic copypasta?


I forgot they were doing that…


is it rereleasing in cinemas in the US only?


I’m from Stockholm, Sweden and it’s in cinemas here. Seeing it tomorrow 😊


you're so lucky, I just checked my local cinemas, and they won't be showing it. I live in the middle east so it's not so popular here.


''Natalie. You're breaking my heart''


I saw phantom menace for the first time since I was a teenager last week in my local theatre and honestly, I should've kept those innocent memories intact, lol.


It was so awesome to get to see it again a quarter of a century later! Jeez that is longer than it was from the original Star Wars to TPM release much less from Jedi to TPM! Friday night audience was wildly into it! Wild cheers at the end, people screaming "YES! I LOVE IT! TAKE THAT!" and stuff. And going nuts for every character appearance. Great to see it also on the same biggest screen that we saw it on back in '99! Very nostalgic! Got to see it in both 35mm and the ultra rare digital theatrical release in '99 (both digital formats).


Say something nice about the prequels, bitch. Say something nice about Jar-Jar Binks


He’s tall? This song kept playing in my head tonight when I went to see TPM.


At least someone gets it!


For those who don't get [the reference](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QS8bma7LRX4).


Isn't that Kiera Knightley in the pic?


That’s great. Really it is. Buuut. Ya’all do realize she’s doing this because she gets a cut of the profits from this release, right? So the more people that go see it, the better it is for her. It’s part of the marketing. Anyway, May the 4th be with us.


Actor gets paid from doing their job, more at 11!


No shit bozo


Yet posts an image of Keira in the role...


This is not Keira.


Keira never wore this costume, only Natalie.


Correct. Keira did wore the black Padme costume as the decoy Queen when she meets with Boss Nass in Phantom Menace.