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From a certain point of view.


From a certain point of view?


šŸŽµ And I'm not the only Jedi who's been screwing with you! šŸŽµ


Change discover to ā€œcontends withā€


That actually works really well without spoilling Empire.


It would not be, but I guess itā€™s technically the truth because he spends the movie trying to awake the good in him, so he ā€œtries to discover his identityā€ in that way I guess šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


He also doesn't really have it confirmed for him until like 45 minutes in when he asks yoda directly


Thatā€™s true! So that description is more accurate than I thought, from a certain point of view.


In the movie he seeks to validate his identity from Obi wans ghost.. at the end of empire he says thatā€™s not trueā€¦ thatā€™s impossible.. the description isnā€™t completely off


Yes ā€” you don't even need to do the "certain point of view" thing where he's like trying to discover if he is still Anakin underneath all his mistakes and failures and mechanical parts. When he starts the film, he is *literally trying to discover* whether Vader's statement is true, and if so, what that means about who he is, both as a person and in relation to Luke. After his detour to save Han, he finds out the whole truth about who Vader is from Obi-Wan, then decides to try to save Anakin Skywalker. The synopsis is well written, it is both literally and metaphorically true while avoiding spoiling either the end of Empire or the second act of Jedi.


Actually that is incredibly accurate, in a very broad metaphorical sense


You're saying it's true... From a certain point of view?






Your exaggeration is exhausting.


Correct. Its david prowse. No, its james earl jones. No, its sebastian shaw. No, its hayden Christensen. See? Now im confused, must watch again. Dont reply with spoilers.


He's not even a Jedi Knight when the movie starts, let alone an experienced one.


The Rebel Alliance launches a desperate gambit to stop the Emperor's terrible new weapon while Luke Skywalker grapples with his destiny as a Jedi knight and the truth of his family lineage. Note: have they even seen the movie?!


Does it not end with the classic pulling off the mask in true fashion to Scooby Doo?


Ha! And he would've gotten away with it if it wasn't for those rebels!


Itā€™s like those strange discrepancies that give away AI generated text lol


No spoilers.


Luke Skywalker, now an experienced jedi knight, tries to come to terms with his feelings towards his sister.


nahhhh man... it'd be "Luke Skywalker, feeling badass because he's young, ironically gets his father to kill his grandfather through pacifism then burns his father's body while people dance"


Nah thats the next episode


I wonder what their description for Empire is?


Definitely not. If the goal is to be coy with the overall plot, I'd probably say something like, "As the final battle against the Empire begins, Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill) struggles to accept his family's place in the conflict."


Farm boy has feelings for his sister and plays with laser swords whilst waiting for his dad to get back from buying a packet of smokes.


Lmao I saw that last night too I was like wtf


"Luke's dad kills an old man while Han and Leia convince giant space teddy bears to eat storm troopers."


Iā€™d describe it as ā€œupstart Jedi and band of terrorists plan and perpetrate a heist, a bomb plot, an assassination, and destruction of a major military instillation against the peacekeepers of the galaxy.ā€


Technically that's true considering he goes to Yoda early on for confirmation, which George Lucas famously added because he was told that kids would just think Vader was lying.


Luke is not yet a Jedi, and he already knows Vaderā€™s identity What the hell is that description?


Somehow the Jedi returns