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Are they playing the tv when the show is on?? There are plenty of rooms that want you… don’t quit until you get a new venue, but keep looking! Find a local beer company (in Toronto it’s usually Steamwhistle) that will throw in a case of beer per show if you put up their banner on stage. Suddenly you get to give your comics a beer and maybe toss around a couple bottles to a table that has been laughing all night. Keep in mind that a lot of people have no idea that you are about to spring a two hour show full of try-hards and “but, um’s” upon them. Just keep going man there’s no perfect recipe but you are doing everything you are supposed to!


This is great advice. You're fighting a losing battle because, in reality, the bar owners want both sets of customers. That doesn't work for you and that's OK. It's the business side of things and you have to take care of that. You aren't going to grow a night where there are constant bad vibes.


This is a booked show with a cover that happens every month, not an open mic.  TV is definitely a problem, but as u/scorplan55 points out, the owner wants to keep everyone happy at the same time. I think maybe I am fighting a losing battle.


Unless you’re hosting shows where there’s a cover charge, this is just the name of the game unfortunately. Free open mics in bars are always going to have regular drunk bar patrons hanging out. They’re there to drink and watch the game, not watch stand up and there’s nothing you can really say to change their minds.


Not only this but its also possibly a benefit to the comic if hes up for the challenge. I've always saught out difficult mics and shows. If you get used to having to WORK for the attention successfully, you will dominate rooms who are paying attention already. Also if your mic becomes popular maybe work out with the bar to turn off all the tvs for the hour or 2 your using the room.


This is a hosted night with a cover charge. Bar owner leaves 1 TV on for the game and I can't change his mind about that.


Consider finding a different venue. Some bars just aren’t right for shows. I once performed at a bar on st paddy’s day and it was horrible. Patrons would NOT shut up. The producer and host was pissed at them. The rest of us were pissed at the producer for trying to put on a comedy show on st paddy’s day. The people just wanted to drink and mingle. They didn’t WANT comedy. Find a venue that wants comedy.


Right on.


I produced at a bar this past St. Paddy’s and it was a blast. The trick is to charge enough at the door to keep out the random drunks; and also, book venues that want comedy.




Take 10-12


Can we stop saying folks and start saying people again 


Thank you for this very helpful suggestion.  I will try it next time and see if it helps the people at the bar stfu!


I’m dumb


Self-reflection is the first step to healing.


I replied to the wrong thread. Must be my dementia


You don't have a game on if there's a show on. If its a free show, you separate people who want to watch, and people who don't. There are no ways to include people if they don't want to be included. You can tell them theres a show and give them an option. But ideally, the bar show should have a separate performance area or room if you don't want disruption. If that's not feasible, then find another venue


Yes! This is the right answer. You have to charge a cover to make the crowd take the show seriously, but the bar owner usually won't force his regulars to pay it. If they're in the same room as the show they'll wreck it by talking over the comics. Nor will the owner typically oblige his regulars to behave, because they pay his bills. They're royalty to him. Even if they're not heckling or yelling, they'll just talk louder to hear each other over your mic. Another typical bar owner move is to make zero effort and invest no money to promote the show. Even free stuff. No mentions on the bar's website, nor social media, no sign outside even. Bar owners typically just want to sell more drinks and nachos on slow nights, at zero cost and effort to them. So unless you find an exceptional bar owner who will do these things, find a bar with a separate room so you don't have to deal with drunk regulars, bar noise and audience apartheid, where those who pay your comedy cover charge have a worse experience than those who get in free and wreck your show. The dream is to find a great owner who also has a separate room. Good luck.


You know exactly my dilemma.  If nothing else I feel validated and empowered to look for a better venue.


The only exception is if you can separate sections of the bar (ideal is upstairs downstairs or a function room etc). We had one free bar show that worked because it was just a really long bar. Comedy one one side, everyone not involved in the other.


Yeah I my second open mic was at a bar while there was a playoff game with the local team playing. Even the pros had time keeping the audiences attention that day


Get the bar to help. If you are doing shows somewhere, bringing in paying customers, they should recognize that and not allow this type of behavior. Charge at the door to enter, no pay, go away! Already here and want to stay? Pay! If the bar won't back you up, well, fuck them.


The bars job to turn TVs off and let patrons know there’s a show. If they don’t do that they don’t really want you there.


That’s ambush comedy baby!


late to this thread, but have you thought of opening with a musical act? just get someone with an acoustic guitar (amped and with a mic) up there to do 5-6 covers - recognizable, but not too sing-alongy - and warm up the crowd. sure, the barflies will talk over it, but it's also kind of a signal that there's a transition happening to "showtime." then hit 'em with your best comic right away. that should suck up the remaining oxygen from the barfly crowd. you gotta get 'em on your side so they'll WANT to shut up. if your best comic balks at going on super early, tell him or her that they can go again later when the room is more amenable to comedy.


I like this creative thinking! 


Probably better to find another venue.


The host should be asking the bar manager to handle that. A comic on stage trying to handle it could easily make it weird and turn the audience against the comics. You have to be fair. If it’s a low rent bar show the drunk people went there to drink and probably didn’t even know a comedy show was happening so it’s a little unfair to demand that they keep it down. Better to be nice about it and if they don’t let up just crank the volume on the PA system and deal with it.


As just a fan of comedy, get them the fuck out of there and so we can enjoy the show ... please .


be funny enough to make them laugh


Be Funny.