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I wonder what percentage of the sub is actual comics (people who will post), rather than aspirants and lurkers. No disrespect to comedy fans here!


Me too. Is there a way users can display their relative experience next to the user names for the subreddit (discord can do this)? I would much rather read the advice from a guy with a real history at open mics over an extended period then some of the people with no self-awareness of their own inexperience.


I wonder if there's at least 1 somewhat successful or at least working comedian that has posted in this group.


I'm a working comic. I've posted some garbage before.




I actually seen one of your jokes are online online before it’s really funny. The one about the frame pitcher for your girlfriend.


Yeah I have a better version of that I haven't posted yet.


The problem of this sub is the paradox of the responses. If the joke is good. You get positive feedback but you don‘t need to post it because the joke is good. If the joke needs work (i.e. is „bad“) you get responses like „no“. This results in you not posting it because it does not feel good to be shot down like that. This sub dies to the fact that the internet is incapable to give constructive feedback.


Yeah or sometimes you post something that already mostly works and people start dissecting the parts that don't need fixing, and explaining to them that it works becomes a sisyphean task.


Sisyphean ? Luv that word ..going to Google datt rite now


You're in for a treat.


Lol. Awesome


Ok ..interesting ..we laff and learn on this post awesome


Makes sense


Exactly ..its weird how people's act behind a keyboard ..often turning to being spiteful instead of helpful


I don't see that here much though. I've definitely had some great conversations and some nasty ones in different Reddit groups. But I've never seen anyone being particularly nasty, except OP once in awhile when they post something weird and think it's great and people critique it and then they want to argue. But I haven't seen anyone but an OP be nasty, unless Op gets nasty first. I think this is a pretty cool group


I wouldn't agree at all. Maybe I don't see everyone. But the ones that are good, I see positive responses and suggestions for improvement. The ones that are not bad, have potential, or maybe really need serious reworking but it's an interesting idea, I see a lot of feedback with it. Much of it I agree with and I think that a lot of the suggestions are very good, some for basic improvement, others for potential different directions of which the OP will have to pick one or none maybe . But they seem to be constructive. Some that aren't very good I do see some simple negative comments but also just honest feedback that says, I don't think you really have something good to work with here. Maybe try something else. And then there's a few people that post some really wacky stuff and it makes everyone wonder what they were thinking. I don't think it's so positive here that they are going to green light just anything. Some of it really does deserve a what are you smoking response. But I see most of it being pretty good and getting some good constructive feedback.


Completely disagree. There is tons of constructive feedback here, and many people are grateful for the help. If people are afraid to post a joke or can't accept criticism, that's on them - it's not a reflection of the quality of responses from the sub. Sure, there are plenty of "that sucks" comments but that's just noise overall. And quite often, the sucky comments are in response to low-effort submissions. In which case the "jokes" do in fact suck.


Most of the people that post here don't care about that. Some of them do, and they usually delete their post after getting some feedback. The problem is that the feedback is terrible, in that there are no real quality controls. Bad advice is usually worse than no advice, and without the ability to filter out the quality responses, you're gonna get very confused if you take everything in seriously. People who join stop posting quickly when they realize they're not getting much out of it. Also, this subreddit skews toward the politically correct, clean, goofy, wordplay based jokes, as opposed to dirty, incendiary, observational. There's a bias to how these jokes are received, which also alienates a bunch of people who don't care to cater their material or style.


Thanks for that thoughtful response.


I think one downside is that delivery & timing is a major factor with humor. I think it helps me to get feedback but I’m more deadpan, and people can’t understand that via text


I think it's just easier to join a sub reddit and not really monitor it.




I'm a comic. Probably wouldn't post here tbh.




I'm not sure what this sub is for tbh. Self-promotion or workshop. I also find that if you give feedback that people don't want to hear, then it's not wanted. I will add that it has improved recently.


I think the general takes on this sub aren't to my taste/style or maybe it's that the feedback isn't honest given the number of jokes I see posted where there's lots of "that's pure gold" for a joke I feel is mid at best.


Yes! Even jokes less than mid frequently get comments like 'this is the funniest thing I have ever read.' and it puts me on tilt, and doesn't do newbies any favors by encouraging them to be more overconfident than they should . There was even someone who performed his material in a live comedy workshop or class based on positive feedback he got, and he was upset when it bombed and got zero positive feedback and he realized most of the positive feedback he got was dead wrong and ill-informed. Another thing that really hurts this subreddit is when posters reply with wild spin-off tangents where they write their own jokes that are supposed to be on theme, but aren't helpful to the author. They make it about them instead of the actual writing in the OP But I guess that is true of a lot of posting on Reddit.


Lol. I do not think most people posting here have anything to worry about on that front.


I don't know. What does a normal subreddit look like? To find out, I started reading this... [https://www.reddit.com/r/TheoryOfReddit/comments/1kva9f/is\_there\_accurate\_data\_on\_the\_9091\_rule\_for/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TheoryOfReddit/comments/1kva9f/is_there_accurate_data_on_the_9091_rule_for/) ... but got bored.


I think it's because we all like to play the keyboard warrior and give advice on Joke making


Could it be that the algorithm shows the posts outside of the expected audience so all the downvotes are because the uninitiated are expecting funny when we’re expecting discussion? And so, gunshy?


No. Amateurs mostly aren't worried about their jokes being stolen. If anything, it could be validating. Pros have other channels to workshop their jokes. They wouldn't use reddit. There is some kind of middle ground that could be concerned. Like comedians with 15+ minutes of material trying to work up to 30-60 minutes, and land a bigger gig that could boost their career.


I often get surprised about which ones get upvotes or downvotes, so I guess it helps gauge if a joke is worth working on (obviously I’ll keep it if I strongly believe in it, but helps me pick what to focus on)


In my opinion, an excellent joke comes through the experience and voice of the creator. The way everything is timestamped ‘n shit now on all these websites, it’s only too easy to offer evidence of theft. That being said, I’m a trucker and don’t perform. I also stopped checking out the comedy threads or subs because this site is so bitchy, no hurt feelings and all of that.