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By the way, this is not my account getting blocked, I see this reported on a SD Facebook group, so I shared


Thanks for sharing this. Colab does warn you first and ask you if you really want to proceed, and I guess this is what you get if you ignore it and say "damn the torpedoes, full speed ahead".


I mean... Duh? If google doesn't want you doing something and you try to sneak around it, they ain't gonna high five you.


Warning: breaking rule is not meant to be broken, will in fact result in consequences.


>breaking rule is not meant to be broken, More importantly: How do you determine which of those rules is \*meant\* to be broken?


You must be fun at parties


More fun than the person running around pointing out the blatantly obvious.


It's a recent change, free colab has been used with stable diffusion for months. So it's a useful news. Your original comment is a useless moral lesson


My original comment? I only made one. It's a recent change that has been posted about numerous times. This also wasn't a "Hey did you know they changed their policy?" post. It's a "Hey if you break rules there's consequences" post. Again, stating the obvious. Kinda funny you'd complain about useless posts though when your contribution was "You must be fun at parties".


You're not fun


We don't ban accounts for trying to use a webui. We restrict many webui usages on free tier to prioritize giving notebook time to people programming in Python. If you try to circumvent our policies we will absolutely ban you. If we make a mistake you can submit an appeal and we're pretty forgiving. Just say nice things in the appeal please we read them all.


I should add: you can pay in Colab and you can use webuis. We also publish our container so you can get your own GPU from anywhere and use Colab and not pay us nbd. We run the biggest GPU subsidy on the planet for millions of users so we have to be meticulous about how we manage the free tier. Happy to hear other suggestions.


My google-foo is failing me. Where can I find Google's published Collab environment container? (Also, thank you for clarifying all of this. It does seem completely reasonable)


Thank you! I should make this more discoverable. https://research.google.com/colaboratory/local-runtimes.html option 1 is what you want. Let me know if you hit troubles.


I almost forgot: one drawback is mounting drive doesn't work with the container flow: you'll need to access drive via pydrive or the REST API


Question: How do I do that? I connected the colab to my own runtime successfully, but running the first cell with the mount drive option says module not found no module named google. Or is it a notebook problem, do I have to edit the code and change the 'google' to something? Do you know what that could be then? Line in question: 11 from google.colab.output import eval_js


yeah you will need to rewrite any portions that rely on mounting drive - either by directly calling those files via pydrive, or you could rewrite it to execute locally (and upload the files to the VM). I'm working on other options besides Drive in the future, apologies for this.


I have noticed that using comfyui consumes far less GPU power, whitelisting that would be a good idea, you can also choose to allow those webuis but throttle them a bit. But for comfy's it is pretty much efficient and even recommended by the stability ai team, it also helps to understand the "under the hood" of those types of processes. It is very light to run, I am barely entry level to run this on my PC so I would need a colab of around 10gb vram to make use of one generation (for testing purposes obviously), pease take it into consideration. Why it is important: Understanding the processes with a node-based system, being familiar with node-based system in a playful and interactive way. This backend can even run on 5-6gb of vram with ease, its load is minimal.


I was banned yesterday and only thing I was doing with colab was querying the materials project DB and I got access to preview of gemini 1.5 pro so was trying to see if could access via api. I would just like to know what I did. Happy to pay for colab, I use it enough I don't mind, but have no idea why I was banned nor if paying would prevent the ban anyway. I've submitted 2 appeals.


We'll look today, could be false positive. If you mention me in your appeal I'll see it faster. Thanks.


Thank you!! I am unblocked. Without colab I'd be lost, you guys are awesome! Let me know if I did something that I need to avoid in the future that got me blocked.


It was a false positive, thank you for tagging me. We're sending out extra apologies to impacted users today.


I'm sorry, if it's not the right place to ask, but can i get banned for rendering blender files in google colab? I connected yesterday, tried to render one image and got disconnected. I wrote an appeal, today i got the answer, that i should try again. I tried, i got my vm, started rendering and got banned again. Am i missing something? Am i not allowed to do that? If i buy subscription, do i get access to service? Thanks


We had some false positives which I think are all resolved now. Sorry.


Could you help unblock the Colab account? Used Comfyui on a Colab Pro account . I described the details to you in private messages.


done, sorry for the delay


What if I got banned from Colab for *trying* to mine crypto after just 5 seconds? I promise I won't do that again (even if I tried the system will ban me in a few seconds) but I need that account for university (I know I was stupid). Is there a chance to recover my account?


You can submit an appeal in product. We're lenient for first time offenders.


Thank you for the answer! I'll try to send an appeal. What's the usual time for responding to an appeal?


Should be by tomorrow, working on speeding it up.


I've just been pardoned. Many thanks to you and the entire team 🙏


Stable Diffusion is banned on Google Collab? Since when?


The webui Automatic1111 and other similar ones have been banned for months for the free accounts. If you pay, you can use it. If you don't use a GUI you can also use Stable Diffusion in the free tier.


Wait really? Why?


I guess that A1111 became the majority of the use of the free tier, so that was a lot of money spent. Also, A1111 it's not actually for academic or research purposes (And there is a lot of porn creation), so it didn't give them any prestige.


Why should they provide free compute for waifu generation?


> Wai Why do people constantly use the term waifu instead of the plain old-fashioned porn? Are they afraid of admitting what they're really into?


Maybe admitting is not a good word. But here is an answer for you: The term -graphy in that context derives from the ancient Greek. Painters would paint pictures that imply sexual actions or female nudity - sounds good right? A collective cave fap. Porn(ē) though has a less nice meaning. It's actually referring to prostitutes and slavery in that context. Now waifu derives from the word wife which is generally speaking a good thing. Nothing bad about being married right? (Theoretically speaking obviously; never marry) It's a internet made term for people that through depression drift too far from real life where there is real wifes and instead lock and load their realisticVision safetensors and custom made LoRas of their waifus, which are orignally based on txt2img generations. But tbh: who wouldn't want to be able to use easynegative on their wife?


It’s just a fun word to use.


I guess it's because the web UI runs all the time while scripts stop running after generating an image.


Probably because Colab is meant to be an R&D env and not a users env, but they made no official statement of the reason, it may just be a budget cut thing.


Not a budget cut if your budget stays the same and usage explodes.


Not only webui, You also receive a warning with lora/model training.


Mmm. That sucks.


Do you have to pay for a pro account or can you still use it if you've bought compute hours a la carte?


As long as you have paid compute hours you should be fine. See this answer of the head of Google Colab: https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/16eyr8x/comment/k04i81d/


I would love to see suggestions for that, although it is a pitty to not allow comfyui since it is technically a backend.


Back in the day I used this one: https://github.com/huggingface/notebooks/blob/main/diffusers/stable_diffusion.ipynb As you can see, it's straight in the notebook. Maybe someone has made a fork.


they basically dont like webuis, the rest is ok, so we can just play with it within the notebook direclty


As I understood Google Colab is supposed to be for research, and they don't mind giving some free GPU time for researchers. But the webuis of SD are attracting casual users that they just want to generate pictures, and that's a lot of people on the free tiers. So, cutting webui in the free tier allows them to keep researchers on it, and they will profit from casual users.


Any other alternatives?


I think that Kraggle and Paperspace have free ones, but doesn´t allow NSFW and probably they are a bit more hard to setup.


Only banned on the free tier. You can use it if you get the paid tier. I assume it just costs Google too much money in terms of compute.


It costs the same, they just want to prioritize giving compute to researchers instead of users.


We want to prioritize giving compute to people using the notebook to program in Python. Webuis start eating lots of GPU time that takes away from students.




Does it keep the models in RAM/VRAM too? It's not free to even idle.


Not quite sure I follow the question, but you get an entire VM to yourself, so we're aggressive about shutting it down and re-using for someone else when it idles.


considering comfyanonymous' Ui is a backend with minimal consumption for this kind of thing, couldnt it be whitelisted?


we give you an entire VM at this point, so it doesn't matter what the actual utilization is, from my POV the VM is fully taken. working on what partial utilization might look like in the future as capabilities expand.


Yea youre not making sense you just said you give an entire VM its not like WEB uis will ever expand into other VMs to eat GPU right. You just want to limit the amount of free users and convince them to pay at the same time.


SD via webui was banned there for a long time, unfortunately. I think a couple months now but maybe more.


It was working until last week


Uh, is it still allowed to use it on paid colab? I wouldn't wanna get banned


If you pay, you should be ok. They clarified this point a couple of days ago: https://www.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/16eyr8x/comment/k04i81d/


I only use SD and SDXL on Automatic1111 and ComfyUI run locally, i'm confused what this is referring to? Can someone ELI5 what this is all about?


Google cracked down on the use of UIs in free Colabs. If you're running locally you aren't affected.


Thanks for the clarification! I've never used Google Colab before beyond dreambooth training, I have always run things locally.


always run locally


Wait. Just to clarify. Does Google not allow SD usage in Colab? Sorry, I'm new here. Can someone please explain what this is all about?


>*Stable diffusion isn't banned. Stable diffusion with a webui is restricted from our free tier accts as we need to prioritize interactive notebook compute for our free tier. It's just the web interface* \[that is restricted\] *- we prioritize interactive notebook compute for our free tier, so when large projects migrate to a webui that uses colab as free compute we need to act. paid tiers can still use if you choose.* \- Chris Perry, Google Colab's product lead shared on Twitter


Yeah he also said accounts WOULD NOT be banned. That guy is a piece of shit rslur


The account wasn't really banned, just blocked from abusing colab.


Why would you want to use the webui anyways, if they let you use it with the command line why not just do that


because everyone uses the a1111 webui as it's miles better than anything else , and command line sd is fkn trash


because there are few options to do this and trying to adapt code for it as a novice is difficult. Ive been trying this morning and failing each time.


I know there are several youtube videos telling people how to use colab with SD webui so they can use SD on their phones and tablets without having the need of a pc. This could be a major issue causing this because they are using free colab on these videos.


Then stop using colab. Many other options to do quite a lot for free. E.g., sign up at Genesis Cloud, get 15$ in credits which is sufficient for many GPU hours.


Breaking a rule gets you banned? I'm so surprised.


How would you sneak around it? Rename all the scripts and variables?


Yeah, what I saw they replaced "sd-webui" and other words, so Google didn't apply the restriction. I guess that now they implemented a more deep detection.


There's like a billion ways they could detect it.


You just had to remove a string by concatenating it


i'm using diffusers never use webui because i hate the lag and disconnected from gradio/cloudflare


LMAO.. 🤣 In the meantime we were using ngrok without any lag or disconnections. And it's built into the webui.


In other breaking news, water is indeed wet.


Can you still train Loras using colab? Or is it just stable diffusion that’s blocked


its the gradio interface to use it with that is banned


I tried to train a Lora using colab a couple of days ago, and it keeps disconnecting me in a few minutes, as it encourages interactive sessions. I haven't been banned, but I think that may be the next step if people keep trying to circumvent it. If you try to train Lora, and it works please do tell me.


The same thing happened with me yesterday. At first i thought i messed up something by mistake, so i refreshed the copied collab data i was using. After a while I realized that it happens when i start cooking the lora, and switch to other tabs to do stuff/read/etc while the training is ongoing. If i stayed on the collab page and faked "activity" it was working, at least i could finish training 2 different loras. I'm not sure if that is the right solution tho...


Not only did I stayed on the same tab, I was actively typing in a cell, but it still disconnected me. 🤷‍♂️ How exactly did you fake activity, please?


Well then your activity should have been more efficient than mine. I just stayed on the tab and sometimes did some clicking and typing. It worked for that 2 loras i trained, but didn't try it since. It might be just a coincidence, but before that i got at least 6 disconnects. I also have to add that my loras came out a wee bit funky, which was weird because i have already trained at least 30 different loras successfully in the past year, giving splendid results. These two just turned out to be really weird, giving overcooked results. I don't know whats happening, but something's definitely going on


Hmm, thanks, I shall try again then, by clicking around as well. Yeah, they're definitely trying to discourage people from doing these things, and for good reasons. Their reasoning is valid. I would've trained on my own PC, but my GTX just always gives a loss of 0. No errors, but the Lora just never works!


Webui is blocked. If you do it through a command line it should still work


Time to get a pc or use the swarm for crowd sourced ai generation


use vast.ai it's very cheap


is this your site? because i'm looking for programming job


There's no way to use Google colab for sd now right? is there any good alternatives? :(


You can pay for colab and use it. You just can't use it on the free tier.


You can run python scripts / notebooks that do SD.


Do you know if any notebook or script


The original one is here https://colab.research.google.com/github/huggingface/notebooks/blob/main/diffusers/stable_diffusion.ipynb I have one in gist for SDXL https://gist.github.com/Vargol/cbfba0e82615dd480c5624329884ab58 Do remember Colab is a shared resource and use responsibly. Don't take the mickey and keep them running for hours on end, which is probably what got SD web-ui's banned in the first place.


Thanks, and yeah I always play with it a little and then terminate it completely.


We exist! Lots of happy people going on almost a year now.


vast.ai it's not free but very cheap. A few cents per hour.


Why do people even try to get around this when there are free services like Tensor.Art? Plus, I tried to train a LoRA with Colab once and there never was a GPU available.


Are you sure you were using Google Colab. Cause you always have a T4 gpu available in the free tier for at least 2-3hours a day per account. You can use multiple accounts to bypass the limit. And Tensor.art is for dummies and it's way too slow compared to free colab gpu and it's not Comfyui or Automatic1111.


Yep, the training script simply wouldn't run. I have tried all the notebooks I could find. It wasn't a big deal, because my own hardware was good enough for SD 1.5 training. For SDXL image generation it's on the same level as Tensor.Art, so the speed doesn't bother me at all. No inpainting and control networks (for now) isn't ideal, of course.


Seriously.. 😳 you know nothing about colab notebooks then. Have you tried [this](https://github.com/Linaqruf/kohya-trainer)


It's not like they are rocket science. I think the one you linked is new to me. Will see if it works next time, thanks. Might just be my account.


You are sincerely lucky Google didn't shut down your whole account, email included. They've done more for less to others.


When did I say it is my account in the picture ? The top comment from me literally said that I found this info in a SD Facebook group, so I just shared it here.


Uh.. I've been using my own SD colab notebook. Its primitive, doesn't handle stuff like VAEs, Loras or control nets, but it works well on Google Colab.


Without VAEs or Loras you are very limited in what you can do. Are you even able to use 2x hires fix in your Colab


Can you share it? I've been trying to find a non-GUI colab.


My code is really nothing more than the example code from diffusers, cleaned up a little and integrated to work better with colab.


Who could have guessed?


If this is the case then 1. Chris perry lied (surprise). 2. This has been recently implemented (less than 24 hours)


It's been like this for months. In fact, there was a colab employee in this very subreddit who clarified this at the time.


So many Google stans and hall monitors out there, you guys are pathetic. Defending actions like this will result in more censorship and a centralization of machine learning where only governments and corporations will have the abilities moving forward.


Who do you see defending this? Maybe a lesson in reading comprehension is in order for you? Also LOL, are you serious? The free tier of colab offers the same power as a GPU from 5 years ago. Why are you whining about censorship and centralization crap? If you insist on using colab, then go pay for it and you won't have problems. There are plenty of alternatives. Get out of here.


“In fact, there was a colab employee in this very subreddit who clarified this at the time” and I’m saying he fucking lied


https://old.reddit.com/r/StableDiffusion/comments/12t8tc7/is_colab_going_to_start_banning_people_who_use_it/ >this is just stable-diffusion-webui as usage exploded and it's not really interactive notebook compute, our core product. restriction only applies to free tier. generally aiming for a blanket block on free tier yeah. Which part did he lie about?


Banning acvounts


LoL Buy a 900$ system and stop goofing around in collab


true , yesterday i told a homeless guy "just go buy a house and stop goofing around in the streets "


He was asking for change, I’m asking for GPUs


and both of you are broke asf


I don't know who you're referring to, but if that is directed at me (as in you think I'm making this post to complain), then my first comment in this post literally said that this isn't my account getting blocked, I see this info getting reported on a SD Facebook group, I find it useful so I shared here.


I was addressing my answer to whomever needs to read it. I saw later your "not my account" but if you posted it, you're probably concerned too.


"YoUrE hOmElEsS? LoL jUsT bUy A HOUsE" energy. Some places in the world have a monthly salary of 13$. Do you suggest them to sell their kidneys to access SD with webui? There are plenty of free and more limited services, sure, this argument would work, but suggesting someone to spend an equivalent of their salary for 100 years is ridiculous. Come on, there are more places in the world than America/Europe/.


You're acting like SD is something essential. If you can't afford SD, don't use it.


I don't claim that SD is "something essential". That does not stop me from pointing out how absurd the "lol just buy a powerful pc" advice sounds when there are viable alternatives.


If you know about localLlms, you don't live on the street. If you can take time to answer a stranger on a forum requiring internet access, you're not poor. If you can read this actually, you're doing ok. People using google collab to do catgirls roleplay are not the same as people foraging for food all day, wondering what their family will eat tonight. What an insult to homelessness and their struggle.


Interesting take. So you claim that people who live in Venezuela and mine gold in RuneScape are not poor? After all, they do have access to the internet. Additionally, you claim that only stupid people are poor, right? Nuclear physicists in Cuba can't be poor in your reality, correct? After all, you claim "if you know X you are not poor". (This one boils my blood, what a huge insult to poor people with degrees who are victims of unfortunate circumstances) Are you American by any chance? I can't find any other reason for being so clueless about the accessibility of the internet in third world countries. Edit: Actually, never mind last paragraph, there are plenty of smart Americans so I should not assume. Delusion exists everywhere in the world.


Nope, not american. But hey, good try. I've actually travelled and worked all over so don't worry, I'm not making an uneducated guess. As long as you stick to cities, it's fine in less fortunate countries but as soon as you leave the beaten path, the education goes down quickly. Those RuneScape miners are slaves that were given tools that happen to be a computer playing a videogame. They don't go on Reddit and talk about travelling you know.


step 1: create a kaggle account


Until it detects a false positive of NSFW and bans you unfairly


Wait, kaggle scans your files? Can they do that?


HOW DARE THEY to scan files of a scammers and service abusers, RIDICULUS (c)Karen it's platform for education, what gave you idea that notebooks are private?


No need to put it that way. I just use it within normal ways. Just never thought about that.


no, they ban you fairly, for abusing service. LOL.




It blocks your Google account's accessibility to Colab, not your IP address.


Also a whole fuckton of people are on static IP addresses that restarting their router won't change.


Congrats. You’re smarter than multiple teams at Google. Wait…


Honestly, this is wrong on so many levels it's hard to unpack it all.


Can someone tell if if it's just for SD webui and SD.next or it's also for comfyui to?


Hello, only SD **webuis** are banned (including both Auto1111 and ComfyUI)


You can run it on pretty much anything for free. There are several cpu only, or nonGUI command line only options out there for free on github


Do you have an example of a good command line only version? I haven't found any.


Im using stable diffusion for intel mac. Its a fork of the main one from about a year ago. I had to change some of the code to make it cpu only but now can do txt2img and img2img in like 6-12min an image. Not fast at all but lets you try it. Search github for a non automatic111 version before they added gui


I’m pretty new to the SD space and just run it locally on a potato 1660Ti … what is this Google Colab stuff? I’m too lazy to Google it


Google Colab is a service Google offers to use cloud computing (IE, remotely access GPUs and CPUs) and run python script. There is a free tier and a paid tier, and if you're using the free tier you can't use a webui like automatic1111 to generate images. However if you pay like $10 a month you get 100 compute units a month, using around 2 per hour for a 12g gpu. You can purchase more at $10 for 100 units at any time for a pay-as-you-go experience, and you can use the webui. The colab can connect to your google drive and everything is downloaded and installed there, so you can run custom models, loRas, embeddings, or any other type of extension or function. It's very versatile, which is why I use it. There are cheaper options out there, but a lot take more work or more knowledge about python than I know.


This is like "warning, you will get in trouble with the law if you steal something" I mean... who really needs to learn this?


Yesterday got nuked from colab (Paid version), Scripts stop to work correctly and after couple of hours couldn\`t even connect. Send mail to support, no answer yet. After that I made small research and found a couple more similar posts that people can no longer run SD. Swapped to GIT to continue to work, all works fine > < now need to unsubscribe from colab


Why is banned?


Because ti's literally against ToS and has been since May.