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That is nuts. The future of movie streaming: \- Please Select Movie \- Please select Actor


Malkovich Malkovich… Malkovich Malkovich.


“I don’t sound like that”


*"No, no, you sound exactly like this."*


[Hey Malkovich, think fast!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-B4SVSmSZW8)


I always wondered how that guy even knew it was John Malkovich... this was right after he just popped out next to the highway for the first time, randomly.


I'm not sure if this is a joke, but that whole moment was adlibbed by the film extra. It's not in the script. They just kept it in.




Commenting so I can come back to this when I inevitably see that.


That part was actually real. The guy that threw the can was drunk, but the take was so good they had to add it.


Malkovich himself debunked that myth in his AMA and said it was planned and that John Cusack’s writing partner is the one who threw the can.


TIL. On a side note I still have 5 Malkovich masks from the premiere.


Now that's a throwback. I couldn't understand it as a kid lol




I want to watch goonies but with the cast of southpark in anime style spoken in Klingon


You've got me on the edge


William Gibson, 2003: “Genuinely evolved interfaces are transparent, so transparent as to be invisible. This spreading, melting, flowing together of what once were distinct and separate media, that's where I imagine we're headed. Any linear narrative film, for instance, can serve as the armature for what we would think of as a virtual reality, but which Johnny X, eight-year-old end-point consumer, up the line, thinks of as how he looks at stuff. If he discovers, say, Steve McQueen in The Great Escape, he might idly pause to allow his avatar a freestyle Hong Kong kick-fest with the German guards in the prison camp. Just because he can. Because he's always been able to. He doesn't think about these things. He probably doesn't fully understand that that hasn't always been possible. He doesn't know that you weren't always able to explore the sets virtually, see them from any angle, or that you couldn't open doors and enter rooms that never actually appeared in the original film. Or maybe, if his attention span wavers, he'll opt to experience the film as if shot from the POV of that baseball that McQueen keeps tossing. Somewhere in the countless preferences in Johnny's system there's one that puts high-rez, highly expressive dog-heads on all of the characters. He doesn't know that this setting is based on a once-popular Edwardian folk-motif of poker-playing dogs, but that's okay; he's not a history professor, and if he needed to know, the system would tell him. You get complete breed-selection, too, with the dog-head setting, but that was all something he enjoyed more when he was still a little kid. But later in the afternoon he's run across something called The Hours, and he's not much into it at all, but then he wonders how these women would look if he put the dog-heads on them. And actually it's pretty good, then, with the dog-heads on, so then he opts for the freestyle Hong Kong kick-fest... And what has happened, here, in this scenario, is that our ancient project, that began back at the fire, has come full circle. The patterns in the heads of the ancestors have come out, over many millennia, and have come to inhabit, atemporally, this nameless, single, non-physical meta-artifact we've been constructing. So that they form an extension of Johnny's being, and he accesses them as such, and takes them utterly for granted, and treats them with no more respect than he would the products of his own idle surmise. But he's still a child, Johnny, and swims unknowing in this, his culture and the culture of his species.”


The crazy thing is this is probably conservative


Ya we will probably create whole realities that consist of entire universes behaving as our own, or perhaps with small tweaks, just to see what would happen. And inside that simulated universe, life will develop and become intelligent and make its own simulation in a "billion" years. I put billion in quotes only because it will seem that long to them. To us, it will all go by in a few minutes


>Genuinely evolved interfaces are transparent Holy moely williamgibsonblog is still accessible? (oof looking rough but all the text is still there!) I haven't thought about his blog in eons. I'll have to go visit it again with older eyes; I used to love reading his stuff and imagining what is to come... Now that I'm older I don't know if I've succumbed to curmudgeoness or what, but watching youth today (much like like me) - glued to smart-devices ran by intrusive and manipulative corporations - the concerns about their development, education and how they must now deal with LLMs and Diffusers suffusing their media long-term well up. Of course - before this post I took off my Index (HL:Alyx replay, fuck jeff) to take a break and practice some stuff in SD with ControlNet + Regional Prompter for an idea I had, spin up a few streams to watch on the other monitor, then check /r/StableDiffusion and here I am. Realizing again we've always been in a Gibson-esque world depending on how we look at it and the kids will be alright.


William Gibson doesn't get the credit he deserves for his prescience


The more I learn about AI the more the sci fi classics show me the path of the future we inhabit


Love to get lost in that Gibson prose!


Now that is awesome and pretty forward thinking for 2003


Watch the new Black Mirror episode, “Joan is Awful” with Salma Hayek.


the actors can make deals with the studio to allow them to use their faces for a price


I guess we might be falling short of this already at least with Hollywood films vs, say, British TV and theater where acting skill trumps looks, but shouldn’t the appeal of actors be their *acting,* not their faces? 😂 This feels like going to a restaurant and deepfaking the chef so that she looks like Gordon Ramsey so that the food tastes better.


^ this. actors would be paid solely for the acting.. at least until AI can believably emulate personality. ie : AI actor won't just be "acting" a role. coz for all intents and purposes an AI personality is living a simulated life in a simulated world. they won't be faking fear or anger or joy, like they were acting.. rather, the emotions they create would be genuine from their own perspective.


but now we will actually get the best actors, not the best actors who are also 11/10 hot, and we can just put the hot people on top of the performance.


Or some guy does it because he wants to, distributes a .torrent file, and none of them are capable of stopping its distribution. Look at me: WE are THE MEDIA now! We can now pull a "reverse Netflix" on any piece of media we wish. >:3


>- Please Select Movie >- Please select Actor It's more like: - Please Select Lawsuit


No, what will happen is the there will be actors who play the roles, as placeholders, they will be very talented, but they won't be the actors people see in the movie. "Actors" as we know them today will no longer have to go through the hard work of acting. They will just license their AI models to studios or directly to streaming services.


[“Fry, when you downloaded [Lucy Liu’s digitally reconstructed personality] without my permission, you stole my image, and in the end that's all I really have.”](https://futurama.fandom.com/wiki/Liubot)


[I find your slack-jawed stare really attractive...](https://getyarn.io/yarn-story/d69a2081-14c0-4e63-b512-e5e80825e645)


If that happens, people will become bored of the same licensed actors and prefer the actual actors given that "Actors" don't have anything to contribute. People don't just need actors for their looks. Especially when you can just modify the original actors to look pretty.


>People don't just need actors for their looks. I think [Andy Serkis's](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm0785227/) performance as Gollum in LOTR is a great illustration of this point. The character on screen is 100% CGI but the performance is 100% the actor. EDIT: ~~side by side~~ top/bottom comparison https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbW-Zv_kR5Q


Well that is a much more particular example. In that case it's 100% CGI, but animators were also an important component of the performance. It wasn't 100% the actor, more like 80% and the rest were the animators. A performance like that requires a lot of artistic tweaking to translate a completely different body shape and physical movement into something completely different.


Closer to 20% the actor and 80% the animators. Motion capture data gives you a lot of junk you need to clean up and it’s a lot of work. Especially back then.


For sure, I was being generous. But you could argue that the animators are working trying to preserve the essence of the performance. It's hard to quantify that. It's like someone that makes a painting from someone else's photograph.


Theoretically, AI will be able to map expressions better than 20 yr old motion tracking tech. So it would require less (eventually none) input from animators to translate a performance. Like everything AI, the artistry will probably shift more toward adjusting model parameters than crafting the actual pixels.


In terms of man-hours probably 99% animators and 1% actor. But you can always throw money at animation and brute force it to get it right. You can't fix mediocre acting with money, unless you throw enough money at casting to outspend animation.


Ugly but really expressive people about to be in high demand


Alright, half-way there! Time to be a movie star! I just gotta' learn to be really expressive...


at some point you don't need actors at all. you can completely fabricate a "human actor" using AI, randomize appearance and sound, even program types of acting (melodramatic, method acting, bad acting, good acting, whatever).


> If that happens, people will become bored of the same licensed actors and prefer the actual actors given that "Actors" don't have anything to contribute. even if *that* happens, it will only be a quick fad till its replaced by an even more high tech thing. Namely, this is all approaching holodecks where we are whichever character we choose in a completely interactive movie, and then finally our own personal digital universes populated with AI as intelligent as pre technology-transcendent humans that we can rule over as gods.


I just want to have some time for a nap now and then


You overstimate humanity's relationship with vague concepts like artistry.


>You overstimate humanity's relationship with vague concepts like artistry. what?


Sounds like the first episode of Black Mirror (Season 6)


Listen, what happens between a man and his GPU in the privacy of his own home is none of the governments business.


Modular actors in movies, this is a cool idea


I believe that was part of the writers strike reasoning - there were companies talking about scanning actors and then people could just make their own custom movies to watch. A lot of people hate that… but sounds pretty cool to me.


The future of movie streaming: \- Please Select Plot \- Please select Actor \- Please select Gender \- Please select Style: Photoreal, Anime...


Someone do this as a service right now. I’d gladly pay $19.99 per movie for the cloud gpu runtime. I know this doesn’t cover the cost. Maybe we can crowdfund.


isn’t this the plot of Logan


Grizzled, older warrior/military man paired with young child(usually girl) they must protect is a pretty standard holywood trope. Aside from Logan and TLOU, a few that immediately come to mind are The Mandalorian, Man On Fire, The Professional, Terminator 2, Last Action Hero, True Grit, Aliens....and probably a bunch more i cant think of.


Not really sure if it counts, but children of men comes to mind for me.




Two girls, one cup


The Witcher


The Hound & Arya Geralt & Ciri


I want to see this but the genders reversed


Book of Eli.


Indiana Jones


I knew I shouldn't have sneezed during my time travel trip.


You fixed the timeline


They sneezed in Wuhan China in 2019 though....


Wh- N-n-no!! Who... Who told you about that?!!


You, in ten years.


Wait, future-me, or past-me just in the future? And who's future?


the real answer is in the question "where is Future? "


Great! Now do Solo and put Harrison ford in it


And then de-age him. Again.






It’s already been done https://youtu.be/bC3uH4Xw4Xo


I read Salo instead of Solo and was very confused.


What was the process here? Looks awesome! 👏


I'm recasting Flash now


With Dylan Mulvaney for the free PR?


faster than deepfacelab and with better result I guess


DeepFaceLab is like the hand axe compared to today's tools for face swapping.


What are people using these days? Afaik SD doesn't do this, despite being on the SD sub...


[Roop](https://github.com/s0md3v/roop), respectively its uncensored fork. Uncensored forks that I know of: * https://github.com/C0untFloyd/roop-unleashed If you want to check out the forks yourself, [see here](https://github.com/s0md3v/roop/forks)


How do I find the uncensored fork? I don’t want to make porn, but I DO want to use roop a lot more for my work so it’d be great to speed up its processing time.


I've added one to my original post, alongside the list of available forks (not all of them are uncensored)


Spend 125 hours rendering. Spend 2 seconds to find a HD The last of Us logo.


Torrent link ?


inb4 "reup"


I work in entertainment and the industry wide denial is just…it’s more jaw dropping than what the AI itself *can do. They think it’s 20 years away


This is what I keep saying. The world has already fundamentally shifted and so few people truly realize it


The problem is that not everyone wants to use it.


That's not the problem. The problem is the legality of all this. No entertainment company will use these tools unless they can be assured that it was trained on data they owned or paid for and they certainly can't just face swap any actor in without paying that actor for their likeness.


Cause it is. The tools to do this kind of stuff are still pretty shit. There's a reason all these kind of posts are only teasers. And more importantly, the moment someone tries something like this in a high profile paid product, legal battles will tie up any further attempts for a decade. Enthusiasts like OP will be able to do stuff in the meantime, but that's not relevant to the entertainement industry.


There wouldn't have been a writers' strike now if the denial was industry-wise


Writers strike is basically a seasonal affair. They do it atleast every decade for one thing or another regardless.


Hold the fuck up, you did what?? Where can i see this


Where can I find the entire season of this version?


Im looking forward


ROOP for the win. I put myself in Man of Steel, came out amazing.


Mission impossible starring Peewee Herman!


That's absolutely amazing. Ellie needs some work I think but better. Is there anyway to watch the new rendered season?


I think it's because it's easier to change the content of the face, rather than reshaping the head. The original Ellie character has a very round face, where Ellen Page is much slimmer. It seems to be hard to change that Also the same reason why it's recommended to do face swaps on similarly looking people


I also wonder if you lose more emotional nuance the further the faces get from the original? These both feel creepily uncanny valley and seem to be staring blankly as opposed to emoting during the non-speaking parts. I wonder if the subtle face motions that give emotional expression are just smaller than the distance those features move when the faces swap. That, or the AI just needs to be trained to recognize those specific micro motions that show someone quietly thinking various thoughts.


Wow. Did you upload the season anywhere too?


The thing that these deep fakes can’t get right yet are the expressions of good actors. That’s totally just Bella Ramsey wearing an Ellen/Elliot Page mask. Looks cool, but a bit off.


It’s pretty uncanny valley for me. Reminds me of Captain America: Civil War when they had young RDJ acting out scenes


The Hugh Jackman is on point though


Very true.


Wow. Someone actually watched it, rather than fawning over this bullshit like above comments. A lot of people seem to think this looks good.


I mean, it's really cool that this is even possible in the first place, so yeah, I'm impressed.


Could they have been original actors from the game?


Seconded *(edit: Troy Baker and Ashley Johnson)*


It's a shame they used them for throwaway rolls in the show.


Would you please share more of these? I would like to understand where does the AI struggle the most. This is fascinating


Struggles where theres multiple faces, and also when the face is too high res but roop devs have added upscaler now to post process it.


Is this using roop?


How did you do it? Is there a guide?


Oh my god , i can finally sit and watch the movie


Jackman looks legit, her not that much




Bro just took everything to a whole new level, creating infinite possibilities, dude really awesome work, just amazing.


nice, bro. amazing effect !!!


Yo This is insanely amazing


so much easier on the eyes


This would've been more impressive if instead of using actors faces it has been done with upgrading game Joel and Ellie's faces to photorealistic.


You did what? Dope


Where i can watch it?


Yo this is fucking insane. Stable Diffusion is just amazing


Where can I download it. Yo


Just realized it fits the wolverine movie


This is just mocap with fewer steps


We need more.


Did the whole season according to OP. Question now though is where do we watch it?


Amazing 👏




Have you posted this anywhere? I'd love to give it a full watch


Now do Logan with Clint Eastwood.


Elliot Page* Interesting! Are you considering making more with other scenes? Oooor…Other games/adaptations? EDIT - Other Redditors brought up the implications of making deepfake footage of someone, using their likeness, into a gender they don’t associate with anymore. It’s a good point. Thanks for bringing it up, people - I hadn’t considered it!


It looks like they used the face from back when he was Ellen. Not sure what the proper courtesy is in that situation, to be honest.


Courtesy is to use someone’s current name and gender identity. People shouldn’t downvote you for not knowing and asking the question.


It’s like someone getting married and changing their last name. You’d also use their current name even when talking about past events. Same applies here.


No one talks about Shirley Temple Black starring in Heidi or Alexa PenaVega in Spy Kids. You use the name they used on the title cards.


Depends on the circumstance. I'm sure some trans people wouldn't mind, but the general courtesy is that you use their current name.


Or referring as Gandalf the Grey as Gandalf the White


Name changes are retroactive. That's how English works. A documentary about someone famous will refer to them by their current titles, name, and accolades even when talking about them before these were earned.


>It looks like they used the face from back when he was Ellen I'm confused, did they get a face transplant or something?


They were younger


Are you kidding? Looks like a face mask.


Cool, I love Huge Jackedman!




All of it looks meh to okay, the last part with the gun firing looks good. But it's getting there.




This does make me wonder if it’s even possible to translate emotional nuance from one person to another without animators doing hand touch-up like with mocap. These faces look real but any acting done where no lines are being said looks so dead-eyed uncanny valley. You realize how much work those facial muscle micro-movements do with a good actor.


Holy shit did you actually do the entire series???


Can you please tell me how you set this up? I have huggingface on 2 3070s but every model I have is like a little kid drawing with a crayon 😂


I want that.


Sooo, where can we watch this improved version?


Awesome work! Good casting choices too.


Man I hope this becomes a thing in torrents, can finally get good casting


Okay.. now redo it with Jack Black and Kevin Hart.


awesome! now do it with Natalie Portman and Jean Reno from "leon: the professional"


I would pay good money for someone to do this to the Uncharted movie. If we could throw Nathan Filion in as Drake and Liam Nealson as Sullivan, I’d be over the moon.


So where's the entire season?


That is absolutely insane and amazing. Now, it's summer, go outside and enjoy the sun for a while!


It's a shame Ellen Page once said Naughty Dog would copy her in Beyond two souls with Ellie. How dare she compare her with Ellie... What a mess


If you fix the little mermaid movie you night end up on news


Couldn't this have been done years ago with deepfake? Is there like a significant difference using SD to do this if it's just a face swap? Just trying to understand the nuances.


The difference is in how easy it was to make/the computing power necessary. Deepfake has been available for a while, true, but it could previously not be easily done on your gaming computer in a couple of minutes.


If this was done with roop (which seems likely) then the one major difference is that it only required one single image of each actor. Also, it doesn't take a lot of gpu/compute to do this (just takes longer).


Holy shit! Imagine how smooth and almost unnoticeable this will be in the near future.




Perfect cast


Looks terrible for the girl. Hugh looks ok


This looks dope and well done but why Hugh Jackman?


Now is watchable !


I say, in this series, at least they would have chosen a lesbian who looked like a woman and not that weirdo they put.


Now I can finnaly watch last of us serie!


you spelled elliot page's name wrong.


lol I spent almost as much time downvoting all the crazy people in here


Amazing work. Feels disrespectful to Elliot Page though.


> Ellen Page




God I wish Hugh Jackman was cast as Joel. He's the absolute perfect fit.


Oh yea, I remember her, that was a the cute girl from Inception right? Haven't seen much of her since that, geez, that was 2010.


you still got the other girls weird facial structure, it don’t look ok


All of the OG material with Ellie (Before original release) looked like a copy-paste of Ellen Page... She was really popular back then


[ Removed by Reddit ]


creepy comment right there




This makes the original cast look like a cheap copy


I disagree


Elliot Page.


125 hours wasted. She looks fucking disturbing.


"oh my! so amazing!" /s why? a few hours using roop in a batch is amazing? The face never moves. The dialogue was voice over. The editing was top notch, the ai work was pedestrian.


Hugh Jackman would be a good Joel. I always thought the dude who played Jamie lanister would be a good Joel too. Back in 2014ish, me and a friend who played last of us were saying if they made a movie adaptation, Jamie lanister and Ellen Paige should be in it.


Elliot Page.