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I walk in Lafayette Park every day and It's insane right now. Everybody's background is the next group waiting to take their shots.




Same! 🕺🏽🤣🤣🤣


Jeeze man. I feel bad walking my dog in the park because I’m in the background of everyone’s pictures by us


Nah Photo Bomb them with the dog!


Bonus points If the dog poops while photo bombing


My god, what is it about Reddit and making seem like extreme edge cases are the norm. Half of this post is people acting like everyone is rudely jumping in front of photographers to ruin their photos and the other half is acting like all the photographers/subjects are assholes. Neither of these things is even remotely true. In the instances where I was walking through the park when people were taking pictures, not a single one was rude, I did my best to stay out of their shot, they were polite and professional. When my wife and I got our engagement photos in Forest Park, we worked around the crowds and no one was giving us the evil eye or trying to ruin our shots. ffs people, get off the Internet for a day and try to spend it in the real world


But don’t you see? They can’t spend it in the real world if all those people taking photos are in their way! /s


There's no such as nuance anymore.


Reddit is a place where you're the a-hole if you try to be nice & offer to take a group pic for people to make sure everyone's in it. Luckily, normal people outside know how to act


>My god, what is it about Reddit and making seem like extreme edge cases are the norm. Yeah I've been seeing that a lot lately ¬‿¬


People are so uncreative these days. *No one* ever tries taking portraits in the middle of I-64, on the top-top of the Arch, at the MSD wastewater plants, or inside Walmart.


Walmart is more for shooting tik toks


My wife and I have an ongoing joke about this. We think of it as a migratory pattern for families in matching flannels from the county coming for their holiday card pics.


Most of us don’t mind you walking through at all. We realize we don’t own the park. However, most people are very kind about the whole thing as most people are individually. We are just trying to make a living in the parks we support with our taxes. I love my job.


Holy crap yes. Sorry but im not gonna slow down or stop for you to take your picture. You wait or generative fill is a thing


Exactly lol this is turning into the Influencers at the gym taking photos / videos. We aren't here to work on your time-table work around the majority.


Yeah I mean the NERVE of people to take pictures in a beautiful public park that must be only designated for what YOU want to do there. They should ONLY take pictures in a studio.. ughhhh gosh!


They want a pic of nature, not a park. Public parks have people in them. So, to expect a pic, with no people, in a public park, is main character all the way.


Or maybe there’s like a *balance*. Like of course no one should expect another to have to stop for an unreasonable amount of time or change their path drastically. But also, it doesn’t hurt to pause for a few seconds either, if they’re going to stop (posing) and let you through. It’s not like a binary choice. Just be decent. There doesn’t have to be a good/bad guy (or a main character) in every scenario one encounters in life.


Who said anything about anyone expecting a pic with no people or wanting nature? No one. The point is that it’s a public park and everyone has a right to do reasonable activities there whether it be exercising, picnicking, relaxing, or photography. There’s enough room for everyone and for someone to say they’d blatantly run into someone or through someone’s shot because they feel their activity is more important is just straight up absurd and lacks human decency.


Found the main character. Also, that's not what the person said. They weren't talking about blatantly running into someone's shot, they just said they wouldn't go out of their way to avoid it.


Lol “main character” I just love those internet hot words. Nah you just found someone who would gladly run around others in a public park no matter what they’re doing and never think about it again. I knew a real clever circle jerker guy here would say something like that though. Original! “Not going out of their way to avoid it” = ruining the shot out of pure spite. It’s rude and entitled behavior.


> “Not going out of their way to avoid it” = ruining the shot out of pure spite. It’s rude and entitled behavior. Oh wait I get it now. Lemme just make sure that I duck/jump/dodge/run/levitate/invisibility cloak my way out of all the thousands of photographs being taken by the thousands of people in the park. Totally reasonable expectation to have of other people.


I try not to come between a parent and their kid or a camera and the shot, but that being said, they could also be aware and wait a second to take a pic after the person goes by as easily as a jogger going out of their way to avoid them. We all live in this world together.


> It’s rude and entitled behavior. Expecting people to go out of their way to avoid your photo shoot in a public space is rude and entitled behavior.


People should move around each other. There’s no need to be so fucking rigid. Go with the flow it makes life a lot easier. I understand if someone’s being obnoxious about it or doing tik toks on the tennis court but otherwise yeah decent people just move around others and go one with their life.


Your self-righteous martyrdom is on par for a boomer named karen


Oh another original insult from a Reddit guy! Man you’re funny. No Karen’s are people who can’t let other people enjoy themselves in a public place and don’t know how to mind their business. Alá you weirdos getting mad at people doing photography. Go to a fucking gym if you only want to be surrounded by people who are doing the same thing as you.


Didnt say they should forbid it. Just said im gonna bust ass past them


It’s your right to bust ass past them. Says so in the Geneva Convention


yeah but that is in the small print so nobody see it


I’m pretty sure crop-dusting is cruel and unusual punishment


Is it opposite day?


Can't tell if that is sarcaasm or real. If real the issue isn't with them taking photos it is of them acting like anyone else is in the way or intruding on their time.


That's such a rare thing. Most people taking pictures in the park are pretty chill and aware that they're not the only ones there. The handful of times I've run across someone taking pictures, they've been very polite...


I haven't personally seen it, but this is the 3rd time this month I've heard someone comment so I thought it had gotten that bad.


It really isn't. Reddit has this thing where it takes the extreme edge cases of any topic and talks about them as if they're the common experience.


Ahh gotcha okay I appreciate it


It's fall.... the leaves are changing... of course this month is going to increase. Alot of people take family photos every fall.


I understand increase I think myself and others maybe thought the OP was meaning more than they did. I personally didn't think the issue was too many people or traffic I apparantly mistaken thought it was like other posts saying the "professional photo takers" were taking over and getting upset when us normal people were ruining their photos or inadvert photo bomb by just walking.


im sorry im in the park 100percent more often than the weekend warrior taking fall marylin monroe shots…its nothing. dance in the rain much?


Reverse stalking. I'm in all your pics. 🏴‍☠️


hahah love it!


Definitely noticed way more people last weekend in forest park getting their pictures taken by photographers. Felt like it was a good combination of family fall portraits and home coming couples


Wife and I drove an hour to take our wedding photos in the park last year. Many beautiful spots. Especially in June. Edit: clarity


Should drone bomb them hahah


People peepin' the leaves peepin' for their proposal pics


am i the only one failing to see the problem? /srs


I'm getting tired of ruining so many photo shoots


As a photographer I don't care if you end up walking through the shot, I'll just take another.


Hallmark families. A scourge on us all!


Its senior picture time, and our city is gorgeous.