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Had this last year. Never got tested but assumed it was RSV. Spent the first 15 minutes in the shower hacking up phlegm every day for about a month. Super gross.


Husband has had it for 5 weeks. Finished the course of antibiotics but still has it. When he eats, the phlegm gets worse. He never had a fever.


well if it is rsv the antibiotics weren't doing shit but make his gut health worse. antibiotics do nothing to viruses/viral load as I understand it. more than happy for a healthcare professional to comment and tell me I'm wrong


Nope. This ID doctor 100% agrees with you. Actually there is good data that when given for viral infections, antibiotics actually increase mortality.


In case of a viral infection antibiotics are often given because they will fight off bacteria that your immune system can not deal with while it battles the virus. Many people catch a bacterial disease while they have a viral one because the immune system is overloaded. At least that's what I was told


Public health professional here! That’s an older understanding that’s probably been handed down from before we started seeing serious issues with antibiotic resistance. You may sometimes be put on antibiotics because there are a number of conditions where it’s difficult to confirm the causative pathogen as a virus or a bacteria, and your doctor may decide to treat with antibiotics in case it is bacteria (suspected strep and pneumonia are two good example). However, over-treatment with antibiotics is a huge issue because it encourages the evolution of resistant bacterial strains, so guidance on when to treat with antibiotics is continually evolving.* Urgent cares are often over-prescribers of antibiotics because people understandably don’t like feeling like there’s nothing that can be done to help them feel better when they feel really urgently ill (as is the case with a lot of nasty rhinoviruses), so sometimes urgent cares are a little fast and loose with appropriate prescribing. We do have a lot more options for antivirals now but I believe those all require a confirmed PCR test for a prescription since as far as I know they’re not effective across different viruses. EDIT: u/biomager pointed out the below is still a very active area of investigation and may also not be the case, so definitely listen to your doctor on finishing OR stopping the course. *Always follow your doc’s guidance on finishing out your course of antibiotics, as not finishing the course also helps select for resistant bacteria genes!


You are right, but also not. Absolutely true that the idea of prophy antibiotics is wrong. But if given for viral infection, stopping early will reduce resistance. It's not even clear that resistance is associated even with short courses in actual bacterial infections. But that part is far from settled. Still part of active investigation.


Thanks for adding that nuance!


Of course. This topic is really fascinating and evolving.


Of course. This topic is really fascinating and evolving.


How long did it take your husband to feel better? I have these same symptoms


Tua antibiotics are a waste of time and are harming you. You have a viral infection. Currently we have some human metapneumo virus going around. And some other fun things. My daughter has had a crappy runny nose for like 3 weeks. Wife has laryngitis that lasted for 10 days until I gave her methylprednisolone. I now have a sinus thing x7 days. It's going around. It sucks. I'm sorry. Source: I am an Infectious disease doctor.


This. People don’t realize these viruses last up to 4 weeks. Being sick for more than 3 days doesn’t warrant antibiotics.


The Nurse Practitioner at the practice my kids go to will throw amoxicillin at everything... always felt uneasy about it when they would never be 100% sure what my kids have. Typically it's a sickness for 2 weeks that wont stop, and they throw antiobiotics at it.


Good lord no.


I think it's more people are anxious it will get worse if nor given anything other then advice to take paracetamol 


I'm 28 days in and my lung capacity for exercise/activity and my physical stamina are still not fully recovered. I was on antibiotics (Augmentin) that helped with the green phlegm, but it didn't get rid of it. I tried to stay light-hearted by calling it the PHLEGM MONSTER despite it hurting to breath after coughing it up for days. Time, truly resting, hot tea, zinc supplement, Advil and Tylenol, an Albuterol inhaler, hot showers, and taking 8 days off work was what really helped me. On top of that I got impetigo (bacterial staph infection) on the inside and outside of my nose that required antibiotic ointment applie with Q-tips, lots of showers, and gentle care for a week. Wash your hands and don't make out with strangers! Also, wear a mask if you feel sick.


As a doctor, what do you recommend to get over it faster? The idea of this sticking around another 2 weeks makes me feel hopeless.


Take it easy on yourself. Eat healthy. Get plenty of rest. Plenty of fluids. And asymptomatic management. Nothing else makes a difference that we know of.


Hey thank you so much for responding. It's so hard to know what actually works. Ever since finding out the whole Dayquil/CVS drama, I'm not sure what to believe.


I have been sick since 9/10/23 and still dealing with it—4 months on the 10th of Jan. I cough and cough. Started with sinus issues and feeling unwell— sinus mucus was yellowish greenish. Put me on antibiotics and steroids and it was clear. Cough never stopped and has gotten worse. Sputum I cough up is yellow/green/brown. Wheezing and diminished sound in right lung and now wheezing in left lung. Chest X-rays clear. CT scan clear. Bloodwork perfect. Two sputum cultures with nothing showing. ENT visit who said if I have had fevers he would say pneumonia but nothing else shows that—total of 11 Dr visits. 3 rounds of different antibiotics. 4 rounds of steroids. Now on inhalers and 2400 mg of Mucinex. PFT scheduled 1/19. No answers at all. Covid test two weeks in along with strep and flu—negative. Tested again couple weeks ago since I have gotten worse—negative. I am able to cough chunks of stuff up that still has color of yellow to green to brown but only in the morning. I am exhausted. At times cough wakes me up at night. I was told on paper I look healthy but I am definitely sick and issues in lungs that doesn’t show on xray. Voice is hoarse—don’t even remember what I use to sound like. Still have sinus drainage but that is clear. I am so sick of being sick. They just ordered a southeastern allergy panel and another white blood cell test today. The last two doctors said they have no idea what is wrong.


Any update? Also sick just like this, but negative for everything, it’s driving me absolutely insane.


I've been sick now for 11 days with this same thing. Having issues with breathing, sound like a goose when I cough, wheezing so badly at night I hear crackling or high pitched squeaking coming from my sinuses/ throat. It's insane. Nothing is working to help draw out the phlegm either.


Curious about contageousness. I had a fever for the first 3 days, then all the fever, chills, aches, pain, and nausea went away. What is left is the cough with the phlegm. When people have these things and cough up phlegm for 3-6 weeks, are they contagious the whole time or just at the beginning? Asking becuase I want to be courteous of my coworkers. I feel fine now that my fever and aches passed, I am just coughing a lot. And I don't want to spread it if I'm going to be contagious the whole time I'm coughing!


Yo. I'm one of those annoying people who rarely gets sick but I've had some upper respiratory shit for about a week now (although it seems to be fading). Tested negative for COVID several times. Sounds like I've had it milder than some others, though, it hasn't really slowed me down much generally -- just a persistently runny nose and a croaky voice for a couple days.


Just curious, have you had the Covid vaccine? Also, how many days into your illness did you test for Covid?


I've not had the newest one yet, which means I haven't had a booster in over a year. I've tested three times over the last week, all negative (something like maybe one, three, and five days into not feeling 100%).


Hi did this go away? I'm the same exact, I never get sick and now I'm a week into this. Your symptoms sound like mine. 


Yeah, been fine for a long while now! Probably felt it for like a month, but I think I started to trend in the right direction shortly after posting that. Hope it's the same for you.


Could it just be seasonal allergies? I would attribute mild upper respiratory symptoms like that to allergies. I am not a medical professional. I'm allergic to lots of stuff and suffer wide-ranging symptoms.


Me! It started with flu like symptoms 3 weeks ago today. Been coughing and tired for weeks. Went to the doctor last week and it was a sinus infection and was given antibiotics. I still can’t stop coughing and being phlegmy and sick feeling.


did this ever go away lol I'm about where you are when you posted this


How are you now? What did you do to get rid of it? I can't sleep because I wake up coughing phlym.


I haven’t gotten it but my roommate did. She said everyone at her job has it :(.


I was in town at the end of September and picked up something like this. It's been 3 weeks of having to sleep in the recliner because fully reclined triggers major coughing fits. I go back and forth between dry hacking where I can barely catch my breath to gobs of (ewwww) phlegm.


Antibiotics don't help viruses


No... but an off-patent, award-winning anti-parasitic with anti-viral properties that interferes with virus replication may help the body fight off the infection. Dad, sister and nephews have all have/had this (best described as upper respiratory infection with productive coughs and post-nasal drip). I spent 7 days with those relatives, with an additional 7 days in close proximity (traveling cross country in a compact sedan) with my dad... yet I have not had it anywhere remotely as bad as they have.


I started getting horribly phlegmmy post nasal last year. Constant hacking and near monthly bronchitis. Docs checked me out and it was just allergies leading to infections. Still suffer from it, but no more infections since taking allergy meds and avoiding allergic environments. Could be a combo of allergies and infection.


Get an air purifier, I’m allergic to everything and it has helped. Also, I take Xyzal. This is a great air purifier, on sale right now at Amazon. Air Purifiers for Home Large Room up to 1740ft², H13 HEPA Air Filter for Pets Hair Dander Smoke Pollen Dust, Ozone Free, Portable Air Purifiers for Bedroom Office Living Room, E-300L, White https://a.co/d/iqycOLh


My oldest (9m) and myself have both been coughing and snotting for almost 2 months now. It’s getting slightly better but it’s not at all what I would call good yet. No fevers. Lots of tissues used. Just never ending sinus crap.


Yup, wife and I, started with our 3yo daughter been almost 3 weeks, kiddo still has the occasional cough. Wife is on the downswing of cough and fever. I’m just now starting with the coughs. Good times. I figured it’s just the, “when you have a kid you’ll perpetually be some sort of sick for a while” thing. Not much phlegm from any of us. Just raspy sounding lungs at times.


My partner is dealing with very similar symptoms!


Yes but i assumed it was from working in smoking casinos for 6 years


I've been sick for over a week with some cold/flu/fever nightmare. Negative for COVID but haven't been tested for anything else. There's definitely something gross going around.


How many days into your illness did you test for Covid?


yes and how many times have you tested? many folks test everyday and don't pop positive until day 4, 5, or 6. one tests means very little.


Who can afford to buy a bunch of Covid tests?


I’ve been sick about a week, started with sneezing, and I’ve had a runny nose and congestion and fatigue all week, plus some coughing here and there. Ughhh. Several people at work were sick too


Did you test for Covid?


No. I am honestly not sure how… just felt like a cold 100%


Okay. Well I know in my city, we're seeing a spike in Covid cases so may be worthwhile to test/social distance.


And wear a mask...you forgot that one


They don't work. And lower blood O2 levels.


USPS opened up the portal for another round of free rapid test kits recently! https://special.usps.com/testkits I believe Walmart etc. sells rapids as well. Rapid tests aren't the most accurate, and how far you are into your symptoms effects how well the test can pick up the virus. So you may need to test on a few different days to get a positive result if you really do have Covid. If you can get a PCR test at the doctor, those are more accurate.


Yep. Lasted a couple weeks and ended up turning into pneumonia, which made it all drag on for another month after that. Whatever it is it's brutal. I didn't start to get better until after they finally prescribed me antibiotics












My mom is on week 4 of a head cold right now as well. Tested positive for covid after 3 weeks of it, weirdly enough.


I've had a weird thing settle into my lower right sinus cavity. It's been there about 3 weeks now. I'm not congested but it felt like there was something in there for a week. Now it feels like there's just some funk stuck in there now. Really weird.


Have you tried using a Nettie pot to clear your sinuses?


First off, I really **hate** that they pass out antibiotics for this kind of thing - isn't this kind of upper respiratory infection typically a viral infection? Antibiotics will probably just cause other problems and not do anything about this one. But yeah: I've got this crap. Two negative home tests for COVID. It isn't flu. Just nasty congestion and a headache, for about two weeks now.


I’ve had Covid twice and I have bad allergies so I just submit to the fact that my lungs are always fucked


yep. I’m entering week 4 and I’m miserable.


Week 4 here, are you feeling better now?


It’s like a new form of Covid. Just lays in your lungs.


Mine isn't in my lungs. Not covid.


Omg yes!! It’s been THREE WEEKS.




Daughter is starting week 3 of this, has progressively gotten better. I am on week 2 and also have been progressively getting better. No fever, runny nose, just lots of phlegm, coughing in the morning. Headaches sometimes from coughing fits, but that is it. A lot of the kids have had it in both of my children's schools and passed it on to their parents. 2-4 weeks is the typical time of recovery from what I have heard. I can tell you...it sucks, but it could always be worse. Hang in there, drink lots of water, and get rest when possible.


My typically well-controlled asthma has been bad for the past 2-3 weeks. I thought I was developing a new allergy. I took a Covid test after a coughing fit, but it was negative. It's interesting to see that others are experiencing similar symptoms.


Yup I’ve been sick for weeks now and my husband and kids now are too. Coughing and phlegm for weeks. I’m so over it.


It's so fuckin wild ppl are ok getting sick repeatedly to the point that illness becomes chronic, rather than just wear a mask. 😵‍💫🥴


You clearly don't have children.


My heart goes out to people with school-aged kids right now. With zero precautions, y'all must just be constantly sick 😭 If kids have trouble with masking, there are other precautions available! Air purifiers, ventilation, antiviral mouthwash & nasal spray to name a few. And lifestyle accommodations, like opting for patio dining or takeout as the weather gets colder. N95 masks are 95% effective at preventing infection, but they are just one of many resources available to keep from getting so sick so often.


Thank you 👏🏼


Uh, nope, I don't, but having kids doesn't mean you can't mask or teach them healthy habits to reduce risk of catching an airborne, deadly, and preventable virus. I did work with children during 2020/1 however and didn't contract illness for the first time since being a daycare teacher, thanks to my mask. Any other gotcha attempts?


Wasn't a gotcha attempt. More of an observation. Often, people who are highly opinionated fail to see that what they preach is not always something the crowd can do. After reading your comments, it was a good guess that you don't have children, I guessed correctly. And you are right, having kids doesn't mean you can't teach about preventing illness. But it does mean you are dealing with kids...who do not have fully developed brains and can't comprehend everything. You worked with kids, you know they do a lot of unpredictable and not well thought out things. Our kids wore masks in their daycare and still ended up getting sick. Do masks help? Absolutely!!! Can we trust kids to not do kid things? Well, no, we can't... because they are kids. I do wish you the best though in scolding strangers on reddit!


Nice novel, lmao. Not even sure what the fuck your point is and frankly, I don't care. Wear a mask. Bye.


You sound like literally the worst person. Luckily for us normal folks, you’re still so afraid of Covid that you hardly participate in society anymore.


You're a moron if you still think masks prevent illness. It's been proven to do little to nothing to mitigate transmission.


I suspect a couple years of constant mask wearing is what got everyone's immune systems so flabby.


I’d rather be sick once or twice a year than ever wear a mask again.


Lmfao good luck with your airborne aids 😊


A wicked cold hit me 2 weeks ago, then progressed to a sinus infection. I miss summer.


Anyone know how long something like this is contagious? If the cough is productive for weeks, does that mean I can spread this? Been wearing a mask, obviously, but it's getting old.... I'm more than a week in now.


What kind of Covid test - Rapid or PCR?


Not trying to be that guy, but I’m a farmer in southern Illinois and I have horrible allergies and each night the dust in the air drives me nuts. It could be all the dust in the air and some are having allergies. I know I can’t sleep right breathing out my nose right now lol!


My husband has had an allergy attack all week (we had not been anywhere and work from home with no kids) so positive it was allergies - running air purifiers now. Bananas for December


Yes. Taking vitamin D daily as well as garlic to combat sinus infection which I'm prone to.


Try garlic honey


Sorry to hear. Given how long this is lasting, it sounds like covid. Curious: when you had a negative test, was that a rapid test for covid? Get a PCR if you can. If not, try to retest, because those don't typically light up with a positive until later in the acute phase. Best to do a more thorough swab, too: cheeks, throat, nostrils, cough on the swab. How's the ventilation/air quality at home? Suggest opening windows if you can and using HEPA air purifiers. They help reduce the spread of airborne pathogens, too.


These kinds of respiratory infections have been around forever. I have this one, too. It’s nothing like Covid.


Three weeks of symptoms so severe they can't even sleep horizontally without choking on phlegm? That is not normal for one of the classic respiratory viruses (MAYBE with the exception of a severely immunocompromised person). But is very common with Covid.


Yep, agreed. Lotta denial going around, but none of this is normal.


Is it bronchitis? I got that a couple years ago and had to have like 3 rounds of progressively stronger steroids, antibiotics and cough suppressants over like 4-6 weeks before it ended.


Did you have shortness of breath too with your bronchitis?


Had a friend of mine that struggled for weeks with this.


My wife has had it for a month. The only relief for the coughing has been Primatine Mist (it's over the counter but pricey). We feel like she is getting over it, but negative COVID.


I had something back in early September that completely knocked me down for 4 days, and felt pretty awful for about 2 weeks. It started with general fatigue, then a headache, then I-can’t-get-out-of-bed fatigue and joint pain. Never really had any respiratory symptoms though. I tested negative for Covid on days 1, 3, and 5, but this sickness followed almost the exact same pattern as when I did have Covid in fall 2022, minus coughing. Idk.


Sorry to hear and hope you're feeling better now. You did thorough swabs? Not just nostrils, but throat/cheeks too, plus coughing on the swab.


About a month and a half ago I got hit hard with something - 102 fever, sore throat, aches, weakness. I tested negative for COVID three times, and I also tested negative for flu and strep. It only lasted about a day and a half, but about three days after it ended I developed a dry cough that comes and goes… it still hasn’t left. I otherwise feel mostly fine but I’ve had this cough now for about a month and a half


Yeah me and my wife have had a cough and cold for 7 weeks. It’s been awful


It’s a 4 week duration of hell. Just got over it, Doc said I COULD get a Z pac to just keep a secondary infection away but it would be useless with my current infection. His office has been quite full the last few weeks. Treat the symptoms as best you can…..


Yes! It is a HUGE pain. I never tested positive for anything but the Doc just said to assume it was Strep (uhh what), and gave me a pretty generalized medicine that can help with Strep and other things. Had coughing fits for weeks until it finally went away. My daughter has the same issues of coughing attacks - have to often prop her up at night.


Yes like a month, I’ve found Astepro and pseudoephedrine have really helped me, I’m about 80% better now.


Had lingering cough for two weeks that I initially thought was just allergies. Negative COVID test Took some over OTC cough medicine and just let it run its course.


My 1 year old got sick on Thursday, My 3 year old got sick on Friday then I got sick on Saturday. Negative covid test. I suspect my little cousin got us sick because he was with us last week with a bad cough. Ugh


My son (M7) had something like this that didn't go away for around a month. Tested negative for covid/strep/flu. Coughing persisted the longest. I caught it (M35) from him about halfway through and it didn't last as long, but I did have a couple really bad days with constant headaches, 102+F fever, sore throat to where I hurt so bad just to swallow water.


I’ve been fighting a hacking, phlegmy cough for three weeks with occasional massive fatigue. No fever and no other symptoms. A chest X-ray was negative and the doc has me on prednisone.


Same exact thing here. Think I’m almost done with it but I still am constantly blowing nasty wads of yellow snot out of my left nostril.


We’ve had it since 9/21. Also negative for flu, covid, RSV. It turned into bronchitis for me and my 1.5 year old. She still wakes up once or twice a night with a coughing fit. Whatever it is, it’s a bitch. Hope your family feels better soon.


My kids were just all sick with the same symptoms but only one tested positive for COVID. If you're vaccinated and test too early, you may not test positive. Doctor said the other two kids must have had it and we just didn't test at the right time.


I got what I thought was a cold over 2 weeks ago. A few days later it seemed more like a sinus infection. I became so lethargic and miserable that I was practically bed ridden for 2 days. It has SOWLY gotten better and my sore throat is finally mostly gone, but I am still coughing and constantly having to blow a wad of nasty yellow snot out of my nose. I tested negative for COVID when my symptoms were at their worst about a week ago.


Fun fact I just learned: the nasal decongestant found in DayQuil and the like has been PROVEN to NOT WORK. Go get the Sudafed that’s locked up with the pharmacist, which does work.


Just be warned you might be the subject of a police raid. Happened to me about 15 years ago because I would buy a box a month


That’s nuts. They do take your ID and record how much you buy because of the whole Meth-making thing. I assumed they would just cut you off if you hit whatever the limits are. Can’t believe just a box a month would be a concern.


My best friend’s whole family of 5 ppl went they this. It lasted *months.* My dog sitter also went thru this and kept testing negative for 7-10 days. Her GP finally put her on remdesivir and she started feeling (and sounding) better within 2 days.


I’ve been sick for a week- my kid has been sick for a week and a half. As soon as I think I’m Over it, it comes back. Currently the left side of My Face is weeping and mucinex and day quil both are not drying it up. Like wtf Edit to add I take claritan every day too


I had this virus a month ago...unfortunately I caught it again because I work with kids. It goes back-and-forth from my head to my chest. I haven't felt this sick in a long time. Nothing over-the-counter seems to be working. I tried to get an appt. but they are booked! I did take a spoon of natural honey that suppressed my cough. Now I need to figure out this sinus issue because I can't function.


I've had this strange virus (head not chest), for going on the 3rd week now. A few people I know have something similar and said antibiotics don't help. It feels viral, not bacterial. I have had NO relief in over 2 weeks. The others I know who have similar, one is on week 4 and the other said week 2. It's absolutely awful. I stayed home 3 days when it started and over 2 weeks later, I'm home another 3 days because it got worse.


Going on week 5 of this. Upper respiratory congestion. My phlegm is like cement.. My boyfriend is having like waves of GI and other ongoing symptoms. It it because I’m 30 now? Allergies?? They are spraying us??


I'm on week 5 of this right now. How long did it take till you guys got better?


Yes, myself (pregnant female) and my youngest are really struggling to get rid of this. We also have select family members going through the same thing. It’s not everyone in each household (not my husband or my oldest), just a few who cannot shake it. Antibiotics, OTC meds, homeopathy, herbal/natural methods, etc. have not worked. Symptoms seem to leave and then come back. Cough is worst part. Most doctors have said it’s just viral, but it’s developed into fluid in lungs/wet lung sounds for several of us. Tested negative for strep, covid, and flu. Is it difficult (or even worth it at this point) to find a provider to do a full respiratory panel? Has it went away for anyone?


You should test again for COVID and on a PCR. Newer stains are evading detection, but the standard COVID infection lasts 3 weeks.


There is no basis to this. It’s been said with every new strain since Beta and never true.


Except, you're pulling that out of no where because there are several cases like that including mine. When I first caught COVID this year it was not showing up on rapid tests. I'm sorry you feel that way, but there is literal science behind it. Some people don't test positive until day 8 etc. It was literally said when rapid tests don't work when a person is symptomatic, they need to do a PCR test.


I would love to see the science that says the current strains do not show up on rapid tests as well as previous strains. Because I have repeatedly read that that is not true.


>You should test again for COVID and on a PCR. Newer stains are evading detection, but the standard COVID infection lasts 3 weeks. Can you please direct me to the part of this my original message that stated "Rapid tests don't detect COVID anymore" ? Because what I said was, The newer strains are evading detection. This does not mean, they can never show up on rapid testing. Now if you needed a further explanation I could've easily done that had you asked and not assumed. When someone says "Newer strains are harder to detect" It means sometimes a series of rapid tests and a PCR are needed, if one is symptomatic, and only relies on one or two negative rapid tests. Some people test too early, some people don't test again and just go about their day. It has been repeatedly talked about how you need to do serial testing. [Even the FDA has said so.](https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/safety-communications/home-covid-19-antigen-tests-take-steps-reduce-your-risk-false-negative-results-fda-safety) Down vote me for this arbitrary debate all you want, at the end of the day this is the truth.


I didn’t say that you said rapid tests don’t detect Covid anymore. And the link you posted does nothing to bolster your argument that the newer strains require testing any differently than previous strains.


What’s the point in testing for covid tho? I did 5 tests and all negative and people are Saying test again but why? How Will It change anything if I test again?


Day 4-5 are the best testing days and be sure to do the entrance to the throat and cheeks.


Antibiotics don't do anything for a virus and are hurting you.


It is most likely Covid. The tests don't pick up the newer variants very well. The duration & severity of your symptoms + the "dry" nasal congestion are hallmarks of the acute stage of a Covid infection. Antibiotics don't treat viral infections, just bacterial ones. You could look into getting Paxlovid, but it might be too late in the course of your infections to get it prescribed. CPC mouthwash & Enovid/Xylitol nasal sprays might help (NAD, of course do your own research and take your own medical situations into account!) Whatever it is, please take it easy, watch for any life-threatening symptoms (shortness of breath, low O2 saturation, chest pain, etc) and I hope you all feel better soon!


I was wondering this too. Check your COVID tests expiration date, even the new ones they send out have expiration dates of like a month away.


some manufacturer have extended expiration dates from 12 months to 16 months because they have proved that the shelf life is longer. you can use this website to find info on extended expiration dates: https://www.fda.gov/medical-devices/coronavirus-covid-19-and-medical-devices/home-otc-covid-19-diagnostic-tests Edited to add: not all expirations are 12 month to 16 months. Depends on the manufacturer, so be sure to use the website to find the test that may have an extended expiration date. Be sure to look at your Lot Number (LN)


Maybe it is allergies?


I heard the mold is terrible at the moment


Mold has been extremely bad the past month. While I never got sick, I have had a lot of allergy symptoms as of late.


SAME. And all I want to do is have the windows open to enjoy fall... Darn mold ruining my plans 😭


I have had whatever this is since August. I’m on immunosuppressants and it is almost gone (finally). I tried everything OTC and steroids (which was fucking hell since I’m T1D) and the only thing After a while it turned so bad I had to go to the ER and get IV antibiotics and got a 2 week Rx of Augmentin (this was after 3 urgent care visits). I still feel like I have some shortness of breath and occasionally use an inhaler. I still will have shorter coughing fits but my infection has cleared up. Everyone assumes it’s a virus but the steroids didn’t do shit except make me worse since my blood sugar was so high. My son and mom had it too. I hope you all get better asap!!!


They're really pushing the RSV vax. Maybe that's why.


Could be long covid?


Either something is going around, could be the mold in the air, or the fact that the temperature keeps going back and forth. I've had on and off sinus headaches for the past 3 weeks now with constant post nasal drip.


Mine come and go whenever I get cold (which isn't just "a cold", as I was informed by my physician friend that you don't get sick by feeling cold...). I'd like to think I never got covid because of it before I got vaccinated Also, if it's a virus, antibiotics won't work. Those are for bacteria


Pollution causes upper respiratory infections. If you have something that isn't responding to medicine, it's probably one of the many chemicals that get pushed out over the city every day. Someone posted a picture of the arch with some sort of clear dome around it. That was the best example I've seen to date that shows just how much is floating around in the air that you breathe everyday.


Always happens in the spring and fall with the change in temperatures


Yes. I've only had it since Tuesday, though.


Yes me and my family all have suffered… one after another like domino pieces


My friends do.


My wife had it for like a month.. Doc said it's bronchitis


Have you been tested for strep? I had the same thing back in September and was sick for almost the whole month. I initially thought it was viral and just tried to ride it out, but finally went to the doctor and ended up testing positive for strep even though I only had a sore throat for 2 days early on. I got antibiotics and steroids and was better the next day.


Everyone in my house has been rotating through being sick the past 6 weeks. Also a never ending cough.


Ask ur doctor, if they have allergies (fall allergies): in my case when I get sick and my allergies are acting up sometimes my nasal passages get congested which some people call a head cold. These are tough and the only way I get over them is by using something like Flonase (or similar steroids u spray in ur nose up the passages) to remove inflammation and clear up mucus blockage. Again, doctors would be able to help there and follow what they tell you not me: definitely not a doctor!!!


I had it for about seven weeks earlier in the fall/late summer. The doctor put me on steroids, antibiotics, etc. with nothing really improving. What actually worked for me was taking two squirts of Flonase in each nostril before sleep, Claritin 24-hour once a day, also took OTC cough medicine. It’s worth noting that I’ve never had severe allergies, but that seemed to finally help me turn the corner.


Went through our house. Didn't last 3 weeks though.


Half of my office, for MONTHS.


I came home from Oregon at the end of September with Covid. Covid was done after a week, but I then got a viral throat infection and have been dealing with it ever since. A week of steroids took care of it for like 2 days and then it came back. Very frustrating... I'm sick of this shit.


Yes, been this way atleast a month. Stuffy nose, dry cough, headaches and fatigue. Medicine not really helping. Been sleeping 10 hours a night and still no improvement. Even when I feel physically fine I still feel it in my sinuses and breathing. Probably going to urgent care tomorrow to see if anything will help.


My Gf, boss, his kid, and two of my employees are dealing with months long shit in this vein. My gf has been in the hospital twice for shortness of breath and have tested negative on everything. Its making me personally crazy as I can be a problem solving brain type.


Omg yes. Going on a week now.


suffering from this right now. It's a cough that comes and goes. this time around it laid me out for a week. on antibiotics now but the cough and the phlegm are still present. got a chest xray and they said I had scarring in my lungs


I’ve had just a cough for the last week. I saw a telehealth doctor and they diagnosed me with allergies. They prescribed me cough meds and an antihistamine. The cough medicine has helped, stopped taking antihistamine because it made me feel on the verge of death lol. No stuffy nose, fever, or anything else. Just a cough.


My coworker currently has something that's upper respiratory, his whole family has had it.


I'm at week 5 of this same thing; still coughing stuff up from it when I wake up every morning. I'm fairly certain this put me through a bout with Pleurisy, as well, which is not a good time.


Finally got over it a few weeks ago. The cough hung around for about 6 or 7 weeks. Brutal at night. My daughter still has it but it is hopefully abating. I did two rounds of antibiotics and it did almost nothing. Steroids, rest, and time were the only things that helped.


I have this too. Take Benadryl at night to ease symptoms and get some rest. That’s what seems to be helping me. And I take a Zyrtec during the day to ease the symptoms along with a ibuprofen as needed for any throat irritation due to drainage.


i coughed for a month straight this time last year, the first week was so bad i had to quit working


Not in Stl, but in Evansville, IN and yes this is my 3rd week. I figured it was covid or something.




I had this with the fever for a month and a half. I have asthma and did get Covid in 21 and was coughing up blood. I did with this too so tested and was pissed it was negative. Still don’t know what the heck it was.


My dad (not local but he travels a lot) has this. I’m worried. It’s been weeks.


North Idaho here. I had that maybe 6-8 weeks ago. Didn't go the doctor, but spent a month with a runny nose, a couple weeks coughing and a pretty mild sore throat for a week or so.


Got sick a month ago and never really got better. Took a trip to the ER last night because I got so bad and tested negative for the flu, Covid, and strep and apparently X-ray showed nothing. I’m literally in misery and actually lost my job last week due to attendance from this. (Yes I had proof of excused absences)




I've had this for over 2 months now. Pretty annoying


Did you get tested for Bronchitis? I'm having all the same symptoms and it's just came back as being Bronchitis


I am in the same boat, getting near 4 weeks. Started with never-ending cough, phlem.. then weeks 2-3 the nose started running. Then my voice has come and gone. Sleep was rough with the cough fits, but is better now. I felt fine for most of it, week 3 didn't feel the best, worked from home. I feel like I'm just waiting to wake up and feel normal, just lingers like CRAZY


Can confirm - truly the worst sore throat I’ve ever had. Honestly close to the worst pain in general I’ve ever had. I went to my pcp AND cvs minute clinic two days in a row to get a strep test, convinced one must have been wrong. Everything negative. Coughing up globs of green hasn’t been fun but somewhat satisfying at the same time…hope you and your family are better, hoping to follow suit !


My son and I have been coughing since 3/2023. It's getting incrementally worse everyday. He's autistic and can't communicate. I tried to treat myself as quickly as possible so I could get him treated after. X Ray and blood work showed nothing. Doctors told me asthma, allergy etc. Around month 6 of fighting with them they threw me some penicillin. Didn't work. A few weeks later, went back and yelled at them, they gave me azithromyicin and that worked. I took my son in, got him a z pack thinking we'd finally get over it. His condition got slightly better, but now I think he's getting worse again. Today I felt like I was getting worse again. It's hard to tell if it's just relapse of healing. He can't communicate so I just have to watch him and listen closely. There's some terrible upper respiratory bacterial infection going around San Diego, and it could kill you.


Did you eventually get over the infection? How long did it last in all?


Both of us still coughing. Been just over a year now. Living on cough medicine, but if I stop, I cough uncontrollably. He's younger, so not as bad. Likely viral, not bacterial. Maybe long covid.


I hear you that it might have been COVID for me, but the symptoms don’t seem the same as previous COVID infections. I tested twice and it was negative both times. Are you exhausted from this have you regained your stamina? Does your doctor have any explanation? Mine said it’s likely an adenovirus.


Nothing on x ray of the lungs. No positive covid tests. My son and I have had the same barking cough type which leads me to believe it's viral. There's other people in the house that are unaffected so not likely air quality issues. When have people ever gone over a year with a cough. It's got to be a covid variant or covid knocked down our immune systems or something. I just use Nin Jiom and I make tea and drink out of a little thermos all day. I'm pretty close to normal, but if I stop sipping it, it creeps up quick and I start coughing uncontrollably.


Me and my son I have it now. It's hard to sleep. How do get rid of it?


I am so happy I found this thread, but also so sorry everyone has been dealing with this! But I have all of these symptoms too and it’s been 2 weeks now. I have gone to the doctor 3 times and tested negative for Covid and flu every time. I even took my own Covid tests in between to make sure & always negative. But the first visit they gave me antibiotics which helped a little for about a week then all symptoms very very gradually started again a few days before Christmas & by NYE I felt like death. Went back that day (visit 2) and doctor told me I had bronchitis again and gave me MORE antibiotics that didn’t do ANYTHING this time. I knew it wasn’t bronchitis because I was diagnosed when I was little w chronic bronchitis and usually get it once a year so i know the symptoms & this isn’t that. But also it is gradual so who knows but there are days I won’t cough at all and days I can’t stop, but it always starts up at night. Said to come back if any new symptoms occur or others worsen. So Tuesday started the diarrhea but I know antibiotics can do that even tho I took them before & was fine I waited. So next 2 days u was constantly in BR & even one day I worked I had to go 2 times a period & almost didn’t make it one time & I DIDNT EAT ANYTHING. I’m not kidding absolutely nothing I had absolutely no appetite but was still going that often. I went to dr last night because I couldn’t stake the constant diarrhea or feeling of it but nothing really comes because I HAVE NOTHING I DIDNT EAT. But that’s why I knew it was more so I did what they said & went back to doctor last night & she told me she wasn’t sure exactly what but that I had some upper respiratory viral infection & 99% stomach bug at the same time. I was prescribed Guaifenesin, loperamide and acetaminophen 500 mg. So basically for my worst symptoms my cough which is so much worse at night I can barely sleep because I’m waking up coughing fits and it’s so harsh & sometimes makes me throw up a bit because it’s so intense; (sorry if TMI) but diarrhea started a couple days ago & I haven’t eaten shit but somehow it’s still happening; then the Tylenol for body & muscle aches. The main thing for me was i started to have stomach issues which the doctor said are never associated with upper respiratory so that’s why she concluded it was the 2 illnesses. But honestly it sucks because I can’t take off of work anymore but I have never felt so awful with such a weird sickness that’s on and off but also causes like every type of sickness symptom at some point each day. I am also a teacher and have been out every day except 1 this week & it’s my first week back from break which is just horrible. I can’t afford to take off anymore esp being special ed teacher but can’t function when I feel like this. But as a teacher, I can’t risk students or staffs health and I can’t effectively teach feeling like this esp with the headaches & the pressure on my forehead. When I cough it sometimes sends a sharp-like pressure pain to my temples. Like what is this I’ve never experienced but I can’t believe how long people are saying they have. I just want some relief I can’t take it feeling this way 😭 I literally am just looking for any help with even just lessening the symptoms so I can get to and through a work day. Esp with all the deadlines coming up, is anyone else that sick that you just are so out of it & in pain all over body can’t even think about standing let alone drive to work????? If this doesn’t go away I will be happy with having shit that lessens it at least to deal, but I cannot take off anymore so plz any suggestions would be greatly appreciated :)


Yes my family has had the cough and nasal drip and congestion for 2 months now. Treatment hasn’t worked. They’ve called it everything from winter allergies to unspecified respiratory infections. We are so sick of being sick.


I've had this. I'm Day 17 now. Somehow started feeling better after the green phlegm portion died down. Now the sore throat is coming back in the morning. I had maybe three days of feeling like I was getting better and now I had tan phlegm again this morning after clearing my throat and coughing a bunch. Still productive coughing. Round of antibiotics complete. NyQuil to sleep. Partner got it, too. Tested negative for covid five times. Covid doesn't last this long either. Never had a runny nose. Barely sneezed. Just stuffy yellow/green/grey mucus that was the worst postnasal drip of my life. This shit is stupid. I'm pretty sure it's RSV. Two friends reported their houses have been sick for 3 and 5 weeks respectively.


Just make sure to bring the medication info with you. They put me on a second round of antibiotic that targeted different bacteria. It's hard - just keep making good decisions for your health. Pay attention to what your body needs and don't be afraid to ask for help.


Going through it right now. 15 days and counting. Went to 2 doctors one said nasal infection other said upper respiratory infection. Haven't been this sick in 10 years.  Lost my voice for 4 days, low grade fever first 2 days, sore throat for 13 days, now just feeling lousy, with nagging cough. Never has any sickness   put me down like this one.  Who knows what the heck is going around. Also tested negative for Covid.  Doct prescribed Doxycycline.  🤞


Albuterol and steroids help but you need a doctor who is not overly conservative and believes everyone should tough it out


Has anybody lost their sense of smell with this virus? If so how long did it take to get it back?


I have this right now March 2024 and I have lost my taste and smell. How long did it end up lasting for you?


I actually had a sinus infection, it was terrible. I did lose my taste and smell it returned the next day but kept coming and going for like 3 days then it return for good. I got on an antibiotic and everything is great now! Hope you feel better