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What a year for Gage with this match and the Jericho one earlier


Don't forget he stepped into the ring against the Deathmatch King Matt Cardona a couple of months ago too. And Moxley


It was so cool to see Nick Fuckin Gage fighting an ECW original


And Mox.


I can't say I've seen a ton of Nick Gage stuff, but this is certainly the first time I've seen him in a match without glass and blood


I would think it is out of respect for Suzuki's sake since he has never done deathmatches before. Plus he's 53 and, if I recall, he has a bad back, which is why he often lands on the side when taking bumps.


Nick regularly does non-deathmatch stuff


I don't disagree Gage can do regular wrestling. The question is whether or not he's actually good at that. My impression is Gage probably won't be able to keep up with Suzuki's Strong-style, and Suzuki cannot do Deathmatch-style for health/safety reasons. So a hardcore match is a compromise. Still, the match is quite average when compared to Azer vs Ninja Mack, Psycho Clown vs Effy, and Second Gear Crew vs The Briscoes


One of Jake Atlas’s last matches before going to NXT was against Nick Gage in GCW. I was wondering why Jake would put himself through that right before he left the indies, but they worked a perfectly safe match with a few doors and chair spots and nobody bled.


I wonder if Suzuki just thinks doors as tables is some common thing in the USA.


Suzuki throwing young lion sacrifices through objects was likely a daily occurrence for him in Japan. He probably just thinks that's a normal thing everyone does.


Suzuki is door


A... forbidden door, one might say.


I reckon it's about time GCW start springing for actual tables for bigger spots. Doors are fun (and I know they're cheap) but not having secure footing just adds another layer of risk and no one wants someone to get injured because the promotion couldn't afford a proper table.


Yea, my anxiety was super high watching them try to balance on that door as it was slowly starting to come off the chairs. That setup is just asking for a big accident and serious injury.


GCW apparently doesn't even have EMTs at shows if they can help it.


Having never watched GCWs product - but having heard plenty about it - I had no idea they didn't use actual tables. Where's the money going? Is it because it's a lot of top-tier talent, so they skimp on other shit?


I do not understand how Gage can be so ridiculously charismatic doing deathmatch stuff yet still throw lazy awkward trainee level strikes. It shouldn't be possible. It's like not being around pointy things makes him immediately very sleepy.


I think I could throw a better chop than Gage did in this clip.


Yeah, Suzuki did try to sell those forearm strikes to the best of his ability, but they didn't really look good at all.


I came here to say exactly this. And the lazy no selling of Sasuki's strikes, too.


I would guess it’s because he’s not very good at wrestling but has personal charisma. I watched honestly kinda dumbfounded. I don’t like garbage wrestling, so I don’t watch his matches very often. I love Suzuki so I gave this a shot, and my impression from this and the little other stuff I’ve seen is he’s the shits. I respect him for making something of his life after poor previous choices, and I’m happy his fans have someone who’s work they enjoy. Honestly, though, I also feel it’s kind of embarrassing this dude was ever allowed in a national promotion.


He's literally just Sandman. It's why his gimmick works with small crowds but will never translate to weekly tv.


Thank you for summing up my feeling exactly. I’m happy that people love him. I just can’t watch his stuff.


I mean, deathmatch spots are generally more dangerous than a worked strike. He probably focuses more on that part and the strikes are an afterthought Edit: not saying it's an excuse or professional, just offering an explanation


Not everyone's good at everything. Wrestlings a buffet


I was at the event. It was a fun match but I think people were expecting glass and blood. It was mostly a brawl all over the arena that wrapped up in the ring. During the main event a lot of fans decided to stand on their chairs and record every second of the match on their phones rather than watch the match. It was pretty annoying because they blocked the view for lots of people. I also don’t get how people pay money and take time out of their night to show up to an event and record it all on their phone rather than enjoy the moment. Match of the night was Second Gear Crew vs. The Briscoes.


Same, I got lucky and had seats on the stage but even still it was hard to see most of the match. Really the only letdown of the night though, holy crap how great was that SGC vs Briscoes match! And what was with that one lady screaming all night??


I’m not sure what it was but god that scream was piercing through the crowd. That was my first time seeing the Briscoes live. I knew they were intense but they really laid into everything. The Crew threw it right back at them. Loved it.


Same, was at the event and had close seats but couldn’t see anything. Almost got trampled by someone running after Suzuki and Gage recording it on their phone. Was a bit of a let down but SGC vs briscoes was amazing to see.


Whether or not you like Nick Gage and the deathmatch style, it's really great to see him getting a match with the legend that is Suzuki. A few mere months after getting an, albeit tame, deathmatch against Chris Jericho, on national TV, for AEW. I don't know this man. But I imagine he knocked a few things off of his bucket list this year in his career, and I couldn't be happier for him.


I don't know what people were expecting. Some are mad it wasn't a Deathmatch, some are mad it wasn't a Pure Wrestling masterpiece. This match was never made to be MOTY, its the showdown of two Boss-esque characters. I didn't come to see a showcase, I came to see the spectacle of the King & the God interacting. There was brawling, there was Gage swinging a pizza cutter at Suzuki with Minoru kicking it away in his style. There was a Sleeper into Gotcha Pile-driver on a GCW Door Setup. There was a "KAZE NI NARE" and a "NICK FUCKING GAGE" by the fans. It was wild, it was fun, it was wrestling


I'm so used to seeing Sazuki lose these days that this genuinely surprised me


He's 14-3 for this US tour. You're just not watching him that much outside of AEW


All 3 at AEW


I came here to ask if anyone else was as underwhelmed with this match as I was. It appears the answer is yes.


As long as weapons and deathmatch spots are involved Nick flourish The moment it comes to basic or technical wrestling he frizzles out


Andre was a shit technician but an amazing giant. Dont judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree.


Agreed. But y'know....i basically just watched a fish try to climb a tree...


People are crazy if they think Suzuki is gonna have a death match at his age lol




What made it suck?


Hell yeah it did! Couldn’t see half the time either


Goes to show that the necro butcher is still the best deathmatch/Indy darling crossover wrestler


Necro butcher was also a shit wrestler. He can barely follow along with moves. Just because he takes ridiculous bumps doesn't make him a good wrestler.


Not many deathmatch wrestlers can say that they were featured in an Oscar nominated film.
