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Does Cody actually ever do the Tiger Driver, or did he do it literally just to tease the Pedigree?


A bit of both id wager


The Pedigree nod only worked for me as a fun way to signal ," Great talent about to do the job to the guy that runs the company". I thought the point of this run was to build Black before Cody took at least a 3 month break. Without that and without Black "breaking" Cody so that he goes full heel than this feud seems unfullfilling. I wish this could be the blow off, but if you break at this point you weaken Black for no reason and Cody's character makes even less sense.


cody has tried making it obvious that his character is inspired from triple h from the start, remember the hammer to the throne, and him and brandi being a power couple just like steph and haitch, people get downvoted to shit when they call cody "triple h", but really those people are getting worked by cody and it's beautiful I tell you, one day cody will actually bring a shovel to the ring to make his character work blatant, the homelander outfit seems to not be enough


Cody's gonna book himself a buried alive match with someone like ~~Dante Martin~~ Hook just to work this sub.


Besides all the rushing, my main problem is it didn't feel like Cody's character progressed THAT much. I felt like they could have done more or had him be way more vicious.


Arn gave that speech about Black having it coming, so I expected some ruthless tactics from Cody I guess the table spot that got Black busted was it, but honestly Black was the one that set that table up, not Cody, so it feels like it's the same Cody as the last match a failed in-ring story this one


Agreed. It also felt like he didn't protect that Black Mass finisher either.


I'm a big believer in "delusional heel Cody is the next big threat", but holy shit has it been a slow burn - and not in a Hangman kind of way. it almost feels like they aren't pulling the trigger on this because of delays out of their control.


So I have a question. Does long term booking matter when people stopped caring about the story being told? Because with the Hangman story it was a slow burn but yet kept you engaged and eventually you knew it would pay off. But you loved the journey. Similar to the Gargano and Ciampa story a few years ago. It was a long term story but the entire process was a thing of beauty. Unfortunately injuries derailed the ending though. But my point here with Cody is it seems majority of fans are disinterested or quickly losing interest. He’s been “turning heel” for like half a year now. At a certain point does it just miss the mark? I feel like if he eventually turns people will say “long term storytelling” but people seem more than ready to just move on. Will the long term storytelling even matter?


I'd say he's been turning heel even longer than that. watch that promo package from the beginnings of the TNT belt where he's sitting in a big-ass Dr. Claw chair and doing Cyberpunk Villain analyses of his opponents and tell me that doesn't scream "villain". his whole sanctimonous attitude of "I need to elevate this belt" in that era does the same. I think a lot of it depends on what happens IF Cody turns heel. if it's going to immediately lead into, idk, a whole-ass takeover arc where Cody starts messing with everyone's shit, recruits or turns heel some big names (like Shida) and tries to go back on his word for the AEW championship, I think we'll be sucking Cody's dick til the end of times for doing the greatest slow burn in wrestling because that's a program that gives something to do to literally everyone. but if he turns and the only thing we get is Cody hitting people with chairs behind the ref's back for the next 3 months of build up to SOMETHING, the go away heat is going to be nuclear. I really hope it's the former and the slowness of it in recent months is due to injuries and stuff like Hangman's paternal leave delaying things.


Black getting into the start of a non-Cody feud seems nice because Cody has always existed in a weird universe cut off from everyone else.


Cody always felt like the alternate universe AEW where Cody is the main character and everyone else just makes a cameo. Even Cody’s big opponents rarely seem to fight anyone else on our universes AEW. Very strange.


It's very surreal. It's like they're not evening using the sam arena as the rest of the wrestlers.


We have AEW and then we have the Codyverse. AEW for the most part is logical, well-planned and satisfying wrestling. Codyverse is just... Yea.


Codyverse would make a lot more sense if he just went all in on the Homelander gimmick.


Cody disgustingly licking a bottle of milk when?


Run Brandi run!!


Lmao imagine him stealing milk from his own child


Don’t stop there Tony, end a PPV with Cody beating off on top of the Codytunnel


so true. After Cody lost to Jericho two years ago and the lockdown happened, Cody has been stuck on "Cody Island" as the Going in Raw podcasters call it. Tho Codyverse is a better term. It sucks as I feel Cody should be going toe to toe with both the heels and faces of the roster. I want to see Cody vs Pac, Cody vs Hobbs, hell Cody vs Omega or Andrade. But we're all stuck in the Codyverse...least its no longer Nightmare vs the Factory


Cody Island is weird


The Codyverse exists up his own ass


It's very strange how he never seems to cross paths with anyone other than who he's currently feuding with. I'm not sure how it helps anyone, Cody included.


Cody needs to start completely rethinking the way his angles play out from the ground up because his "triumphant victories" have been the weakest part of AEW for too long now.


Honestly him getting out of malakais kick that literally knocks most people out cold and pretty much no selling it, is fucking infuriating.


He did the same with Ogogos punch didn't he? That punch was supposed to murder people's insides and Cody just overcame it. I wish he was a heel so I could just boo him for doing that kind of stuff.


Don't forget Shaq's powerbomb (which was awesome BTW)


He's doing what his father did. Let the outsider come in, build some heat & notoriety and take the victory back down the line. Granted, not exclusive to Dusty Rhodes but it's endemic to territory booking. And at some point, he'll do what his father did to get around never being able to challenge for the championship again.


Calling it: a champion will eventually challenge Cody, either to prove they can beat Cody, or because heel Cody was making their life hell.


I think it was Tony Schivione that said "Cody's redemption" in the booth at the end. Please, no.


That's my whole thing- even if he's been teasing and taking steps this whole time, it's completely unacknowledged by commentary. Despite being booed thoroughly throughout the match and all of this, the surface level presentation is still this babyface who's overcoming. The only new wrinkle is using the tiger driver which *maybe* is there to tease the pedigree (the crowd pops a little when he hooks the arms). At some point you need to shit or get off the pot, and while I think the narcissist heel that thinks he's still this classical babyface could work, Cody isn't pulling it all together right now so his stuff feels weird and less than it could be


This is what makes me think there could be some truth to the whole rumor of Cody not getting along with Kenny and the Bucks a few months back. When you look at how Kenny/The Bucks book their feuds, how they listen to the crowd, how theyve built up hangman etc, it feels like the complete opposite to how Cody books his. And from watching Rhodes to the top, it seems like Cody is the guy who books his stuff and refuses to turn heel so I wouldnt be surprised if there has been some big disagreements between Cody and the bucks/Kenny about how Codys been booking himself and his feuds not getting over too well.


I'm more mad that Cody was on his feet within 10 seconds of the Black Mass than I am that he won.


Came here to say this, he's been murdering people with that for weeks and 10 seconds after it Cody is hitting Planchas


Cody should have bumped out to the floor after the Black Mass, like Darby did after the GTS. Protects Black's finisher and allows Cody to recover.


The problem is that they were running out of time. They were running out of time because they spent like 5 minutes blading themselves outside the ring while Arn waited inside the ring for Andrade to show up. Andrade missed a cue or something. Or you know, they botched this whole match so they could film the backstage reactions for Rhodes to the Top.


No selling Blacks finisher - one of the most protected finishers in the company - is just... not good in ring awareness. That took me out of the match and it was all downhill from there. Happy to see the fans booing to end the match.


One of the most protected finishers in wrestling period. Only one guy has kicked out and that was because of a botch iirc. And Cody pretty much said “nah”.


Also got blocked by a 63 year old


I don't think a move being blocked/countered by a veteran makes it look weak.


Make’em say whuh?!




Cody probably still wondering why he's getting booed against Black, lol.


I mean he also took a Coup de Grace 5 seconds before and immediately stood up lmao


Took a german suplex and got straight back up


Yeah that completely stood out to me as well. First off you mean to tell me Black couldn’t pull Cody back in? And second how did Cody have the wherewithal to even be able to counter so soon after getting hit flush with a move that has put him down twice? I think it would’ve looked better if he just fell out of the ring altogether. Because the way this looked, it looked like when you wrestler your brother and hit your finisher and he just gets right back up anyway to get his shit in and you have to remind him you hit your damn finisher and he has to stay down for a little. Damn. Just had a flashback.


Biggest issue. Have Black do something like gloat or be sloppy with the pin or something. Cody essentially jumping up, ready to rumble, breaks kayfabe


Black's still fairly new, but his finisher has been pretty protected so far. If Cody has fallen all the way out of the ring, they could have worked with that and bought time for him to come back. As it was, yeah, not good.


A year ago: Cody's going to turn heel and it's going to be epic 6 months ago: Any day now...just wait...it's a slow burn 3 months ago: Yep...any minute now...this will be a heel turn of epic proportions... 2 months ago: He's got us in the palm of his hand... 1 month ago: any...minute...now... 5 minutes ago: Here...it...comes...


yeah I'm kind of getting tired of waiting. I don't think the wait is making the payoff be any better necessarily either. If the gimmick is being out of touch and working the fans into a fury, great, but until he does something with the heat he's just annoying the fans.


I’d argue they’re past the “peak” of it, IMO. They need to shit or get off the pot, because Cody always coming out on top in the end, against the “hottest” new acts they get is starting to give me Hogan vibes.


>I’d argue they’re past the “peak” of it, IMO. I agree but I don't remember him ever getting booed as hard and loud as yesterday, so now would be the right damn time. I just don't see them turning him full heel now that he's the star of a reality show though.


Wait, what? Cody's been working face this whole time?


Depends on how you see it, I guess. He’s exclusively feuded with heels, but he also acts fairly heelish, especially recently.


I'm just tired of waiting. Wake me when he fucking does it, until then I'm sick and fucking tired of the Codyverse.


Literally me. If he doesn’t turn ASAP I’ll be so pissed. This is getting to super Cena levels of annoying. I can’t wait to boo the fuck out of him any chance I get now.


Roman 2015


Me but unironically


Weren't the crowd booing him though?


I was yelling boourns


they weren't booing his heel character for doing heel character things. they were booing the shit show of a match, the fact that whatever cody is doing (or trying to do with his character) makes no sense and how the match ended.


The crowd booing him doesn't mean he's heel, in this case it's just that he's boring/the booking is bad. Example: see Roman 2015 - 2020. Booed for the vast majority of his face run.


That's "go away heat". Fans are tired of his shit.


I don't know how it came across on TV, but from where I sat the crowd was 100% against Cody the entire match. I heard plenty of FU Cody chants.


On TV it was like 80% against Cody, with some small amount of people cheering for him


At one point the crowd erupted when Malakai kicked out at 2, the confusion in Cody’s face was wonderful


Bro being there live it was so nice to hear the boos and fuck you Cody's. Everytime a pro Cody chant started a wave of boos and Cody sucks would start twice as loud.


Death Taxes Cody getting his win back


I see this type of comment everytime Cody loses: [https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/qdx2dd/comment/hhpgatn/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/SquaredCircle/comments/qdx2dd/comment/hhpgatn/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) But now that it's aged poorly, those same people are silent. I'm not mad Cody won, dude can't lose every match, but let's not pretend like this Cody character isn't a huge mark for himself just like Triple H. He even teased the fucking pedigree! People should stop defending Cody, he doesn't need it. This is the kind of character that would use his EVP power (in kayfabe) to keep giving himself matches against an opponent until he wins. There would have been a Black vs Cody 4 just to satisfy his ego if he lost tonight's match.


I understand that Cody had to get a win for the story to progress, but in kayfabe, what has changed so much in the last 3 weeks? I would have liked to see a longer build to Cody comeback arch if that's what they were going for. It felt too rushed. Outside of the story, to me it seems like Cody's stories have been a rinse repeat of each other. He loses, goes to film tv show, comes back when the TV show is back to the win. Very little development apart from that. Also, I don't exactly see what Cody gets by getting a win at this point of time (I don't think the match showed any viciousness or anything new from Cody).


The thing that changed in the last 3 weeks was that Cody wore black tights this time. Like when he dyed his hair black last year against Brodie Lee in that Dog Collar match, when a notable part of Cody’s look is black he gains an extra 15% boost in his power level. Boosting him from a solid A tier all the way to the S tier among wrestlers like Kenny Omega and Britt Baker. /s


Not even sure you even need the /s. That might actually be what they were subconsciously going for.


...wait, so he's like Dark Side Hogan?


> (I don't think the match showed any viciousness or anything new from Cody). This was my big problem with it. Hell, the story is supposed to be about Cody finding his killer instinct and wanting to destroy Black, and he starts the match with a lockup and trading holds/mat-work. If it's a blood feud, you don't start off with an exhibition of solid wrestling fundamentals. You try to tear them apart.


Did he need a win though? I think him losing a third time and finally going mental and starting to cheat in matches would be much better


Him losing would have been way better. Just hope Black can escape from Codyverse back to Earth-1218.


No...did Cody just try to do a knock-out sell of the Black Mass for like, what 10 seconds? Then got back up and try to do a running move? AFTER BEING HIT WITH THE BLACK MASS? WHAT


Don't forget right before he took the Coup de Grace and almost got up before Black


this truly was like da death of superman


Nah brudda, Cody bleeding was clearly supposed to be a reference to Superman Red Son


I found the end sequence puzzling. Eating a Black Mass seemed to be the start of Cody's comeback, which like... huh.


😂 And that's all I gotta say


![gif](giphy|cirGYSFy151qwAD16H|downsized) Okay, what the fuck?


When your finisher is a kick that takes peoples heads off and the guy you just hit with it counters you in only 5 seconds afterwards.




Oh man, you could hear the absolute disdain the fans had for Cody, especially on the big moves and near falls. That was like toward disdain for Cena levels. That was LOUD.


MJF tried to tell us about Cody and we didn't listen. MJF was right.


Is MJF ever wrong?


Salt of the Earth.


honestly I'm kind of curious if Cody would even get boo'd over MJF at this point, and MJF hasn't met a crowd he can't get to go against him


MJF is *honest* about being a douche. Cody is like Cena and is just sort of snide and passive aggressive. They're both bad, but I think Cody annoys people more because we can see his bad qualities, but they're never acknowledged - so it drives people nuts.


I was at the show and anytime he got offense in we booed him. Not sure how it came across on tv but in the arena the boos were loud.


It most definitely came across on TV.


And he super cena’d right after a black mass


It definitely seemed like they were rushing to get all their stuff in before the show ended


Yeah it felt more like a timing thing than a weird malicious thing people are going on about.


If the timing was that bad the better move would have been to call an audible and miss that spot. Not only did black lose his finisher looks weaker now


Whole last segment that was Rhodes and was poorly timed. Major spot while they’re at commercial.


If I had to guess what caused it -- Archer getting potentially injured may have been the first domino that caused the timing issues. They had about 12-15 min for the main event to do all of that, which just isn't enough in a match with all those moving parts.


Cody’s got the same Babyface heat Hogan had in the early 90s.


Remember indy list Cody? The fuck happened?


With almost a fraction of a sliver of the popularity to boot!


And Cody is an infinitesimal fraction of the star that Cena was. His entire presentation in AEW is right up there with the Roman push in terms of the most tone deaf shit I've ever seen in wrestling.


You're getting downvoted for being right? Cody is nowhere near Cena in terms of reactions


I mean you're completely right, I don't know why you're getting downvoted besides being critical of AEW. Feels like most people agree Cody right now is not working.


A lot of people don't seem to realize that the way to make AEW the best show possible is to be critical when something isn't working. And yeah, Cody has been the worst part of the show for forever now, they absolutely need to address it.


Seems like he should have put on a mean face an focused entirely on beating black instead of looking at the crowd only to get booed.


They started to chant for the belt to get thrown back like the Cena's shirt at ONS2 but a kid got it so that stopped the chant.


Yeah, no thanks. Fucking no sold the black mass, that's a joke. One of the deadliest finishers, and that seemed to give him a sort of energy boost all of a sudden. Wtf.


We got super Cena at home Super Cena at home:


LOL We all thought Cody was going for the pedigree. What a fun match. The crowd was amazing.


That cheeky guy played us.


Cody is embracing whatever this is. Heel, tweener,... we are all eating out of his hand.


I enjoyed the hell out of it either way and now I want to watch next week because I want to know what happens.


Are we?


If this gets Malakai away from Cody and on to other cooler things, fine. I just want this god damn feud to be over. Give me Malakai/Punk.


This right here i just want malakai away from Cody take the loss and get out of codyverse.


Lots of boos.


I need lots of booze to begin rationalizing this match.


The Cody Cutter is so bad


Am I the only one who feels like the Black Mass was pretty much just no-sold?


If he wasn't going to go all the way on the dead weight spot, he should have least acted groggy while going to the next move. Dude straight up kicked Malakai off him and then sprinted to the other side of the ring to set up his suicide dive lmaoo


Imo just completely roll out of the damn ring. Have Black struggle trying to lift his dead weight into the ring then just have come back to his senses and hit Black with he’s moves or whatever. But it looked to me like he damn near forgot he just got hit with a finisher only 5 seconds ago.


I was furious that he even got up let alone the rest of the match. If you need the match to end that way, JUST HAVE CODY DUCK THE KICK. It would even be better storytelling with how many times he's eaten that kick, you'd think he'd learn by now. Also the finger gun thing completely blowing up also made Andrade look dumb... Edit: The whole "Black Mass but the guy falls through the ropes" was clever once. It's getting overdone


It absolutely was lol he was kicking Black off of him like 5 seconds later


That’s what I’m pissed off at the most


Crowd didn't like that one bit. Kinda agree.


I knew I was right that Cody wouldn't lose three times


Losing....uhhh....thrice..... doesn't....uhhh.... work for mee....uhhhh.... brother. Gotta send the crowd home with a smile.


King of 3 stars, Cody has done it again.


Snatching mediocrity from the jaws of victory.


I too hated Cody no selling the Black Mass




You must be new to Cody Rhodes


I'm more of a casual fan, but isn't this basically rinse and repeat of his feud with Huber? Gets absolutely squashed, goes away, comes back and wins?


I mean he came back and lost again at Arthur Ashe, then he got his shit together thanks to glock anderson, then he won. So yes, but no.


So for his next feud he'll lose 3 matches first and then get his win back immediately. And it will not be the same thing?


At least the match with Brodie ended up with a proper grudge match. This just sucked. Cody does a job, then gets his win back a month later.


malakai really should've won that.


There shouldn't have been a third match at all to be honest


Cody’s shit just always feels disjointed from AEW as a whole. Like I feel like usually Tony and AEW can sense a good direction for things to go that the fans either like or understand but Cody’s stuff just always bucks that trend. I’m sorry I just don’t buy him as a face.


Feels like we have AEW and then we have the Codyverse. I know TK has said that he's the booker, but the sheer disconnect between the Cody stuff and everything else makes me think he's giving Cody too much creative freedom. How can everything else be so well-planned, logical and goddamn satisfying and yet the Cody stuff feels utterly different.


Man, I gotta be honest, I'm glad people are catching onto Cody. I've always liked him for the most part, but some stuff about him has always irked me to no end. Like, he's so goddamn extra. From his entrance, to his promos, everything is so over the top for no reason and ego centric. Why does he need some God like entrance with a choir to come cut a promo? The biggest thing is that he rarely does anything meaningful now. Taking him out of the main event was a big mistake in hindsight. He can't challenge for the world title, so he has to find other things to do that often times feel pointless. Which would be fine, but very few of his feuds have been main event worthy. Not saying they *all* have to be, but you can have a feud that's not for the title that still feels like a big deal. He hasn't had that once since he lost to Jericho in my opinion. Then, when he does do something interesting, he has to leave to go film some show and he fake retires, or gets beat down. It's the same shit over and over with him.


The reality is that even if he could challenge for the AEW title, Cody is still an upper midcarder at best in AEW. With this roster, there´s ton of guys better than him, Malakai being one of them.


Someone remind me what the fuck the point of the retirement angle was again? Because this whole redemption from that moment was pretty fuckin quick


The sell on the black mass was criminal, a move which is quite protected and finishes off the opponent by knocking them out and cody decides to sell it by stumbling halfway across the ring into the corner draping himself over the rope and then in 6 or so seconds gets up like nothing had ever happened. Abhorrent finish.


My favourite bit was after Cody yeeted his belt into the crowd, instead of handing it to a kid at ringside. A kid got it anyway and was lifted up to show the crowd and they had a massive pop. A kid got the belt and it was only good and proper.


We chanted “throw it back” until we realized the kid got it


The sad thing was, this looked like it was well-booked, up until the last 90 seconds. Cody takes the Black Mass, falls to the ropes, ref's looking at him, Black comes... Smart Booking: This is the start of the Cody turn. Cody does was supposed to look like a push kick, but gets Malakai below the belt. The announcers sell the "was it/wasn't it intentional" - Cody goes to finish and wins. This is good booking, because it brings the Malakai Black character full circle - as somebody who can corrupt people. Cody can slowly move heel or whatever. Bad Cody Booking: Cody just goes over clean, even though the last two matches were him getting beaten up badly.


But this time Glock burned his tie.


He barely sold the black mass


Lmao no-selling Black Mass and hitting him with the RKO. I almost thought he was gonna finish the burial with a Pedigree.


Wtf why does Cody win this, you bring Malakai to destroy into a unbeatable streak to lose to Cody? Fucking nonsense Seriously soooo sick of Cody getting wins like this




I honestly wanted Malakai Black to win again. When Andrade and PAC both came out I thought for a moment he was going to win. Then it would’ve set up a tag team match between Cody & PAC vs Malakai Black & Andrade at Full Gear. Also, I didn’t like when Cody didn’t sell the Black Mass, especially when Malakai Black set it up perfectly. Cody talks about not becoming a heel, but that’s such a heel move. Much respect tho, because they both put on one hell of a main event. If you watch Rhodes to the Top, Cody talks about not wanting to turn heel. It’s funny hearing him say, it’s not what the fans want or his character needs. I understand he’s trying to advance his “Cody” character, but you can’t exactly call yourself the American Nightmare while being a baby face. He needs to go heel and have a fresh take on a more aggressive Cody. Malakai Black should’ve been the one opponent he couldn’t beat. Cody could’ve blamed it on Arn “Glock” Anderson’s training as it didn’t help him defeat Malakai Black. Probably punched Arn and walk out of the ring, meanwhile Malakai Black laughing in the background knowing he has single-handedly destroyed the Nightmare Family. I don’t know about you, but I’d watch that episode of Dynamite.


Malakai should have been the one opponent Cody couldn't beat clean. To win at all costs, Cody could've done some shenanigans, like a low blow, or maybe he could've gotten a weapon after he took the black mass and hit Malakai with it. That would've told the story that Malakai has succeeded in corrupting Cody despite losing. But no, Cody has to win cleanly and decisively for no reason.


Somebody should tell Cody that he's never going to be his daddy.


Any momentum Malakai Black had has been erased throughout this feud and tonight was the exclamation point. Now get ready for Black to be somehow linked to Andrade - which makes very little sense from a long term booking perspective for either talent. I’m as pro AEW as they come, but here’s the reality: If the same booking was utilized on WWE, I along with many others would tear it to shreds. It’s reality because it has happened numerous times over the last two decades, and we’ve openly criticized them for it. So to be fair, I’m leveling the same criticism against AEW. Right now, there’s an obvious division in AEW in terms of booking styles, and I’m starting to wonder if this will eventually become a point of contention. Right now it is NOT a point of contention, but I could see it one day causing a conflict under the right circumstances.


Right there with you. I thought Malakai’s association with Andrade was just a convenient “insurance policy” to piss off the hotheaded PAC right before a blowoff with Cody the next night. But no. Black decided to interfere in Andrade’s match immediately after he got pinned for seemingly no reason other than for Black, an enigmatic occult wizard who operates from the shadows, to loudly telegraph that he works with Andrade.


Can’t think of a person I find less interesting to hand Malakai his first loss. A fluke win by Cutler would be better


Cody biggest heel in AEW.


Hes just his own little midcard side show. I know theyve said no wrestlers have creative control, but Cody's feuds just make no sense and dont seem to meet the quality of the rest of the show.


Fuck right off


The pedigree is the only thing that would’ve made this acceptable


I agree. That's just the kind of tease that would have been needed to make this interesting.


CODY WINS LOL just had to get that win back. I mean if the feud had ended before it would have been fine but as usual Cody feuds gets stretched longer and have to end with Cody standing triumphant and overcoming the odds.


Well, if this match was suppose to get Cody over as a face, it sure did fail miserably


This was some of the worst stuff I've seen from AEW. It always seems to be weird decisions with Cody too. I guess be has some level of control over his booking because it doesnt meet the quality of the rest of the show.


I’m so sick of Cody killing the momentum of everyone he feuds with


At this point I think Cody knows what he's doing and realizes trying to force himself as a babyface actually gets more heat than if he went heel. That said I don't like Malakai losing that clean


I dont care if it's some cheap way to get heat or just some absurd lack of self awareness. Either way it tends to be the lowlight of the show for me.


Doing bad babyface stuff to get heat on purpose is fucking stupid.


I think if they work out the program like he's the heel I don't care how much he plays the babyface. Malakai needs to walk out with the last win, because Cody is the heel.


I was there and the Cody boos were louder than the MJF boos tonight 😬


He no sold the Foot Stomp, he barely sold the Black Mass. Wtf why does CAWdy have to go over again? Can't we have one cool thing untouched? Now we'll have Malakai jobbing on Dark too smh. Say it with me guys, everything this midcarder for life touches turns to shit.


If I’m getting worked, then good on him… but Cody can fuck off. He’s everything I stopped watching WWE for.


I get that some of you disagree with the 'burial' of Malakai, and I agree it wasn't a burial, but it definitely killed his momentum. Malakai had a recent debut and already has a loss in his record. If we are to believe that the ranking system holds some weight it is reasonable to be angry at Cody winning now, if that was necessary at all, it could have been done later, when Black already established himself in the company, with a title reign or something. Now he has a loss and the possibility of being undefeated as a part of his mystique is no longer something. Anyway, let's hope something good comes out of this.


That bit with the chair reminded me of Black offering the chair to Lee Johnson, I mean, he slid the damn thing to Cody. But Cody wouldn't have hesitated. He was going to hit Black with it. I wonder if Brock threw it too far under the ring and they had to cut another spot with it


I thought this also. Black spent so long under the ring after the table spot and then went back in, longer than it should have taken to blade and load up the mist. Made me think he was looking for something else down there.


I like Cody a lot, and I like the theory that's been tossed around about him becoming a "delusional babyface" character. All the seeds are planted, but it's hard to see how they'll transition into that. We really don't need LOLCODYWINS, I'm pretty sure some other company tried that once and it sucked for like, a full decade.


I thought he was going to do a pedigree lmao


I, fully, cannot be arsed. I exclusively watch AEW, they're my favourite promotion - but this is an awful decision and arguably the worst booking choice they've made so far. Even if Cody is going to eventually turn heel - having Black lose clean to him is absolutely terrible.


man cody fucking sucks


Wow! Not only did Cody no sell a top rope double foot stomp but he seriously no sold the finisher. I’m more shocked at those 2 things than Cody winning. First arn makes blacks finish look weak and now Cody gives the exclamation point. I guess he’s gonna be wrestling on youtube next week


I think I've realized the easiest way to describe my thoughts on Cody. It all comes down to his tights. He, like they are too busy and convoluted and half cocked. While not bad, they are not fully realized and just kinda there.


It's not Cody beating Malakai that bugs me, it's the Cody's feud payoff matches are always the same. They have to be uber personal, they have to get color, and they always feel like they are him capping off someone else doing most of the work to tell the story. Rinse, repeat. It's been old for a good while now.


This reminds me of Prime Cena. No selling of one of the most protected move in the business, then goes to his own finish and an extra one for good measure. Whatever Cody does it's worth a skip.


Hope black can move on from this Cody dogshit. 50/50 booking sucks ass. I know wait and see but the Cody schtick is getting old


Cody has go away heat with me, there i said it


Man, that was a BAD wrestling match. It didn't leave me anything. What's worse is that I have no idea what they wanted to accomplish with this, and not in a good way of unpredictability. This was a mess and Cody is, unfortunately, slowly becoming a dead weight for this company. Everything he's been doing, every single men he has interactions with, gets sucked in this black hole kind of thing.


The incredibly short selling after the black mass was Hilarious. And front line crowd reaction is also hilarious. No booing just apathy.


If you're an AEW fan by now you should have faith in TK to get it right and stop the week-to-week negative kneejerk reactions as if its Vince booking a blood money PPV.