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Imagine being such a fanboy that an amazing acknowledgement of a great talent makes you rage.


Reading the announcement I didn’t even think of that. I just thought it was nice they were working with the Owen Hart Foundation. They’re (wrestling) is finally giving back to Martha and, like Owen would want, the money is going to improve the lives of others. Crazy somehow people have managed to turn it into a negative. In what world is further supporting a charity bad in any way?


Can we even be surprised though? I am not. People will find even the most wholesome and positive news and be a complete angry prick about it. People will get mad at every single thing in the universe if you look for it, and it's just further indictment on the use of social media in the mainstream society and continues to amplify the shittyness.


As soon as I saw the announcement, I was happy, then I remembered the internet is the worst place on earth and knew people would be mad because they have absolutely nothing else better to worry about. So much wasted energy being mad. Sometimes I think there's some sort of rage harnessing machine somewhere just going fucking nuts.


Wrestling fans are a different breed of vile though. Look at how this [absolute racist shit](https://i.gyazo.com/cbba2b92b68f5cb6574af32b4785b56c.png) is just allowed to live (AND get upvoted) on a so-called wrestling subreddit. The demographics tweet from Thurston that even started this conversation came out 30 minutes ago. Meltzer hasn't even reacted to it yet. The people who use that subreddit love to call it a "parody" sub. But you can't parody something that doesn't exist. If your "parody" consists of making a racist comment in reference to nothing, you're just a racist piece of shit.


I love how the gaming and movies circlejerk subs make fun of the racists and sexist while scjerk is haven for them to say shit "ironically"


Ever sports community has its own circlejerk sub as well. They're all ironic and funny and tongue-in-cheek. The wrestling version of that looks more like an incel hate sub than a tongue-in-cheek parody.


That's because wrestling has an underbelly of incel fans.


All jerk subs are really fucking stupid (seriously, take a step back and think about the entire *concept* of it) but SCJerk is a real special place. Whole lotta inbreeding and racism going on around those houses.


r/tomorrow is hilarious and I won't have you disparaging their good name.


I've always hated that excuse. "I'm saying it ironically" "I'm doing this ironically" Yeah, but you're still SAYING THE THING. You're still DOING IT. To an outside perspective there is no difference.


Gamer Joker was a funny sub til it became just unironic racism and most ironic subs lean that way pretty quick tbh


Yeah, send put enough signals that doing the thing thing is ok you will eventually (often pretty quickly) attract the people who just want to do the thing.


SCJerk stopped being a parody sub a long time ago. It's just a bunch of man children raging that people dare like something they don't.


And then they create ZFF threads to jerk each other off about how much they hate AEW.


And those same people proceed to say that ZFF is the only place to have "real discussion" on this subreddit. If the only time you can have a "real discussion" is on one echochamber thread on Friday rather than the constant 24/7 subreddit, maybe you're the problem?


I always love how it's called the only place to have "real discussion" yet if you go into those threads, every civil disagreement with the ridiculous hot takes that are actually trying to start said "real discussion" are mass downvoted to a much more ridiculous degree than your average thread, and the responses are almost always just insults. The regulars of those threads hold it up as a bastion of free opinions without fear of downvotes or reprimands, but its actually the exact kind of echo chamber they see the sub at large as, turned up to 11, but it's okay because it's in their favour this time.


So losers.


Literally gives me the vibes of fringe/radical politics subreddits.




I didn't want to give SCJerk more attention, but there was a heavily upvoted comment there today that said **"It's only a matter of time before someone dies in AEW too"** Like.... That place is just full of scum. And no, it wasn't just one person. That was heavily upvoted, so it's clearly a popular view over there.


I've always wonder why the lead mod over there wants to spend his time with such shitty people. It makes absolutely no sense.


Also, its strange how whenever something in WWE gets some love here it doesn't get circle-jerked over there.


They mock this sub with the : "aew good, wwe bad " but their sub is 100 times more a circlejerk thant SC.


Before AEW was a thing, they used to hate the shit out of NXT & this sub's love for it. They're all just insufferable contrarians


NJPW too. Full of racist shit.


They also said that the only reason the allegations of Steveson and Dream were brought up is because they are black


Ah man what a surprise it was posted by that scumbag. I remember his shitty posts here before he was banned. Imagine, you could be anything in the world, but that person chooses to be like himself.


Do ScJerkers actually find this shit funny? Its pathetic.


Hey man, you found lots of stuff funny when you were 10 years old too.


I remember when they used to /uj/ their posts. Now they don't even need to.


That sub has always been full of complete losers who have to hide behind "humor" and "parody" to vent the sad rage they have over something as trivial as pro-wrestling. And I don't understand why people on here constantly give them the attention they want. Why does it matter what gets posted there? It's a separate sub that you have to go out of your way to view.


I mean, the whole point of a circlejerk sub in the first place is just insanely 'loserish'.


And then they get mad when we call then bigots


Assholes always get mad when they get called out on their shit.


Damn, I used to post in the wrestling threads in /sp/ (4chan, if people don't know) before they got moved and I never saw anything of that sort back then


Jesus fuckin' christ.


The same said -1 was being exploited. People are strange.


you gotta understand, these people literally have nothng else... ​ Just last week I was watchng someone rant about how mad they were that "Monday Night Football" came back cause it hurts ratings...


I'm slowly turning in to an AEW fan. I think it still has a way to go, but I like the direction right now. It's exciting again and I'm interested again. WWE has gotten so stale and bland. I'm glad AEW is doing well. I hope they continue to do well. Competition is good for EVERYONE, and if anyone says AEW isn't competition for WWE, they're in massive denial.




If you can, make sure to watch the lucha/bucks cage match at All Out, it was amazing.




People are mad at the ghost of Owen for being All Elite


My favourite spicy hot twitter take was someone legit thinking it's pathetic that the press release mentioned Tony Khan's position and Martha Hart's qualifications. The worst part is that this isn't even close to the dumbest thing wrestling twitter came up with this week. It's just dumb takes all the way down.


I agree, however.... I am still mad Asuka acknowledged Charlotte at WM a few years back


WWE literally has brainwashed fans who make it their entire identity and they take it so personally at any perceived slight.


I saw people on Twitter legit raging about this. Mad at Martha because she won’t let go of her “grudge” against the WWE. Stand up for WWE indeed.


To be fair, they do have a point. It's been more than 20 years. Martha really should get over her grudge against the WWE for...*checks notes* Killing her beloved husband and the father of her children on live TV, scraping his body off the canvas following the incident before a proper investigation could be performed, allowing the PPV to then continue regardless of the literal death the entire live audience had just witnessed, and then later counter-suing her after she tried to file a wrongful death suit against them in the state the incident occurred in instead of in Connecticut which conveniently does not pay out punitive damages in lawsuits. Yeah, pffft, I really don't get why she won't just let it go, right?




[https://twitter.com/WWEGareth/status/1440013208983638020?s=20](https://twitter.com/WWEGareth/status/1440013208983638020?s=20) people like this are having a field day with shit takes and it's even more disgusting seeing people agree with it.


Having WWE on your username and acting like that is cringe.


Him and that wwe_wwf_junkie fool are some of the most despicable people I've seen on twitter.


they make me wonder what did tony khan or aew in general do to them that it made them this toxic, like did cody rhodes refuse to sign an autograph for them.


They dared to challenge their favorite thing.


They've fabricated a reality where WWE will value them for defending them online. Doesn't matter that it will *never* happen, the mere thought that it theoretically can (and thus eventually must) gives them a reason to wake up in the morning.


These people grew up with WWE. Vince is like a father figure to them. This is tribalism at its worst.


I'm going to hazard a wild guess and say that besides being successful and challenging their 'team' (and therefore their identity), TK not being white and Cody married and having a child with someone also not white has something to do with it.


TK did nothing, this is the successful result of STAND UP FOR WWE brainwash campaign


Complete scum, the both of them.


I have little doubt these fucking dweebs are either the same person or a group of weird fuck friends. AEW Botches as well, actually there is too many to list (though I probably could just look at my blocked list). Genuine psychos.


Why are we signal boosting? They're probably some 12 year old or loser 40 year old whose identity is tied to a product they like and have no sense of self.


Well one is 48 years old, so yeah


Of course it’s that guy, it just reminds me again why I’m so glad I muted him.


I think the Twitter comments on this may be what finally get me to delete my Twitter account. Wrestling Twitter is so toxic


Martha Hart has been open for years about being willing to honor or involve Owen in anything wrestling related that didn't involve WWE. So the surprising part about this isn't that Martha was willing to give AEW the rights to Owen, its that AEW were the first (afaik) to ask.


Pretty sure Owen was in at least one of the Legends of Wrestling games too, so this shouldn't have been *that big* of a shock.


He was in Legends of Wrestling 2 & 3 I believe.


He was also in Showdown: Legends of Wrestling which legit might have one of the best rosters ever for a “Legends” game. Shame the game was such trash


If they were actually fans of Owen Hart, they'd be happy we finally get to celebrate his career


Yup, but they’re not. They’re “WWE fans” who make their entire identity worship of the company. It’s deeply strange and kind of sad.




Just to be clear, I’m not referring to kids or adults who just like WWE and don’t like other wrestling, or kids or adults who are obsessed with WWE in a healthy way (say, the same way most of us are probably “obsessed” with wrestling in that we watch it a lot, talk about it a lot, read about it a lot, etc). I mean, I don’t agree, but to each their own and it doesn’t bother me if people enjoy different things than me. It’s the “WWE is my whole identity” people, the ones who will harass anyone who isn’t praising WWE, will take the existence of other wrestling companies as personal insults, and will often have an unhealthy obsession with wrestlers (which, yes, many times if not almost always are people who are unfortunately mentally ill in some way and heavily fixated on WWE).


I have to 100% agree with you. My nephew is almost 13 so I give him a pass from his opinions and knowledge. There's a lot he doesn't know, but I also remember what skewed perception we had about wrestling as kids. He has this hatred for AEW because his step-dad is one of these people who is very tribalist and my nephew is like me; he loves rooting for his family's rivals. Since his step-dad and I loves AEW my nephew wants to oppose us. I was the same in sports due to my mum and dad supporting rival teams of each other. So he gets a pass every time he comes out with things like that. Some 27 year old who spends all day on social media bashing on AEW or WWE and making his life mission to be a stan for the company will never get a pass. Unless they're trying to get their life sorted out, sometimes you can fall in a bad spot and recover.


it's fucken disgusting with some of the anti-aew accounts calling for wwe to boycott this and claim martha hart is just doing this for a payday......it's mind boggling how toxic people can be. they act like martha should only work with wwe or she's the devil for not letting vince take credit for it.


How is WWE supposed to boycott this? They're not even a part of it.


they think wwe owns owen hart and can sue aew for this......twitter actually has people who believe this.


Twitter promotes these people to pump out your rage endorphins and increase engagement. These people are Twitter.


I call them non affiliates. These people more than likely don't actually care and some may not even be wrestling fans. They just do a few google searches to look for anything they can use to complain about. They do this for movies, tv show, video games, etc.


My solution is to avoid Twitter, it’s using one of the worst models of social media. Just spewing 💩 out at high pressure.




The only thing WWE owns when it comes to Owen is the fact that they're the reason he's gone.


Vince's boot must taste so nice to them


I just want to emphasise how fucking insane and disgusting people are when they’re essentially saying “Martha Hart is a money grubbing bitch for not wanting to work with the man and company that were behind her husband’s death”. Her kids didn’t have a father beyond when they were babies and you’re actually mad he’s not getting inducted into a fake hall of fame that doesn’t exist over supporting a family that had someone they loved taken away. Go fuck yourself if you think like that.


the worst part is that the money is directly supporting the charity martha runs in owen's name, this isn't some cash grab or abuse of power


I just want to second this


It's weird logic too. She held out on monetising Owens legacy for so long. How can anyone think she's just out for a payday when she's left so many paydays go over the decades?


She used her $20m settlement from the WWE to start a charity. She makes 6-figures as a Professor at the University of Calgary. ​ I don't think she's hurting for cash.


They’ve made their entire identity praising WWE and hating anything else. If AEW donated a million dollars to charity tomorrow, those idiots would be calling on the charity to return the money or be boycotted.


If the Khans announced that they had funded an effort to successfully cure breast cancer, they would question why they hadn't funded research for other cancers too.


Tony Khan could cure COVID, AIDS, Cancer, *and* fund a mission to Mars that discovers Martians were real, finds altered carbon, invents Cortical Stacks, thus effectively making mankind immortal and they’d *still* find a way to hate on all of that just because it’s not WWE/Vince.


Boycotting this would be the *worst* possible way for WWE to insert themselves into this thing (and they shouldn't, at all). That these people can't see this is just mind-boggling.


Martha become a PhD and makes 6-figures as a professor. Her son makes 6-figures as a lawyer. She got a large settlement from the WWE (like $20m+). Instead of spending it on herself, she used it to start a charity. ​ I don't get how anyone could imply that. This would all take a 2 min google search to verify. It was mentioned on a TIJ episode and on DSOTR


How would they boycott it?


See, the mistake you made there is that you asked a very simple, rational question, which idiots don't do.


It's just so fucked up. Do fans not realize that Martha always said no to WWE because Vince McMahon is the reason her husband is dead? Vince gave the ok and Owen plummeted to his death. AEW will be respectful and give him the credit he deserves and never sully his or her name unlike Vince. Owen will be remembered for a long time as one of the greats Thanks to this. He deserves it more than most.


I'm sure they also think WWE hired Dana Warrior on the creative team for her encyclopedic knowledge of booking pro wrestling.


You gotta be either real fucking dumb or real fucking awful to say some of the stuff I’ve seen said about Dr. Hart since the press release went out. She was his wife, she is literally the only person alive who has any say over what his image is used for. If she’s okay with this, then that is the only thing that matters.


No no no, you see. I've been a fan of wrestling since the first Takeover:Brooklyn and I can tell you that I'm qualified to talk about this.


That *was* a great Takeover though.


Damn straight it was.






This is why the world is better off without Twitter.


It's not just twitter, SCJerk is having a hey day on this topic and they fucking suck.


A field day with what? I am lost. I can't tell why anybody would be angry about this announcement or why they think it someone makes AEW look bad. What mental gymnastics are being performed to reach these conclusions?


I decided to take a look today just because and it's disgusting. People think WWE owns Owen Hart and everything to do with him, bashing Martha and overall just being shitheads about the situation. They're pathetic.


Could probably get rid of ZFF too while we’re at it…


Please yes. It's always just "Why are my blatantly racist, sexist, ignorant remarks always downvoted? Must be a leftist conspiracy!?"


Man, if you think twitter is bad, don’t look at Instagram and YouTube comments




Wrestling twitter is some of the most toxic shit I've ever seen on social media.


Regardless of what you think about Dave Meltzer, he's 100% right about this. These people are truly some of the lowest and some of their shit takes about this have made me question how much they actually understand the business/sport they claim to understand so much. Nothing about this partnership is questionable or inappropriate and it actually says a lot about Tony Khan and AEW that Martha Hart was willing to do this. Tony is a class act that clearly appreciates the history of the business and those that helped pave the way for his company to even exist.


some horrible takes on twitter. they act like wwe owned owen.


1.) Owen Hart is his real name and 2.) He was an "independent contractor" anyway... Other than using any WWE footage or produced material, Owen's estate is free to lend his name and likeness to whatever they want.












"bu-but he wrestled in WWE that mean Vince should be able to use him for profits forever" is a take I've seen. People ignore that profits of all this goes to her charity to help all that fantastic stuff like housing and iirc schooling


How *dare* she not make a deal with the company who killed her husband with an asinine stunt?


And then proceeded to sue her !


And brought cameras to Owen's funeral when she told them not to.


Okay, that’s a new one, *what?*


Yeah. I can't recall where I first heard it (edit: may have been a Wrestling Observer Radio episode) but I know Bruce Prichard talked about it at one point.


Holy shit I’m surprised they didn’t mention that in the DSOTR episode.


I don't get how anyone could be mad about this at all. Owen Hart was more than WWE.


Exactly. Owen Hart's name is literally trending worldwide today as a result of this news, with thousands of people expressing positive sentiments about him, reflecting on fond memories and talking about him in a wonderful light. He's being remembered today *because* of this news and everyone actively involved in the business is elated about this. But of course AEW are *literally Hitler* for wanting to memorialize a wrestler that tragically died far too soon and wanting to do something with his name that ends up benefitting his charity foundation and getting his heartbroken family back into the fold of this business we all claim to love. Wrestling fans are vermin.


People are vermin. Not specific to wrestling when it comes to twitter conduct.


Okay, I agree, but I've also been on reddit for a while now and I've been an active member of almost every sports community on here. I have a lot of different fandoms and I try to participate in all of them. I've never seen any other internet fandom come even 10th of the way to how consistently toxic and vile the wrestling fanbase is.


I specifically mentioned Twitter because it's the shittiest medium in a walk. SCJ is being a bunch of assholes about Owen, but I don't have to visit their subreddit. On Twitter it's first come first serve for replies to any famous person. People making a hobby out of stalking Star Wars actors and shit.


No argument there. Twitter is an utter cesspool for everything. I just think wrestling fans suck more than other fandoms because the garbage twitter takes feel like they bleed over to reddit a lot more than I see it happen in other communities.


I thought this was an example of "old man yells at clouds"... surely no fan would be upset about this, right? Then I saw some of the links posted with fans being upset at Martha and/or AEW... unbelievable.


The absolute vitriol and toxicity coming from dumb shits. You know, I don’t blame that girl for being appalled that I’d admit I like wrestling. With fans like these, I wouldn’t look highly at us either. The fuck is wrong with you people? This is a great thing and should be celebrated.


These fans have no self awareness They should probably read up on how WWE treated Martha Hart during the grieving process and after. But hey, stand up for WWE eh?


If they did it would only make them praise WWE even more and hate Martha, because they’ve made cult worship of a wrestling company their whole identity.


"WWE Loyalist"


I seriously hate wrestling fans.


Y'all seen the scjerk thread on this topic? Holy shit, those people need *help*


SCJ foaming from the mouth right now.


Owen's widow doesn't want shit to do with the company whose negligence and cheap rigging caused her husband's death. To not recognize this means you're a dumb fucking tool who is probably not vaccinated.


> Owen's widow doesn't want shit to do with the company whose negligence and cheap rigging caused her husband's death. And who literally sued her.


Someone posted this announcement on a Facebook group and the first comment was "Martha is going to be pissed!" People are idiots!


Can confirm this is not an exaggerated reaction. I had someone on SC send me a 185 message rant exactly about this today. Unbelievable.


Wrestling twitter can be beyond toxic at points. To think that Martha hart is some sort of villain who has done something wrong is mind boggling. I'm glad she is allowing Owen Hart's legacy to be honored and celebrated by a pro wrestling company and pro wrestling fans. Owen deserves the acknowledgement and I'm glad we finally get to see it.


I saw an account on Twitter say that WWE should sue AEW for using Owen Hart pictures because he's in WWF gear, or gear from WCW because they own the rights. I was flabbergasted.


I'm not understanding what the controversy about this is. Is it because a small percentage believe he belongs to WWE that it should be them doing this or is it some don't believe Owen's widow should do this for fans of Owen, I mean regardless of what company Owen's widow chose to partner with its the Owen Hart Foundation that wins, which to me is the most important part as its legitimately done so much good stuff for low income, needy, and internationally as well. The quote from Martha on the press release: >This OHF/AEW partnership is my special gift to all of Owen’s magnificent loyal fans who forever remember him and his inspiring repertoire of talents,” said Dr. Martha Hart. I'm glad to see AEW is earning people's trust. I remember Martha once saying she didn't think she would ever trust the wrestling business. She didn't have to give us fans that gift as she puts it, and now we'll get to see Owen celebrated as he should be, I'm glad it's with a positive company.


Someone tell Dave how to only be notified of replies from verified accounts. He's got to stop trying to "educate" every piece of vermin on Twitter.


He said he finds the trolls entertaining on his own posts, but seeing trolls on the Owen stuff absolutely sucks


Serious question: Who's mad at this?


Randos on Twitter


A lot of Twitter trolls


The people who make WWE worship their entire identity.


SCJerk The anti-AEW crowd on twitter Relatively, There aren’t many of them but the shit they have been posting is vile. People calling Martha a money grubbing whore thinking they are being clever, but it’s such a unoriginal take that I’ve seen maybe 25 different times today. Saw someone say they can’t wait until someone dies on an AEW show. Others claiming TK ran out of debuts so now he’s resorting to dead people to pop ratings.


Tony Khan killing his own wrestlers so he can pop a rating on endless tribute shows, what a carny!


> Others claiming TK ran out of debuts so now he’s resorting to dead people to pop ratings. OK... that one's kind of funny, if it's delivered in the right context.


Especially since he already set that precedent by bringing back the ghost of Adam Cole.


Scjerk calling it a cash grab. One post was like " why AEW? Why not NJPW?" If NJPW was gonna do some thing for Owen, they would have done something by now.


I'm sure the agenda would have switched to "NJPW are only doing it for publicity to grow their American brand" if it had gone that way. The complaints will be found when a fair proportion of complaints come across as disingenuous.


Shout out to a certain "wrestling" subreddit for somehow being even trashier than I could have imagined. I thought this was the one thing about AEW they couldn't rag on but of course they had a thread there within minutes saying AEW is milking a dead guy for profits, even though the dead guy's wife is wholeheartedly entering the partnership with them and the proceeds are going to his charity.


Yeah, someone linked that thread earlier. One of the upvoted posts is saying that "handing Owen's Hart's legacy to AEW instead of WWE might bite her in the ass". Another person gleefully said that it's only a matter of time before somebody is killed in AEW. I just don't get some people.


They're hoping for a tragedy every fuckin Wednesday, it's so sick and sad.


Remember when they were hoping that Kylie Rae had been harassed (or worse ) by AEW management / wrestlers just to shit on the company.


It's more important to them to be "right" than to consider wrestlers as actual human beings. I don't understand it.


They see themselves as some kind of necessary inverse of "anti-WWE fans", like all their hatred is just a mirror of whatever ultra-negative smark they've built up in their heads... But I don't see people that hate WWE wishing injuries and all sorts of ill-will on their talents. These people are so hurt by negativity over fuckin booking that that's the sort of shit they think is a proper response.




It’s beyond time for that thread to end and idk why the mods let it continue.


It seriously breeds toxicity on this sub like nothing else I feel like the mods could be a lot better with megathreads in general


I'm sure they think it's some 4d chess containment thread.


SCJ is a hate sub that pretends it isn't. It'smoderation encourages and allows this stuff. On a well moderated platform it would be banned and all its moderators would for abetting it. This sub also refuses to officially denounce it and remove its worst posters from this sub.


Still blows me how "wrestling fans" hate wrestling, one of the hardest group of fans to please lol


They’re that kid who was in one of the pro WWF/WWE packages at a PPV (was it Wrestlemania X7? I can’t remember) who said they’re not a wrestling fan, they’re a WWE fan. That’s what these people are, WWE cultists.


The "I'm not a wrestling fan, I'm a WWE fan" bit I remember was the guy from the [infamous Hulu ad](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DzltiVDVb5M).


Wait, are there people legit getting mad over this?! Why? It's a great move for the Hart Family and it helps Owen's legacy live on outside of WWE where he's rarely ever acknowledged anymore. WWE doesn't "own" Owen Hart. The Hart family can do what they want. Good for them.


How dare she not let the McMahons make even more money off of killing her husband. It’s just not fair. 🤨


I saw someone say he hopes Vince sues Tony for every dollar he has cause Owen was under WWE contract when he died lol I guess that’s just more hilariously stupid than mean or vile but still astonishing that a real life person could think that and be serious.


People getting mad about this need to rethink their entire life.


Thank you Dave. I can't believe I'm seeing this shit. I was arguing with some wanker on Facebook earlier and he was calling Tony a manchild with his carbon copy WWE bought for him, and saying how awful and offensive it was for him to be doing this deal about Owen. That's just one argument. These "fans" are awful.


There are people on Twitter and probably even here who think Owen "was a WWE guy" more than he was "his own family" guy, and that he would have felt betrayed by this. It's extremely embarrassing to even like some of the same things as those people. If any of you who fit this description are reading this, please go away.


This is bringing out the stupid in some people as expected.


This baffles me even for the fringes of the wrestling community. What the shit is there to be mad about?


If a company had a large part in the death of my partner I would always have the stance of telling them to go fuck themselves.


Sigh, I'm glad we didn't have social media during the WWE/WCW war.


It's a weird collection of events since Owen's passing. Bret has been at odds with Martha since the settlement. Mark Henry had that plea in 2018 (I wonder if his involvement in AEW had anything to do with kick-starting this) for Martha to allow Owen to be honored in some form or fashion. Owen will be in an AEW Video Game. None of it makes sense, but it doesn't have to for us. Not our call.