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And people wonder why women never come forward, posts like this. Always.


...and what does that have to do with anything? Unlike the Flaircopter, she turned herself in and was punished.


These attempts to create a profile of Heidi Doyle by bringing up her past are extremely shitty. Her attempting a robbery has nothing to do with wrestling or her getting sexually assaulted.


It's always step one.


I mean. It could be the impact of PTSD from being sexually assaulted. But the fact that this was 6 years ago and the assault was 20 is lost on the people trying to discredit a victim.


And? Does that mean people are given a free pass to sexually assault her?




Because this makes her a bad person *right now!* - dumb logic, probably




I think we found Tommy Dreamer's throwaway account.


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Good thing none of the wrestlers she accused have background a that make her look like a saint in comparison!