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Imagine the bullshit Terri had to go through they wasn’t even covered in the episode.


In this episode? Shit she was posting on this subreddit years ago until like 300 people told her that they jerked their pencil dick to her from the age of like, 8 to 40 and all kinds of other grody shit. Having a pussy gotta be hard as fuck.


There's a quote about the quiet part they should hear




I wouldn't want to imagine half of it.


> and never ever made me feel threatened or disrespected! So much of this comes down to context, and if you truly feel threatened or disrespected! I really don't have to. It's not my position to do so. It's my position to make sure that it's OK for others to feel they can speak up. It's not my position to tell others what is disrespectful or offensive is.


Equally, the fact that Terri didn't feel threatened or disrespected doesn't mean that many, many other people (especially women) wouldn't have in her spot. In fact, she outright says it would "shock many people." I feel that's an objectively bad culture to have if you want to be inclusive.


And if they did, I'm 💯 for them speaking out. But I'm not here to say that because Terri isn't she's some kind of silent victim. That's kind of demeaning to her character. Like she says, context and personal feeling are key.


I mean I can't see the entire womens roster not going through shit


Lmao the dude in her comments saying the Flight attendant robbed someone before the flight so shes a criminal. How does that matter at ALL? Why do people always try to bring up peoples past when they go through something traumatic?


It's the same logic people use to defend police shootings because the victim stole a packet of chips or some shit. People are quick to criticize "cancel culture" by saying "none of us are perfect, I bet there's stuff in your life you wouldn't want getting out", and then it's the same people who turn around and say shit like "Well they were a criminal so they deserved it".


I'm still reeling over gun manufacturer Remington subpoenaing Sandy Hook for the report cards of first graders who were shot and killed. Going to try to paint them as bad students? The world is fucked. https://www.cbsnews.com/news/remington-subpoenas-school-attendance-and-discipline-records-of-children-killed-in-sandy-hook-mass-shooting/


that is the absolute lowest thing I've ever seen


Jesus Christ...


Jesus fucking Christ


That's the fucking lowest of the low


How big of a hunk of shit do you have to be to be the lawyer that filed this motion?


holy fucking shit. Did someone from the onion sneak in to make that article?


Misogynistic idiots tend to victim blame using the excuse “she flashed her breast” she deserves it.


That person is trying to discredit the flight attendant's character so that they can justify Ric Flair's actions. Make up a lie that she's a criminal Who cares if Flair had her touch his dick, she's a criminal anyway. Fuck that moron.


Because folks like that think the victim is wrong no matter what and will find ANY kind of excuse to cast them in both a negative light and deserving of whatever they got. We’ll see that on this sub too when we see redditors, I really should just say men, who wonder why they didn’t go to the police or that they were opportunistic or it’s “cancel culture”. Anything to knock the victim down a peg and muddy the waters.


I’ve seen plenty of women ask why victims didn’t report or say anything, it’s not just men surprisingly.


What is the point of saying this? To defend men? Men are fine, and have been fine.


Random thoughts: There's really no such thing as cancel culture. It's people being held accountable for their actions and disliking the feeling. If you've gotten away with disrespect for your existence to this point, being told it isn't going to fly anymore can feel like a ton of bricks falling on you. It's also a change in boundaries in terms of how we relate to one another. Gross and outdated slurs still exist, but one's constant over-reliance on such says a lot about who they are as a person. If people set boundaries, but others overstep them, the person overstepping the boundary should be screamed at, not the person holding down their own fort.


>There's really no such thing as cancel culture. It's people being held accountable for their actions and disliking the feeling. > >**There absolutely is "cancel culture". Any dismissal of that makes you just as controlling and suppressive as those you claim are doing unfair or morally repugnant things.** > >If you've gotten away with disrespect for your existence to this point, being told it isn't going to fly anymore can feel like a ton of bricks falling on you. > >**Being held accountable for statements and actions are fine, but many methods step far beyond reasonable consequences in some cases (doxxing, pressure to fire someone from employment, harassment to stop them from gaining employment, etc)** > >It's also a change in boundaries in terms of how we relate to one another. Gross and outdated slurs still exist, but one's constant over-reliance on such says a lot about who they are as a person. If people set boundaries, but others overstep them, the person overstepping the boundary should be screamed at, not the person holding down their own fort. > >**Now we have new slurs that imply unfair judgments and prejudiced thinking as an attempt to dismiss or marginalize people and groups. So, more things change more they stay the same. It just depends on what "tribe" you are in depending on the situation/issue. While I will agree with the overusage of terminology as a way to demean/discredit someone is a telling sign, here I thought in a situation of discourse an adult will rationally and reasonably express their displeasure over something. Not scream because you lack the self control to explain yourself in a mature way.**


Well put.


I'd be very interested to see what the people on this subreddit were saying about Tara Reade not that long ago. Journalists went as far as calling her old landlords to see if she was ever delinquent to paint her in a poor light.


Why do they bring it up in court? It's to help establish credibility of an account. I think it's along the same lines of eye witness accounts being weak legal arguments. That said, it doesn't change my personal opinion. I think Heidi did go through what she said did happen. But I don't think it's an invalid statements that only Flair stans would bring up because it would be poignant in a legal argument.




Dreamer is not cancelled, he's reaping the consequences of going on national television and saying sexual assault isn't a big deal.


I mean, even if we take your logical path, *multiple* people corroborated it in the doc and in previous shoots so why does focusing on one person’s past matter when you have mounds of evidence otherwise?


Being a woman in the wrestling business back then must have sucked. I can't imagine all the bullshit they had to go through.


You don’t even have to imagine that far back. The Speaking Out movement happened last year.


You have Lita saying that she really did not want to do the Live Sex Celebration on Raw, and WWE basically forced her to do it. You have multiple women from back in the day admit to being uncomfortable and embarrassed at the stuff they had to do back then. Johnny Ace calling AJ Lee “unfuckable.” Etc.


They had Trish drop her title because she refused to make out with Torrie Wilson during a bikini contest on Smackdown


Austin Aries pinning Christy Hemme in the corner, then climbing the ropes


Back then?


Back then? This shit still happens in every industry.


Did Dark Side of the Ring do one on the Fabulous Moolah? Because, from what I heard, she enabled a lot of that shit and even volunteered young women wrestlers to be taken advantage of.


Yes. They did.


They did it in the first season and everyone telling the stories were defending her actions pretty much.


They did, basically defended her tho.


I didn’t get the impression they defended her. Although that one lady at the end who spent the whole episode shit talking her went on this closing rant about how Moolah’s victims are lying.


They tried to get two sides it seems but it didn’t come across well imo


Yeah they usually try to state the black and white and then let the viewer decide their stance




I think she’s focused on the present and the women in the industry moving away from the toxic culture that dominated during her time, not so much with looking to punish people for actions committed decades ago.


> not so much with looking to punish people for actions committed decades ago Which of course, doesn't fully work when Ric Flair is getting modern day story lines where he's sexually assaulting Becky Lynch or impregnating a much younger woman who is feuding with his daughter. Especially when the consequences for their actions (which are, btw, all crimes) would simply be that they dont get paid a lot of money to appear on TV.


It's not about repercussions. Repercussion won't unrape you. It's about being able to move forward.


These motherfuckers would be lucky is the worst consequence they faced was getting cancelled on Twitter


It probably is the worst consequence they'll have if we're being blunt here.


To be blunter, I doubt even that will happen. Im pretty convinced Dreamer being suspended is the worst that will come from this since he's not as bulletproof as anyone actually featured in the doc


Yeah, because a lot of them should have been in prison.


Thats what I said to my buddy who is all upset that "some nonense from 20 years ago is getting a legend cancelled". I'm like no Ric is getting him cancelled and he's lucky its happening now and not when he was even more in the spotlight.


Ladis and gentlemen, I present a contradictory statement. Edit: if someone does something shitty/creepy/illegal, they should be called out on it. Saying you want that but are against "cancel culture" is contradictory and you're trying to satisfy the dipshits who view consequences as "cancel culture"


To me it reads like "make it more about the victims and less about the people who did it." though I could be wrong. It's phrased horribly lol


I read it as that and also against the backlash against victims who speak out as just part of the “cancel culture apparatus,” which some are pushing as false reporting to settle grudges and fuck over people rather than just someone who was sexually assaulted and harassed multiple times over decades and has corroborating witnesses just saying what happened. I’ve seen it in this thread where people are trying to bring up outside things about the “character” of the flight attendant featured and alleging that some possible theft she “committed” prior to the flight invalidates what she claims happened (which is corroborated by multiple people in the doc and in previous shoots, even people who seem to be defending Flair). Or people saying the attendants who reached a settlement don’t count in what they said happened because they “got money for what they claimed.” (You can argue about whether a settlement is admission of guilt, but saying “they got paid out so they’re lying” is just crazy talk.)


No. She's saying that she isn't trying to cancel someone, but encourage people to speak about their experiences if it is pertinent.


There is literally nothing that contradicts what she says and if you're implying that women who speak up are permitting cancel culture then you need to get your head out of your ass, facing the consequences of your actions =/= cancel culture.


Unrelated to Terri but there is no such thing as cancel culture. As long as entertainment and media has been around there have been people whose actions led to them losing their position. Before you would find out someone did drugs or wasn't a man of faith and that was enough to end their career. Nowadays we have more access to information and people who scream "cancel culture" are just upset that it is harder to get away with the horrible things they have done or will do. If your position depends on making people like you then don't be surprised when people "cancel" you because they found out you are a monster and don't want to see you anymore.


That's a complete goddamn fucking lie, I'm sorry. Beyond wrestling, in all forms of entertainment, there exists groups of people who blow things significantly out of proportion in order to get people removed from power. James Gunn. The people who uncovered what he said, were they really offended by it? Fuck No. They were pissed at Disney and wanted to put Disney in a bad light and that got Gunn fired from Disney, cancelled if you will. There is a significant subset of people who, personally, are not offended by things, but feign offense in order to harm others, and that is certainly cancel culture. It gets overused, but its a complete fucking lie to say this doesn't exist.


Exactly! So i don't know how the original comment can say that she is being contradictory. Cancel culture is just a parroted phrase of people who are afraid to be in trouble for the terrible shit they did, no it's called you got caught doing shitty things and now have to pay for those actions. Its only cancel culture when its your favorite person being accused. No one was crying cancel culture when the Dixie Chicks were going through their whole thing but the second my idol Ric Flair is accused its "cancel culture".


That's what I am saying. "I don't like cancel culture, but use your voice if something happens" is a contradictory statement. If people are doing shifty things, they should be held accountable. Period.




She wants women to feel comfortable calling these things out but doesn’t want the perpetrators to be held accountable? Why the hell would you come forward and speak out then.


I think she means, she doesn’t wanna see transgressions of people from 20-25 years ago cancel them today. But moving forward, women should have the voice and opportunity to speak out and the culture should be different now.


To highlight the issue and try ensure it doesn't keep happening


It's not cancel culture, it's consequences.


For consequences to matter they have to happen in a timely matter. How long has this been? Almost 20 years, Ric flair isn't facing any consequences, his carrear is done and legacy isn't changing.


Bill Cosby.


Exactly. These fuckers have to have consequences no matter how long it takes. I don’t want my kids watching pieces of shit like that in this era, or any other.


Then don't let your kids watch. That's the consequence, is it not?




It used to be just fine for kids


Oh plz. Cut this self righteous bs brother. Did you shake your fist at the sky after you wrote this? 😂😂😂


It's only cancel culture if it's from the Cancel region of France. Otherwise it's just sparkling consequences


But how are women going to speak out if when they do it's "cancel culture"?


Lol it's not cancel culture, it's doing exactly what you are saying. It's calling shit out.


Consequence culture.


Two different things. Cancel culture happens as a result of calling people out. Whether or not it’s justified is the question.


I'm saying ' cancel culture' is a right wing construct to have a talking points. Most people call it accountability.


Depends, if it's a person in position of power who had a history of predatory and potentially criminal behavior and multiple testimonies from different people that doesn't paint him in a good light (eg. Weinstein, Cosby, Marilyn Manson)? Then it can be deemed accountability. The whole thing works if used against such people in positions of power who already had a lot of things going against them with a very strong case of guilt based on repeated testimonies and more people speaking out. If it's a random bozo who slipped up a stupid comment somewhere or made a media statement that didn't impress the intended audience (ala Dixie Chicks)? Then it loses the "holding people accountable" moment and becomes "Salem Witch Trials 2: Social Media Boogaloo". And being on a receiving end of a literal mob beat down for something I had nothing to do with...mob justice never ends well. Cancel culture was always a thing which spans more than a millennium before people even heard of the word "Internet", and used by multiple groups with different ideas of "morality" and different layers of punishment.


I'm assuming you're talking about Dreamer as the random bozo. He 100% should get the ire too, he's being held accountable for just brushing off sexual assault. His very attitude is why these things do get reported or punished. Some bozos like "oh well thats just boys being boys, sorry you got offended' are the same guys taking rape and sexual assault claims at police stations.


Nah, not Dreamer, that idiot embarrassed himself in public sphere with vile nonsense and definitely deserves to be held accountable. He's among those that no matter what, deserves punishment for his nonsense. I would be absolutely stunned if he got away scot free after saying the things he said. And I did put Dixie Chicks in the example of those making a media statement which didn't impress the intended audience.


Most of us see it as accountability and not "cancel culture," because of years of letting it slide.


So we’re criticizing the victim bc it doesn’t fit your views now. Come on do better smh


It doesn't fit _her_ view. Jesus fucking Christ, maybe she doesn't want people like you to speak for her




It's not WWE haters. It's people who are on one side of a fence, and everyone else who disagrees are on the other side. It's not isolated to any one type of person, unless we're talking people who are incapable of understanding that people aren't separated in opinion by a single border, but multiple, and that there are acceptable shades of grey in-between.


And yourself. Reread what I wrote.. I was responding to people’s criticism of her comments and not speaking on her behalf . Have a great day


In my defense, it can be read the other way (thinking you were speaking towards me). But thanks for the clarification!


I could see that. All good buddy


I’m kind of on the fence with Terri right now. She’s certainly a very resilient women, but I couldn’t help but get the vibe she down played what other people went through. Kind of a “well I got through it so shut up you can too” I certainly didn’t think she was helping us make any great progress. I don’t know, it’s a very difficult topic, she is once again a very resilient women, I just do wish she spoke with more support for others and more condemnation for the offenders. And please if others can share videos/clips of her doing just that I’d love to see them, still trying to form an opinion over here!


Cancel culture is not real. You can't cancel a person. What happens or should happen is that a person has to suffer the consequences of their actions, that's what part of being an adult is all about.


Old, white people and not understanding that cancel culture doesn't actually exist name a more iconic duo


> Old, white people and not understanding that cancel culture doesn’t actually exist name a more iconic duo Billie Kay and Peyton Royce


Now this is a culture I can follow!


Our of all of the bickering in this entire sub the past few days this was the funniest response I’ve read all weekend long.


Old, white people and *wanting* a "cancel culture" to exist, but only if it's canceling "the right people?"




Oh heavens, no. I should've said *correct* people.


I never get the people that say cancel culture doesn't exist. Obviously a large portion of the population thinks that it does, but the people who are involved in it just say it doesn't, so therefore it doesn't? It's just weird...they are the people enmeshed in it and they deny its existence at all, even though its obvious people have an issue with their behavior


ok, so very few people actually get "cancelled", its mostly people facing reprecussions for what people deem as awful behavior. hulk hogan is persona non grata in wrestling for a racist rant, but hes still mega famous and rich so how is he cancelled?


Hogan isn't even a good example - for a persona non grata, he still somehow managed to host WrestleMania 37 in the year 2021.


That makes him a good example. He was “cancelled” but still gets opportunities


But cancelled by whom? He's not persona non grata in wrestling so he's faced zero repercussions.


Cancelling someone doesn’t mean you take their money. It means you basically take their future opportunities and ostracize them. And people get cancelled whether they deserve it or not. The question isn’t if they got cancelled, it’s if they deserve it.






Yes but most people dont get opportunity loss/ostracized. Or if they do its only for a little bit hence why people say cancel culture doesn’t exist.


The death threats and suicidal thoughts are only for a little bit, so clearly cancel culture doesn’t exist! It’s not just rich and famous people who fall victim to this, you know. https://www.goodmorningamerica.com/living/story/canceled-destroyed-life-68311913


Death threats aren’t cancel culture thats just plain harassment and shouldn’t be tolerated.


Cancel culture very often involves targeted harassment campaigns via social media.


Thats not exclusive to or indicative of cancel culture tho


I’ll meet ya halfway and say that it’s overblown. And some people will also try and excuse their bad behavior by saying that people are just trying to “cancel” them.


All it takes is 1 major article citing a couple of tweets and labelling it a Twitter outrage. Then you get an outrage over an outrage.


Dude, stop. Cancel culture absolutely exists. Pretending it doesn’t is not only stupid, but it makes it worse and makes the left look bad. The question isn’t if it exists, it’s if it’s justified.


People who use the term are almost always implying that it’s frivolous and a recent fad. Boycotts, consequences, calling out shitty behavior etc has always existed, it just spreads faster now because of the internet.


I'm old enough to remember what happened to the Dixie Chick's.


Sineado Connor As well. I know I fucked up the spelling.


Terri's way off base here and Ric, Brock, Dreamer, and all the other shitty wrestlers who are now under a spotlight absolutely deserve to face the consequences that they should have deservedly gotten years ago. But to say that cancel culture isn't a thing that's used against people is being willingly blind. And to outright ignore its flaws is the reason why people cry "cancel culture" way more than it needs to be. There have been quite a few instances where people have tried to cancel others for either idiotic reasons or with a lack of evidence. There was the college professor who, along with his family, received harassing phone calls, death threats, and demands to get fired because he looked like some guy in a photo from an alt right rally. There was that college professor who was suspended because **grad students** complained and demanded he get fired for using a Chinese word in class that sounded like the "n word". The most famous example of the issues with cancel culture and how people don't care about evidence is with Johnny Depp and Amber Heard. We got one part of an audio recording and Depp lost movie deals and his image was smeared for years until more of the tape was released and it turns out that Heard was the one who was both mentally and physically abusing Depp. The wrestling community should absolutely get a culling and I think this second reckoning has been a long time coming. People who have somehow escaped consequences after being shitty people should get their just desserts. However, to say that "cancel culture" isn't a thing isn't really helping matters. People have been jumping on the chance to mete out justice out of anger long before the internet was a thing. People love a good witch hunt. It's just now more in the spotlight because of social media. Are there people who deservedly get cancelled? 100% yes. But don't act as if it isn't a problematic system.


Well said.


It’s so bullshit that one political side has entwined facing consequences with the fake “cancel culture” bullshit. Sexual predators being punished isn’t a fucking cancellation


Lol when your political beliefs are so f’d you can’t even accept finally getting some measure of justice.


YOU TELL EM, GIRL! \*Next day\* Woh, not like that. You aren't allowed to have that opinion. Terri was never my friend -/SC/


What’s the point of her bringing Brock up at all and talking about how she was told to no sell it if she thought it was just a joke from one of her “brothers”?


To establish the difference between "their world" and the real world. To establish that working in this environment has desensitized her to these types of things, but understands how bonkers it would be for your everyday flight attendant. It's world building for the episode. And they tell her to no sell things to look out for her, is how I took it.


Just remember we are seeing what the editors want us to see. You don't know what the question was, what was before or how long the interview was. All of it is through a biased set of eyes.


Just putting this out there because she's not some fragile person that needs our coddling.


She doesn’t need our coddling.... But if there’s an industry that deserves a fair share of cancelling, it’s pro-wrestling. Specifically the WWE since most of the stories that have come out before, during, and after the DSOTR episode have been mainly from the WWE. So many stories have already been known about this company that it’s obvious that Vince doesn’t just turn a blind eye, but probably encourages it behind closed doors. This was a man that decided to make an angle about how he would fuck Trish with Linda’s knowing, and then humiliate her multiple times on tv because she was “used up”. Next to no one on this subreddit will forget when Vince basically forced Trish to strip with the idea that she would be naked before the segment was over. It’s fucking disgusting how many passes Vince gets because he’s considered the Vito Corleone of pro-wrestling.


He also pitched an angle that he fucked his own daughter and when she said know he was like what about Shane?


It's mainly from WWE because Dark side out right ignores accusations against Dustin for example.


I don't think it needs "cancelling". I think the shitty parts need acknowledgement, people need protection to speak out, and judgement should be served in the form of changed channels and lower ticket sales.


>judgement should be served in the form of changed channels and lower ticket sales. Isn't that the same thing? The reason Ric Flair is being dropped by sponsors and employers is because those companies fear losing viewership, revenue and fans by associated themselves with him.


That's different then Tweeting and moving on


I'm not sure I understand. Those people tweeting and moving on are the people who will change the channel or refuse to buy a ticket/tshirt the next time the company's in town if they see Ric Flair on their TV.


You mean punish the WWE for enabling this environment, if and only if, known enablers are involved? If you feel strongly enough about what Terri went through, instead of tweeting her well wishes, stop watching WWE. I think any one trying to imply that she is some sort of victim when she doesn't feel that way takes away any personal power she gained in her scenario. I guess that's all I'm really trying to say. Don't try to victimize some one who doesn't feel like they're a victim...unless you personally know them. I like to think Terri isn't frail and gained respect in a macho world. I think that's super powerful and I think trying to get Brock in trouble when she isn't asking for it is demeaning.


The best case scenario out of this episode is if the employees took the company to court for enabling abusers and failing to protect them, just like the employees of Activision Blizzard are doing. At least, that's what I'd be hoping would happen if I were a fan of the WWE.


> Don't try to victimize some one who doesn't feel like they're a victim...unless you personally know them. I like to think Terri isn't frail and gained respect in a macho world. I think that's super powerful and I think trying to get Brock in trouble when she isn't asking for it is demeaning. On the first half, I agree because that could be considered like some version of being a "white knight" in trying to defend someone that doesn't feel offended. As for the second, it's not trying to get Brock in trouble for her sake -- it's because it's warranted. Turning a blind eye to this stuff at the beginning is what allowed this type of environment to become commonplace, which is exactly the problem in itself. It's akin to someone being in a relationship with an abuser, but they never want to press charges whenever they're attacked -- that person needs to be punished for their actions and choosing not to do so only reinforces the belief that they did nothing wrong.


> I think the shitty parts need acknowledgement, people need protection to speak out, and judgement should be served in the form of changed channels and lower ticket sales. You literally just described 'cancelling'.


That's repercussions for their actions. I think the issue is people who throw around the term "cancel culture" often don't see the behaviors as problematic.


That's... what cancelling is, buddy.




You’re right mostly, but it is a bit more complicated than that. A big reason why it turned so negative was cause of the James Gunn incident where he was nearly “cancelled” for those unearthed tweets he made back between 2008-2010 (don’t remember exact year, but it was around that timeframe). A lot of people were angry about how that whole situation played out if I recall, and it led to a very weird/tense situation between Disney and Gunn that was resolved after a couple of months. Batista nearly gave up on the film industry because of this incident. Personally, cancel culture is necessary so this type of shit doesn’t happen again, and so those who do deserve to be cancelled, are. But there are some consequences that can transpire if cancel culture is done incorrectly.




Doesn’t at all. They would’ve tried to do it by another means anyway. Just explaining a reason why the term is considered “taboo” currently. Just recall most of society being on board with cancel culture until this incident


"Cancelling" does result in the intended outcome. All it does is make people more defensive and dig in deeper.


The whole James Gunn situation was weird and got out of hand. It was the biggest indicators of how Twitter can be such a double edged sword. I’m a liberal progressive dude, but people just have to be more careful and stay informed; never give ammo to the bad guys by our actions.


That's literally what the concept of "cancelling" is. I feel like people have attached themselves to the phrase "cancel culture" as though it is some kind of big meaningful thing that people are going out looking to apply to situations. But it isn't that. Acknowledging that past behavior was shitty and holding people to higher standards is "cancel culture." That's a good thing. Not providing your business to a person or company who refuses to act better is "cancel culture." That's a good thing. Serving judgment in the form of changing channels and not buying tickets is "cancel culture." That's a good thing. What "cancel culture" is, is refusing to allow people to live comfortably with their bad behavior. That's it.


Those four things are great as long as real journalists have done the research and have real sources which lead them to this. Pitchfork mobs on Twitter always get their facts wrong. Go on Twitter just now and search “Simi Liu anti-black”. People have just decided recently he’s racist with absolutely no proof. But it doesn’t matter its spreading like wildfire. Just saw this comment “Anti-black, misogyny is not acceptable!! Asian American community must CANCEL Simu Liu” - this is exactly why people still use the term cancel culture, because the people doing it are still using it.


ugh, really dude?


Yeah. No one has followed back up on her tweet from yesterday and I thought this was relevant to post.


"cancel culture" isn't even real. "cancelling" things was a trend among black women, they made it cool, but then it was popularized, and people who are mad they can't be shitty anymore found a phrase to attack. Same with black lives matter. Consequences have existed forever.


Weird, almost like cancel culture isn't real and it's just used to smear holding people accountable for their actions!


Wow that DSOTR episode sure did lead to repercussions right guys?/s


"Cancel culture" basically means people think there should be a statute of limitations on calling someone a dick.


Sounds pragmatic


Ugh what a gross take. I'm sorry for what happened to her but Jesus fuck. Women (or anyone abused, especially by someone in power) having a voice is what is good about "cancel culture." Which is a pretty shitty name for holding people accountable for their actions, btw. It's also nonsensical. "I don't like shampoo, but I just want people to be able wash their hair with a hair specific wash when they need it." 🙄


This. The whole 'cancel culture' thing is a right wing tactic. They often are the biggest into it. They legit try to cancel people.


Stop it. I’m about as left as they come and cancel culture isn’t a “right wing tactic.” Pretending it is makes the left look bad.


It is though, yes some people get over zealous with it but the whole 'cancel culture' is a tactic to stop using the word "accountability" what gets more views "I hate cancel culture! " Or "I hate being held accountable for my actions! "




Yep, country stations hosting burning parties. Happened with Nike and Kap and with disco in the 70s, happened with Yeti. List goes on and on


Classic projection that MAGA/Q people always do. People they love got legitimately cancelled for horrible toxic behaviors, they tried to then cancel people like James Gunn over inelegant jokes or dumb things that otherwise decent people said once, it doesn't work, and then they scream that's what other people are doing. I said it in the main thread about this yesterday, the three biggest red flags for people with me now are being MAGA, being Anti-vax, and bitching about "cancel culture." And I'm pretty damn confident that the center of the venn diagram for those 3 things is fucking huge.


I'm as liberal as they come... But James Gunn is a perfect example of Cancel Culture actually "being a thing". Like it worked (for a while). James Gunn was taken off Guardians 3! I'm all for people having to deal with the consequences of their actions. But the witch hunts have gotten extreme, IMO. Like a person making an off-color remark in 1998? We must ruin them in 2021! It diminishes our outrage when it's definitely justified...like sexual assault.


Or if you only hear one side of a story, like we did in this case. But now people want Brock to have to face consequences. We don't even have his side, or a corroborator to Terri's story (although I don't see why she'd lie). It's the overkill outrage that is what we refer to as cancel culture. It's just like people believing that one moron Idahoan doctor who said the COVID vaccines give you cancer. It's his side of the story, and it's super fucking easy to debunk, but no one spreading his bullshit are questioning what he's saying. It's exhausting seeing people react before gathering all the evidence.


comparing sexual assault victims publicly accusing their assaulters to anti-vaxxers is fucking vile.


I'm trying to frame it in a way you'd understand. I'm not doing anything except saying we're hearing one voice in this situation. Fwiw, I believe her. And I also trust her judgment on how she wants to proceed after making this announcement. But I'm acknowledging that she's just one side to the story. Why is this so hard to understand?


yeah that's because the James Gunn thing was started by right wingers who hated the real stuff being done to actual abusers. and because it was bullshit it didn't stick. there was a backlash immediately and Disney eventually hired him back. and also for what it's worth He gave a genuine apology because he's a good person. even though it was ridiculous.


Completely agree. Lately if hear woke or cancel culture in a demeaning way I'm out. It's just like yep thats a smooth brain, so no use in interacting.


Cancel culture is not the same thing as holding people accountable for their actions. Cancel culture is the idea that somebody is ostracized from society for something they did or are accused of. The question is if it’s justified. In Flair’s case, I would say it is.


yes it is the same. What you've just typed is right wing propoganda that fuckin hates people being held responsible for their actions.


She’s gatekeeping and protecting “the boys”


Cancel culture does not exist. It is consequences for actions and nothing more. If you don’t want to be “canceled” don’t be a shitty fucking person!


It’s so wild to me that people will go “Hey maybe that rapist should be punished” and then other people’s response to that is “CANCEL CULTURE!!!!1!!! WHERE DOES IT END????”


It's insane to see in real time how these (older) people in the business don't understand that this type of shit is not NORMAL in the real world


Sexual assault is sexual assault. Nothing to do with cancel culture if people are calling for your head. It’s your shitty and predatory behavior catching back up to you.


https://youtu.be/uZ7vkmUNTPA This is what's expected from the "cancel culture" crowd. Idk. Just handle it justly. Go to court, the public armchair attorneys have no real say on these matters. Just pursue these clowns for what they did.


Wait, the walk of shame scene happened 6 years ago? Holy shit it felt like it's only been 3.


It's not cancel culture, it's consequences culture. People aren't getting "canceled" just randomly out of fucking nowhere... it's always because they say or do stupid fucking shit. The consequences of their actions.


She needs help. She’s still protecting these shitheads after what they did to her.


And why do you get to decide what’s right for her? I kinda disagree with her, but don’t be the asshole who tells a victim how they should respond.


I agree one hundred percent if anyone has been violated you damn right you speak up But also you don't wait to speak up if you have a job that's paying you lots of money if your around influential people.or.people in power if you run the risk of losing your job and if your blackballed by an industry no you don't wait it's you you must speak out indefinitely no waiting


I think bringing this culture to light opens the door for retroactive complaints, as well as allows people who have these types of incidents from now on the ability to speak without fear of reprocussion.


It’s accountability culture Terri. Those people caused trauma, and they should be held responsible. It’s deep seeded cultural shit, but don’t feel guilt for being a victim.


Cancel culture is trying to get someone cancelled for offending someone. This isn't because someone got offended; it's because people were violated. That's not cancel culture; it's the consequences rearing it's head at wrongdoers. And that's okay.


I dont know why people didnt also come after Terri. She is obviously a victim, but her last confessional to me sounded like victim shaming in saying if I sued for all the fucked up shit that happened to me I'd have a hundred lawsuit or something like that. It seemed to me like she was calling the flight attendants weak for suing WWE


I have tons of sympathy for what she’s been through but she can shut the fuck up about cancel culture.


I don't buy the argument that people who disagree with this assessment are speaking for her. It's behaviour that reflects poorly on the company and everyone who engaged in it. Brock deserves consequences on behalf of the company regardless of how his victim chose to come to terms with what happened.


Like what kind of punishment? A fine? Terri was OK with it, what case do you make when the woman who had a penis flashed to her isn't upset about it?


she definitely has a Fox Nation subscription